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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
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#ifndef plSDL_DESC_inc
#define plSDL_DESC_inc
// Code for State Description Language (SDL) Descriptors.
// These define a schema representing an object's saveState buffer.
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
// Describes a variable in a state descriptor.
// Every variable is actually a list, either fixed or variable length.
// Abstract base class.
class hsStream;
class plSimpleVarDescriptor;
class plSDVarDescriptor;
class plVarDescriptor
enum Type
kNone = -1,
// atomic types
kKey, // plKey - basically a uoid
kStateDescriptor, // this var refers to another state descriptor
kCreatable, // plCreatable - basically a classIdx and a read/write buffer
kTime, // double which is automatically converted to server clock and back, use for animation times
kAgeTimeOfDay, // float which is automatically set to the current age time of day (0-1)
// the following are a vector of floats
kVector3=50,// atomicCount=3
kPoint3, // atomicCount=3
kRGB, // atomicCount=3
kRGBA, // atomicCount=4
kQuaternion, // atomicCount=4
kRGB8, // atomicCount=3
kRGBA8, // atomicCount=4
typedef char String32[32];
enum Flags
kInternal = 0x1, // Don't allow access to this var in Vault Mgr
kAlwaysNew = 0x2, // Treat this var as always having the latest timestamp when FlaggingNewerState
kVariableLength = 0x4 // Var is defined as int foo[], so it's length is variable, starting at 0
static const UInt8 kVersion; // for Read/Write format
char* fDefault; // set by .sdl
char* fName; // set by .sdl
int fCount; // set by .sdl
Type fType; // set by .sdl
char* fTypeString; // string version of fType
UInt32 fFlags;
std::string fDisplayOptions; // set by .sdl
virtual ~plVarDescriptor();
virtual void CopyFrom(const plVarDescriptor* v);
// conversion ops
virtual plSimpleVarDescriptor* GetAsSimpleVarDescriptor() = 0;
virtual plSDVarDescriptor* GetAsSDVarDescriptor() = 0;
virtual const plSimpleVarDescriptor* GetAsSimpleVarDescriptor() const = 0;
virtual const plSDVarDescriptor* GetAsSDVarDescriptor() const = 0;
// getters
const char* GetDefault() const { return fDefault; }
const char* GetName() const { return fName; }
Type GetType() const { return fType; }
const char* GetTypeString() const { return fTypeString; }
int GetCount() const { return fCount; }
bool IsInternal() const { return (fFlags & kInternal) != 0; }
bool IsAlwaysNew() const { return (fFlags & kAlwaysNew) != 0; }
bool IsVariableLength() const { return (fFlags & kVariableLength) != 0; }
const char* GetDisplayOptions() const { return fDisplayOptions.c_str(); }
// setters
void SetDefault(const char* n) { delete [] fDefault; fDefault= hsStrcpy(n); }
void SetName(const char* n) { delete [] fName; fName = hsStrcpy(n); }
void SetCount(int c) { fCount=c; }
virtual bool SetType(const char* type);
void SetType(Type t) { fType=t; }
void SetInternal(bool d) { if (d) fFlags |= kInternal; else fFlags &= ~kInternal; }
void SetAlwaysNew(bool d) { if (d) fFlags |= kAlwaysNew; else fFlags &= ~kAlwaysNew; }
void SetVariableLength(bool d) { if (d) fFlags |= kVariableLength; else fFlags &= ~kVariableLength; }
void SetDisplayOptions(const char* s) { fDisplayOptions=s; }
// IO
virtual bool Read(hsStream* s);
virtual void Write(hsStream* s) const;
// Simple, non-nested var descriptors. These are comprised of single types, as opposed to
// referring to another state descriptor.
class plSimpleVarDescriptor : public plVarDescriptor
Type fAtomicType; // base type (it. quaternion == kFloat)
int fAtomicCount; // computed from type in .sdl (ie. quaternion == 4)
virtual ~plSimpleVarDescriptor() { }
plSimpleVarDescriptor* GetAsSimpleVarDescriptor() { return this; }
plSDVarDescriptor* GetAsSDVarDescriptor() { return nil; }
const plSimpleVarDescriptor* GetAsSimpleVarDescriptor() const { return this; }
const plSDVarDescriptor* GetAsSDVarDescriptor() const { return nil; }
void CopyFrom(const plSimpleVarDescriptor* v);
void CopyFrom(const plVarDescriptor* v) { plVarDescriptor::CopyFrom(v); } // lame compiler
// getters
int GetSize() const;
int GetAtomicSize() const; // size of one item in bytes (regardless of count)
Type GetAtomicType() const { return fAtomicType; }
int GetAtomicCount() const { return fAtomicCount; }
// setters
bool SetType(const char* type);
void SetType(Type t) { plVarDescriptor::SetType(t); } // for lame compiler
void SetAtomicType(Type t) { fAtomicType=t; }
// IO
virtual bool Read(hsStream* s);
virtual void Write(hsStream* s) const;
// A var descriptor which references another state descriptor.
class plStateDescriptor;
class plSDVarDescriptor : public plVarDescriptor
plStateDescriptor* fStateDesc;
plSDVarDescriptor(plStateDescriptor* sd=nil) : fStateDesc(sd) { }
plSimpleVarDescriptor* GetAsSimpleVarDescriptor() { return nil; }
plSDVarDescriptor* GetAsSDVarDescriptor() { return this; }
const plSimpleVarDescriptor* GetAsSimpleVarDescriptor() const { return nil; }
const plSDVarDescriptor* GetAsSDVarDescriptor() const { return this; }
// getters
plStateDescriptor* GetStateDescriptor() const { return fStateDesc; }
// setters
void SetStateDesc(plStateDescriptor* sd) { fStateDesc=sd; }
void CopyFrom(const plSDVarDescriptor* v);
void CopyFrom(const plVarDescriptor* v) { plVarDescriptor::CopyFrom(v); } // lame compiler
// IO
bool Read(hsStream* s);
void Write(hsStream* s) const;
// A state descriptor - describes the contents of a type of state buffer.
// There is one of these for each persistent object type.
// These descriptors are defined in a user-created .sdl file.
class plKey;
class plStateDescriptor
static const UInt8 kVersion; // for Read/Write format
typedef std::vector<plVarDescriptor*> VarsList;
VarsList fVarsList;
int fVersion;
char* fName;
std::string fFilename; // the filename this descriptor was read from
void IDeInit();
plStateDescriptor() : fVersion(-1),fName(nil) {}
// getters
const char* GetName() const { return fName; }
int GetNumVars() const { return fVarsList.size(); }
plVarDescriptor* GetVar(int i) const { return fVarsList[i]; }
int GetVersion() const { return fVersion; }
const char * GetFilename() const { return fFilename.c_str();}
// setters
void SetVersion(int v) { fVersion=v; }
void SetName(const char* n) { delete [] fName; fName=hsStrcpy(n); }
void AddVar(plVarDescriptor* v) { fVarsList.push_back(v); }
void SetFilename( const char * n ) { fFilename=n;}
plVarDescriptor* FindVar(const char* name, int* idx=nil) const;
// IO
bool Read(hsStream* s);
void Write(hsStream* s) const;
#endif // plSDL_DESC_inc