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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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#ifndef plPXPhysical_h_inc
#define plPXPhysical_h_inc
#include "plPhysical.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "plPhysical/plSimDefs.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
class NxActor;
class NxConvexMesh;
class NxTriangleMesh;
struct hsPoint3;
class hsQuat;
class plPhysicalProxy;
class plDrawableSpans;
class hsGMaterial;
struct hsPlane3;
class plMessage;
class plLOSHit;
class plSimulationMsg;
class plSDLModifier;
class plPhysicalSndGroup;
class plGenRefMsg;
class plSceneObject;
class hsVectorStream;
class NxCapsule;
class PhysRecipe
hsScalar mass;
hsScalar friction;
hsScalar restitution;
plSimDefs::Bounds bounds;
plSimDefs::Group group;
UInt32 reportsOn;
plKey objectKey;
plKey sceneNode;
plKey worldKey;
// The local to subworld matrix (or local to world if worldKey is nil)
hsMatrix44 l2s;
NxConvexMesh* convexMesh;
NxTriangleMesh* triMesh;
// For spheres only
hsScalar radius;
hsPoint3 offset;
// For Boxes
hsPoint3 bDimensions;
hsPoint3 bOffset;
// For export time only. The original data used to create the mesh
hsVectorStream* meshStream;
class plPXPhysical : public plPhysical
friend class plSimulationMgr;
enum PhysRefType
virtual ~plPXPhysical();
GETINTERFACE_ANY(plPXPhysical, plPhysical);
// Export time and internal use only
hsBool Init(PhysRecipe& recipe);
virtual void Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);
// From plPhysical
virtual plPhysical& SetProperty(int prop, hsBool b);
virtual hsBool GetProperty(int prop) const { return fProps.IsBitSet(prop) != 0; }
virtual void SetObjectKey(plKey key) { fObjectKey = key; }
virtual plKey GetObjectKey() const { return fObjectKey; }
virtual void SetSceneNode(plKey node);
virtual plKey GetSceneNode() const;
virtual hsBool GetLinearVelocitySim(hsVector3& vel) const;
virtual void SetLinearVelocitySim(const hsVector3& vel);
virtual void ClearLinearVelocity();
virtual hsBool GetAngularVelocitySim(hsVector3& vel) const;
virtual void SetAngularVelocitySim(const hsVector3& vel);
virtual void SetTransform(const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l, hsBool force=false);
virtual void GetTransform(hsMatrix44& l2w, hsMatrix44& w2l);
virtual int GetGroup() const { return fGroup; }
virtual void AddLOSDB(UInt16 flag) { hsSetBits(fLOSDBs, flag); }
virtual void RemoveLOSDB(UInt16 flag) { hsClearBits(fLOSDBs, flag); }
virtual UInt16 GetAllLOSDBs() { return fLOSDBs; }
virtual hsBool IsInLOSDB(UInt16 flag) { return hsCheckBits(fLOSDBs, flag); }
virtual hsBool DoDetectorHullWorkaround() { return fSaveTriangles ? true : false; }
virtual hsBool Should_I_Trigger(hsBool enter, hsPoint3& pos);
virtual hsBool IsObjectInsideHull(const hsPoint3& pos);
virtual void SetInsideConvexHull(hsBool inside) { fInsideConvexHull = inside; }
virtual plKey GetWorldKey() const { return fWorldKey; }
virtual plPhysicalSndGroup* GetSoundGroup() const { return fSndGroup; }
virtual void GetPositionSim(hsPoint3& pos) const { IGetPositionSim(pos); }
virtual void SendNewLocation(hsBool synchTransform = false, hsBool isSynchUpdate = false);
virtual void SetHitForce(const hsVector3& force, const hsPoint3& pos) { fWeWereHit=true; fHitForce = force; fHitPos = pos; }
virtual void ApplyHitForce();
virtual void ResetHitForce() { fWeWereHit=false; fHitForce.Set(0,0,0); fHitPos.Set(0,0,0); }
virtual void GetSyncState(hsPoint3& pos, hsQuat& rot, hsVector3& linV, hsVector3& angV);
virtual void SetSyncState(hsPoint3* pos, hsQuat* rot, hsVector3* linV, hsVector3* angV);
virtual void ExcludeRegionHack(hsBool cleared);
virtual plDrawableSpans* CreateProxy(hsGMaterial* mat, hsTArray<UInt32>& idx, plDrawableSpans* addTo);
hsBool DoReportOn(plSimDefs::Group group) const { return hsCheckBits(fReportsOn, 1<<group); }
// Returns true if this object is *really* dynamic. We can have physicals
// that are in the dynamic group but are actually animated or something.
// This weeds those out.
hsBool IsDynamic() const;
//Hack to check if there is an overlap with the capsule
//this partially for exclude regions vs avatar capsule
virtual hsBool OverlapWithCapsule(NxCapsule& cap);
virtual hsScalar GetMass() {return fMass;}
void IGetPositionSim(hsPoint3& pos) const;
void IGetRotationSim(hsQuat& rot) const;
void ISetPositionSim(const hsPoint3& pos);
void ISetRotationSim(const hsQuat& rot);
/** Handle messages about our references. */
hsBool HandleRefMsg(plGenRefMsg * refM);
void IConvertGroups(UInt32 memberOf, UInt32 reportsOn, UInt32 collideWith);
/** See if the object is in a valid, non-overlapping position.
A valid overlap is one which is approved by the collision
masking code, i.e. my memberOf has no intersection with your
bounceOff and vice-versa
// Set overlapText to get a string naming all the overlapping physicals (that you must delete)
hsBool CheckValidPosition(char** overlapText=nil);
/** Remember that we need to do a synch soon. */
hsBool DirtySynchState(const char* SDLStateName, UInt32 synchFlags );
double GetLastSyncTime() { return fLastSyncTime; }
/** Get the simulation transform of the physical, in world
coordinates (factoring in the subworld if necessary */
void IGetTransformGlobal(hsMatrix44 &l2w) const;
void ISetTransformGlobal(const hsMatrix44& l2w);
// Enable/disable collisions and dynamic movement
void IEnable(hsBool enable);
void IMakeHull(NxConvexMesh* convexMesh, hsMatrix44 l2w);
NxActor* fActor;
plKey fWorldKey; // either a subworld or nil
plSimDefs::Bounds fBoundsType;
plSimDefs::Group fGroup;
UInt32 fReportsOn; // bit vector for groups we report interactions with
UInt16 fLOSDBs; // Which LOS databases we get put into
hsBitVector fProps; // plSimulationInterface::plSimulationProperties kept here
float fMass;
plKey fObjectKey; // the key to our scene object
plKey fSceneNode; // the room we're in
// PHYSX FIXME - need to create a plasma hull so that we can determine if inside
hsPlane3* fWorldHull;
UInt32 fHullNumberPlanes;
hsPoint3* fSaveTriangles;
hsBool fInsideConvexHull;
void ISetHullToWorldWTriangles();
inline hsBool ITestPlane(const hsPoint3 &pos, const hsPlane3 &plane)
hsScalar dis = plane.fN.InnerProduct(pos);
dis += plane.fD;
if (dis == 0.f)
return false;
if( dis >= 0.f )
return false;
return true;
// we need to remember the last matrices we sent to the coordinate interface
// so that we can recognize them when we send them back and not reapply them,
// which would reactivate our body. inelegant but effective
hsMatrix44 fCachedLocal2World;
// Syncronization
double fLastSyncTime;
plSDLModifier* fSDLMod;
plPhysicalSndGroup* fSndGroup;
hsBool fWeWereHit;
hsVector3 fHitForce;
hsPoint3 fHitPos;
plPhysicalProxy* fProxyGen; // visual proxy for debugging
static int fNumberAnimatedPhysicals;
static int fNumberAnimatedActivators;