/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // plGBufferGroup Class Header // // Cyan, Inc. // // // //// Version History ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // 2.21.2001 mcn - Created. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _plGBufferGroup_h #define _plGBufferGroup_h #include "hsTemplates.h" #include "hsGeometry3.h" #include "hsColorRGBA.h" //// plGBufferTriangle Struct Definition ////////////////////////////////////// // // Represents a single triangle inside a plGBufferGroup, which consists of // three indices (the indices of the three vertices) and a 3-D point // representing the center of the triangle. class plGBufferTriangle { public: UInt16 fIndex1, fIndex2, fIndex3, fSpanIndex; hsPoint3 fCenter; void Read( hsStream *s ); void Write( hsStream *s ); }; //// plGBufferCell and plGBufferColor Definitions ///////////////////////////// class plGBufferCell { public: UInt32 fVtxStart; // In bytes UInt32 fColorStart; // In bytes UInt32 fLength; plGBufferCell( UInt32 vStart, UInt32 cStart, UInt32 len ) { fVtxStart = vStart; fColorStart = cStart; fLength = len; } plGBufferCell() {} void Read( hsStream *s ); void Write( hsStream *s ); }; class plGBufferColor { public: UInt32 fDiffuse, fSpecular; }; //// plGBufferGroup Class Definition ////////////////////////////////////////// // // Represents a list of vertex and index buffers in a nice package. class hsStream; class hsResMgr; class plPipeline; class hsGDeviceRef; class plGeometrySpan; class plGBufferGroup { protected: UInt8 fFormat; UInt8 fStride; UInt8 fLiteStride; UInt8 fNumSkinWeights; UInt32 fNumVerts; UInt32 fNumIndices; hsBool fVertsVolatile; hsBool fIdxVolatile; int fLOD; hsTArray<hsGDeviceRef *> fVertexBufferRefs; hsTArray<hsGDeviceRef *> fIndexBufferRefs; hsTArray<UInt32> fVertBuffSizes; hsTArray<UInt32> fIdxBuffCounts; hsTArray<UInt32> fColorBuffCounts; hsTArray<UInt8 *> fVertBuffStorage; hsTArray<UInt16 *> fIdxBuffStorage; hsTArray<UInt32> fVertBuffStarts; hsTArray<Int32> fVertBuffEnds; hsTArray<UInt32> fIdxBuffStarts; hsTArray<Int32> fIdxBuffEnds; hsTArray<plGBufferColor *> fColorBuffStorage; hsTArray<hsTArray<plGBufferCell> *> fCells; virtual void ISendStorageToBuffers( plPipeline *pipe, hsBool adjustForNvidiaLighting ); UInt8 ICalcVertexSize( UInt8 &liteStride ); UInt8* IVertBuffStorage(int iBuff, int iVtx) const { return fVertBuffStorage[iBuff] + iVtx*fStride; } UInt32 IMakeCell( UInt32 vbIndex, UInt8 flags, UInt32 vStart, UInt32 cStart, UInt32 len, UInt32 *offset ); void IGetStartVtxPointer( UInt32 vbIndex, UInt32 cell, UInt32 offset, UInt8 *&tempPtr, plGBufferColor *&cPtr ); public: static const UInt32 kMaxNumVertsPerBuffer; static const UInt32 kMaxNumIndicesPerBuffer; enum Formats { kUVCountMask = 0x0f, // Problem is, we need enough bits to store the max #, which means // we really want ( max # << 1 ) - 1 kSkinNoWeights = 0x00, // 0000000 kSkin1Weight = 0x10, // 0010000 kSkin2Weights = 0x20, // 0100000 kSkin3Weights = 0x30, // 0110000 kSkinWeightMask = 0x30, // 0110000 kSkinIndices = 0x40, // 1000000 kEncoded = 0x80 }; enum { kReserveInterleaved = 0x01, kReserveVerts = 0x02, kReserveColors = 0x04, kReserveSeparated = 0x08, kReserveIsolate = 0x10 }; plGBufferGroup(UInt8 format, hsBool vertsVolatile, hsBool idxVolatile, int LOD = 0); ~plGBufferGroup(); UInt8 GetNumUVs( void ) const { return ( fFormat & kUVCountMask ); } UInt8 GetNumWeights() const { return (fFormat & kSkinWeightMask) >> 4; } static UInt8 CalcNumUVs( UInt8 format ) { return ( format & kUVCountMask ); } static UInt8 UVCountToFormat( UInt8 numUVs ) { return numUVs & kUVCountMask; } void DirtyVertexBuffer(int i); void DirtyIndexBuffer(int i); hsBool VertexReady(int i) const { return (i < fVertexBufferRefs.GetCount()) && fVertexBufferRefs[i]; } hsBool IndexReady(int i) const { return (i < fIndexBufferRefs.GetCount()) && fIndexBufferRefs[i]; } UInt8 GetVertexSize( void ) const { return fStride; } UInt8 GetVertexLiteStride( void ) const { return fLiteStride; } UInt8 GetVertexFormat( void ) const { return fFormat; } UInt32 GetMemUsage( void ) const { return ( fNumVerts * GetVertexSize() ) + ( fNumIndices * sizeof( UInt16 ) ); } UInt32 GetNumVerts( void ) const { return fNumVerts; } UInt32 GetNumIndices( void ) const { return fNumIndices; } UInt32 GetNumPrimaryVertsLeft( void ) const; UInt32 GetNumVertsLeft( UInt32 idx ) const; UInt32 GetVertBufferSize(UInt32 idx) const { return fVertBuffSizes[idx]; } UInt32 GetVertBufferCount(UInt32 idx) const; UInt32 GetIndexBufferCount(UInt32 idx) const { return fIdxBuffCounts[idx]; } UInt32 GetVertStartFromCell(UInt32 idx, UInt32 cell, UInt32 offset) const; // These should only be called by the pipeline, because only it knows when it's safe. // If the data is volatile, these are no-ops void PurgeVertBuffer(UInt32 idx); void PurgeIndexBuffer(UInt32 idx); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following group of functions is an advanced optimization, and a pretty // specialized one at that. It just limits the amount of data that will get // uploaded to video. If you don't know you are limited by bandwidth to the // board, or you just don't know what your are doing, don't mess with them. // If you never touch them, everything will work. If you set them correcly, // things may work faster. If you set them incorrectly, be sure to save // all files before running. // All of these are indices, not bytes. from the beginning of the buffer. UInt32 GetVertBufferStart(UInt32 idx) const { return fVertBuffStarts[idx]; } UInt32 GetVertBufferEnd(UInt32 idx) const { return fVertBuffEnds[idx] >= 0 ? UInt32(fVertBuffEnds[idx]) : GetVertBufferCount(idx); } UInt32 GetIndexBufferStart(UInt32 idx) const { return fIdxBuffStarts[idx]; } UInt32 GetIndexBufferEnd(UInt32 idx) const { return fIdxBuffEnds[idx] >= 0 ? UInt32(fIdxBuffEnds[idx]) : GetIndexBufferCount(idx); } void SetVertBufferStart(UInt32 idx, UInt32 s) { fVertBuffStarts[idx] = s; } void SetVertBufferEnd(UInt32 idx, UInt32 e) { fVertBuffEnds[idx] = e; } void SetIndexBufferStart(UInt32 idx, UInt32 s) { fIdxBuffStarts[idx] = s; } void SetIndexBufferEnd(UInt32 idx, UInt32 e) { fIdxBuffEnds[idx] = e; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt32 GetNumVertexBuffers( void ) const { return fVertBuffStorage.GetCount(); } UInt32 GetNumIndexBuffers( void ) const { return fIdxBuffStorage.GetCount(); } UInt8 *GetVertBufferData( UInt32 idx ) { return fVertBuffStorage[ idx ]; } UInt16 *GetIndexBufferData( UInt32 idx ) { return fIdxBuffStorage[ idx ]; } plGBufferColor *GetColorBufferData( UInt32 idx ) { return fColorBuffStorage[ idx ]; } hsGDeviceRef *GetVertexBufferRef( UInt32 i ); hsGDeviceRef *GetIndexBufferRef( UInt32 i ); UInt32 GetNumCells( UInt32 idx ) const { return fCells[ idx ]->GetCount(); } plGBufferCell *GetCell( UInt32 idx, UInt32 cell ) { return &( (*fCells[ idx ])[ cell ] ); } void SetVertexBufferRef( UInt32 index, hsGDeviceRef *vb ); void SetIndexBufferRef( UInt32 index, hsGDeviceRef *ib ); virtual void Read( hsStream* s ); virtual void Write( hsStream* s ); // Accessor functions hsPoint3 &Position( int iBuff, UInt32 cell, int iVtx ); hsVector3 &Normal( int iBuff, UInt32 cell, int iVtx ); UInt32 &Color( int iBuff, UInt32 cell, int iVtx ); UInt32 &Specular( int iBuff, UInt32 cell, int iVtx ); hsPoint3 &UV( int iBuff, UInt32 cell, int iVtx, int channel ); UInt32 Format() const { return fFormat; } // Take temp accumulators and actually build buffer data from them void TidyUp( void ); // Delete the buffer data storage void CleanUp( void ); // Take buffer data and convert it to device-specific buffers void PrepForRendering( plPipeline *pipe, hsBool adjustForNvidiaLighting ); // Reserves space in a vertex buffer hsBool ReserveVertStorage( UInt32 numVerts, UInt32 *vbIndex, UInt32 *cell, UInt32 *offset, UInt8 flags ); // Append vertex data to the first available storage buffer void AppendToVertStorage( plGeometrySpan *srcSpan, UInt32 *vbIndex, UInt32 *cell, UInt32 *offset ); void AppendToVertAndColorStorage( plGeometrySpan *srcSpan, UInt32 *vbIndex, UInt32 *cell, UInt32 *offset ); void AppendToColorStorage( plGeometrySpan *srcSpan, UInt32 *vbIndex, UInt32 *cell, UInt32 *offset, UInt32 origCell ); // Reserves space in an index buffer hsBool ReserveIndexStorage( UInt32 numIndices, UInt32 *ibIndex, UInt32 *ibStart, UInt16 **dataPtr = nil ); // Append index data to the first available storage buffer void AppendToIndexStorage( UInt32 numIndices, UInt16 *data, UInt32 addToAll, UInt32 *ibIndex, UInt32 *ibStart ); /// Dynamic functions (addition/deletion of raw data) void DeleteVertsFromStorage( UInt32 which, UInt32 start, UInt32 length ); void AdjustIndicesInStorage( UInt32 which, UInt16 threshhold, Int16 delta ); void DeleteIndicesFromStorage( UInt32 which, UInt32 start, UInt32 length ); // Returns an array of plGBufferTriangles representing the span of indices specified plGBufferTriangle *ConvertToTriList( Int16 spanIndex, UInt32 whichIdx, UInt32 whichVtx, UInt32 whichCell, UInt32 start, UInt32 numTriangles ); // Stuffs the indices from an array of plGBufferTriangles into the index storage void StuffFromTriList( UInt32 which, UInt32 start, UInt32 numTriangles, UInt16 *data ); void StuffTri( UInt32 iBuff, UInt32 iTri, UInt16 idx0, UInt16 idx1, UInt16 idx2 ); // Stuff the data from a geometry span into vertex storage void StuffToVertStorage( plGeometrySpan *srcSpan, UInt32 vbIndex, UInt32 cell, UInt32 offset, UInt8 flags ); // Are our verts volatile? hsBool AreVertsVolatile() const { return fVertsVolatile; } hsBool AreIdxVolatile() const { return fIdxVolatile; } int GetLOD() const { return fLOD; } }; #endif // _plGBufferGroup_h