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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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#pragma once
#include "plAvatarTasks.h"
#include "hsQuat.h"
#include "hsGeometry3.h"
class plArmatureMod;
class plArmatureBrain;
class plAvBrainHuman;
class plSceneObject;
class plAvTaskSeek : public plAvTask
static hsBool fLogProcess;
enum State {
UInt8 fState;
kSeekFlagUnForce3rdPersonOnFinish = 0x1,
kSeekFlagForce3rdPersonOnStart = 0x2,
kSeekFlagNoWarpOnTimeout = 0x4,
kSeekFlagRotationOnly = 0x8,
plAvTaskSeek(plKey target);
plAvTaskSeek(plAvSeekMsg *msg);
plAvTaskSeek(plKey target, plAvAlignment align, const char *animName, bool moving);
void SetTarget(plKey target);
void SetTarget(hsPoint3 &pos, hsPoint3 &lookAt);
/** Initiate the task; make sure we're running on the right type of brain, save off
user input state, and turn off any other running behaviors.*/
virtual hsBool Start(plArmatureMod *avatar, plArmatureBrain *brain, double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** Progress towards the goal using a combination of walking and cheating-via-sliding.
Returns true if we're still working on it; false if we're done. */
virtual hsBool Process(plArmatureMod *avatar, plArmatureBrain *brain, double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** Restore user input state, etc. */
virtual void Finish(plArmatureMod *avatar, plArmatureBrain *brain, double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** clear our target, and when we try to eval, we'll just finish */
virtual void LeaveAge(plArmatureMod *avatar);
/** Spew "useful" information to the game screen. Used when Avatar.Debug is active. */
virtual void DumpDebug(const char *name, int &x, int&y, int lineHeight, char *strBuf, plDebugText &debugTxt);
void DumpToAvatarLog(plArmatureMod *avatar);
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plAvTaskSeek, plAvTask );
/** Called by constructors */
void IInitDefaults();
/** Make some observations about our current relation to our target.
Done every frame. */
hsBool IAnalyze(plArmatureMod *avatar);
/** Progress towards the goal. We get as close as we can by just pushing the same
buttons as the user (forward, turn, etc.) when we're really close we slide
around a bit so we can wind up on the *exact* initial orientation. */
hsBool IMoveTowardsGoal(plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain, double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** Okay, we're in the pure cheating mode now. Try to wrap it up;
returns true when it's finally there. */
bool ITryFinish(plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain, double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** Final cheating for position */
hsBool IFinishPosition(hsPoint3 &newPosition, plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain,
double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** Final cheating for rotation */
hsBool IFinishRotation(hsQuat &newRotation, plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain,
double time, hsScalar elapsed);
/** If our target's moving, cache its new position and orientation for later math */
hsBool IUpdateObjective(plArmatureMod *avatar);
plSceneObject * fSeekObject; // the seek target....
hsQuat fSeekRot; // The (current) orientation of our objective
hsPoint3 fSeekPos; // The (current) position of our objective
bool fMovingTarget; // do we check our target's position each frame?
// animation alignment:
// sometimes your seek position depends on a particular animation
// for example, you can say "find a good start point so that you can play this animation
// and have your handle wind up here" i.e: aligntype = "kAlignHandleAnimEnd"
plAvAlignment fAlign; // how to line up with the seek point
const char * fAnimName; // an (optional) anim to use to line up our target
// so you can say "seek to a place where your hand
// will be here after you play animation foo"
hsPoint3 fPosition; // our current position
hsQuat fRotation; // our current rotation
// These are set to true once we EVER get close enough to the goal, so that if we fall out
// of range from the anim blend out, we don't later try and correct again, and get in a fun
// little back-and-forth loop.
hsBool fPosGoalHit;
hsBool fRotGoalHit;
hsBool fStillPositioning; // haven't yet reached the final position
hsBool fStillRotating; // haven't yet reached the final orientation
hsVector3 fGoalVec; // vec from us to the goal
hsScalar fDistance; // how far to the goal?
hsScalar fAngForward; // 1.0 = goal is forward; -1.0 = goal is backward
hsScalar fAngRight; // 1.0 = goal is directly right; -1.0 = goal is directly left
hsScalar fDistForward; // distance straight forward to goal plane
hsScalar fDistRight; // distance straight right to goal plane
hsScalar fShuffleRange;
hsScalar fMaxSidleAngle; // in right . goal
hsScalar fMaxSidleRange; // in feet
hsScalar fMinFwdAngle; // in fwd . goal
hsScalar fMaxBackAngle; // in fwd . goal
double fStartTime;
UInt8 fFlags;
plKey fNotifyFinishedKey; // Send a message to this key when we're done.