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Merge pull request #425 from Hoikas/dyntextmsg-string

pyDynamicMap plString-ification
Michael Hansen 11 years ago
  1. 31
  2. 64
  3. 50
  4. 33
  5. 9


@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ void pyDynamicText::UnsetWrapping()
// Draw text paying attention to Clipping and Wrapping if user wanted it
void pyDynamicText::DrawText( int16_t x, int16_t y, const char *text )
void pyDynamicText::DrawText( int16_t x, int16_t y, const plString& text )
// create message
plDynamicTextMsg* pMsg = ICreateDTMsg();
@ -287,27 +287,6 @@ void pyDynamicText::DrawText( int16_t x, int16_t y, const char *text )
void pyDynamicText::DrawTextW( int16_t x, int16_t y, std::wstring text )
// create message
plDynamicTextMsg* pMsg = ICreateDTMsg();
if ( pMsg )
// The priority is:
// 1) wrap (if you wrap you probably don't need to clip)
// 2) clip
// 3) just draw
if ( fWrap )
else if ( fClip )
plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); // whoosh... off it goes
// Draw an image on the DynamicMap
@ -370,7 +349,7 @@ uint16_t pyDynamicText::GetHeight( void )
return (uint16_t)dtMap->GetHeight();
void pyDynamicText::CalcTextExtents( std::wstring text, unsigned &width, unsigned &height )
void pyDynamicText::CalcTextExtents(const plString& text, uint16_t& width, uint16_t& height)
width = 0;
height = 0;
@ -379,10 +358,8 @@ void pyDynamicText::CalcTextExtents( std::wstring text, unsigned &width, unsigne
plDynamicTextMap* dtMap = plDynamicTextMap::ConvertNoRef(fReceivers[0]->ObjectIsLoaded());
if (!dtMap)
width = dtMap->CalcStringWidth(text.c_str(), (uint16_t*)&height);
if (dtMap)
width = dtMap->CalcStringWidth(text, &height);
void pyDynamicText::SetJustify(uint8_t justify)


@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class pyImage;
#include "pyGlueHelpers.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include <string>
#include "hsTemplates.h"
class pyDynamicText
@ -79,8 +78,8 @@ private:
uint16_t fWrapWidth;
uint16_t fWrapHeight;
virtual plDynamicTextMsg* ICreateDTMsg();
virtual void IInit();
plDynamicTextMsg* ICreateDTMsg();
void IInit();
@ -91,8 +90,8 @@ public:
// required functions for PyObject interoperability
static PyObject *New(pyKey& key);
static PyObject *New(plKey key);
static PyObject* New(pyKey& key);
static PyObject* New(plKey key);
PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_DEFINITION; // returns true if the PyObject is a pyDynamicText object
PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_DEFINITION(pyDynamicText); // converts a PyObject to a pyDynamicText (throws error if not correct type)
@ -101,40 +100,39 @@ public:
// methods that will be exposed to Python
// message stuff
virtual void SetSender(pyKey& selfKey);
virtual void ClearReceivers();
virtual void AddReceiver(pyKey& key);
virtual void SetNetPropagate(bool propagate);
virtual void SetNetForce(bool force);
void SetSender(pyKey& selfKey);
void ClearReceivers();
void AddReceiver(pyKey& key);
void SetNetPropagate(bool propagate);
void SetNetForce(bool force);
// dynamicText commands
virtual void ClearToColor( pyColor& color );
virtual void Flush( void );
virtual void SetTextColor( pyColor& color );
virtual void SetTextColor2( pyColor& color, bool blockRGB );
virtual void SetFont( const char *facename, int16_t size );
virtual void FillRect( uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, pyColor& color );
virtual void FrameRect( uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, pyColor& color );
virtual void SetClipping( uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom);
virtual void UnsetClipping();
virtual void SetWrapping( uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight );
virtual void UnsetWrapping();
virtual void DrawText( int16_t x, int16_t y, const char *text );
virtual void DrawTextW( int16_t x, int16_t y, std::wstring text );
virtual void DrawImage( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, pyImage& image, bool respectAlpha );
virtual void DrawImageClipped( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, pyImage& image, uint16_t cx, uint16_t cy, uint16_t cw, uint16_t ch,
bool respectAlpha );
virtual void PurgeImage( void );
void ClearToColor(pyColor& color );
void Flush();
void SetTextColor(pyColor& color );
void SetTextColor2(pyColor& color, bool blockRGB );
void SetFont(const char *facename, int16_t size );
void FillRect(uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, pyColor& color );
void FrameRect(uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, pyColor& color );
void SetClipping(uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom);
void UnsetClipping();
void SetWrapping(uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight);
void UnsetWrapping();
void DrawText(int16_t x, int16_t y, const plString& text);
void DrawImage(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, pyImage& image, bool respectAlpha);
void DrawImageClipped(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, pyImage& image, uint16_t cx, uint16_t cy,
uint16_t cw, uint16_t ch, bool respectAlpha);
void PurgeImage();
// Actually return the visible width and height, since that's what you want to be drawing to
virtual uint16_t GetWidth( void );
virtual uint16_t GetHeight( void );
virtual void CalcTextExtents( std::wstring text, unsigned &width, unsigned &height );
uint16_t GetWidth();
uint16_t GetHeight();
void CalcTextExtents(const plString& text, uint16_t& width, uint16_t& height);
virtual void SetJustify(uint8_t justify);
virtual void SetLineSpacing(int16_t spacing);
void SetJustify(uint8_t justify);
void SetLineSpacing(int16_t spacing);
virtual plKey GetImage();
plKey GetImage();
#endif // _pyDynamicText_h_


@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD_DEFINITION(ptDynamicMap, unsetWrapping, UnsetWrapping)
PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION(ptDynamicMap, drawText, args)
short x, y;
char* text;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "hhs", &x, &y, &text))
char* text = nullptr;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "hhet", &x, &y, "utf8", &text))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "drawText expects two short ints and a string");
@ -270,19 +270,6 @@ PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION(ptDynamicMap, drawText, args)
PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION(ptDynamicMap, drawTextW, args)
short x, y;
wchar_t* text;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "hhu", &x, &y, &text))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "drawTextW expects two short ints and a unicode string");
self->fThis->DrawTextW(x, y, text);
PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION(ptDynamicMap, drawImage, args)
short x, y;
@ -336,39 +323,15 @@ PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS(ptDynamicMap, getHeight)
PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION(ptDynamicMap, calcTextExtents, args)
PyObject* textObj = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &textObj))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "calcTextExtents expects a string");
std::wstring wText;
if (PyUnicode_Check(textObj))
int strLen = PyUnicode_GetSize(textObj);
wchar_t* text = new wchar_t[strLen + 1];
PyUnicode_AsWideChar((PyUnicodeObject*)textObj, text, strLen);
text[strLen] = L'\0';
wText = text;
delete [] text;
else if (PyString_Check(textObj))
// we'll allow this, just in case something goes weird
char* text = PyString_AsString(textObj);
wchar_t* temp = hsStringToWString(text);
wText = temp;
delete [] temp;
char* text = nullptr;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "et", "utf8", &text))
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "calcTextExtents expects a string");
unsigned height, width;
self->fThis->CalcTextExtents(wText, width, height);
uint16_t height, width;
self->fThis->CalcTextExtents(text, width, height);
PyObject* retVal = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SetItem(retVal, 0, PyInt_FromLong(width));
PyTuple_SetItem(retVal, 1, PyInt_FromLong(height));
@ -441,7 +404,6 @@ PYTHON_START_METHODS_TABLE(ptDynamicMap)
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap, drawText, "Params: x,y,text\nDraw text at a specified location\n"
"- x,y is the point to start drawing the text\n"
"- 'text' is a string of the text to be drawn"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap, drawTextW, "Params: x,y,text\nUnicode version of drawText"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap, drawImage, "Params: x,y,image,respectAlphaFlag\nDraws a ptImage object on the dynamicTextmap starting at the location x,y"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap, drawImageClipped, "Params: x,y,image,cx,cy,cw,ch,respectAlphaFlag\nDraws a ptImage object clipped to cx,cy with cw(width),ch(height)"),
PYTHON_METHOD_NOARGS(ptDynamicMap, getWidth, "Returns the width of the dynamicTextmap"),


@ -112,38 +112,24 @@ void plDynamicTextMsg::FrameRect( uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right
fColor = c;
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawString( int16_t x, int16_t y, const char *text )
wchar_t *wString = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wString;
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawString( int16_t x, int16_t y, const wchar_t *text )
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawString( int16_t x, int16_t y, const plString& text )
hsAssert( ( fCmd & ( kStringCmds | kPosCmds ) ) == 0, "Attempting to issue conflicting drawText commands" );
fCmd &= ~( kStringCmds | kPosCmds );
fCmd |= kDrawString;
fString = plString::FromWchar(text);
fString = text;
fX = x;
fY = y;
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom, const char *text )
wchar_t *wString = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wString;
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom, const wchar_t *text )
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom, const plString& text )
hsAssert( ( fCmd & ( kStringCmds | kPosCmds | kRectCmds ) ) == 0, "Attempting to issue conflicting drawText commands" );
fCmd &= ~( kStringCmds | kPosCmds | kRectCmds );
fCmd |= kDrawClippedString;
fString = plString::FromWchar(text);
fString = text;
fX = x;
fY = y;
@ -153,20 +139,13 @@ void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clip
fBottom = clipBottom;
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawWrappedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight, const char *text )
wchar_t *wString = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wString;
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawWrappedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight, const wchar_t *text )
void plDynamicTextMsg::DrawWrappedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight, const plString& text )
hsAssert( ( fCmd & ( kStringCmds | kPosCmds | kRectCmds ) ) == 0, "Attempting to issue conflicting drawText commands" );
fCmd &= ~( kStringCmds | kPosCmds | kRectCmds );
fCmd |= kDrawWrappedString;
fString = plString::FromWchar(text);
fString = text;
fX = x;
fY = y;


@ -128,12 +128,9 @@ public:
void SetLineSpacing( int16_t spacing );
void FillRect( uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, hsColorRGBA &c );
void FrameRect( uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom, hsColorRGBA &c );
void DrawString( int16_t x, int16_t y, const char *text );
void DrawString( int16_t x, int16_t y, const wchar_t *text );
void DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom, const char *text );
void DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom, const wchar_t *text );
void DrawWrappedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight, const char *text );
void DrawWrappedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight, const wchar_t *text );
void DrawString( int16_t x, int16_t y, const plString& text );
void DrawClippedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t clipLeft, uint16_t clipTop, uint16_t clipRight, uint16_t clipBottom, const plString& text );
void DrawWrappedString( int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t wrapWidth, uint16_t wrapHeight, const plString& text );
void DrawImage( int16_t x, int16_t y, plKey &image, bool respectAlpha = false );
void DrawClippedImage( int16_t x, int16_t y, plKey &image, uint16_t clipX, uint16_t clipY, uint16_t clipWidth, uint16_t clipHeight, bool respectAlpha = false );
void SetJustify( uint8_t justifyFlags );
