432 lines
14 KiB

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// //
// plTextFont Class Functions //
// Cyan, Inc. //
// //
//// Version History //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// 2.19.2001 mcn - Created. //
// //
#include "hsWindows.h"
#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plTextFont.h"
#include "plDebugText.h"
#define DisplayableChar(c) (c >= 0 && c <= 128)
//// Constructor & Destructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////
plTextFont::plTextFont( plPipeline *pipe )
fMaxNumIndices = 1024;
fInitialized = false;
fPipe = pipe;
//// IInitFontTexture /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UInt16 *plTextFont::IInitFontTexture( void )
int nHeight, x, y, c;
char myChar[ 2 ] = "x";
UInt16 *tBits;
DWORD *bitmapBits;
HBITMAP hBitmap;
HFONT hFont;
SIZE size;
BYTE bAlpha;
// Figure out our texture size
if( fSize > 40 )
fTextureWidth = fTextureHeight = 1024;
else if( fSize > 20 )
fTextureWidth = fTextureHeight = 512;
fTextureWidth = fTextureHeight = 256;
// Create a new DC and bitmap that we can draw characters to
memset( &bmi.bmiHeader, 0, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = fTextureWidth;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(int)fTextureHeight;
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
hDC = CreateCompatibleDC( nil );
hBitmap = CreateDIBSection( hDC, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&bitmapBits, nil, 0 );
SetMapMode( hDC, MM_TEXT );
nHeight = -MulDiv( fSize, GetDeviceCaps( hDC, LOGPIXELSY ), 72 );
fFontHeight = -nHeight;
hsAssert( hFont != nil, "Cannot create Windows font" );
SelectObject( hDC, hBitmap );
SelectObject( hDC, hFont );
// Set text colors
SetTextColor( hDC, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
SetBkColor( hDC, 0 );
SetTextAlign( hDC, TA_TOP );
// Loop through characters, drawing them one at a time
r.left = r.top = 0;
r.right = r.bottom = 10;
FillRect( hDC, &r, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject( GRAY_BRUSH ) );
// (Make first character a black dot, for filling rectangles)
SetPixel( hDC, 0, 0, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
for( c = 32, x = 1, y = 0; c < 127; c++ )
myChar[ 0 ] = c;
GetTextExtentPoint32( hDC, myChar, 1, &size );
if( (UInt32)( x + size.cx + 1 ) > fTextureWidth )
x = 0;
y += size.cy + 1;
ExtTextOut( hDC, x, y, ETO_OPAQUE, nil, myChar, 1, nil );
fCharInfo[ c ].fW = (UInt16)size.cx;
fCharInfo[ c ].fH = (UInt16)size.cy;
fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ].fX = (float)x / (float)fTextureWidth;
fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ].fY = (float)y / (float)fTextureHeight;
fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fX = (float)( x + size.cx ) / (float)fTextureWidth;
fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fY = (float)( y + size.cy ) / (float)fTextureHeight;
fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ].fZ = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fZ = 0;
x += size.cx + 1;
fCharInfo[ 32 ].fUVs[ 1 ].fX = fCharInfo[ 32 ].fUVs[ 0 ].fX;
// Special case the tab key
fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fUVs[ 1 ].fX = fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fUVs[ 0 ].fX = fCharInfo[ 32 ].fUVs[ 0 ].fX;
fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fUVs[ 1 ].fY = fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fUVs[ 0 ].fY = 0;
fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fUVs[ 0 ].fZ = fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fUVs[ 1 ].fZ = 0;
fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fW = fCharInfo[ 32 ].fW * 4;
fCharInfo[ '\t' ].fH = fCharInfo[ 32 ].fH;
/// Now create the data block
UInt16 *data = TRACKED_NEW UInt16[ fTextureWidth * fTextureHeight ];
tBits = data;
for( y = 0; y < fTextureHeight; y++ )
for( x = 0; x < fTextureWidth; x++ )
bAlpha = (BYTE)( ( bitmapBits[ fTextureWidth * y + x ] & 0xff ) >> 4 );
if( bitmapBits[ fTextureWidth * y + x ] )
*tBits = 0xffff;
*tBits = 0;
// Cleanup and return
DeleteObject( hBitmap );
DeleteDC( hDC );
DeleteObject( hFont );
return data;
//// Create ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plTextFont::Create( char *face, UInt16 size )
// Init normal stuff
strncpy( fFace, face, sizeof( fFace ) );
fSize = size;
//// IInitObjects /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plTextFont::IInitObjects( void )
UInt16 *data;
// Create texture
data = IInitFontTexture();
hsAssert( data != nil, "Cannot create font texture" );
ICreateTexture( data );
delete [] data;
// Create state blocks
fInitialized = true;
//// DrawString ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plTextFont::DrawString( const char *string, int sX, int sY, UInt32 hexColor,
UInt8 style, UInt32 rightEdge )
static hsTArray<plFontVertex> verts;
int i, j, width, height, count, thisCount, italOffset;
float x = (float)sX;
char c, *strPtr;
if( !fInitialized )
/// Set up to draw
italOffset = ( style & plDebugText::kStyleItalic ) ? fSize / 2: 0;
count = strlen( string );
strPtr = (char *)string;
while( count > 0 )
thisCount = ( count > 64 ) ? 64 : count;
count -= thisCount;
// Create an array for our vertices
verts.SetCountAndZero( thisCount * ( ( style & plDebugText::kStyleBold ) ? 12 : 6 ) );
// Fill them all up now
for( i = 0; i < thisCount * ( ( style & plDebugText::kStyleBold ) ? 12 : 6 ); i++ )
verts[ i ].fColor = hexColor;
verts[ i ].fPoint.fZ = 0;
for( i = 0, j = 0; i < thisCount; i++, j += 6 )
c = strPtr[ i ];
// make sure its a character we will display
if ( DisplayableChar(c) )
width = fCharInfo[ c ].fW + 1;
height = fCharInfo[ c ].fH + 1;
if( rightEdge > 0 && x + width + italOffset >= rightEdge )
count = 0;
thisCount = i;
verts[ j ].fPoint.fX = x + italOffset;
verts[ j ].fPoint.fY = (float)sY;
verts[ j ].fUV = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ];
verts[ j + 1 ].fPoint.fX = x + width + italOffset;
verts[ j + 1 ].fPoint.fY = (float)sY;
verts[ j + 1 ].fUV = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ];
verts[ j + 1 ].fUV.fX = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fX;
verts[ j + 2 ].fPoint.fX = x;
verts[ j + 2 ].fPoint.fY = (float)sY + height;
verts[ j + 2 ].fUV = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ];
verts[ j + 2 ].fUV.fY = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fY;
verts[ j + 3 ].fPoint.fX = x;
verts[ j + 3 ].fPoint.fY = (float)sY + height;
verts[ j + 3 ].fUV = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ];
verts[ j + 3 ].fUV.fY = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fY;
verts[ j + 4 ].fPoint.fX = x + width + italOffset;
verts[ j + 4 ].fPoint.fY = (float)sY;
verts[ j + 4 ].fUV = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 0 ];
verts[ j + 4 ].fUV.fX = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ].fX;
verts[ j + 5 ].fPoint.fX = x + width;
verts[ j + 5 ].fPoint.fY = (float)sY + height;
verts[ j + 5 ].fUV = fCharInfo[ c ].fUVs[ 1 ];
x += width + 1;
if( thisCount == 0 )
if( style & plDebugText::kStyleBold )
for( i = 0; i < thisCount * 6; i++, j++ )
verts[ j ] = verts[ i ];
verts[ j ].fPoint.fX = verts[ j ].fPoint.fX + 1.0f;
/// TEMPORARY DEBUG ONLY: see if we can catch this stupid random draw bug
#if 0
for( i = 0; i < thisCount * ( ( style & plDebugText::kStyleBold ) ? 12 : 6 ); i += 3 )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
hsAssert( verts[ i + j ].fPoint.fX >= 0, "Text point out of range" );
hsAssert( verts[ i + j ].fPoint.fY >= 0, "Text point out of range" );
hsAssert( verts[ i + j ].fPoint.fX < 1024, "Text point out of range" );
hsAssert( verts[ i + j ].fPoint.fY < 768, "Text point out of range" );
int lt = ( verts[ i ].fPoint.fX < verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fX ? verts[ i ].fPoint.fX : verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fX );
lt = ( verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fX < lt ? verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fX : lt );
int tp = ( verts[ i ].fPoint.fY < verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fY ? verts[ i ].fPoint.fY : verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fY );
tp = ( verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fY < tp ? verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fY : tp );
int rt = ( verts[ i ].fPoint.fX > verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fX ? verts[ i ].fPoint.fX : verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fX );
rt = ( verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fX > rt ? verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fX : rt );
int bt = ( verts[ i ].fPoint.fY > verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fY ? verts[ i ].fPoint.fY : verts[ i + 1 ].fPoint.fY );
bt = ( verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fY > bt ? verts[ i + 2 ].fPoint.fY : bt );
hsAssert( rt - lt < 32, "Text character too big" );
hsAssert( bt - tp < 32, "Text character too big" );
/// TEMPORARY DEBUG ONLY: see if we can catch this stupid random draw bug
/// Draw a set of tris now
IDrawPrimitive( thisCount * ( ( style & plDebugText::kStyleBold ) ? 4 : 2 ), verts.AcquireArray() );
strPtr += thisCount;
/// All done!
//// CalcStringWidth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UInt32 plTextFont::CalcStringWidth( const char *string )
int i, width = 0;
if( !fInitialized )
for( i = 0; i < strlen( string ); i++ )
// make sure its a character we will display
if ( DisplayableChar(string[i]) )
width += fCharInfo[ string[ i ] ].fW + 2;
return width;
//// DrawRect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// TEMPORARY function to draw a flat-shaded 2D rectangle to the screen. Used
// to create a background for our console; will be obliterated once we figure
// a better way to do so.
void plTextFont::DrawRect( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, UInt32 hexColor )
static hsTArray<plFontVertex> verts;
int i;
if( !fInitialized )
/// Draw!
verts.SetCountAndZero( 6 );
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
verts[ i ].fColor = hexColor;
verts[ i ].fPoint.fZ = 0;
verts[ i ].fUV.fX = verts[ i ].fUV.fY = 0;
verts[ 0 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 2 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 3 ].fPoint.fX = (float)left;
verts[ 1 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 4 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 5 ].fPoint.fX = (float)right;
verts[ 0 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 1 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 4 ].fPoint.fY = (float)top;
verts[ 2 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 3 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 5 ].fPoint.fY = (float)bottom;
// omg I had this at 6...just slap the dunce cap on me...-mcn
IDrawPrimitive( 2, verts.AcquireArray() );
/// All done!
//// Draw3DBorder /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Draws a 3d border, upper-left with the first color, lower-right with the
// second. I just LOOOOVE temporary functions :)
// Note: this way sucks. Live with it.
void plTextFont::Draw3DBorder( int left, int top, int right, int bottom, UInt32 hexColor1, UInt32 hexColor2 )
static hsTArray<plFontVertex> verts;
int i;
if( !fInitialized )
/// Draw!
verts.SetCountAndZero( 8 );
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
verts[ i ].fColor = hexColor1;
verts[ i ].fPoint.fZ = 0;
verts[ i ].fUV.fX = verts[ i ].fUV.fY = 0;
verts[ 1 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 2 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 3 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 4 ].fPoint.fX = (float)left;
verts[ 0 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 5 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 6 ].fPoint.fX = verts[ 7 ].fPoint.fX = (float)right;
verts[ 0 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 1 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 2 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 7 ].fPoint.fY = (float)top;
verts[ 3 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 4 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 5 ].fPoint.fY = verts[ 6 ].fPoint.fY = (float)bottom;
for( i = 4; i < 8; i++ )
verts[ i ].fColor = hexColor2;
IDrawLines( 4, verts.AcquireArray() );
/// All done!