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| Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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// //
// plRTProjDirLight.cpp - Functions for the Projected Directional MAX light //
// Cyan, Inc. //
// //
//// Version History //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// 8.2.2001 mcn - Created. //
// //
#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plRTProjDirLight.h"
#include "plRTProjDirLightClassDesc.h"
#include "iparamm2.h"
#include "../MaxPlasmaMtls/Layers/plLayerTex.h"
#include "../MaxPlasmaMtls/Layers/plLayerTexBitmapPB.h"
#include "../MaxComponent/plMaxAnimUtils.h"
#include "plRTObjLightDesc.h"
#include "plRTLightBaseAnimDlgProc.h"
//// Static ClassDesc2 Get Functions //////////////////////////////////////////
plRTProjDirLightDesc plRTProjDirLightDesc::fStaticDesc;
//// Dialog Proc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class plProjDirDlgProc : public plBaseLightProc
BOOL DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
IParamBlock2 *pb = map->GetParamBlock();
plRTProjDirLight *lite = (plRTProjDirLight *)pb->GetOwner();
PBBitmap *bitmap;
plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex *)lite->GetProjMap();
ICustButton *bmSelectBtn;
switch( msg )
if( LOWORD( wParam ) == IDC_PROJ_MAPNAME )
BOOL selectedNewBitmap = layer->HandleBitmapSelection();
if( selectedNewBitmap )
bmSelectBtn = GetICustButton( GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_PROJ_MAPNAME ) );
bitmap = layer->GetPBBitmap();
bmSelectBtn->SetText( bitmap != nil ? (TCHAR *)bitmap->bi.Filename() : "");
ReleaseICustButton( bmSelectBtn );
return false;
// Set projection map bitmap name
bmSelectBtn = GetICustButton( GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_PROJ_MAPNAME ) );
if( bmSelectBtn != nil )
bitmap = ( layer == nil ) ? nil : layer->GetPBBitmap();
if( bitmap != nil )
bmSelectBtn->SetText( (TCHAR *)bitmap->bi.Filename() );
bmSelectBtn->SetText( _T( "<none>" ) );
ReleaseICustButton( bmSelectBtn );
return plBaseLightProc::DlgProc( t, map, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
void DeleteThis() {};
static plProjDirDlgProc gPPDirLiteDlgProc;
/// Include for the ParamBlock2 definition
#include "plRTProjDirLightPBDec.h"
//// plRTProjPBAccessor Class Functions ///////////////////////////////////////
plRTProjPBAccessor plRTProjPBAccessor::fAccessor;
void plRTProjPBAccessor::Set( PB2Value& val, ReferenceMaker* owner, ParamID id, int tabIndex, TimeValue t )
plRTProjDirLight *obj = (plRTProjDirLight *)owner;
IParamBlock2 *pb = obj->GetParamBlockByID( plRTProjDirLight::kBlkProj );
switch( id )
case plRTProjDirLight::kProjMap:
/* {
if( pb->GetMap() )
pb->GetMap()->Invalidate( plRTProjDirLight::kProjMap );
PBBitmap *thisMap =;
obj->SetProjMap( &thisMap->bi );
*/ break;
void plRTProjPBAccessor::Get( PB2Value& v, ReferenceMaker* owner, ParamID id, int tabIndex, TimeValue t, Interval &valid )
//// Projected Directional Light //////////////////////////////////////////////
fIP = nil;
fLightPB = nil;
fProjPB = nil;
fClassDesc = plRTProjDirLightDesc::GetDesc();
fClassDesc->MakeAutoParamBlocks( this );
fLightPB->SetValue(kLightColor, 0, Color(255,255,255));
SetHSVColor(0, Point3(255, 255, 255));
fTex = nil;
meshBuilt = 0;
ObjLightDesc *plRTProjDirLight::CreateLightDesc( INode *n, BOOL forceShadowBuf )
return TRACKED_NEW DirLight( n, forceShadowBuf );
RefTargetHandle plRTProjDirLight::Clone( RemapDir &remap )
plRTProjDirLight *obj = TRACKED_NEW plRTProjDirLight;
obj->ReplaceReference( kRefDirLight, fLightPB->Clone( remap ) );
BaseClone( this, obj, remap );
return obj;
//// SubAnim /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Animatable *plRTProjDirLight::SubAnim( int i )
switch( i )
case 0:
return (Animatable *)fLightPB;
case 1:
return (Animatable *)fProjPB;
return nil;
//// SubAnimName /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TSTR plRTProjDirLight::SubAnimName( int i )
switch( i )
case 0:
return fLightPB->GetLocalName();
case 1:
return fProjPB->GetLocalName();
return TSTR( "" );
//// GetReference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RefTargetHandle plRTProjDirLight::GetReference( int i )
switch( i )
case kRefMainRollout:
return (RefTargetHandle)fLightPB;
case kRefProjRollout:
return (RefTargetHandle)fProjPB;
return plRTLightBase::GetReference( i );
//// SetReference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plRTProjDirLight::SetReference( int ref, RefTargetHandle rtarg )
switch( ref )
case kRefMainRollout:
fLightPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;
case kRefProjRollout:
fProjPB = (IParamBlock2 *)rtarg;
plRTLightBase::SetReference( ref, rtarg );
//// ParamBlock Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int plRTProjDirLight::NumParamBlocks()
return plRTLightBase::NumParamBlocks() + 1;
IParamBlock2 *plRTProjDirLight::GetParamBlock( int i )
switch ( i )
case 2: return fProjPB;
default: return plRTLightBase::GetParamBlock( i );
IParamBlock2 *plRTProjDirLight::GetParamBlockByID( BlockID id )
if( fProjPB->ID() == id )
return fProjPB;
return plRTLightBase::GetParamBlockByID( id );
//// GetProjMap //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Texmap *plRTProjDirLight::GetProjMap()
// If we don't have one, create one
plLayerTex *layer = (plLayerTex *)fProjPB->GetTexmap( kTexmap, 0 );
if( layer == nil || layer->ClassID() != LAYER_TEX_CLASS_ID )
layer = TRACKED_NEW plLayerTex;
fProjPB->SetValue( kTexmap, 0, (Texmap *)layer );
IParamBlock2 *bitmapPB = layer->GetParamBlockByID( plLayerTex::kBlkBitmap );
bitmapPB->SetValue( kBmpUseBitmap, 0, 1 );
// Backwards compatability here
PBBitmap *bitmap = fProjPB->GetBitmap( kProjMap, 0 );
if( bitmap != nil )
layer->SetBitmap( &bitmap->bi );
fProjPB->SetValue( kProjMap, 0, (PBBitmap *)nil );
if( layer )
const char* dbgTexName = layer->GetName();
IParamBlock2 *bitmapPB = layer->GetParamBlockByID(plLayerTex::kBlkBitmap);
hsAssert(bitmapPB, "LayerTex with no param block");
int noCompress = fProjPB->GetInt(kProjNoCompress);
int noMip = fProjPB->GetInt(kProjNoMip);
bitmapPB->SetValue(kBmpNonCompressed, TimeValue(0), noCompress);
bitmapPB->SetValue(kBmpNoFilter, TimeValue(0), noMip);
return (Texmap *)layer;
//// IBuildMeshes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plRTProjDirLight::IBuildMeshes( BOOL isnew )
fMesh = staticMesh[ plRTLightBase::RT_OMNI + 1 ];
//// GetLocalBoundBox ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plRTProjDirLight::GetLocalBoundBox( TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box )
Point3 loc = node->GetObjectTM( t ).GetTrans();
float scaleFactor = vpt->NonScalingObjectSize() * vpt->GetVPWorldWidth( loc ) / 360.0f;
float width, height, depth;
box = fMesh.getBoundingBox();
// Because we want to scale about the origin, not the box center, we have to do this funky offset
Point3 boxCenter = box.Center();
box.Translate( -boxCenter );
box.Scale( scaleFactor );
boxCenter *= scaleFactor;
box.Translate( boxCenter );
if( ( extDispFlags & EXT_DISP_ONLY_SELECTED ) )
fProjPB->GetValue( kWidth, t, width, FOREVER );
fProjPB->GetValue( kHeight, t, height, FOREVER );
fProjPB->GetValue( kRange, t, depth, FOREVER );
width /= 2.f;
height /= 2.f;
box += Point3( -width, -height, 0.f );
box += Point3( width, height, -depth );
//// DrawConeAndLine /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int plRTProjDirLight::DrawConeAndLine( TimeValue t, INode* inode, GraphicsWindow *gw, int drawing )
Matrix3 tm = inode->GetObjectTM( t );
gw->setTransform( tm );
if( extDispFlags & EXT_DISP_ONLY_SELECTED )
DrawCone( t, gw, 500 );
return gw->checkHitCode();
//// DrawCone ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function called by MAX to render the cone shape in the viewport for this
// light. Note that this is the cone, not the actual object itself!
void plRTProjDirLight::DrawCone( TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, float dist )
Point3 nearPts[ 5 ], farPts[ 5 ], u[ 3 ];
int i;
float width, height;
// Get values
fProjPB->GetValue( kWidth, t, width, FOREVER );
fProjPB->GetValue( kHeight, t, height, FOREVER );
fProjPB->GetValue( kRange, t, dist, FOREVER );
// Draw a rectangle showing the extents of the light (width, height and depth)
IBuildRectangle( width, height, 0, nearPts );
IBuildRectangle( width, height, -dist, farPts );
gw->setColor( LINE_COLOR, GetUIColor( COLOR_HOTSPOT ) );
gw->polyline( 4, nearPts, nil, nil, true, nil );
gw->polyline( 4, farPts, nil, nil, true, nil );
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
u[ 0 ] = nearPts[ i ];
u[ 1 ] = farPts[ i ];
gw->polyline( 2, u, nil, nil, false, nil );
//// IBuildRectangle /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void plRTProjDirLight::IBuildRectangle( float width, float height, float z, Point3 *pts )
width /= 2.f;
height /= 2.f;
pts[ 0 ] = Point3( -width, -height, z );
pts[ 1 ] = Point3( width, -height, z );
pts[ 2 ] = Point3( width, height, z );
pts[ 3 ] = Point3( -width, height, z );
//// GetFallsize /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// To get using-light-as-camera-viewport to work
float plRTProjDirLight::GetFallsize( TimeValue t, Interval &valid )
if( fProjPB == nil )
return -1.f;
return fProjPB->GetFloat( kWidth, t );
//// GetAspect ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// To get using-light-as-camera-viewport to work
float plRTProjDirLight::GetAspect( TimeValue t, Interval &valid )
if( fProjPB == nil )
return -1.f;
return( fProjPB->GetFloat( kHeight, t ) / fProjPB->GetFloat( kWidth, t ) );
//// GetTDist ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// To get using-light-as-camera-viewport to work
float plRTProjDirLight::GetTDist( TimeValue t, Interval &valid )
return 0.f;
if( fProjPB == nil )
return -1.f;
return fProjPB->GetFloat( kRange, t );
//// SetFallsize /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// To get using-light-as-camera-viewport to work
void plRTProjDirLight::SetFallsize( TimeValue time, float f )
if( fProjPB != nil )
fProjPB->SetValue( kWidth, time, f );
//// EvalLightState //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// To get using-light-as-camera-viewport to work
RefResult plRTProjDirLight::EvalLightState( TimeValue t, Interval& valid, LightState *ls )
ls->type = DIRECT_LGT;
if( fLightPB->GetInt( kLightOn, t ) == true )
ls->color = GetRGBColor( t, valid );
ls->color = Color( 0, 0, 0 );
ls->on = fLightPB->GetInt( kLightOn, t );
ls->intens = GetIntensity( t, valid );
float fall = fProjPB->GetFloat( kWidth, t );
if( fall < fProjPB->GetFloat( kHeight, t ) )
fall = fProjPB->GetFloat( kHeight, t );
ls->hotsize = ls->fallsize = fall / 2.f;
ls->useNearAtten = false;
ls->useAtten = false;
ls->shape = RECT_LIGHT;
ls->aspect = fProjPB->GetFloat( kHeight, t ) / fProjPB->GetFloat( kWidth, t );
ls->overshoot = false;
ls->shadow = false;
ls->ambientOnly = false;
ls->affectDiffuse = fLightPB->GetInt( kAffectDiffuse, t );
ls->affectSpecular = fLightPB->GetInt( kSpec, t );