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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef plAudioSystem_h
#define plAudioSystem_h
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "hsWindowHndl.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsGeometry3.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#define DEFAULT_AUDIO_DEVICE_NAME "Generic Software"
typedef wchar_t WCHAR;
class plSound;
class plSoftSoundNode;
class plgAudioSys;
class plStatusLog;
class plEAXListenerMod;
typedef struct ALCdevice_struct ALCdevice;
typedef struct ALCcontext_struct ALCcontext;
class DeviceDescriptor
DeviceDescriptor(const char *name, hsBool supportsEAX):
const char *GetDeviceName() { return fDeviceName.c_str();}
hsBool SupportsEAX() { return fSupportsEAX; }
std::string fDeviceName;
hsBool fSupportsEAX;
class plAudioSystem : public hsKeyedObject
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plAudioSystem, hsKeyedObject );
kThreadSndRef = 0,
hsBool Init(hsWindowHndl hWnd);
void Shutdown();
void SetActive( hsBool b );
void SetListenerPos(const hsPoint3 pos);
void SetListenerVelocity(const hsVector3 vel);
void SetListenerOrientation(const hsVector3 view, const hsVector3 up);
void SetMaxNumberOfActiveSounds(); // sets the max number of active sounds based on the priority cutoff
void SetDistanceModel(int i);
virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);
double GetTime();
void NextDebugSound( void );
hsPoint3 GetCurrListenerPos( void ) const { return fCurrListenerPos; }
int GetNumAudioDevices();
const char *GetAudioDeviceName(int index);
hsBool SupportsEAX(const char *deviceName);
void SetFadeLength(float lengthSec);
friend class plgAudioSys;
ALCdevice * fDevice;
ALCcontext * fContext;
ALCdevice * fCaptureDevice;
plSoftSoundNode *fSoftRegionSounds;
plSoftSoundNode *fActiveSofts;
plStatusLog *fDebugActiveSoundDisplay;
static Int32 fMaxNumSounds, fNumSoundsSlop; // max number of sounds the engine is allowed to audibly play. Different than fMaxNumSources. That is the max number of sounds the audio card can play
plSoftSoundNode *fCurrDebugSound;
hsTArray<plKey> fPendingRegisters;
hsPoint3 fCurrListenerPos;//, fCommittedListenerPos;
hsBool fActive, fUsingEAX, fRestartOnDestruct, fWaitingForShutdown;
__int64 fStartTime;
hsTArray<hsKeyedObject *> fMyRefs;
hsTArray<plEAXListenerMod *> fEAXRegions;
hsPoint3 fLastPos;
hsBool fAvatarPosSet; // used for listener stuff
hsBool fDisplayNumBuffers;
std::vector<DeviceDescriptor> fDeviceList; // list of openal device names
double fStartFade;
float fFadeLength;
unsigned int fMaxNumSources; // max openal sources
double fLastUpdateTimeMs;
void RegisterSoftSound( const plKey soundKey );
void UnregisterSoftSound( const plKey soundKey );
void IUpdateSoftSounds( const hsPoint3 &newPosition );
UInt32 IScaleVolume(float volume);
void IEnumerateDevices();
hsBool fListenerInit;
class plgAudioSys
enum ASChannel
enum DebugFlags
kDisableRightSelect = 0x00000001,
kDisableLeftSelect = 0x00000002
enum AudioMode
static void Init(hsWindowHndl hWnd);
static hsBool Hardware() { return fUseHardware; }
static void SetUseHardware(hsBool b);
static void SetActive(hsBool b);
static void SetMuted( hsBool b );
static void EnableEAX( hsBool b );
static hsBool Active() { return fInit; }
static void Shutdown();
static void Activate(hsBool b);
static hsBool IsMuted( void ) { return fMuted; }
static hsWindowHndl hWnd() { return fWnd; }
static plAudioSystem* Sys() { return fSys; }
static void Restart( void );
static hsBool UsingEAX( void ) { return fSys->fUsingEAX; }
static void NextDebugSound( void );
static void SetChannelVolume( ASChannel chan, hsScalar vol );
static hsScalar GetChannelVolume( ASChannel chan );
static void Set2D3DBias( hsScalar bias );
static hsScalar Get2D3Dbias();
static void SetGlobalFadeVolume( hsScalar vol );
static hsScalar GetGlobalFadeVolume( void ) { return fGlobalFadeVolume; }
static void SetDebugFlag( UInt32 flag, hsBool set = true ) { if( set ) fDebugFlags |= flag; else fDebugFlags &= ~flag; }
static hsBool IsDebugFlagSet( UInt32 flag ) { return fDebugFlags & flag; }
static void ClearDebugFlags( void ) { fDebugFlags = 0; }
static hsScalar GetStreamingBufferSize( void ) { return fStreamingBufferSize; }
static void SetStreamingBufferSize( hsScalar size ) { fStreamingBufferSize = size; }
static UInt8 GetPriorityCutoff( void ) { return fPriorityCutoff; }
static void SetPriorityCutoff( UInt8 cut ) { fPriorityCutoff = cut; if(fSys) fSys->SetMaxNumberOfActiveSounds(); }
static hsBool AreExtendedLogsEnabled( void ) { return fEnableExtendedLogs; }
static void EnableExtendedLogs( hsBool e ) { fEnableExtendedLogs = e; }
static hsScalar GetStreamFromRAMCutoff( void ) { return fStreamFromRAMCutoff; }
static void SetStreamFromRAMCutoff( hsScalar c ) { fStreamFromRAMCutoff = c; }
static void SetListenerPos(const hsPoint3 pos);
static void SetListenerVelocity(const hsVector3 vel);
static void SetListenerOrientation(const hsVector3 view, const hsVector3 up);
static void ShowNumBuffers(hsBool b) { if(fSys) fSys->fDisplayNumBuffers = b; }
static void SetAudioMode(AudioMode mode);
static int GetAudioMode();
static hsBool LogStreamingUpdates() { return fLogStreamingUpdates; }
static void SetLogStreamingUpdates(hsBool logUpdates) { fLogStreamingUpdates = logUpdates; }
static void SetDeviceName(const char *device, hsBool restart = false);
static const char *GetDeviceName() { return fDeviceName.c_str(); }
static int GetNumAudioDevices();
static const char *GetAudioDeviceName(int index);
static ALCdevice *GetCaptureDevice();
static hsBool SupportsEAX(const char *deviceName);
static void RegisterSoftSound( const plKey soundKey );
static void UnregisterSoftSound( const plKey soundKey );
static hsBool IsRestarting() {return fRestarting;}
friend class plAudioSystem;
static plAudioSystem* fSys;
static hsBool fInit;
static hsBool fActive;
static hsBool fMuted;
static hsWindowHndl fWnd;
static hsBool fUseHardware;
static hsBool fDelayedActivate;
static hsScalar fChannelVolumes[ kNumChannels ];
static hsScalar fGlobalFadeVolume;
static UInt32 fDebugFlags;
static hsBool fEnableEAX;
static hsScalar fStreamingBufferSize;
static UInt8 fPriorityCutoff;
static hsBool fEnableExtendedLogs;
static hsScalar fStreamFromRAMCutoff;
static hsScalar f2D3DBias;
static hsBool fLogStreamingUpdates;
static std::string fDeviceName;
static hsBool fRestarting;
static hsBool fMutedStateChange;
#endif //plAudioSystem_h