You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

912 lines
28 KiB

/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
// //
// plDynamicTextMap Class Functions //
// Derived bitmap class representing a single mipmap. //
// Cyan, Inc. //
// //
//// Version History //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// 6.7.2001 mcn - Created. //
// //
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plDynamicTextMap.h"
#include "hsStream.h"
#include "hsExceptions.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "plPipeline/hsGDeviceRef.h"
#include "plMessage/plDynamicTextMsg.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include "plProfile.h"
#include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h"
#include "plFont.h"
#include "plFontCache.h"
#include "plResMgr/plLocalization.h"
plProfile_CreateMemCounter("DynaTextMem", "PipeC", DynaTextMem);
plProfile_CreateCounterNoReset("DynaTexts", "PipeC", DynaTexts);
//// Constructor & Destructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////
plDynamicTextMap::plDynamicTextMap() : plMipmap()
fVisWidth = fVisHeight = 0;
fHasAlpha = false;
fJustify = kLeftJustify;
fInitBuffer = nil;
fFontFace = nil;
fFontSize = 0;
fFontFlags = 0;
fFontAntiAliasRGB = false;
fFontColor.Set( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
fFontBlockRGB = false;
fHasCreateBeenCalled = false;
plDynamicTextMap::plDynamicTextMap( UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool hasAlpha, UInt32 extraWidth, UInt32 extraHeight ) : plMipmap()
fInitBuffer = nil;
fFontFace = nil;
Create( width, height, hasAlpha, extraWidth, extraHeight );
//// SetNoCreate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// For export time, we want to set up the config to write to disk, but we
// don't want to actually be creating OS surfaces. So we call this function
// instead, which does just that. It basically does all the setup work that
// Create() does, or enough for us to write out later.
void plDynamicTextMap::SetNoCreate( UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool hasAlpha )
// OK, so it really isn't that much work...
fVisWidth = (UInt16)width;
fVisHeight = (UInt16)height;
fHasAlpha = hasAlpha;
fImage = nil; // So we know we haven't actually done anything yet
delete [] fInitBuffer;
fInitBuffer = nil;
//// Create ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::Create( UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool hasAlpha, UInt32 extraWidth, UInt32 extraHeight )
SetConfig( hasAlpha ? kARGB32Config : kRGB32Config );
fVisWidth = (UInt16)width;
fVisHeight = (UInt16)height;
fHasAlpha = hasAlpha;
for( fWidth = 1; fWidth < width + extraWidth; fWidth <<= 1 );
for( fHeight = 1; fHeight < height + extraHeight; fHeight <<= 1 );
// instead of allocating the fImage here, we'll wait for the first draw operation to be called (in IIsValid)
fHasCreateBeenCalled = true;
fRowBytes = fWidth << 2;
fNumLevels = 1;
fFlags |= plMipmap::kDontThrowAwayImage;
fCompressionType = plMipmap::kUncompressed;
fUncompressedInfo.fType = plMipmap::UncompressedInfo::kRGB8888;
// Destroy the old texture ref, if we have one. This should force the
// pipeline to recreate one more suitable for our use
SetDeviceRef( nil );
// Some init color
SetFont( "Arial", 12 );
hsColorRGBA color;
color.Set( 0,0,1,1);
SetTextColor( color );
SetCurrLevel( 0 );
//// Reset ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::Reset( void )
// they need to call create again to undo the affects of call Reset()
fHasCreateBeenCalled = false;
delete [] fInitBuffer;
fInitBuffer = nil;
delete [] fFontFace;
fFontFace = nil;
// Destroy the old texture ref, since we're no longer using it
SetDeviceRef( nil );
//// OS-Specific Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
hsBool plDynamicTextMap::IIsValid( void )
if( GetImage() == nil && fHasCreateBeenCalled )
// we are going to allocate the fImage at this point... when someone is looking for it
fImage = (void *)IAllocateOSSurface( (UInt16)fWidth, (UInt16)fHeight );
hsColorRGBA color;
if( fInitBuffer != nil )
IClearFromBuffer( fInitBuffer );
color.Set( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );
ClearToColor( color );
fTotalSize = GetLevelSize( 0 );
SetCurrLevel( 0 );
// Destroy the old texture ref, if we have one. This should force the
// pipeline to recreate one more suitable for our use
SetDeviceRef( nil );
plProfile_NewMem(MemMipmaps, fTotalSize);
plProfile_NewMem(DynaTextMem, fTotalSize);
IAddToMemRecord( this, plRecord::kViaCreate );
if( GetImage() == nil )
return false;
return true;//fWriter->IsValid();
// allow the user of the DynaTextMap that they are done with the image... for now
// ... the fImage will be re-created on the next operation that requires the image
void plDynamicTextMap::PurgeImage()
fTotalSize = 0;
SetCurrLevel( 0 );
// Destroy the old texture ref, if we have one. This should force the
// pipeline to recreate one more suitable for our use
SetDeviceRef( nil );
//// IAllocateOSSurface ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// OS-specific. Allocates a rectangular bitmap of the given dimensions that
// the OS can draw text into. Returns a pointer to the pixels.
UInt32* plDynamicTextMap::IAllocateOSSurface( UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
UInt32* pixels = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[ width * height ];
return pixels;
//// IDestroyOSSurface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Opposite of allocate. DUH!
void plDynamicTextMap::IDestroyOSSurface( void )
if( fImage != nil )
IRemoveFromMemRecord( (UInt8 *)fImage );
delete [] fImage;
fImage = nil;
plProfile_DelMem(DynaTextMem, fTotalSize);
plProfile_DelMem(MemMipmaps, fTotalSize);
//// Virtual Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// Read /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UInt32 plDynamicTextMap::Read( hsStream *s )
UInt32 totalRead = plBitmap::Read( s );
// The funny thing is that we don't read anything like a mipmap; we just
// keep the width and height and call Create() after we read those in
fVisWidth = (UInt16)(s->ReadSwap32());
fVisHeight = (UInt16)(s->ReadSwap32());
fHasAlpha = s->ReadBool();
totalRead += 2 * 4;
UInt32 initSize = s->ReadSwap32();
totalRead += 4;
if( initSize > 0 )
fInitBuffer = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[ initSize ];
s->ReadSwap32( initSize, fInitBuffer );
totalRead += initSize * 4;
fInitBuffer = nil;
Create( fVisWidth, fVisHeight, fHasAlpha );
delete [] fInitBuffer;
fInitBuffer = nil;
return totalRead;
//// Write ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UInt32 plDynamicTextMap::Write( hsStream *s )
UInt32 totalWritten = plBitmap::Write( s );
s->WriteSwap32( fVisWidth );
s->WriteSwap32( fVisHeight );
s->WriteBool( fHasAlpha );
s->WriteSwap32( fInitBuffer != nil ? fVisWidth * fVisHeight * sizeof( UInt32 ) : 0 );
if( fInitBuffer != nil )
s->WriteSwap32( fVisWidth * fVisHeight, fInitBuffer );
return totalWritten;
//// Some More Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// SetInitBuffer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Sets an initial buffer, which is written to disk and read in to use for
// initializing the color buffer upon creation. If not specified, we init to
// black. ASSUMES the buffer is of dimensions fVisWidth x fVisHeight.
void plDynamicTextMap::SetInitBuffer( UInt32 *buffer )
delete [] fInitBuffer;
if( buffer == nil )
fInitBuffer = nil;
fInitBuffer = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[ fVisWidth * fVisHeight ];
memcpy( fInitBuffer, buffer, fVisWidth * fVisHeight * sizeof( UInt32 ) );
//// CopyFrom /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::CopyFrom( plMipmap *source )
hsAssert( false, "Copying plDynamicTextMaps is not supported." );
//// Clone ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
plMipmap *plDynamicTextMap::Clone( void )
static bool alreadyWarned = false;
if( !alreadyWarned )
hsAssert( false, "Cloning plDynamicTextMaps is not supported." );
alreadyWarned = true;
return nil;
//// Rendering Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//// IClearFromBuffer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::IClearFromBuffer( UInt32 *clearBuffer )
int y;
UInt32 *data = (UInt32 *)fImage, *srcData = clearBuffer;
UInt8 *destAlpha = nil;
if( !IIsValid() )
// Clear *all* to zero
memset( data, 0, fWidth * fHeight * sizeof( UInt32 ) );
// Buffer is of size fVisWidth x fVisHeight, so we need a bit of work to do this right
for( y = 0; y < fVisHeight; y++ )
memcpy( data, srcData, fVisWidth * sizeof( UInt32 ) );
data += fWidth;
srcData += fVisWidth;
//// ClearToColor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::ClearToColor( hsColorRGBA &color )
if( !IIsValid() )
UInt32 i, hex = color.ToARGB32();
UInt32 *data = (UInt32 *)fImage;
// Buffer is of size fVisWidth x fVisHeight, so we need a bit of work to do this right
for( i = 0; i < fHeight * fWidth; i++ )
data[ i ] = hex;
//// SetJustify ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::SetJustify( Justify j )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return;
fJustify = j;
switch( fJustify )
case kLeftJustify: fCurrFont->SetRenderXJustify( plFont::kRenderJustXForceLeft ); break;
case kCenter: fCurrFont->SetRenderXJustify( plFont::kRenderJustXCenter ); break;
case kRightJustify: fCurrFont->SetRenderXJustify( plFont::kRenderJustXRight ); break;
//// SetFont //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::SetFont( const char *face, UInt16 size, UInt8 fontFlags, hsBool antiAliasRGB )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return;
delete [] fFontFace;
if (plLocalization::UsingUnicode())
// unicode has a bunch of chars that most fonts don't have, so we override the font choice with one
// that will work with the desired language
hsStatusMessageF("We are using a unicode language, overriding font choice of %s", face ? face : "nil");
fFontFace = hsStrcpy( "Unicode" );
fFontFace = ( face != nil ) ? hsStrcpy( face ) : nil;
fFontSize = size;
fFontFlags = fontFlags;
fFontAntiAliasRGB = antiAliasRGB;
fCurrFont = plFontCache::GetInstance().GetFont( fFontFace, (UInt8)fFontSize,
( ( fFontFlags & kFontBold ) ? plFont::kFlagBold : 0 ) |
( ( fFontFlags & kFontItalic ) ? plFont::kFlagItalic : 0 ) );
if ( fCurrFont == nil )
if (!fCurrFont)
hsStatusMessageF("Font missing - %s. Using Arial", fFontFace ? fFontFace : "nil");
if ( fFontFace )
delete [] fFontFace;
fFontFace = hsStrcpy( "Arial" );
// lets try again with Arial
fCurrFont = plFontCache::GetInstance().GetFont( fFontFace, (UInt8)fFontSize,
( ( fFontFlags & kFontBold ) ? plFont::kFlagBold : 0 ) |
( ( fFontFlags & kFontItalic ) ? plFont::kFlagItalic : 0 ) );
// This will be nil if we're just running the page optimizer.
if (fCurrFont)
fCurrFont->SetRenderYJustify( plFont::kRenderJustYTop );
SetJustify( fJustify );
void plDynamicTextMap::SetFont( const wchar_t *face, UInt16 size, UInt8 fontFlags , hsBool antiAliasRGB )
char *sFace = hsWStringToString(face);
delete [] sFace;
//// SetLineSpacing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::SetLineSpacing( Int16 spacing )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return;
fLineSpacing = spacing;
//// SetTextColor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::SetTextColor( hsColorRGBA &color, hsBool blockRGB )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return;
fFontColor = color;
fFontBlockRGB = blockRGB;
if (fCurrFont)
fCurrFont->SetRenderColor( fFontColor.ToARGB32() );
//// DrawString ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const char *text )
wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wText;
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const wchar_t *text )
if( !IIsValid() )
SetJustify( fJustify );
fCurrFont->SetRenderFlag( plFont::kRenderWrap | plFont::kRenderClip, false );
fCurrFont->SetRenderColor( fFontColor.ToARGB32() );
fCurrFont->SetRenderFlag( plFont::kRenderIntoAlpha, fFontBlockRGB );
fCurrFont->RenderString( this, x, y, text );
//// DrawClippedString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const char *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wText;
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const wchar_t *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
if( !IIsValid() )
SetJustify( fJustify );
fCurrFont->SetRenderClipping( x, y, width, height );
fCurrFont->SetRenderColor( fFontColor.ToARGB32() );
fCurrFont->SetRenderFlag( plFont::kRenderIntoAlpha, fFontBlockRGB );
fCurrFont->RenderString( this, x, y, text );
//// DrawClippedString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const char *text, UInt16 clipX, UInt16 clipY, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wText;
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawClippedString( Int16 x, Int16 y, const wchar_t *text, UInt16 clipX, UInt16 clipY, UInt16 width, UInt16 height )
if( !IIsValid() )
SetJustify( fJustify );
fCurrFont->SetRenderClipping( clipX, clipY, width, height );
fCurrFont->SetRenderColor( fFontColor.ToARGB32() );
fCurrFont->RenderString( this, x, y, text );
//// DrawWrappedString ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawWrappedString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const char *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, UInt16 *lastX, UInt16 *lastY )
wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wText;
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawWrappedString( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, const wchar_t *text, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, UInt16 *lastX, UInt16 *lastY )
if( !IIsValid() )
SetJustify( fJustify );
fCurrFont->SetRenderWrapping( x, y, width, height );
fCurrFont->SetRenderColor( fFontColor.ToARGB32() );
fCurrFont->SetRenderFlag( plFont::kRenderIntoAlpha, fFontBlockRGB );
fCurrFont->RenderString( this, x, y, text, lastX, lastY );
//// CalcStringWidth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UInt16 plDynamicTextMap::CalcStringWidth( const char *text, UInt16 *height )
wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
UInt16 w = CalcStringWidth(wText,height);
delete [] wText;
return w;
UInt16 plDynamicTextMap::CalcStringWidth( const wchar_t *text, UInt16 *height )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return 0;
SetJustify( fJustify );
UInt16 w, h, a, lastX, lastY;
UInt32 firstClipped;
fCurrFont->SetRenderFlag( plFont::kRenderClip | plFont::kRenderWrap, false );
fCurrFont->CalcStringExtents( text, w, h, a, firstClipped, lastX, lastY );
if( height != nil )
*height = h;
return w;
//// SetFirstLineIndent ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::SetFirstLineIndent( Int16 indent )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return;
fCurrFont->SetRenderFirstLineIndent( indent );
//// CalcWrappedStringSize ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::CalcWrappedStringSize( const char *text, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height, UInt32 *firstClippedChar, UInt16 *maxAscent, UInt16 *lastX, UInt16 *lastY )
wchar_t *wText = hsStringToWString(text);
delete [] wText;
void plDynamicTextMap::CalcWrappedStringSize( const wchar_t *text, UInt16 *width, UInt16 *height, UInt32 *firstClippedChar, UInt16 *maxAscent, UInt16 *lastX, UInt16 *lastY )
// ===> Don't need to validate creation
// if( !IIsValid() )
// return;
SetJustify( fJustify );
UInt16 w, h, a, lX, lY;
UInt32 firstClipped;
fCurrFont->SetRenderWrapping( 0, 0, *width, *height );
fCurrFont->CalcStringExtents( text, w, h, a, firstClipped, lX, lY );
*width = w;
*height = h;
if( firstClippedChar != nil )
*firstClippedChar = firstClipped;
if( maxAscent != nil )
*maxAscent = a;
if( lastX != nil )
*lastX = lX;
if( lastY != nil )
*lastY = lY;
//// FillRect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::FillRect( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, hsColorRGBA &color )
if( !IIsValid() )
if( x + width > fWidth )
width = (UInt16)(fWidth - x);
// Gee, how hard can it REALLY be?
UInt32 i, hex = color.ToARGB32();
height += y;
if( height > fHeight )
height = (UInt16)fHeight;
for( ; y < height; y++ )
UInt32 *destPtr = GetAddr32( x, y );
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ )
destPtr[ i ] = hex;
//// FrameRect ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::FrameRect( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, UInt16 width, UInt16 height, hsColorRGBA &color )
if( !IIsValid() )
if( x + width > fWidth )
width = (UInt16)(fWidth - x);
if( y + height > fHeight )
height = (UInt16)(fHeight - y);
// Shouldn't be much harder
UInt32 i, hex = color.ToARGB32();
UInt32 *dest1, *dest2;
dest1 = GetAddr32( x, y );
dest2 = GetAddr32( x, y + height - 1 );
for( i = 0; i < width; i++ )
dest1[ i ] = dest2[ i ] = hex;
for( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
dest1[ 0 ] = dest1[ width - 1 ] = hex;
dest1 += fWidth;
//// DrawImage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawImage( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *image, DrawMethods method )
if( !IIsValid() )
plMipmap::CompositeOptions opts;
if( method == kImgNoAlpha )
if( fHasAlpha )
opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kForceOpaque;
opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kCopySrcAlpha; // Don't care, this is fastest
else if( method == kImgBlend )
opts.fFlags = 0; // Default opts
else if( method == kImgSprite )
opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kCopySrcAlpha;
Composite( image, x, y, &opts );
/// HACK for now, since the alpha in the mipmap gets copied straight into the
/// 32-bit color buffer, but our separate hacked alpha buffer hasn't been updated
/* if( fHasAlpha && !respectAlpha )
HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
RECT rc;
::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + image->GetWidth(), y + image->GetHeight() );
::FillRect( fWinAlphaDC, &rc, brush );
::DeleteObject( brush );
//// DrawClippedImage /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::DrawClippedImage( UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *image,
UInt16 srcClipX, UInt16 srcClipY,
UInt16 srcClipWidth, UInt16 srcClipHeight,
DrawMethods method )
if( !IIsValid() )
plMipmap::CompositeOptions opts;
if( method == kImgNoAlpha )
if( fHasAlpha )
opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kForceOpaque;
opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kCopySrcAlpha; // Don't care, this is fastest
else if( method == kImgBlend )
opts.fFlags = 0; // Default opts
else if( method == kImgSprite )
opts.fFlags = plMipmap::kCopySrcAlpha;
opts.fSrcClipX = srcClipX;
opts.fSrcClipY = srcClipY;
opts.fSrcClipWidth = srcClipWidth;
opts.fSrcClipHeight = srcClipHeight;
Composite( image, x, y, &opts );
/// HACK for now, since the alpha in the mipmap gets copied straight into the
/// 32-bit color buffer, but our separate hacked alpha buffer hasn't been updated
/* if( fHasAlpha && !respectAlpha )
HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
RECT rc;
::SetRect( &rc, x, y, x + ( srcClipWidth > 0 ? srcClipWidth : image->GetWidth() ),
y + ( srcClipHeight > 0 ? srcClipHeight : image->GetHeight() ) );
::FillRect( fWinAlphaDC, &rc, brush );
::DeleteObject( brush );
//// FlushToHost //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plDynamicTextMap::FlushToHost( void )
if( !IIsValid() )
// Dirty the mipmap's deviceRef, if there is one
if( GetDeviceRef() != nil )
GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true );
//// GetLayerTransform ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Since the textGen can actually create a texture bigger than you were expecting,
// you want to be able to apply a layer texture transform that will compensate. This
// function will give you that transform. Just feed it into plLayer->SetTransform().
hsMatrix44 plDynamicTextMap::GetLayerTransform( void )
hsMatrix44 xform;
hsVector3 scale;
scale.Set( (float)GetVisibleWidth() / (float)GetWidth(),
(float)GetVisibleHeight() / (float)GetHeight(), 1.f );
xform.MakeScaleMat( &scale );
return xform;
//// MsgReceive ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
hsBool plDynamicTextMap::MsgReceive( plMessage *msg )
plDynamicTextMsg *textMsg = plDynamicTextMsg::ConvertNoRef( msg );
if( textMsg != nil )
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kClear )
ClearToColor( textMsg->fClearColor );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kSetTextColor )
SetTextColor( textMsg->fColor, textMsg->fBlockRGB );
if( (textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kSetFont ) && textMsg->fString)
SetFont( textMsg->fString, textMsg->fX, (UInt8)(textMsg->fFlags) );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kSetLineSpacing )
SetLineSpacing( textMsg->fLineSpacing );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kSetJustify )
SetJustify( (Justify)textMsg->fFlags );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kFillRect )
FillRect( textMsg->fLeft, textMsg->fTop, textMsg->fRight - textMsg->fLeft + 1,
textMsg->fBottom - textMsg->fTop + 1, textMsg->fColor );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kFrameRect )
FrameRect( textMsg->fLeft, textMsg->fTop, textMsg->fRight - textMsg->fLeft + 1,
textMsg->fBottom - textMsg->fTop + 1, textMsg->fColor );
if( (textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kDrawString ) && textMsg->fString)
DrawString( textMsg->fX, textMsg->fY, textMsg->fString );
if( (textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kDrawClippedString ) && textMsg->fString)
DrawClippedString( textMsg->fX, textMsg->fY, textMsg->fString,
textMsg->fLeft, textMsg->fTop, textMsg->fRight - textMsg->fLeft + 1,
textMsg->fBottom - textMsg->fTop + 1 );
if( (textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kDrawWrappedString ) && textMsg->fString)
DrawWrappedString( textMsg->fX, textMsg->fY, textMsg->fString, textMsg->fRight, textMsg->fBottom );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kDrawImage )
plMipmap *mip = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef( textMsg->fImageKey ? textMsg->fImageKey->ObjectIsLoaded() : nil);
if( mip != nil )
DrawImage( textMsg->fX, textMsg->fY, mip, textMsg->fFlags ? kImgBlend : kImgNoAlpha );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kDrawClippedImage )
plMipmap *mip = plMipmap::ConvertNoRef( textMsg->fImageKey ? textMsg->fImageKey->ObjectIsLoaded() : nil);
if( mip != nil )
DrawClippedImage( textMsg->fX, textMsg->fY, mip, textMsg->fLeft, textMsg->fTop,
textMsg->fRight, textMsg->fBottom, textMsg->fFlags ? kImgBlend : kImgNoAlpha );
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kFlush )
if( textMsg->fCmd & plDynamicTextMsg::kPurgeImage )
return true;
return plMipmap::MsgReceive( msg );
//// Swap /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Swapping is an evil little trick. It's also something that should probably
// be exposed at the mipmap level eventually, but there's no need for it yet.
// Basically, it lets you take the contents of two DTMaps and swap them, as
// if you had swapped pointers, but you didn't. This is so you can, well, swap
// DTMaps without swapping pointers! (Like, say, you don't have access to them)
#define SWAP_ME( Type, a, b ) { Type temp; temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }
void plDynamicTextMap::Swap( plDynamicTextMap *other )
// We only do this if the two are the same size, color depth, etc
if( other->GetWidth() != GetWidth() || other->GetHeight() != GetHeight() ||
other->GetPixelSize() != GetPixelSize() )
// Swap image pointers
void *ptr = other->fImage;
other->fImage = fImage;
fImage = ptr;
// Invalidate both device refs (don't risk swapping THOSE)
if( GetDeviceRef() != nil )
GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true );
if( other->GetDeviceRef() != nil )
other->GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true );
// Swap DTMap info
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fHasAlpha, other->fHasAlpha );
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fShadowed, other->fShadowed );
SWAP_ME( Justify, fJustify, other->fJustify );
SWAP_ME( char *, fFontFace, other->fFontFace );
SWAP_ME( UInt16, fFontSize, other->fFontSize );
SWAP_ME( UInt8, fFontFlags, other->fFontFlags );
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fFontAntiAliasRGB, other->fFontAntiAliasRGB );
SWAP_ME( hsColorRGBA, fFontColor, other->fFontColor );
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fFontBlockRGB, other->fFontBlockRGB );
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fFontBlockRGB, other->fFontBlockRGB );
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fFontBlockRGB, other->fFontBlockRGB );
SWAP_ME( hsBool, fFontBlockRGB, other->fFontBlockRGB );
SWAP_ME( plFont *, fCurrFont, other->fCurrFont );
SWAP_ME( UInt32 *, fInitBuffer, other->fInitBuffer );