Additional target configurations to place build artifacts in different directories.
This allows parallel Jenkins Pipeline builds and easier artifact archival.
Those who have the EAX SDK should indicate this on the command line by adding /DEAX_SDK_AVAILABLE to environment variable CL.
Trying to keep common project files and configurations between OU and Cyan for now, we'll see how that goes.
MarkD: My thought was for the long term was to put most of the differences in the project and solution configurations, so there would be less differences in the sources. EAX is a good example - I put the #define for EAX_SDK_AVAILABLE in the projects that used it with the thinking that the fans would create new projects that would not have EAX_SDK_AVAILABLE and would create and use a different configuration in the AllClient solution. Cyan would use the "Release" config and the fans use something like "Release-ou" to build with. But maybe there are just too many differences.
Copy of plJPEG with added preprocessor definition IJL_SDK_AVAILABLE.
CW: I'm guessing that's the workaround for the missing JPEG textures issue we found during the 918 update verification.
MarkD: Exactly.
plMovementStrategy classes have been reworked and completely replace all plAvatarControllers.
While based on the old implementation, plPhysicalControllerCore has essentially been rewritten.
Remnants of long gone physical "actions" have been removed.
4 files removed -
plAVCallbackAction.h & plAVCallbackAction.cpp
plAntiGravAction.h & plAntiGravAction.cpp
This revision will not compile, requires new plPXPhysicalControllerCore implementation.
As for other library dependencies, source and binaries are no longer included but must be installed separately.
The file layout has changed in one detail: zlib headers are now under XPlatform/zlib rather than XPlatform/zlib/inc. Rather than working around that by moving the headers after the build, I've updated those projects relying on that that I could find, hope it doesn't upset any that are not here.
Installation instructions:
1. Download (or a newer version) from , extract the zlib-1.2.6 folder it contains and move/rename it to MOULOpenSourceClientPlugin/StaticSDKs/XPlatform/zlib .
2. Download (or a newer version) from , extract the lpng1510 folder it contains and move/rename it to MOULOpenSourceClientPlugin/StaticSDKs/XPlatform/png .
3. Open png/projects/visualc71/libpng.sln in Visual Studio 2003.
4. Select "LIB Debug" from the Solution Configurations popup menu in the toolbar, then Build > Build Solution.
5. Select the "LIB Release" configuration and build the solution.
6. Make a new folder png/lib and move png/projects/visualc71/Win32_LIB_Debug/libpngd.lib as well as png/projects/visualc71/Win32_LIB_Release/libpng.lib into it.
7. Make a new folder zlib/lib and move png/projects/visualc71/Win32_LIB_Debug/ZLib/zlibd.lib as well as png/projects/visualc71/Win32_LIB_Release/ZLib/zlib.lib into it.
Add plClientPatcher and plUruLauncher to AllClient.sln.
Adjust include and library paths in the "Release" build.
Adjust library depedencies to remove EAX, IJL, and Bink, and add IJG jpeg libraries.
Remove some overlooked Havok include files.
Add sample build and clean batch files to build the AllClient solution from a MSVC 2003 command prompt.