@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
#include "../plInputCore/plInputDevice.h" |
#include "../plMath/plRandom.h" |
#include "../plPipeline/plDebugText.h" |
#include "../plNetClient/plNetClientMgr.h" |
#include "../plNetClient/plNetLinkingMgr.h" |
#include "../plMessage/plAvatarMsg.h" |
@ -494,12 +495,20 @@ hsBool plAvBrainHuman::IHandleClimbMsg(plClimbMsg *msg)
bool isStartClimb = msg->fCommand == plClimbMsg::kStartClimbing; |
if(isStartClimb) |
{ |
// let's build a seek task to get us to the attach point
plKey seekTarget = msg->fTarget; |
plAvTaskSeek *seekTask = TRACKED_NEW plAvTaskSeek(seekTarget); |
QueueTask(seekTask); |
// now a brain task to start the actual climb.
// Warp the player to the Seekpoint
plSceneObject *avatarObj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayer()); |
plSceneObject *obj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(msg->fTarget->ObjectIsLoaded()); |
plArmatureMod *localAvatar = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); |
plArmatureMod *climbAvatar = plArmatureMod::ConvertNoRef(fArmature); |
if (climbAvatar == localAvatar) // is it our avatar who has to seek?
{ |
hsMatrix44 target = obj->GetLocalToWorld(); |
plWarpMsg *warp = TRACKED_NEW plWarpMsg(NULL, avatarObj->GetKey(), plWarpMsg::kFlushTransform, target); |
warp->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate); |
plgDispatch::MsgSend(warp); |
} |
// build the Climb brain
plAvBrainClimb::Mode startMode; |
switch(msg->fDirection) |
{ |
@ -515,10 +524,11 @@ hsBool plAvBrainHuman::IHandleClimbMsg(plClimbMsg *msg)
case plClimbMsg::kRight: |
startMode = plAvBrainClimb::kMountingRight; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
plAvBrainClimb *brain = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainClimb(startMode); |
plAvTaskBrain *brainTask = TRACKED_NEW plAvTaskBrain(brain); |
QueueTask(brainTask); |
climbAvatar->PushBrain(brain); |
} |
// ** potentially controversial:
// It's fairly easy for a human brain to hit a climb trigger - like when falling off a wall.