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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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#ifndef plMessage_inc
#define plMessage_inc
#include "pnFactory/plCreatable.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
class plKey;
class hsStream;
// Base class for messages only has enough info to route it
// and send it over the wire (Read/Write).
class plMessage : public plCreatable
typedef UInt16 plStrLen;
enum plBCastFlags {
kBCastNone = 0x0,
kBCastByType = 0x1, // To everyone registered for this msg type or msgs this is derived from
kBCastUNUSED_0 = 0x2, // Obsolete option (never used). Was BCastBySender
kPropagateToChildren = 0x4, // Propagate down through SceneObject heirarchy
kBCastByExactType = 0x8, // To everyone registered for this exact msg type.
kPropagateToModifiers = 0x10, // Send the msg to an object and all its modifier
kClearAfterBCast = 0x20, // Clear registration for this type after sending this msg
kNetPropagate = 0x40, // Propagate this message over the network (remotely)
kNetSent = 0x80, // Internal use-This msg has been sent over the network
kNetUseRelevanceRegions = 0x100, // Used along with NetPropagate to filter the msg bcast using relevance regions
kNetForce = 0x200, // Used along with NetPropagate to force the msg to go out (ie. ignore cascading rules)
kNetNonLocal = 0x400, // Internal use-This msg came in over the network (remote msg)
kLocalPropagate = 0x800, // Propagate this message locally (ON BY DEFAULT)
kNetNonDeterministic = kNetForce, // This msg is a non-deterministic response to another msg
kMsgWatch = 0x1000, // Debug only - will break in dispatch before sending this msg
kNetStartCascade = 0x2000, // Internal use-msg is non-local and initiates a cascade of net msgs. This bit is not inherited or computed, it's a property.
kNetAllowInterAge = 0x4000, // If rcvr is online but not in current age, they will receive msg courtesy of pls routing.
kNetSendUnreliable = 0x8000, // Don't use reliable send when net propagating
kCCRSendToAllPlayers = 0x10000, // CCRs can send a plMessage to all online players.
kNetCreatedRemotely = 0x20000, // kNetSent and kNetNonLocal are inherited by child messages sent off while processing a net-propped
// parent. This flag ONLY gets sent on the actual message that went across the wire.
bool dispatchBreak;
friend class plDispatch;
friend class plDispatchLog;
plKey fSender;
hsTArray<plKey> fReceivers;
double fTimeStamp;
UInt32 fBCastFlags;
std::vector<UInt32>* fNetRcvrPlayerIDs;
void IMsgRead(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr); // default read implementation
void IMsgWrite(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr); // default write implementation
void IMsgReadVersion(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
void IMsgWriteVersion(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
plMessage(const plKey &s,
const plKey &r,
const double* t);
virtual ~plMessage();
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plMessage, plCreatable );
// These must be implemented by all derived message classes (hence pure).
// Derived classes should call the base-class default read/write implementation,
// so the derived Read() should call plMessage::IMsgRead().
virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) = 0;
virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) = 0;
const plKey GetSender() const { return fSender; }
plMessage& SetSender(const plKey &s) { fSender = s; return *this; }
plMessage& SetNumReceivers(int n);
UInt32 GetNumReceivers() const ;
const plKey& GetReceiver(int i) const;
plMessage& RemoveReceiver(int i);
plMessage& ClearReceivers();
plMessage& AddReceiver(const plKey &r);
plMessage& AddReceivers(const hsTArray<plKey>& rList);
hsBool Send(const plKey r=nil, hsBool async=false); // Message will self-destruct after send.
hsBool SendAndKeep(const plKey r=nil, hsBool async=false); // Message won't self-destruct after send.
const double GetTimeStamp() const { return fTimeStamp; }
plMessage& SetTimeStamp(double t) { fTimeStamp = t; return *this; }
hsBool HasBCastFlag(UInt32 f) const { return 0 != (fBCastFlags & f); }
plMessage& SetBCastFlag(UInt32 f, hsBool on=true) { if( on )fBCastFlags |= f; else fBCastFlags &= ~f; return *this; }
void SetAllBCastFlags(UInt32 f) { fBCastFlags=f; }
UInt32 GetAllBCastFlags() const { return fBCastFlags; }
void AddNetReceiver( UInt32 plrID );
void AddNetReceivers( const std::vector<UInt32> & plrIDs );
std::vector<UInt32>* GetNetReceivers() const { return fNetRcvrPlayerIDs; }
// just before dispatching this message, drop into debugger
void SetBreakBeforeDispatch (bool on) { dispatchBreak = on; }
bool GetBreakBeforeDispatch () const { return dispatchBreak; }
// Helpers for reading/writing these types:
// std::string
// xtl::istring
// c strings (char *)
// c arrays (type [])
// reads/writes your std::string field
struct plMsgStdStringHelper
static int Poke(const std::string & stringref, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int PokeBig(const std::string & stringref, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int Poke(const char * buf, UInt32 bufsz, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int PokeBig(const char * buf, UInt32 bufsz, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int Peek(std::string & stringref, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int PeekBig(std::string & stringref, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
// reads/writes your xtl::istring field
struct plMsgXtlStringHelper
static int Poke(const xtl::istring & stringref, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int Peek(xtl::istring & stringref, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
// reads/writes your char * field
struct plMsgCStringHelper
static int Poke(const char * str, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
// deletes str and reallocates. you must delete [] str;
static int Peek(char *& str, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
// reads/writes your type [] field
// don't use with byte ordered types like Int16,32.
// fine for Int8, char, and IEEE formatted types like float, double.
struct plMsgCArrayHelper
static int Poke(const void * buf, UInt32 bufsz, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
static int Peek(void * buf, UInt32 bufsz, hsStream* stream, const UInt32 peekOptions=0);
#endif // plMessage_inc