PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,sender,"Params: sender\nSet the sender of the message being sent to the DynamicMap"),
PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,clearKeys,"Clears the receiver list"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,addKey,"Params: key\nAdd a receiver... in other words a DynamicMap"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,netPropagate,"Params: propagateFlag\nSpecify whether this object needs to use messages that are sent on the network\n"
"- The default is for this to be false."),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,netForce,"Params: forceFlag\nSpecify whether this object needs to use messages that are forced to the network\n"
"- This is to be used if your Python program is running on only one client\n"
"Such as a game master, only running on the client that owns a particular object\n"
"This only applies when NetPropagate is set to true"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,clearToColor,"Params: color\nClear the DynamicMap to the specified color\n"
"- 'color' is a ptColor object"),
PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,flush,"Flush all the commands that were issued since the last flush()"),
PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,purgeImage,"Purge the DynamicTextMap images"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,setTextColor,"Params: color, blockRGB=0\nSet the color of the text to be written\n"
"- 'color' is a ptColor object\n"
"- 'blockRGB' must be true if you're trying to render onto a transparent or semi-transparent color"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,setFont,"Params: facename,size\nSet the font of the text to be written\n"
"- 'facename' is a string with the name of the font\n"
"- 'size' is the point size of the font to use"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,fillRect,"Params: left,top,right,bottom,color\nFill in the specified rectangle with a color\n"
"- left,top,right,bottom define the rectangle\n"
"- 'color' is a ptColor object"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,frameRect,"Params: left,top,right,bottom,color\nFrame a rectangle with a specified color\n"
"- left,top,right,bottom define the rectangle\n"
"- 'color' is a ptColor object"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,setClipping,"Params: clipLeft,clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom\nSets the clipping rectangle\n"
"- All drawtext will be clipped to this until the\n"
"unsetClipping() is called"),
PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,unsetClipping,"Stop the clipping of text"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,setWrapping,"Params: wrapWidth,wrapHeight\nSet where text will be wrapped horizontally and vertically\n"
"- All drawtext commands will be wrapped until the\n"
"unsetWrapping() is called"),
PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,unsetWrapping,"Stop text wrapping"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,drawText,"Params: x,y,text\nDraw text at a specified location\n"
"- x,y is the point to start drawing the text\n"
"- 'text' is a string of the text to be drawn"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,drawTextW,"Params: x,y,text\nUnicode version of drawText"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,drawImage,"Params: x,y,image,respectAlphaFlag\nDraws a ptImage object on the dynamicTextmap starting at the location x,y"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,drawImageClipped,"Params: x,y,image,cx,cy,cw,ch,respectAlphaFlag\nDraws a ptImage object clipped to cx,cy with cw(width),ch(height)"),
PYTHON_METHOD_NOARGS(ptDynamicMap,getWidth,"Returns the width of the dynamicTextmap"),
PYTHON_METHOD_NOARGS(ptDynamicMap,getHeight,"Returns the height of the dynamicTextmap"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,calcTextExtents,"Params: text\nCalculates the extent of the specified text, returns it as a (width, height) tuple"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,setJustify,"Params: justify\nSets the justification of the text. (justify is a PtJustify)"),
PYTHON_METHOD(ptDynamicMap,setLineSpacing,"Params: spacing\nSets the line spacing (in pixels)"),
PYTHON_METHOD_NOARGS(ptDynamicMap,getImage,"Returns a pyImage associated with the dynamicTextmap"),
// Type structure definition
PLASMA_DEFAULT_TYPE(ptDynamicMap,"Params: key=None\nCreates a ptDynamicMap object");
// required functions for PyObject interoperability