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14 years ago
| Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
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Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
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// //
// pfGUIControlMod Header //
// //
#ifndef _pfGUIControlMod_h
#define _pfGUIControlMod_h
14 years ago
#include "pnModifier/plSingleModifier.h"
14 years ago
#include "hsBounds.h"
14 years ago
#include "plMessage/plInputEventMsg.h"
14 years ago
#include "pfGameGUIMgr.h"
#include "hsColorRGBA.h"
#include "hsRefCnt.h"
class plMessage;
class plPostEffectMod;
class pfGUIDialogMod;
class pfGUICtrlProcObject;
class pfGUIDropTargetProc;
class plDynamicTextMap;
class plLayerInterface;
//// pfGUIColorScheme ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Tiny helper wrapper for a set of colors used to draw various controls
class pfGUIColorScheme : public hsRefCnt
hsColorRGBA fForeColor, fBackColor;
hsColorRGBA fSelForeColor, fSelBackColor;
hsBool fTransparent;
char *fFontFace;
UInt8 fFontSize;
UInt8 fFontFlags;
enum FontFlags
kFontBold = 0x01,
kFontItalic = 0x02,
kFontShadowed = 0x04
pfGUIColorScheme( hsColorRGBA &foreColor, hsColorRGBA &backColor );
pfGUIColorScheme( const char *face, UInt8 size, UInt8 fontFlags );
void SetFontFace( const char *face );
void Read( hsStream *s );
void Write( hsStream *s );
hsBool IsBold( void ) { return ( fFontFlags & kFontBold ) ? true : false; }
hsBool IsItalic( void ) { return ( fFontFlags & kFontItalic ) ? true : false; }
hsBool IsShadowed( void ) { return ( fFontFlags & kFontShadowed ) ? true : false; }
void IReset( void );
//// Class Def ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class pfGUISkin;
class pfGUIControlMod : public plSingleModifier
friend class pfGUIDialogMod;
UInt32 fTagID;
hsBool fEnabled, fFocused, fVisible, fInteresting;
hsBool fNotifyOnInteresting;
pfGUIDialogMod *fDialog;
hsBounds3 fBounds, fInitialBounds; // Z component is 0-1
hsScalar fScreenMinZ; // Closest Z coordinate in screen space
hsPoint3 fScreenCenter;
hsBool fBoundsValid, fCenterValid;
hsMatrix44 fXformMatrix; // Only used for doing drag work, etc.
pfGUICtrlProcObject *fHandler;
pfGUIDropTargetProc *fDropTargetHdlr;
plDynamicTextMap *fDynTextMap; // Some controls use this; for others, it'll be nil
plLayerInterface *fDynTextLayer; // Juse so we can reset the transform. Sheesh!
pfGUIColorScheme *fColorScheme;
plSceneObject *fProxy;
hsTArray<hsPoint3> fBoundsPoints; // For more accurate bounds tests
hsTArray<int> fSoundIndices; // Indices of sounds to trigger on the target SO's audible interface
pfGUISkin *fSkin;
hsBool ISetUpDynTextMap( plPipeline *pipe );
virtual void IPostSetUpDynTextMap( void ) {}
virtual void IGrowDTMDimsToDesiredSize( UInt16 &width, UInt16 &height ) { }
virtual hsBool IEval( double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty ); // called only by owner object's Eval()
void ISetDialog( pfGUIDialogMod *mod ) { fDialog = mod; }
void IScreenToLocalPt( hsPoint3 &pt );
virtual void IUpdate( void ) {;}
void ISetHandler( pfGUICtrlProcObject *h, hsBool clearInheritFlag = false );
void IPlaySound( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent, hsBool loop = false );
void IStopSound( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent );
virtual UInt32 IGetDesiredCursor( void ) const { return 0; } // As specified in plInputInterface.h
virtual ~pfGUIControlMod();
GETINTERFACE_ANY( pfGUIControlMod, plSingleModifier );
virtual hsBool MsgReceive( plMessage* pMsg );
virtual void Read( hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr );
virtual void Write( hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr );
UInt32 GetTagID( void ) { return fTagID; }
virtual void SetEnabled( hsBool e );
virtual hsBool IsEnabled( void ) { return fEnabled; }
virtual void SetFocused( hsBool e );
virtual hsBool IsFocused( void ) { return fFocused; }
virtual void SetVisible( hsBool vis );
virtual hsBool IsVisible( void ) { return fVisible; }
virtual void SetInteresting( hsBool i );
hsBool IsInteresting( void ) { return fInteresting; }
virtual void SetNotifyOnInteresting( hsBool state ) { fNotifyOnInteresting = state; }
pfGUIDialogMod *GetOwnerDlg( void ) { return fDialog; }
virtual void Refresh( void );
virtual void UpdateBounds( hsMatrix44 *invXformMatrix = nil, hsBool force = false );
void SetObjectCenter( hsScalar x, hsScalar y );
virtual hsPoint3 GetObjectCenter() { return fScreenCenter; }
hsScalar GetScreenMinZ( void ) { return fScreenMinZ; }
void CalcInitialBounds( void );
const hsBounds3 &GetBounds( void );
hsBool PointInBounds( const hsPoint3 &point );
virtual void SetTarget( plSceneObject *object );
// Return false if you actually DON'T want the mouse clicked at this point (should only be used for non-rectangular region rejection)
virtual hsBool FilterMousePosition( hsPoint3 &mousePt ) { return true; }
virtual void HandleMouseDown( hsPoint3 &mousePt, UInt8 modifiers ) {;}
virtual void HandleMouseUp( hsPoint3 &mousePt, UInt8 modifiers ) {;}
virtual void HandleMouseDrag( hsPoint3 &mousePt, UInt8 modifiers ) {;}
virtual void HandleMouseHover( hsPoint3 &mousePt, UInt8 modifiers ) {;}
virtual void HandleMouseDblClick( hsPoint3 &mousePt, UInt8 modifiers ) {;}
virtual hsBool HandleKeyPress( char key, UInt8 modifiers );
virtual hsBool HandleKeyEvent( pfGameGUIMgr::EventType event, plKeyDef key, UInt8 modifiers );
void SetHandler( pfGUICtrlProcObject *h ) { ISetHandler( h, true ); }
void DoSomething( void ); // Will call the handler
void HandleExtendedEvent( UInt32 event ); // Will call the handler
pfGUICtrlProcObject *GetHandler( void ) const { return fHandler; }
void SetDropTargetHdlr( pfGUIDropTargetProc *drop );
pfGUIDropTargetProc *GetDropTargetHdlr( void ) { return fDropTargetHdlr; }
kRefDerivedStart = 32
enum Flags // plSingleModifier already has SetFlag()/HasFlag()
kIntangible, // I.E. it doesn't exists on the screen/can't be clicked on.
// Used for group objects like the up/down pair
kScaleTextWithResolution, // I.E. take up the same space on screen no matter the resolution
kTakesSpecialKeys, // I.E. disable bindings for keys like backspace because we want them
kDerivedFlagsStart = 32
virtual void SetColorScheme( pfGUIColorScheme *newScheme );
pfGUIColorScheme *GetColorScheme( void ) const;
// should be override by specific GUIcontrol
virtual void PurgeDynaTextMapImage() {;}
// Override from plModifier so we can update our bounds
virtual void SetTransform(const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l);
// Forces an immediate play of the given GUI control event sound
void PlaySound( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent, hsBool loop = false ) { IPlaySound( guiCtrlEvent, loop ); }
void StopSound( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent ) { IStopSound( guiCtrlEvent ); }
// Export only
void SetTagID( UInt32 id ) { fTagID = id; }
void SetDynTextMap( plLayerInterface *layer, plDynamicTextMap *dynText );
void SetSoundIndex( UInt8 guiCtrlEvent, int soundIndex );
#endif // _pfGUIControlMod_h