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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef plAccessGeometry_inc
#define plAccessGeometry_inc
#include "hsTemplates.h"
class plDrawable;
class plDrawableSpans;
class plGeometrySpan;
class plDrawInterface;
class plAccessSpan;
class plSpan;
class plParticleSpan;
class plIcicle;
class plVertexSpan;
class plPipeline;
class plAccessGeometry : public hsRefCnt
void Nilify() { fPipe = nil; }
friend class plAccessGeometry;
plPipeline* fPipe;
static plAccessGeometry* fInstance;
// You're welcome to make your own,
// but this is normally just called by the global plAccessGeometry's Init() function.
// You should normally just use the instance supplied by Instance();
plAccessGeometry(plPipeline* pipe=nil);
static plAccessGeometry* Instance() { return fInstance; }
// App will initialize, which will create the global instance.
// DeInit will nil the global instance.
static void Init(plPipeline* pipe);
static void DeInit();
// External DLL's will share the same plAccessGeometry. After the main App has
// DeInited the AccessGeometry,
// all calls to Instance()->Function() will return nil in one form or another (e.g.
// empty triangle lists). The external DLL needs to either not try to use these
// accessor functions after PythonInterface::WeAreInShutdown() (it won't do any good
// anyway as any work done will be thrown away), or else be prepared for receiving
// empty data where there was data before.
static void SetTheIntance(plAccessGeometry* i);
// You have 2 options in opening the data.
// RO - Read Only.
// If you specify useSnapShot=true, then for channels which have had a snapshot
// taken, you will get pointers to this constant original snapshot form. For
// channels which have no snapshot data, or if useSnapShot=false, you will get
// pointers to the current (possibly modified since load) data. See SnapShot functions
// below.
// RW - Read/Write access to the source data. After closing, this modified source data
// will be used to update the buffer data used for rendering.
// In the normal case of reading the original (disk image) data, performing some operation
// on it and updating the renderable data, you need to open the same data twice, once
// RO(useSnapShot=true) (to get the constant source data) and once RW (for destination data). Note that
// the memory returned by RO will may be the same as returned by RW if there has been no snapshot
// taken.
// The RW permutation by itself is useful when performing a one-time operation on the data (e.g.
// loadtime), so the modified source data is, to everyone else, what was read from disk.
// The only way to retrieve the original source data is to read it from disk again,
// unless you've made a snapshot. Normally you would do a RW modify the original data,
// then take the snapshot if you are going to be performing more modifications.
// In ALL MODIFICATION CASES, if the modified data is paged out, and the original paged back in, you will
// need to perform your operation again - your modifications aren't saved anywhere.
void OpenRO(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, plAccessSpan& acc, hsBool useSnapShot=true) const;
void OpenRW(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, plAccessSpan& acc, hsBool idxToo=false) const;
// What do we need to close up here?
void Close(plAccessSpan& acc) const;
// Second set. You have a SceneObject's DrawInterface. This can reference into
// multiple drawables, and multiple spans within each drawable. You would rather
// not deal with it. So you can open by passing in a DrawInterface, and get back
// a list of geometry corresponding to that SceneObject/DrawInterface.
// NOTE: the list is in no way suggested to be homogenous. In fact, it's guaranteed
// not to be, because the reason the single object resolved into multiple geometry spans
// (possibly across multiple drawables) is that the conceptual single object is composed
// of multiple types of data that can't be batched into a single drawprimitive call.
// At the least, the different AccessSpans will have different materials. But it's just
// as likely that they will have different underlying formats (number of UVs, etc.).
// Again, if you are using the iterators supplied, you probably don't care, but sometimes
// you will (like if you are messing with the UVs).
void OpenRO(const plDrawInterface* di, hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& accs, hsBool useSnapShot=true) const;
void OpenRW(const plDrawInterface* di, hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& accs, hsBool idxToo=false) const;
void Close(hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& accs) const;
// SnapShot functions.
// If you need to generate channel values based on the original values (e.g. normal perterbation)
// you need to reserve a copy of the original data. Only the channels specified will be copied.
// Only one snapshot is ever taken, and it is the union of all channels requested. For example,
// taking a snapshot of positions AFTER taking a snapshot of positions/normals is a no-op,
// but taking a snapshot of positions/normals AFTER a snapshot of just positions will result in
// a copy of positions from the old snapshot, then a copy of normals from the buffergroup
// into the new snapshot, then freeing of the old snapshot.
// Still, you should only snapshot the minimum set of channels you will need to be reading in their
// original form later.
// The snapshot data is refcounted. You need to match your TakeSnapShots with FreeSnapShots.
// SnapShot data is stored interleaved for efficiency, but don't count on it. Use an iterator.
// RestoreSnapShot will copy the stored channels back into the buffer group, resetting those channels to
// the state when the snapshot was taken. Note that channels not SnapShotted might have been modified
// via OpenRW.
void TakeSnapShot(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, UInt32 channels) const;
void RestoreSnapShot(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, UInt32 channels) const;
void ReleaseSnapShot(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx) const;
void TakeSnapShot(const plDrawInterface* di, UInt32 channels) const;
void RestoreSnapShot(const plDrawInterface* di, UInt32 channels) const;
void ReleaseSnapShot(const plDrawInterface* di) const;
// We often have geometry spans just sitting around devoid of any DI's, drawables or sceneobjects.
// They aren't too bad to access directly (not like diving through the drawable into buffergroups),
// but this let's them be accessed in a manner consistent with other geometry manipulations.
void AccessSpanFromGeometrySpan(plAccessSpan& dst, const plGeometrySpan* src) const { IAccessSpanFromSourceSpan(dst, src); }
void IAccessSpanFromSourceSpan(plAccessSpan& dst, const plGeometrySpan* src) const;
void IAccessSpanFromSpan(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plSpan* span, hsBool useSnap, hsBool readOnly) const;
void IAccessSpanFromVertexSpan(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plVertexSpan* span, hsBool readOnly) const;
void IAccessConnectivity(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plSpan* src) const;
void IAccessSpanFromIcicle(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plIcicle* span, hsBool readOnly) const;
void IAccessSpanFromParticle(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plParticleSpan* span, hsBool readOnly) const;
void IAccessSpanFromSnap(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plSpan* src) const;
void IOpen(plDrawable* d, UInt32 spanIdx, plAccessSpan& acc, hsBool useSnap, hsBool readOnly, hsBool idxToo=true) const;
#endif // plAccessGeometry_inc