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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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#include "Max.h"
#include "iparamb2.h"
#include "iparamm2.h"
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
extern TCHAR *GetString(int id);
extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
#define COMPONENT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x758e5142, 0x66c748a)
#define EXT_COMPONENT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x6c277b63, 0x6c626b3f)
class plMaxNodeBase;
class plKey;
class plMaxNode;
class plAGAnim;
class plComponentBase : public HelperObject
ClassDesc2 *fClassDesc; // Must set in derived classes constructor
IParamBlock2 *fCompPB; // The derived component's paramblock (optional)
IParamBlock2 *fTargsPB; // Nodes this component is attached to
// Get a unique name based on this components name and the index of this target
// Return value points to a static, so don't try to hold on to it
const char* IGetUniqueName(plMaxNodeBase* target);
// Permanent Block ID's
kBlkTargs = 10, // To avoid any conflicts with legacy blocks
// Ref numbers
virtual ~plComponentBase();
void DeleteThis() { delete this; }
UInt32 NumTargets();
plMaxNodeBase *GetTarget(UInt32 i);
virtual void AddTarget(plMaxNodeBase *target);
virtual void DeleteTarget(plMaxNodeBase *target);
virtual void DeleteAllTargets();
bool IsTarget(plMaxNodeBase *node);
plMaxNodeBase *GetINode();
virtual void AddReceiverKey(plKey key, plMaxNode* node=nil) {;}
virtual plKey GetLogicKey(plMaxNode* node) {return nil;}
// Return true if you want to allow yourself to be unhidden. This is for components
// with animatable parameters they want to expose in the TrackView.
virtual bool AllowUnhide() { return false; }
// Collect up all the non-runtime renderable geometry that's going to wind up
// physical proxies, trigger boxes, soft regions etc. This is normally everything
// that this component is going to call SetDrawable(false) on. The list returned might
// be selected, hidden, have max's renderable property set to false, whatever, you don't
// have to worry about that. All you have to do is, if your component SetDrawable(false)'s
// on anything, try to remember to override this function and add the MaxNodes you're
// making non-drawable to this list when called. Remember, just append to the list.
// If you're going to add everything you're attached to to the list, you can just
// call AddTargetsToList(nonDrawables), so you're overriding function just looks like:
// virtual void CollectNonDrawables(INodeTab& nonDrawables) { AddTargetsToList(nonDrawables); }
virtual void CollectNonDrawables(INodeTab& nonDrawables) { return; }
virtual void AddTargetsToList(INodeTab& list);
// Return the minimum graphics capability required by objects created by this component.
// Unless a component is generating an object that uses shaders, or has some other
// specific graphics requirement, the default of 0 (meaning no special requirements)
// should not be overriden.
virtual int GetMinCap() { return 0; }
hsBool IsExternal();
// Returns true if the msg that was just sent out was local or from something
// this component ref's. Used by the SceneWatcher to determine if a component
// needs to be reconverted.
virtual bool IsCurMsgLocal();
bool IsObsolete();
// Returns true if this component has a reference to node (being attached doesn't count)
virtual bool DoReferenceNode(INode* node);
virtual void CreateRollups();
virtual void DestroyRollups();
// Required Max functions
TCHAR* GetObjectName() { return (TCHAR*)fClassDesc->ClassName(); }
void InitNodeName(TSTR& s) { s = fClassDesc->InternalName(); }
void GetClassName(TSTR& s) { s = fClassDesc->ClassName(); }
Class_ID ClassID() { return fClassDesc->ClassID(); }
RefTargetHandle Clone(RemapDir &remap);
int NumRefs();
RefTargetHandle GetReference(int i);
void SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg);
RefResult NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt,RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID& partID, RefMessage message);
// allow retreival of our paramblock from other plug-ins
// and the max core
int NumParamBlocks();
IParamBlock2* GetParamBlock(int i);
IParamBlock2* GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id);
// So our animatables will show up in the trackview
int NumSubs();
Animatable* SubAnim(int i);
TSTR SubAnimName(int i);
virtual hsBool AddToAnim(plAGAnim *anim, plMaxNode *node) { return false; }
// plug-in mouse creation callback
CreateMouseCallBack* GetCreateMouseCallBack();
void BeginEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev);
void EndEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next);
void BuildMesh(TimeValue t);
void FreeCaches();
void GetLocalBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box);
void GetWorldBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box);
int Display(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, int flags);
int HitTest(TimeValue t, INode *node, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt);
ObjectState Eval(TimeValue t) { return ObjectState(this); }
IOResult Save(ISave* isave);
IOResult Load(ILoad* iload);
int CanConvertToType(Class_ID obtype) { return (obtype == COMPONENT_CLASSID) ? 1 : 0; }
const char *GetCategory() { return fClassDesc->Category(); }
// Look through the nodes in 'nodes' and find components that they all share.
// Store those in 'components'.
// Returns the number of shared components
int plSharedComponents(INodeTab& nodes, INodeTab& components);
// Takes care of the dirty little secrets of components
class plComponentShow
static void Init();
// Call this to update the visibility of the components in the scene, ie, if you
// changed the return value of your AllowUnhide function
static void Update();
** Information regarding the development of Components for Plasma 2.0
** Date: 3/2/2001
** Version: Plasma 2.00
** Needs: A working knowledge of max sdk (Specifically the ParamBlocks...)
** A working knowledge of C++
** As the components are heavily reliant on the use of the MAX paramblock, the following methodology
** should be used in their implementation:
** In order for the paramblock to not be thrown away during linking, we have started the use of a
** dummy function such as:
** void DummyCodeIncludeStartPointFunc()
** {
** }
** This is called within the code for the GlobalUtility function, currently.
** Next create a derived class from the plComponent class with three public functions,
** being its constunctor, its custom destructor and the converter. Currently, we have the
** converter returning an hsBool to let you know how successful the conversion process has been
** during export to the .prd format.
** After the class above has been declared, the param block stuff follows:
** (Note all the imformation specifics regarding how to develop the paramblocks can be found
** in the help included in the maxsdk.)
** CLASS_DESC is a macro that Max has created that helps stuff your data into a param block. It
** takes in the following formal parameters:
** CLASS_DESC(plStartingPointComponent, gStartPtDesc, "StartingPoint", "StartingPointComp", Class_ID(0x2a127b68, 0xdc7367a))
** 1st parameter : The C++ class that is going to be accessing this function (assumed to be passed by reference)
** 2nd parameter : The Instance of the class descriptor that will be used specifically for
** the following param block. It is type int.
** 3rd parameter : The Short name description string for this paramblock.
** 4th parameter : The long name description string for this paramblock.
** 5th parameter : The unique CLASS_ID created via the included GEN_ID.exe that comes with maxsdk.
** Following this macro, an enum array is useful to store the relatively unique ID constants for the paramblock.
** The format of the definitions in this shown below, but basically is in the form of a sequence of fixed specs followed by a variable number of tagged optional specs for each parameter.
** Next, the actual param block is declared such as the following:
** ParamBlockDesc2 gStartPtBk
** (
** 1, _T(""), 0, &gStartPtDesc, P_AUTO_CONSTRUCT + P_AUTO_UI, 0,
** //rollout
** // params
** kPlayerStartingPoint, _T("Start Point:"), TYPE_STRING, 0, 0,
** end,
** end
** );
** First is the name of the descriptor method that is to be used, in this case the ParamBlockDesc2
** type. Second is the unique name of this this paramblock. Following, a collection of comma delimited
** parameters ensue. The exact details as well as other flags to use herein can be found in the MaxR4 sdk
** Help file. We shall explain the above parameters to help give you an idea of the layout.
** All paramblocks have the following format:
** 1. Required block specs & per-block flags, followed by,
** 2. Optional owning object reference number for the block if auto-construct, followed by,
** 3. Optional parameter map specs if auto-ui, followed by,
** 4. Zero or more parameter specs, comprising:
** a. Required parameter specs, followed by,
** b. Zero or more optional parameter specs, each with is own leading tag,
** the list terminated by an 'end' tag, followed by,
** 5. an 'end' tag
** BlockParameter 1:
** "1" is the permanent block ID for the parameter block2. It must be unique
** to the block. Considering that you can have several blocks stored together in the same window,
** you may want to enum this as well. THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD.
** BlockParameter 2:
** The internal name string. This name is not localized. Internal names are meant
** to be parsable as identifiers. As such they should begin with an alpha character, have only
** alphanumerics, and have no spaces, punctuations, etc. The convention for multi-word names
** is to use studly-caps, eg, paintRadius. THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD.
** BlockParameter 3:
** The resource ID of the localized (sub-anim) name string. It is of type int. THIS IS
** BlockParameter 4:
** Points to the class descriptor2 of the owning class. This is used to add this
** descriptor to the ClassDesc2's table of block descriptors for the class. Note: This value may
** be passed as NULL for situations where the blocks owning ClassDesc2 is not available for static
** initializations (such as in a separate file). Before using the descriptor for any block
** construction, the ClassDesc2* must be initialized with the method:
** void ParamBlockDesc2::SetClassDesc(ClassDesc2* cd);
** You can only call this method once on a descriptor and then only if it has been
** constructed initially with a NULL cd.
** BlockParameter 5: One or more BYTE flags. In this instance, we are only using:
** Indicates the parameter block2 will be constructed and referenced automatically
** to its owner in the call to ClassDesc2::MakeAutoParamBlocks(). If this flag is
** set, the parameter block's reference number in the owning object should be given
** immediately following the flag word in the descriptor constructor. See
** <auto_construct_block_refno>.
** Indicates this block supports automatic UI rollout management in calls to
** ClassDesc2::BeginEditParams(), ClassDesc2::EndEditParams(),ClassDesc2::CreateParamDlg(),
** ClassDesc2::CreateParamDialog(), etc.
*8 The <auto_ui_parammap_specs> must be supplied in the descriptor constructor.
** BlockParameter 6: Because we used the AUTO_UI the following parameters are REQUIRED.
** int dialog_template_ID,
** (in this case IDD_COMP_something from an .rc file)
** int dialog_title_res_ID,
** (in this case IDS_COMP_something from the String Table)
** int flag_mask,
** (This is used by ClassDesc2::BeginEditParams() and ClassDesc2::EndEditParams()
** to determine whether the ParamMap2 shold be created/deleted on this call.
** All the bits in the supplied mask must be on in the Begin/EndEditParams
** flag longword for the action to take place. For this example we have 0.)
** int rollup_flags
** (This flag is used to control rollup creation. You may pass
** APPENDROLL_CLOSED to have the rollup added in the closed (rolled up) state.
** Otherwise pass 0.)
** ParamMap2UserDlgProc* proc
** (If there are controls in the dialog that require special processing this user
** If not used then NULL should be passed.)
** Param Parameter 1: ParamID id
** (The permanent, position-independent ID for the parameter. In this case, it is
** the constant kStartingPoint.)
** Param Parameter 2: TCHAR* internal_name
** (The internal name for the parameter. In our case "Start Point:". This is what is written on the
** button, spinner, whizbang, foozle, etc.)
** Param Parameter 3: ParamType type
** (The type of parameter. See List of ParamType Choices. In this case it is TYPE_STRING. It could be
** TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, etc, etc, etc.)
** Param Parameter 4: [int table_size]
** (If the type is one of the Tab<> types, you need to supply an initial table size
** which can be 0. Which it is in our case above.)
** Param Parameter 5: int flags
** (These flags are ORed together. We don't use any, hence 0. They include useful things such as
** p_SubAnim which allow track view acess...)
** Param Parameter 6: int local_name_res_ID
** (Here lies that relatively unique enum mentioned above. Hence, the kStartingPoint.)
** As param blocks don't necessarily need a visual GUI, any that you include are optional.
** p_ui,
** (This declares that a GUI will be instantiated. The parameter hereafter will declare the type.)
** GUI_Type
** (This is the type of GUI that you are going to use. In our case it is a CUSTOM editbox.
** NOTE: MAX prefers that you create CUSTOM instances of all GUI resources (such as spinners,
** editboxes, etc)
** )
** ID
** (This is the implementor defined name that this GUI is using. It is the name of the object that
** you created a resource of. We created an IDC_COMP_STARTINGPOINT which was of a CustEdit type.)
** end
** (This lets the constructor that makes uses to know that you have finished one of the p_ui param
** blocks.)
** end
** );
** (This is the conclusion of the Block descriptor. Sort of intuitive...)