Author: Adam Johnson
Date: Fri Feb 10 12:45:14 2012 -0500
More panic link fixes
Now, we check the armature mod to see if we're REALLY linked in (the screen
is not black). That way, we can be sure all delayed transforms and false
hits (like how we initially spawn into the AhnySphere04 panic region) don't
panic link us.
plMovementStrategy classes have been reworked and completely replace all plAvatarControllers.
While based on the old implementation, plPhysicalControllerCore has essentially been rewritten.
Remnants of long gone physical "actions" have been removed.
4 files removed -
plAVCallbackAction.h & plAVCallbackAction.cpp
plAntiGravAction.h & plAntiGravAction.cpp
This revision will not compile, requires new plPXPhysicalControllerCore implementation.