635 lines
21 KiB

CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plPythonMgr.h"
#include "MaxComponent/plAutoUIBlock.h"
//#include "Python.h"
#include "plMaxCFGFile.h"
#include "plFile/hsFiles.h"
#include "plgDispatch.h"
#include "pfPython/cyPythonInterface.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
plPythonMgr& plPythonMgr::Instance()
static plPythonMgr theInstance;
return theInstance;
// Python wants char, not const char, LAME!
static char* kGetBlockID = "glue_getBlockID";
static char* kGetClassName = "glue_getClassName";
static char* kGetNumParams = "glue_getNumParams";
static char* kGetParam = "glue_getParam";
static char* kGetVersion = "glue_getVersion";
static char* kIsMultiModifier = "glue_isMultiModifier";
static char* kGetVisInfo = "glue_getVisInfo";
bool ICallVoidFunc(PyObject *dict, char *funcName, PyObject*& val)
PyObject *func = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, (char*)funcName);
if (func )
if (PyCallable_Check(func))
val = PyObject_CallFunction(func, NULL);
if (val)
// there might have been some message printed, so get it out to the log file
return true;
// There was an error when calling the function
// get the error message
return false;
bool ICallIntFunc(PyObject *dict, char *funcName, int& val)
PyObject *obj;
if (ICallVoidFunc(dict, funcName, obj))
if (PyInt_Check(obj))
val = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
return true;
return false;
bool ICallStrFunc(PyObject *dict, char *funcName, char*& val)
PyObject *obj;
if (ICallVoidFunc(dict, funcName, obj))
if (PyString_Check(obj))
val = hsStrcpy(PyString_AsString(obj));
return true;
return false;
#include "MaxComponent/plPythonFileComponent.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
enum ParamTypes
// These numbers used in the python/plasma/glue.py code
kTypeUndefined, // 0
kTypeBool, // 1
kTypeInt, // 2
kTypeFloat, // 3
kTypeString, // 4
kTypeSceneObj, // 5
kTypeSceneObjList, // 6
kTypeActivatorList, // 7
kTypeActivator, // 8
kTypeResponder, // 9
kTypeResponderList, // 10
kTypeDynamicText, // 11
kTypeGUIDialog, // 12
kTypeExcludeRegion, // 13 (x-rude-oh legion-oh)
kTypeAnimation, // 14 (animation component)
kTypeAvatarBehavior, // 15 (avatar behaviors, such as one-shots or multistage behaviors)
kTypeMaterial, // 16 (material type)
kTypeGUIPopUpMenu, // 17 (GUI pop up menu)
kTypeGUISkin, // 18 (Guess)
kTypeWaterComponent, // 19
kTypeDropDownList, // 20
kTypeSwimCurrentInterface, // 21
kTypeClusterComponent, // 22
kTypeMaterialAnimation, // 23
kTypeGrassComponent, // 24
bool IGetTupleInt(PyObject *tuple, int pos, int& val)
PyObject *param = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, pos);
if (param && PyInt_Check(param))
val = PyInt_AsLong(param);
return true;
return false;
bool IGetTupleFloat(PyObject *tuple, int pos, float& val)
PyObject *param = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, pos);
if (param && PyFloat_Check(param))
val = (float)PyFloat_AsDouble(param);
return true;
return false;
bool IGetTupleString(PyObject *tuple, int pos, char*& val)
PyObject *param = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, pos);
if (param && PyString_Check(param))
val = PyString_AsString(param);
return true;
return false;
void IExtractVisInfo(PyObject* tuple, int* id, std::vector<std::string>* vec)
PyObject* vid = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 0);
PyObject* vstates = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 1);
if (vid && PyInt_Check(vid))
*id = PyInt_AsLong(vid);
if (vstates && PyList_Check(vstates))
PyObject* element;
int lsize = PyList_Size(vstates);
for (int i = 0; i < lsize; i++)
element = PyList_GetItem(vstates, i);
if (element && PyString_Check(element))
std::string str = PyString_AsString(element);
bool plPythonMgr::IQueryPythonFile(char *fileName)
PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule(fileName);
if (module)
// attach the glue python code to the end
if ( !PythonInterface::RunString("execfile('.\\python\\plasma\\glue.py')", module) )
// display any output (NOTE: this would be disabled in production)
// get the messages
return false; // if we can't create the instance then there is nothing to do here
// Get the dictionary for this module
PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(module);
// set the name of the file for the glue.py code to find
PyObject* pfilename = PyString_FromString(fileName);
PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "glue_name", pfilename);
// Get the block ID
int blockID = 0;
if (!ICallIntFunc(dict, kGetBlockID, blockID))
return false;
// Get the class name
char *className = nil;
if (!ICallStrFunc(dict, kGetClassName, className))
return false;
// Get the number of parameters
int numParams = 0;
if (!ICallIntFunc(dict, kGetNumParams, numParams))
return false;
// determine if this is a multimodifier
int isMulti = 0;
ICallIntFunc(dict, kIsMultiModifier, isMulti);
// Get the version
// Get version must be the last call that needs a pythonfile class instance
// ... because it delete the instance afterwards
// NOTE: get attribute params doesn't need the pythonfile class instance
int version = 0;
if (!ICallIntFunc(dict, kGetVersion, version))
return false;
PyObject *getParamFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, kGetParam);
PyObject *getVisInfoFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, kGetVisInfo);
if (PyCallable_Check(getParamFunc))
plAutoUIBlock *autoUI = TRACKED_NEW plAutoUIBlock(PythonFile::GetClassDesc(), blockID, className, version);
// test to see if it is a multi-modifier type class
if (isMulti)
for (int i = numParams-1; i >= 0; i--)
PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallFunction(getParamFunc, "l", i);
PyObject *visinfo = nil;
int ddlParamID = -1;
std::vector<std::string> vec;
if (PyCallable_Check(getVisInfoFunc))
visinfo = PyObject_CallFunction(getVisInfoFunc, "l", i);
if (visinfo && PyTuple_Check(visinfo))
IExtractVisInfo(visinfo, &ddlParamID, &vec);
if (ret)
if (PyTuple_Check(ret))
int paramID = -1;
char *paramName = nil;
int paramType = kTypeUndefined;
// Get the param ID, name, and type
if (IGetTupleInt(ret, 0, paramID) &&
IGetTupleString(ret, 1, paramName) &&
IGetTupleInt(ret, 2, paramType))
// Get the type specific params and add the param to the AutoUI block
switch (paramType)
case kTypeInt:
IAddInt(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeFloat:
IAddFloat(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeString:
IAddString(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeBool:
IAddBool(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeSceneObj:
IAddSceneObj(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeSceneObjList:
IAddSceneObjList(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeActivator:
IAddActivator(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeActivatorList:
IAddActivatorList(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeResponder:
IAddResponder(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeResponderList:
IAddResponderList(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeDynamicText:
IAddDynamicText(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeGUIDialog:
IAddGUIDialog(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeExcludeRegion:
IAddExcludeRegion(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeAnimation:
IAddAnimation(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeAvatarBehavior:
IAddBehavior(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeMaterial:
IAddMaterial(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeGUIPopUpMenu:
IAddGUIPopUpMenu(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeGUISkin:
IAddGUISkin(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeWaterComponent:
IAddWaterComponent(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeSwimCurrentInterface:
IAddSwimCurrentInterface(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeDropDownList:
IAddDropDownList(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeClusterComponent:
IAddClusterComponent(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeMaterialAnimation:
IAddMaterialAnimation(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
case kTypeGrassComponent:
IAddGrassComponent(autoUI, ret, paramName, paramID, ddlParamID, &vec);
delete [] className;
// There was an error when importing the module
// get the error message and put it in the log
return false;
void plPythonMgr::IAddBool(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
hsBool def = false;
IGetTupleInt(tuple, 3, def);
autoUI->AddCheckBox(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, def);
void plPythonMgr::IAddInt(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
int def=0, min=0, max=100;
IGetTupleInt(tuple, 3, def);
PyObject *range = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 4);
if (range && PyTuple_Check(range))
IGetTupleInt(range, 0, min);
IGetTupleInt(range, 1, max);
autoUI->AddIntSpinner(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, def, min, max);
void plPythonMgr::IAddFloat(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
float def=0, min=0, max=1;
IGetTupleFloat(tuple, 3, def);
PyObject *range = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 4);
if (range && PyTuple_Check(range))
IGetTupleFloat(range, 0, min);
IGetTupleFloat(range, 1, max);
autoUI->AddFloatSpinner(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, def, min, max);
void plPythonMgr::IAddString(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
char *def = nil;
IGetTupleString(tuple, 3, def);
autoUI->AddEditBox(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, def);
void plPythonMgr::IAddSceneObj(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickNodeButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddSceneObjList(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickNodeList(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddActivator(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickActivatorButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddActivatorList(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickActivatorList(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddDynamicText(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickDynamicTextButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddGUIDialog(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickGUIDialogButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddExcludeRegion(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickExcludeRegionButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddWaterComponent(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickWaterComponentButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddSwimCurrentInterface(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickSwimCurrentInterfaceButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddClusterComponent(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickClusterComponentButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddAnimation(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickAnimationButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddBehavior(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickBehaviorButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddMaterial(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickMaterialButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddGUIPopUpMenu(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickGUIPopUpMenuButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddGUISkin(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickGUISkinButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
#include "MaxComponent/plResponderComponent.h"
void plPythonMgr::IAddResponder(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
std::vector<Class_ID> cids;
autoUI->AddPickComponentButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, &cids, true);
void plPythonMgr::IAddResponderList(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
std::vector<Class_ID> cids;
autoUI->AddPickComponentList(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, &cids);
void plPythonMgr::IAddMaterialAnimation(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickMaterialAnimationButton(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates);
void plPythonMgr::IAddGrassComponent(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *objTuple, std::string paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
autoUI->AddPickGrassComponentButton(id, nil, paramName.c_str(), vid, vstates);
#include <direct.h>
void plPythonMgr::LoadPythonFiles()
const char *clientPath = plMaxConfig::GetClientPath(false, true);
if (clientPath)
char oldCwd[MAX_PATH];
_getcwd(oldCwd, sizeof(oldCwd));
// Get the path to the Python subdirectory of the client
char pythonPath[MAX_PATH];
strcpy(pythonPath, clientPath);
strcat(pythonPath, "Python");
// Iterate through all the Python files in the folder
hsFolderIterator folder(pythonPath);
while (folder.NextFileSuffix(".py"))
// Get the filename without the ".py" (module name)
const char *fullFileName = folder.GetFileName();
char fileName[_MAX_FNAME];
_splitpath(fullFileName, NULL, NULL, fileName, NULL);
void plPythonMgr::IAddDropDownList(plAutoUIBlock *autoUI, PyObject *tuple, char *paramName, int id, int vid, std::vector<std::string>* vstates)
PyObject *options = PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, 3);
if (options && PyTuple_Check(options))
int size = PyTuple_Size(options);
char* opt = nil;
std::vector<std::string> optionsVec;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
IGetTupleString(options, i, opt);
std::string str = opt;
autoUI->AddDropDownList(id, nil, paramName, vid, vstates, &optionsVec);