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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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#ifndef plSpanInstance_inc
#define plSpanInstance_inc
#include "hsGeometry3.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
// plClusterGroup
// array of templates
// array of materials (indexed by templates)
// array of clusters
// array of LOD blend
// array of vis sets
// plCluster
// array of span instances that are combinable
// LOD blend start and end index
// vis set index
// Combinable means:
// same material
// same format
// same LOD blend
// same vis set
// same lights
// same encoding?
// plSpanInstance
// template idx
// 3x4 transform
// encoding flags
// (what components does it include, delPos? color?)
// (what's the encoding? 32bit RGBA? 16Bit/Chan? 10Bit/Chan? 8Bit/Chan?)
// (need an encoding per channel)
// plSpanTemplate
// numVerts
// Format (assume pos & norm?)
// kUVWMask
// kColMask
// kWeightMask
// fPos
// fNorm
// fCol
// fUVWs
// fWeights
class plSpanEncoding
kPosNone = 0x0,
kPos888 = 0x1,
kPos161616 = 0x2,
kPos101010 = 0x4,
kPos008 = 0x8,
kPosMask = kPos888 | kPos161616 | kPos101010 | kPos008,
kColNone = 0x0,
kColA8 = 0x10,
kColI8 = 0x20,
kColAI88 = 0x40,
kColRGB888 = 0x80,
kColARGB8888 = 0x100,
kColMask = kColNone
| kColA8
| kColI8
| kColAI88
| kColRGB888
| kColARGB8888,
UInt32 fCode;
hsScalar fPosScale;
plSpanEncoding() : fCode(kPosNone|kColNone), fPosScale(0) {}
plSpanEncoding(UInt32 c, hsScalar s) : fCode(c), fPosScale(s) {}
UInt32 Code() const { return fCode; }
hsScalar Scale() const { return fPosScale; }
void Read(hsStream* s);
void Write(hsStream* s) const;
class plSpanInstance
UInt8* fPosDelta;
UInt8* fCol;
hsScalar fL2W[3][4];
friend class plSpanInstanceIter;
void Read(hsStream* s, const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts);
void Write(hsStream* s, const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts) const;
void Encode(const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts, const hsVector3* delPos, const UInt32* color);
void Alloc(const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts);
void DeAlloc();
hsMatrix44 LocalToWorld() const;
hsMatrix44 WorldToLocal() const;
void SetLocalToWorld(const hsMatrix44& l2w);
hsBool HasPosDelta() const { return fPosDelta != nil; }
hsBool HasColor() const { return fCol != nil; }
static UInt16 PosStrideFromEncoding(const plSpanEncoding& encoding)
switch(encoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kPosMask)
case plSpanEncoding::kPos888:
return 3;
case plSpanEncoding::kPos161616:
return 6;
case plSpanEncoding::kPos101010:
return 4;
case plSpanEncoding::kPos008:
return 1;
return 0;
static UInt16 ColStrideFromEncoding(const plSpanEncoding& encoding)
switch(encoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kPosMask)
case plSpanEncoding::kColNone:
return 0;
case plSpanEncoding::kColA8:
return 1;
case plSpanEncoding::kColI8:
return 1;
case plSpanEncoding::kColAI88:
return 2;
case plSpanEncoding::kColRGB888:
return 3;
case plSpanEncoding::kColARGB8888:
return 4;
return 0;
class plSpanInstanceIter
plSpanInstance* fInst;
plSpanEncoding fEncoding;
UInt32 fNumVerts;
Int32 fNumVertsLeft;
UInt16 fPosStride;
UInt16 fColStride;
union {
Int8* fPos888;
Int16* fPos161616;
UInt32* fPos101010;
union {
UInt8* fA8;
UInt8* fI8;
UInt16* fAI88;
UInt8* fRGB888;
UInt32* fARGB8888;
plSpanInstanceIter(plSpanInstance* inst, const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts) { Init(inst, encoding, numVerts); }
void Init(plSpanInstance* inst, const plSpanEncoding& encoding, UInt32 numVerts)
fInst = inst;
fEncoding = encoding;
fNumVerts = numVerts;
fPosStride = inst->PosStrideFromEncoding(fEncoding);
fColStride = inst->ColStrideFromEncoding(fEncoding);
fNumVertsLeft = 0;
void Begin()
fPos888 = (Int8*)fInst->fPosDelta;
fA8 = fInst->fCol;
fNumVertsLeft = fNumVerts;
void Advance()
fPos888 += fPosStride;
fA8 += fColStride;
hsBool More() const { return fNumVertsLeft > 0; }
hsVector3 DelPos() const
switch(fEncoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kPosMask)
case plSpanEncoding::kPos888:
return hsVector3(fPos888[0] * fEncoding.fPosScale,
fPos888[1] * fEncoding.fPosScale,
fPos888[2] * fEncoding.fPosScale);
case plSpanEncoding::kPos161616:
return hsVector3(fPos161616[0] * fEncoding.fPosScale,
fPos161616[1] * fEncoding.fPosScale,
fPos161616[2] * fEncoding.fPosScale);
case plSpanEncoding::kPos101010:
return hsVector3(int(*fPos101010 & 0x3f) * fEncoding.fPosScale,
int((*fPos101010 >> 10) & 0x3f) * fEncoding.fPosScale,
int((*fPos101010 >> 20) & 0x3f) * fEncoding.fPosScale);
case plSpanEncoding::kPos008:
return hsVector3(0,0, *fPos888 * fEncoding.fPosScale);
return hsVector3(0,0,0);
hsPoint3 Position(const hsPoint3& p) const
hsPoint3 pos(p);
pos += DelPos();
return pos;
UInt32 Color(UInt32 c) const
switch(fEncoding.fCode & plSpanEncoding::kColMask)
case plSpanEncoding::kColA8:
return (c & 0x00ffffff) | *fA8;
case plSpanEncoding::kColI8:
return (c & 0xff000000)
| (*fI8 << 16)
| (*fI8 << 8)
| (*fI8 << 0);
case plSpanEncoding::kColAI88:
const UInt32 col = *fAI88 & 0xff;
return ((*fAI88 & 0xff00) << 24)
| (col << 16)
| (col << 8)
| (col << 0);
case plSpanEncoding::kColRGB888:
return (c & 0xff000000)
| (fRGB888[0] << 16)
| (fRGB888[1] << 8)
| (fRGB888[2] << 0);
case plSpanEncoding::kColARGB8888:
return *fARGB8888;
return c;
#endif // plSpanInstance_inc