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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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// //
// plCommonObjLib - Base class for a library of objects that are stored //
// in common pages (for now, that means Textures or //
// BuiltIn pages). //
// //
#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plCommonObjLib.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h"
#include "plPluginResManager.h"
//// Static Array And Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////
// Used only by the export resManager, to create and maintain a list of the
// commonObjLibs to be used.
class plCommonObjLibList
UInt32 fRefCount;
hsTArray<plCommonObjLib *> fLibs;
plCommonObjLibList() { fRefCount = 0; }
void Add( plCommonObjLib *lib )
fLibs.Append( lib );
hsBool Remove( plCommonObjLib *lib )
int idx = fLibs.Find( lib );
if( idx != fLibs.kMissingIndex )
fLibs.Remove( idx );
hsAssert( false, "Common Object Lib not found in list upon deletion. Are you misusing this class? Tsk tsk!" );
return ( fRefCount == 0 ) ? true : false;
plCommonObjLibList *plCommonObjLib::fLibList = nil;
UInt32 plCommonObjLib::GetNumLibs( void )
return ( fLibList != nil ) ? fLibList->fLibs.GetCount() : 0;
plCommonObjLib *plCommonObjLib::GetLib( UInt32 idx )
if( fLibList == nil )
return nil;
if( idx < fLibList->fLibs.GetCount() )
return fLibList->fLibs[ idx ];
return nil;
//// Constructor/Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Make sure we have a list to add ourselves to
if( fLibList == nil )
fLibList = TRACKED_NEW plCommonObjLibList();
// Add ourselves to the list of libs
fLibList->Add( this );
// Remove ourselves from the list of libs
if( fLibList->Remove( this ) )
// List is no longer needed
delete fLibList;
fLibList = nil;
//// Base Utility Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// ClearObjectList /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plCommonObjLib::ClearObjectList( void )
int i;
// Unref our object list, so they'll go away properly
for( i = 0; i < fObjects.GetCount(); i++ )
fObjects[ i ]->GetKey()->UnRefObject();
//// AddObject ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Adds the given object to our lib. The object must have a key already.
void plCommonObjLib::AddObject( hsKeyedObject *object )
if( object == nil || object->GetKey() == nil )
hsAssert( false, "Trying to add an object to a commonLib that doesn't have a key" );
// Ref it so it won't go away on us
fObjects.Append( object );
//// RemoveObjectAndKey //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Given the key to an object, completely nukes the object and the key. After
// this function call, the key should no longer exist in the registry and be
// free to use elsewhere.
hsBool plCommonObjLib::RemoveObjectAndKey( plKey &key )
if (!key)
hsAssert( false, "Received RemoveObjectAndKey() call for a key that is invalid. Nillifying key anyway." );
key = nil;
return true;
hsKeyedObject *object = hsKeyedObject::ConvertNoRef( key->ObjectIsLoaded() );
if( object == nil )
hsAssert( false, "Received RemoveObjectAndKey() call for a key that isn't loaded. Nillifying key anyway." );
key = nil;
return true;
int idx = fObjects.Find( object );
if( idx == fObjects.kMissingIndex )
hsAssert( false, "Trying to RemoveObjectAndKey() for a common object not in the lib." );
key = nil;
return true;
// Unref and remove from our list
fObjects[ idx ]->GetKey()->UnRefObject();
fObjects.Remove( idx );
// Nuke out the key and its object
if( !plPluginResManager::ResMgr()->NukeKeyAndObject( key ) )
hsAssert( false, "Trouble nuking out the key for this texture. Problems abound...." );
return false;
// All done!
return true;
//// FindObject //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Given a name and an optional class type, tries to find that object in
// our lib. Returns nil if not found. Use to find out if you already have a
// object of a given name that was previously exported.
hsKeyedObject *plCommonObjLib::FindObject( const char *name, UInt16 classType /* = -1 */ )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fObjects.GetCount(); i++ )
const plUoid &uoid = fObjects[ i ]->GetKey()->GetUoid();
if( stricmp( uoid.GetObjectName(), name ) == 0 &&
( classType == (UInt16)-1 || classType == uoid.GetClassType() ) )
return fObjects[ i ];
return nil;