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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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// base class
#include "plAvBrain.h"
#include "plAGAnim.h"
class plAnimStage;
class plAnimStageVec;
class plAvBrainGenericMsg;
class plNotifyMsg;
/** \class plAvBrainGeneric
The generic brain is designed to manage complex (and simple) sequences of animations
used in detailed puzzle sequences and the like.
It implements a model wherein each animation is wrapped in an plAnimStage object,
which provides different means of user input, support for loop types, callbacks
at significant events, and scripted control of stage transitions.
Detailed object interactions such as climbing, sitting, interacting with levers,
and the like are all handled by generic brains with varying stages.
class plAvBrainGeneric : public plArmatureBrain
/** \enum BrainType
Sometimes the brains are truly generic and opaque, and sometimes
we need to be able to tell "what this brain does" at a summary level.
This enum lists our current standard brain types.
This data is not used internally by the brain; it's just stored
for the user. */
enum BrainType {
kGeneric, /// type was not specified
kLadder, /// it's a ladder brain
kSit, /// it's a sit brain
kSitOnGround, /// sit on the ground emote
kEmote, /// yeah yeah
kNonGeneric = kNumBrainTypes /// If we ask the avatar what its current generic type is,
/// we use this to signify that it's not currenty using
/// a generic brain.
/** \enum ExitFlag
The default behavior for a generic brain is to exit when all its
stages are completed. This set of bitwise indices defines other
conditions which can be used to exit a brain.
Note: For now, we're restricting the SDL for this to a byte. Change that if you add
too many flags.
enum ExitFlag {
kExitNormal = 0, // for completeness; use this when you don't have an exit condition
kExitAnyTask = 0x01, // exit if anyone sends us a task
kExitNewBrain = 0x02, // exit if anyone sends us a new brain
kExitAnyInput = 0x04, // exit if we get any input control events
kExitMaxFlag = 0x08
enum MoveMode {
kMoveAbsolute, // the animations are taken to be in world coordinates
kMoveRelative, // the animation is played as if the starting point is the origin
kMoveNormal, // the avatar root is moved by translating the animation to velocity
kMoveStandstill, // the avatar root is held immobile
kForceSize = 0xff
enum Mode{
kEntering = 0x01, // seeking, loading, or within the "enter" animation
kNormal = 0x02, // undistinguished animations are running
kFadingIn = 0x03, // fading in first stage; not running
kFadingOut = 0x04, // fading out last stage; not running
kExit = 0x05, // exit observing animation fadeouts, etc.
kAbort = 0x06, // exit immediately without updating animations
kMaxMode = 0x07,
kModeSize = 0xff
} fMode;
static const float kDefaultFadeIn;
static const float kDefaultFadeOut;
/** Default constructor for the class factory and descendants. */
/** Canonical constructor - use this.
\param stages A vector of stages to use for this brain. Will be copied
into our internal vector.
\param enterMessage A message to send when the brain enters begins playing.
If you need finer control over callbacks, use stage callbacks.
\param exitMessage A message to send when the brain exits.
\param recipient Callbacks from the brain *and* the stages is sent to this key.
\param exitFlags A combination of exit conditions from the ExitFlag enum */
plAvBrainGeneric(plAnimStageVec *stages, plMessage *enterMessage, plMessage *exitMessage,
plKey recipient, uint32_t exitFlags, float fadeIn, float fadeOut, MoveMode moveMode);
/** Simplified constructor
\param exitFlags Indicates which conditions will cause the brain to exit.
\param fadeIn Rate (in blend units per second) of initial animation fade in.
\param fadeOut Rate (in blend units per second) of final animation fade out.
plAvBrainGeneric(uint32_t exitFlags, float fadeIn, float fadeOut, MoveMode moveMode);
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~plAvBrainGeneric();
13 years ago
static bool fForce3rdPerson;
/** Attaches our current stage and takes control of the armature. Note that
the brain may be in a "half-finished" state -- we may be receiving some
complex state from another client and therefore pushing on a brain that
is in the middle of its third stage, for example. */
virtual void Activate(plArmatureModBase *avMod);
/** Advance the current stage and swap in a new stage if necessary. */
13 years ago
virtual bool Apply(double timeNow, float elapsed);
/** Remove all our stages and release control of the armature. */
virtual void Deactivate();
virtual plKey GetRecipient();
virtual void SetRecipient(const plKey &recipient);
/** Send a notify message to our recipient.
Some brains, such as the coop, will use this opportunity to add annotations
to the notify. */
virtual bool RelayNotifyMsg(plNotifyMsg *msg);
/** We're leaving the age. Clean up. */
13 years ago
virtual bool LeaveAge();
13 years ago
virtual bool IsRunningTask();
/** Compare the names of the anims in our stages.
Return true on a match (order matters). */
bool MatchAnimNames(const char *names[], int count);
/** Add the given stage to the end of the stage sequence.
Returns the zero-based index of the stage.
int AddStage(plAnimStage *stage);
/** The sequence number of the *given* stage -- not the current stage. Useful
if you have a pointer to a stage and want to find out where in the sequence
it lives. Notice that since stage transitions can be nonlinear, there is
no guarantee that this will be the nth stage to play, or that it will play
at all. */
int GetStageNum(plAnimStage *stage);
/** Get the sequence number of the stage that's currently playing. */
int GetCurStageNum();
void SetCurStageNum(int num) { fCurStage = num; };
/** How many stages are in this brain? */
int GetStageCount();
/** Retrieve a stage via a sequence number. Returns nil if no such stage exists
Be extremely careful about retaining this pointer, as it may be deleted at
any time. */
plAnimStage * GetStage(int which);
/** Retrieve a pointer to the currently executing stage.Returns nil if no such stage exists
Be extremely careful about retaining this pointer, as it may be deleted at
any time. */
plAnimStage * GetCurStage();
/** Set the user-specified type of the brain. Has no effect on brain behavior;
just a poor man's dynamic type system */
BrainType SetType(BrainType newType);
/** Get the user-specified type of the brain. Has no effect on brain behavior;
for external reference only. */
BrainType GetType();
/** Is the brain moving "generally" forward? This is a fairly poorly-defined concept
that is only used by stages that have "auto" progress types, i.e. they
move forward if the brain is moving forward, and move backward if the brain
is moving backward.
/deprecated Avoid. will probably be deleted. */
bool GetForward() const { return fForward; }
bool GetReverseFBControlsOnRelease() const { return fReverseFBControlsOnRelease; };
void SetReverseFBControlsOnRelease(bool val) { fReverseFBControlsOnRelease = val; };
/** Returns a pointer to the message we will send when we start our brain.
Returns nil if there is no such message *or* if it has already been sent.
/bug This message is destructed after being delivered, so we need to
nil this pointer after sending it.
plMessage* GetStartMessage() const { return fStartMessage; }
/** Returns a pointer to the message we will send when we finish our brain.
Returns nil if there is no such message *or* if it has already been sent.
/bug This message is destructed after being delivered, so we need to
nil this pointer after sending it.
plMessage* GetEndMessage() const { return fEndMessage; }
/** Returns the bitvector holding our exit conditions.
/sa plAvBrainGeneric::ExitFlags */
uint32_t GetExitFlags() const { return fExitFlags; }
plAGAnim::BodyUsage GetBodyUsage();
void SetBodyUsage(plAGAnim::BodyUsage bodyUsage);
Mode GetMode() { return fMode; }
void SetMode(Mode mode) { fMode = mode; }
float GetFadeIn() { return fFadeIn; }
float GetFadeOut() { return fFadeOut; }
MoveMode GetMoveMode() { return fMoveMode; }
/** Output the brain's status to the avatar debug screen. */
virtual void DumpToDebugDisplay(int &x, int &y, int lineHeight, plDebugText &debugTxt);
// plasma protocol
13 years ago
bool MsgReceive(plMessage *msg);
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plAvBrainGeneric, plArmatureBrain );
virtual void Read(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr);
13 years ago
bool IHandleGenBrainMsg(const plAvBrainGenericMsg *msg);
bool IHandleTaskMsg(plAvTaskMsg *msg);
bool IBrainIsCompatible(plAvBrainGeneric *otherBrain);
float IGetAnimDelta(double time, float elapsed); // how far should we move our animation this frame?
13 years ago
bool IProcessNormal(double time, float elapsed);
13 years ago
bool IProcessFadeIn(double time, float elapsed);
bool IProcessFadeOut(double time, float elapsed);
13 years ago
bool ISwitchStages(int oldStage, int newStage, float delta, bool setTime, float newTime,
float fadeNew, float fadeOld, double worldTime);
void IEnterMoveMode(double time); // we've just entered and we're about to begin animating.
void IExitMoveMode(); // we're done animating; clean up
plKey fRecipient; // this guy gets all new notify messages
plAnimStageVec *fStages; // all the stages in our animation
int fCurStage; // which stage are we playing? (zero-based)
BrainType fType; // what type of brain are we?
uint32_t fExitFlags; // what will cause us to exit?
bool fForward; // are we currently moving forward or backward through the stages?
// this is used by the "auto-" movement types in the stages
plMessage *fStartMessage; // send this message when our brain is activated
plMessage *fEndMessage; // send this message when our brain is deactivated
bool fReverseFBControlsOnRelease; // Tells the armature that we want to reverse the forward/backward controls
// if both are released. The armatureMod will tell us if this has actually happened
float fFadeIn; // if non-zero, the rate to fade in the first animation
float fFadeOut; // if non-zero, the rate to fade out the last animation
MoveMode fMoveMode; // how are we translating animation movement to
// movement in the world?
plAGAnim::BodyUsage fBodyUsage; // how much of the body does this brain use?
// this is based strictly on compatibility; i.e. a brain
// that uses only the lower body might still animate the
// hands, but it is guaranteed to look right when overlaid
// by an anim that uses only the upper body.