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14 years ago
| Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#if 0
#ifndef plVaultNode_h_inc
#define plVaultNode_h_inc
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"
#include "../plUnifiedTime/plUnifiedTime.h"
#include "../plNetCommon/plNetServerSessionInfo.h"
#include "../plNetCommon/plSpawnPointInfo.h"
#include "../plNetCommon/plNetCommon.h"
#include "../plUUID/plUUID.h"
#include "plVault.h"
#include "plVaultNodeIterator.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class plVaultNode;
class plVaultFolderNode;
class plVaultImageNode;
class plVaultTextNoteNode;
class plVaultSDLNode;
class plVaultAgeLinkNode;
class plVaultChronicleNode;
class plVaultMgrNode;
class plVaultPlayerNode;
class plVaultPlayerInfoNode;
class plVaultPlayerInfoListNode;
class plVaultAgeNode;
class plVaultAgeInfoNode;
class plVaultAgeInfoListNode;
class plVaultSystemNode;
class plStateDataRecord;
class plURL;
struct hsPoint3;
typedef bool (*plNodeCompareProc)( const plVaultNode * A, const plVaultNode * B );
class plVaultNode
struct MatchesNode
const plVaultNode * fNode;
MatchesNode( const plVaultNode * node ): fNode( node ) {}
bool operator()( const plVaultNode * node ) const;
friend struct MatchesNode;
void SetID( UInt32 v );
void SetType( UInt8 v );
void SetPermissions( UInt32 v );
void SetOwnerNodeID( UInt32 v );
void SetGroupNodeID( UInt32 v );
void SetCreatorNodeID( UInt32 v );
void SetCreateTime( const plUnifiedTime * v );
void SetCreateTime( const plUnifiedTime & v );
void SetCreateAgeTime( const plUnifiedTime * v );
void SetCreateAgeTime( const plUnifiedTime & v );
void SetCreateAgeName( const char * v );
void SetCreateAgeGuid( const plUUID * v );
void SetCreateAgeGuid( const plUUID & v );
void SetInt32_1( Int32 v );
void SetInt32_2( Int32 v );
void SetInt32_3( Int32 v );
void SetInt32_4( Int32 v );
void SetUInt32_1( UInt32 v );
void SetUInt32_2( UInt32 v );
void SetUInt32_3( UInt32 v );
void SetUInt32_4( UInt32 v );
void SetString64_1( const char * v );
void SetString64_2( const char * v );
void SetString64_3( const char * v );
void SetString64_4( const char * v );
void SetString64_5( const char * v );
void SetString64_6( const char * v );
void SetIString64_1( const char * v );
void SetIString64_2( const char * v );
void SetText_1( const char * v );
void SetText_2( const char * v );
void SetBlob_1_Guid( const plUUID * v );
void SetBlob_2_Guid( const plUUID * v );
void * AllocBufferBlob_1( int size );
void * AllocBufferBlob_2( int size );
UInt32 GetID () const;
UInt8 GetType () const;
UInt32 GetPermissions () const;
UInt32 GetOwnerNodeID () const;
const plVaultPlayerInfoNode * GetOwnerNode () const;
UInt32 GetGroupNodeID () const;
const plVaultNode * GetGroupNode () const;
const plUnifiedTime * GetModifyTime () const;
UInt32 GetCreatorNodeID () const;
const plVaultPlayerInfoNode * GetCreatorNode () const;
const plUnifiedTime * GetCreateTime () const;
const plUnifiedTime * GetCreateAgeTime () const;
const char * GetCreateAgeName () const;
const plUUID * GetCreateAgeGuid () const;
Int32 GetInt32_1 () const;
Int32 GetInt32_2 () const;
Int32 GetInt32_3 () const;
Int32 GetInt32_4 () const;
UInt32 GetUInt32_1 () const;
UInt32 GetUInt32_2 () const;
UInt32 GetUInt32_3 () const;
UInt32 GetUInt32_4 () const;
const char * GetString64_1 () const;
const char * GetString64_2 () const;
const char * GetString64_3 () const;
const char * GetString64_4 () const;
const char * GetString64_5 () const;
const char * GetString64_6 () const;
const char * GetIString64_1 () const;
const char * GetIString64_2 () const;
const char * GetText_1 () const;
const char * GetText_2 () const;
std::string & GetBlob_1 ();
const std::string & GetBlob_1 () const;
void * GetBufferBlob_1 () const;
int GetBufferSizeBlob_1 () const;
const plUUID * GetBlob_1_Guid () const;
std::string & GetBlob_2 ();
const std::string & GetBlob_2 () const;
void * GetBufferBlob_2 () const;
int GetBufferSizeBlob_2 () const;
const plUUID * GetBlob_2_Guid () const;
virtual ~plVaultNode();
bool IsADownstreamNode( UInt32 nodeID ) const;
// Vault Node API
#if 0
// Add child node
plVaultNodeRef * AddNode(
plVaultNode * node,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Find matching node on server and add it to this node.
// Optionally don't fetch children of this node.
bool LinkToNode(
const plVaultNode * templateNode,
int childFetchLevel=plVault::kFetchAllChildren,
bool allowCreate=true,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
bool LinkToNode(
UInt32 nodeID,
int childFetchLevel=plVault::kFetchAllChildren,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Remove child node
bool RemoveNode( const plVaultNode * node,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
bool RemoveNode( UInt32 nodeID,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Remove all child nodes
void RemoveAllNodes( void );
// Add/Save this node to vault
virtual void Save(
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Save this node and all child nodes that need saving.
// NOTE: Currently, the cb object is called back for
// each node saved.
void SaveAll(
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Send this node to the destination client node. will be received in it's inbox folder.
void SendTo(
UInt32 destClientNodeID,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Get an iterator to this node's children
plVaultNodeIterator GetIterator( void );
#if 0
// Get child node count
int GetNodeCount( void ) const { return fChildNodes.size(); }
// Get all child nodes.
void GetNodes( plVault::NodeRefVec & out );
// Get child node by ID
bool GetNode( UInt32 nodeID, plVaultNodeRef *& out ) const;
// Get child node matching template node
bool FindNode( const plVaultNode * templateNode, plVaultNodeRef *& out ) const;
// Get all matching child nodes
bool FindNodes( const plVaultNode * templateNode, plVault::NodeRefVec & out ) const;
// Get first matching node recursively among children
bool FindNodeRecurse( const plVaultNode * templateNode, plVaultNodeRef *& out ) const;
// Returns true if node is a child of this node
bool HasNode( UInt32 nodeID );
bool HasNode( const plVaultNode * templateNode );
// true if node needs saving
bool Modified( void ) const;
void SetModified( bool b );
// Get the client ID from my Vault client.
UInt32 GetClientID( void ) const;
// application data keyed to this node. not stored.
void SetUserData( UInt32 v ) { fUserData=v; }
UInt32 GetUserData( void ) const { return fUserData; }
#if 0
void Read( hsStream * s, hsResMgr * mgr );
void Write( hsStream * s, hsResMgr * mgr );
virtual void CopyFrom( const plVaultNode * other, bool forceCopyAllFields=false );
virtual std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
std::string FieldsAsStdString( void ) const;
void Dump( int level=0, bool displaySeen=false, bool beenSeen=true, plStatusLog * log=nil ) const;
void GetChildNodes( const plVault::NodeRefVec *& out ) const { out=&fChildNodes; }
virtual std::string AsHtmlForm( const char * action ) { return ""; }
bool FromHtmlPost( plURL & url ) { return false; }
plVaultNode( const plVaultNode & );
plVaultNode & operator =( const plVaultNode & );
#if 0
class plVaultFolderNode : public plVaultNode
enum FieldMap
kFolderType = kInt32_1,
kFolderName = kString64_1,
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultFolderNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultFolderNode, plVaultNode );
void SetFolderType( int type ) { ISetInt32_1( type ); }
int GetFolderType( void ) const { return IGetInt32_1();}
void SetFolderName( const char * v ) { ISetString64_1( v ); }
const char * GetFolderName( void ) const{ return IGetString64_1();}
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
std::string AsHtmlForm( const char * action );
class plMipmap;
class plVaultImageNode : public plVaultNode
friend class plNetClientVNodeMgr;
plMipmap * fMipmap;
void ISetMipmap( plMipmap * v ) { fMipmap=v; }
plMipmap * IGetMipmap( void ) const { return fMipmap; }
enum FieldMap
kImageType = kInt32_1,
kImageTitle = kString64_1,
kImageData = kBlob_1,
enum ImageTypes { kJPEG=1 };
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultImageNode, plVaultNode );
const plMipmap * GetMipmap( void ) const { return fMipmap; }
// this override copies the mipmap ptr too.
void CopyFrom( const plVaultNode * other, bool forceCopyAllFields=false );
void SetImageType( int type ) { ISetInt32_1( type ); }
int GetImageType( void ) const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
void * AllocBuffer( int size ) { return IAllocBufferBlob_1( size ); }
void * GetBuffer( void ) const { return IGetBufferBlob_1(); }
int GetBufSize() const { return IGetBufferSizeBlob_1(); }
void SetTitle( const char * text ) { ISetString64_1( text ); }
const char * GetTitle( void ) const { return IGetString64_1(); }
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultTextNoteNode : public plVaultNode
enum FieldMap
kNoteType = kInt32_1,
kNoteSubType = kInt32_2,
kNoteTitle = kString64_1,
kNoteText = kBlob_1,
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultTextNoteNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultTextNoteNode, plVaultNode );
void SetText( const char * text );
const char * GetText( void ) const { return IGetBlob_1().c_str(); }
void SetTitle( const char * text ) { ISetString64_1( text ); }
const char * GetTitle( void ) const { return IGetString64_1(); }
void SetNoteType( Int32 type ) { ISetInt32_1( type ); }
Int32 GetNoteType( void ) const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
void SetNoteSubType( Int32 type ) { ISetInt32_2( type ); }
Int32 GetNoteSubType( void ) const { return IGetInt32_2(); }
// Device-specific:
plVaultFolderNode * GetDeviceInbox() const;
void SetDeviceInbox( const char * inboxName,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultSDLNode : public plVaultNode
mutable plStateDataRecord * fSDLDataRec; // for GetStateDataRecord()
enum FieldMap
kName = kString64_1,
kIdent = kInt32_1, // pgmr-defined, from plVault::StandardNodes enum.
kSDLData = kBlob_1,
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultSDLNode, plVaultNode );
void SetIdent( int v ) { ISetInt32_1( v ); }
int GetIdent() const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
void * AllocBuffer( int size ) { return IAllocBufferBlob_1( size ); }
void * GetBuffer( void ) const { return IGetBufferBlob_1(); }
int GetBufSize() const { return IGetBufferSizeBlob_1(); }
plStateDataRecord * GetStateDataRecord( UInt32 readOptions=0 ) const; // returned pointer will be valid until next call to this fxn, or until this node instance goes away.
void SetStateDataRecord( const plStateDataRecord * rec, UInt32 writeOptions=0 );
void InitStateDataRecord( const char * sdlRecName, UInt32 writeOptions=0 );
void DumpStateDataRecord( const char * msg=nil, bool dirtyOnly=false ) const;
// override to dump debug info.
void Save(
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultAgeInfoNode : public plVaultNode
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * fCanVisitFolder;
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * fAgeOwnersFolder;
mutable plVaultSDLNode * fAgeSDL;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fChildAgesFolder;
mutable plUUID fAgeInstanceGuid;
mutable plNetServerSessionInfo fServerInfo;
mutable plAgeInfoStruct fAgeInfoStruct;
friend class pyVault;
friend class pyAgeVault;
friend class plVaultAgeInfoInitializationTask;
plVaultSDLNode * IGetAgeSDL() const;
plVaultAgeLinkNode * IGetLink( plVaultFolderNode * folder, const plAgeInfoStruct * info ) const;
enum FieldMap
kAgeFilename = kString64_1, // "Garden"
kAgeInstanceName = kString64_2, // "Eder Kemo"
kAgeUserDefinedName = kString64_3, // "Joe's"
kAgeInstanceGuid = kString64_4,
kAgeDescription = kText_1, // "Stay out!"
kAgeSequenceNumber = kInt32_1,
kIsPublic = kInt32_2,
kAgeLanguage = kInt32_3, // The language of the client that made this age
kAgeID = kUInt32_1,
kAgeCzarID = kUInt32_2,
kAgeInfoFlags = kUInt32_3,
enum AgeFlagBits // 32 bits max
kIsStartupNeighborhood = 1<<0,
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultAgeInfoNode, plVaultNode );
plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * GetCanVisitFolder() const;
plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * GetAgeOwnersFolder() const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetChildAgesFolder( void ) const;
plVaultAgeLinkNode * GetChildAgeLink( const plAgeInfoStruct * info ) const;
const plVaultSDLNode * GetAgeSDL() const { return IGetAgeSDL(); }
plVaultSDLNode * GetAgeSDL() { return IGetAgeSDL(); }
plVaultPlayerInfoNode * GetCzar() const;
const char * GetAgeFilename() const { return IGetString64_1(); }
void SetAgeFilename( const char * v ) { ISetString64_1( v ); }
const char * GetAgeInstanceName() const { return IGetString64_2(); }
void SetAgeInstanceName( const char * v ) { ISetString64_2( v ); }
const char * GetAgeUserDefinedName() const { return IGetString64_3(); }
void SetAgeUserDefinedName( const char * v ) { ISetString64_3( v ); }
const plUUID * GetAgeInstanceGuid() const { fAgeInstanceGuid.FromString( IGetString64_4() ); return &fAgeInstanceGuid; }
void SetAgeInstanceGuid( const plUUID * guid ) { fAgeInstanceGuid.CopyFrom( guid ); ISetString64_4( fAgeInstanceGuid.AsString() ); }
const char * GetAgeDescription() const { return IGetText_1(); }
void SetAgeDescription( const char * v ) { ISetText_1( v ); }
Int32 GetSequenceNumber() const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
void SetSequenceNumber( Int32 v ) { ISetInt32_1( v ); }
UInt32 GetAgeID() const { return IGetUInt32_1(); }
void SetAgeID( UInt32 v ) { ISetUInt32_1( v ); }
// aka mayor
UInt32 GetCzarID() const { return IGetUInt32_2(); }
void SetCzarID( UInt32 v ) { ISetUInt32_2( v ); }
bool IsPublic() const { return ( IGetInt32_2()!=0 ); }
// no glue for this one. Use plVaultAgeMgr::SetAgePublic() instead.
void ISetPublic( bool v ) { ISetInt32_2( v ); }
Int32 GetAgeLanguage() const { return IGetInt32_3(); }
void SetAgeLanguage( Int32 v ) { ISetInt32_3( v ); }
bool GetAgeFlag( UInt32 bit ) const { return ( IGetUInt32_3()&bit )!=0; }
void SetAgeFlag( UInt32 bit, bool on=true )
{ if ( on ) ISetUInt32_3( IGetUInt32_3()|bit );
else ISetUInt32_3( IGetUInt32_3()&~bit );
// helpers for linking.
const plNetServerSessionInfo * AsServerInfo() const;
const plAgeInfoStruct * AsAgeInfoStruct() const;
// helpers for init
void FromAgeInfoStruct( const plAgeInfoStruct * ageInfo );
// other helpers
const char * GetDisplayName() const;
// debug
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultAgeInfoListNode : public plVaultFolderNode
enum FieldMap
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultAgeInfoListNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultAgeInfoListNode, plVaultFolderNode );
bool HasAge( UInt32 AgeID );
bool AddAge( UInt32 AgeID );
void RemoveAge( UInt32 AgeID );
class plVaultAgeLinkNode : public plVaultNode
mutable plVaultAgeInfoNode * fAgeInfo;
enum FieldMap
kLocked = kInt32_1, // locked on psnl bookshelf
kVolatile = kInt32_2, // volatile on psnl bookshelf
kSpawnPoints = kBlob_1, // aka treasure stones.
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultAgeLinkNode, plVaultNode );
plVaultAgeInfoNode * GetAgeInfo() const;
void SetAgeInfo( plVaultAgeInfoNode * v );
// locked on psnl age bookshelf
void SetLocked( bool v ) { ISetInt32_1( v?1:0 ); }
bool GetLocked() const { return ( IGetInt32_1()!=0 ); }
// volatile on psnl age bookshelf
void SetVolatile( bool v ) { ISetInt32_2( v?1:0 ); }
bool GetVolatile() const { return ( IGetInt32_2()!=0 ); }
// spawn points
void AddSpawnPoint( const plSpawnPointInfo & point ); // will only add if not there already.
void RemoveSpawnPoint( const char * spawnPtName );
bool HasSpawnPoint( const char * spawnPtName ) const;
bool HasSpawnPoint( const plSpawnPointInfo & point ) const; // compares spawn name only, not title.
void GetSpawnPoints( plSpawnPointVec & out ) const;
void SetSpawnPoints( const plSpawnPointVec & in );
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultChronicleNode : public plVaultNode
enum FieldMap
kEntryType = kInt32_1,
kEntryName = kString64_1,
kEntryValue = kText_1,
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultChronicleNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultChronicleNode, plVaultNode );
void SetName( const char * text ) { ISetString64_1( text ); }
const char * GetName( void ) const { return IGetString64_1(); }
void SetValue( const char * text ) { ISetText_1( text ); }
const char * GetValue( void ) const { return IGetText_1(); }
void SetEntryType( UInt32 type ) { ISetInt32_1( type ); }
UInt32 GetEntryType( void ) const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultPlayerInfoNode : public plVaultNode
mutable plUUID fGuid; // used with GetAgeGuid() only.
enum FieldMap
kPlayerID = kUInt32_1,
kPlayerName = kIString64_1,
kAgeInstanceName = kString64_1, // name of age player is currently in
kAgeInstanceGuid = kString64_2, // guid of age player is currently in
kOnline = kInt32_1, // whether or not player is online
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultPlayerInfoNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultPlayerInfoNode, plVaultNode );
// player ID
void SetPlayerID( UInt32 v );
UInt32 GetPlayerID( void ) const { return IGetUInt32_1(); }
// player name
void SetPlayerName( const char * text );
const char * GetPlayerName( void ) const { return IGetIString64_1(); }
// age the player is currently in, if any.
void SetAgeInstanceName( const char * v );
const char * GetAgeInstanceName( void ) const;
void SetAgeGuid( const plUUID * v);
const plUUID * GetAgeGuid( void ) const;
// online status
void SetOnline( bool b );
bool IsOnline( void ) const { return IGetInt32_1()!=0; }
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultPlayerInfoListNode : public plVaultFolderNode
void ISortPlayers( plNodeRefCompareProc proc );
void ILocalNodeAdded( plVaultNodeRef * nodeRef );
enum FieldMap
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultPlayerInfoListNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultPlayerInfoListNode, plVaultFolderNode );
bool HasPlayer( UInt32 playerID );
bool AddPlayer( UInt32 playerID );
void RemovePlayer( UInt32 playerID );
plVaultPlayerInfoNode * GetPlayer( UInt32 playerID );
void SetPlayers( const plVault::IDVec & playerIDs );
void SortBy( plNodeRefCompareProc proc ) { ISortPlayers( proc ); }
void Sort();
class plVaultMgrNode : public plVaultNode
friend class plVaultServer;
friend class plVaultConnectTask;
friend class plVNodeMgrInitializationTask;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fMyInboxFolder;
mutable plVaultSystemNode * fSystemNode;
enum FieldMap
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultMgrNode, plVaultNode );
plVaultFolderNode * GetInbox( void ) const;
plVaultSystemNode * GetSystemNode() const;
class plVaultPlayerNode : public plVaultMgrNode
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoNode * fPlayerInfo;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAvatarOutfitFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAvatarClosetFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fChronicleFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAgeJournalsFolder;
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * fIgnoreListFolder;
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * fBuddyListFolder;
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * fPeopleIKnowAboutFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAgesICanVisitFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAgesIOwnFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fInviteFolder;
mutable plUUID fAcctUUID;
plVaultAgeLinkNode * IFindLink( plVaultFolderNode * folder, const plAgeInfoStruct * info ) const;
void IRemoveLink( plVaultFolderNode * folder, const plUUID * guid );
enum FieldMap
kPlayerName = kIString64_1,
kAvatarShapeName = kString64_1,
kDisabled = kInt32_2,
kOnlineTime = kUInt32_2, // seconds
kAccountUUID = kIString64_2,
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVaultPlayerNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultPlayerNode, plVaultMgrNode );
plVaultPlayerInfoNode * GetPlayerInfo( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAvatarOutfitFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAvatarClosetFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetChronicleFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAgeJournalsFolder( void ) const;
plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * GetIgnoreListFolder( void ) const;
plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * GetBuddyListFolder( void ) const;
plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * GetPeopleIKnowAboutFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAgesICanVisitFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAgesIOwnFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetInviteFolder( void ) const;
plVaultAgeLinkNode * GetLinkToMyNeighborhood() const;
plVaultAgeLinkNode * GetLinkToCity() const;
// Owned ages
plVaultAgeLinkNode * GetOwnedAgeLink( const plAgeInfoStruct * info, bool skipVolatile=false ) const;
void RemoveOwnedAgeLink( const plUUID * guid );
// Visit ages
plVaultAgeLinkNode * GetVisitAgeLink( const plAgeInfoStruct * info ) const;
void RemoveVisitAgeLink( const plUUID * guid );
// Chronicle
plVaultChronicleNode * FindChronicleEntry( const char * entryName );
// player name
void SetPlayerName( const char * v );
const char * GetPlayerName( void ) const { return IGetIString64_1(); }
// avatar shape name
void SetAvatarShapeName( const char * v );
const char * GetAvatarShapeName( void ) const{return IGetString64_1(); }
// disabled?
void SetDisabled( bool v ) { ISetInt32_2( v ); }
bool IsDisabled( void ) const { return IGetInt32_2()!=0; }
// account ID
void SetAccountUUID( const plUUID * v );
const plUUID * GetAccountUUID( void ) const;
// online time accumulator (plUnifiedTime.GetSecs())
void SetOnlineTime( UInt32 v ) { ISetUInt32_2( v ); }
UInt32 GetOnlineTime( void ) const { return IGetUInt32_2(); }
void IncOnlineTime( UInt32 v ) { SetOnlineTime( GetOnlineTime()+v ); }
// override to also save player info node.
void Save(
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultAgeNode : public plVaultMgrNode
mutable plUUID fAgeGuid;
mutable plVaultAgeInfoNode * fAgeInfo;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAgeDevicesFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fSubAgesFolder;
mutable plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * fPeopleIKnowAboutFolder;
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fChronicleFolder;
// used only with personal ages
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAgesIOwnFolder;
// used only with nexus age
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fPublicAgesFolder;
plVaultAgeLinkNode * IGetLink( plVaultFolderNode * folder, const plAgeInfoStruct * info ) const;
enum FieldMap
kAgeGuid = kString64_1,
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultAgeNode, plVaultMgrNode );
plVaultAgeInfoNode * GetAgeInfo() const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAgeDevicesFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetSubAgesFolder( void ) const;
// age chronicle
plVaultFolderNode * GetChronicleFolder( void ) const;
// People who have published to devices in this age
plVaultPlayerInfoListNode * GetPeopleIKnowAboutFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetAgesIOwnFolder( void ) const;
plVaultFolderNode * GetPublicAgesFolder( void ) const;
// To publish a node to a device, get its device inbox ID, then
// call node->SendTo( deviceInboxID );
plVaultAgeLinkNode * GetSubAgeLink( const plAgeInfoStruct * info ) const;
// Add a new device.
void AddDevice( const char * deviceName,
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
// Remove a device.
void RemoveDevice( const char * deviceName );
// True if device exists in age.
bool HasDevice( const char * deviceName );
// Get a device.
plVaultTextNoteNode * GetDevice( const char * deviceName );
// age guid
const plUUID * GetAgeGuid() const { fAgeGuid.FromString( IGetString64_1() ); return &fAgeGuid; }
void SetAgeGuid( const plUUID * guid );
// Age chronicle
plVaultChronicleNode * FindChronicleEntry( const char * entryName );
// override to also save age info node.
void Save(
plVaultOperationCallback * cb=nil,
UInt32 cbContext=0 );
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultAdminNode : public plVaultMgrNode
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fAllAgeSDLEventInboxesFolder;
enum FieldMap
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultAdminNode, plVaultMgrNode );
plVaultFolderNode * GetAllAgeSDLEventInboxesFolder( void ) const;
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
class plVaultMarkerNode : public plVaultNode
enum FieldMap
kAgeName = kCreateAgeName,
kMarkerText = kText_1,
kGPSTorans = kInt32_1,
kGPSHSpans = kInt32_2,
kGPSVSpans = kInt32_3,
kMarkerPosX = kUInt32_1,
kMarkerPosY = kUInt32_2,
kMarkerPosZ = kUInt32_3,
GETINTERFACE_ANY(plVaultMarkerNode, plVaultNode);
void SetAge(const char* ageName) { ISetCreateAgeName(ageName); }
const char* GetAge() const { return IGetCreateAgeName(); }
void SetPosition(const hsPoint3& pos);
hsPoint3 GetPosition() const;
void SetText(const char* text) { ISetText_1(text); }
const char* GetText() const { return IGetText_1(); }
void SetGPS(Int32 t, Int32 h, Int32 v) { ISetInt32_1(t);ISetInt32_2(h);ISetInt32_3(v); }
Int32 GetGPSTorans() const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
Int32 GetGPSHSpans() const { return IGetInt32_2(); }
Int32 GetGPSVSpans() const { return IGetInt32_3(); }
std::string AsStdString(int level=0) const;
class plVaultMarkerListNode : public plVaultFolderNode
enum FieldMap
kOwnerID = kUInt32_1,
kOwnerName = kString64_2,
kGameType = kInt32_1,
kRoundLength = kInt32_2,
GETINTERFACE_ANY(plVaultMarkerListNode, plVaultFolderNode);
void SetOwnerName( const char * v ) { ISetString64_2( v ); }
const char * GetOwnerName( void ) const{ return IGetString64_2();}
Int32 GetGameType() const { return IGetInt32_1(); }
void SetGameType( Int32 v ) { ISetInt32_1( v ); }
Int32 GetRoundLength() const { return IGetInt32_2(); }
void SetRoundLength( Int32 v ) { ISetInt32_2( v ); }
std::string AsStdString(int level=0) const;
// A node that ALL vault mgrs get - for system wide info
class plVaultSystemNode : public plVaultNode
mutable plVaultFolderNode * fGlobalInboxFolder;
enum FieldMap
kCCRAwayStatus = kInt32_1
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVaultSystemNode, plVaultNode );
void SetCCRAwayStatus( bool b) { ISetInt32_1( b); }
int GetCCRAwayStatus( void ) const { return IGetInt32_1();}
plVaultFolderNode * GetGlobalInbox( void ) const;
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
// Vault Server VNode
// Makes sure nodes like AllPlayers exist.
class plNetVaultServerNode : public plVaultMgrNode
friend class plNetVaultServerInitializationTask;
mutable plVaultAgeInfoNode * fCityInfo;
UInt32 fAllPlayersFolderID;
UInt32 fAllAgeGlobalSDLNodesFolderID;
UInt32 fPublicAgesFolderID;
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plNetVaultServerNode );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plNetVaultServerNode, plVaultMgrNode );
UInt32 GetAllPlayersFolderID() const { return fAllPlayersFolderID; }
UInt32 GetAllAgeGlobalSDLNodesFolderID() const { return fAllAgeGlobalSDLNodesFolderID; }
UInt32 GetPublicAgesFolderID() const { return fPublicAgesFolderID; }
std::string AsStdString( int level=0 ) const;
#endif // 0
#endif // plVaultNode_h_inc