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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent
JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
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You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
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/** \file plAGAnimInstance.h
\brief The animation class for the AniGraph animation system
\ingroup Avatar
\ingroup AniGraph
// disable warning C4503: dcorated name length exceeded, name was truncated
// disable warning C4786: symbol greater than 255 characters,
#pragma warning(disable: 4503 4786)
#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include <map>
#include "hsStlSortUtils.h"
// local
#include "plScalarChannel.h"
// other
#include "plInterp/plAnimTimeConvert.h"
// declarations
class plAGChannel;
class plAGAnim;
class plAGMasterMod;
class plAGChannelApplicator;
class plOneShotCallbacks;
/** \class plAGAnimInstance
Whenever we attach an animation to a scene object hierarchy, we
create an activation record -- a plAGAnimInstance -- that remembers
all the ephemeral state associated with animation
Since animations have many channels and may involve blend operations,
one of the primary responsibilities of this class is to keep track of
all the animation node graphs that were created by the invocation of
this animation.
class plAGAnimInstance {
/** Used for the fade commands to select what to fade. */
kFadeBlend, /// Fade the blend strength
kFadeAmp, /// Fade the amplitude
} FadeType;
/** Default constructor. */
/** Construct from an animation and a master modifier.
This attaches the animation channels to the channels of
the master modifier and creates all the bookkeeping structures
necessary to undo it later. */
12 years ago
plAGAnimInstance(plAGAnim * anim, plAGMasterMod * master, float blend, uint16_t blendPriority, bool cache, bool useAmplitude);
/** Destructor. Removes the animation from the scene objects it's attached to. */
virtual ~plAGAnimInstance();
/** Returns the animation that this instance mediates. */
const plAGAnim * GetAnimation() { return fAnimation; };
/** Returns the timeconvert object that controls the progress of time
in this animation. */
plAnimTimeConvert *GetTimeConvert() { return fTimeConvert; }
/** Set the speed of the animation. This is expressed as a fraction of
the speed with which the animation was defined. */
void SetSpeed(float speed) { if (fTimeConvert) fTimeConvert->SetSpeed(speed); };
// \{
The current blend factor of the animation. This indicates the
priority of this animation as opposed to other animations which
were attached before it. Conceptually it may help to think of this
as a layer in an stack of animations, where the blend value is the
'opacity' of this animation relative to the ones below it.
1.0 represents full strength.
You may use values higher than 1.0, but this has not
yet been seen to have any practical utility whatsoever. Note that
even if an animation has a blend strength of 1.0, it may have another
animation on top/downstream from it that is masking it completely. */
float SetBlend(float blend);
float GetBlend();
// \}
/** Set the strength of the animation with respect to its 0th frame.
This can be used to dampen the motion of the animation.
Animations must be designed to use this: frame 0 of the animation
must be a reasonable "default pose" as it will be blended with the
current frame of the animation to produce the result. */
float SetAmplitude(float amp);
/** Get the current strength of the animation. */
float GetAmplitude();
/** Make this animation loop (or not.) Note that the instance can loop
or not without regard to whether the plAGAnim it is based on loops. */
12 years ago
void SetLoop(bool status);
/** Interpret and respond to an animation command message. /sa plAnimCmdMsg */
12 years ago
bool HandleCmd(plAnimCmdMsg *msg);
/** Start playback of the animation. You may optionally provide the a world
time, which is needed for synchronizing the animation's timeline
with the global timeline. If timeNow is -1 (the default,) the system
time will be polled */
void Start(double worldTimeNow = -1);
/** Stop playback of the animation. */
void Stop();
/** Move the playback head of the animation to a specific time.
Note that this time is in animation local time, not global time.
The "jump" parameter specifies whether or not to fire callbacks
that occur between the current time and the target time. */
12 years ago
void SetCurrentTime(float newLocalTime, bool jump = false);
/** Move the playback head by the specified relative amount within
the animation. This may cause looping. If the beginning or end
of the animation is reached an looping is not on, the movement
will pin.
\param jump if true, don't look for callbacks between old time and TRACKED_NEW */
12 years ago
void SeekRelative(float delta, bool jump);
/** Gradually fade the blend strength or amplitude of the animation.
\param goal is the desired blend strength
\param rate is in blend units per second
\type is either kFadeBlend or kFadeAmp */
void Fade(float goal, float rate, uint8_t type = kFadeBlend);
/** Fade the animation and detach it after the fade is complete.
Extremely useful for situations where the controlling logic
is terminating immediately but you want the animation to fade
out gradually.
void FadeAndDetach(float goal, float rate);
/** Has the animation terminated of natural causes?
Primarily used to see if an animation has played all the
way to the end, but will also return true if the animation
was stopped with a stop command */
12 years ago
bool IsFinished();
/** Is the animation playback head positioned at the end. */
12 years ago
bool IsAtEnd();
/** Get the name of the underlying animation. */
plString GetName();
/** Remove all channels from the master mode and remove us from
our master modifier.
Destructs the object! */
void Detach();
/** Remove all the instance's channels from the modifiers they're attached to.
Typically called by the master mod prior to destructing the instance. */
void DetachChannels();
/** Prune any unused branches out of the animation graph; add any
newly active branches back in. */
void Optimize();
/** Convert the given world time to local animation time.
May include the effects of looping or wraparound.
If the local time passes the end of the animation, the returned
time will be pinned appropriately. */
double WorldToAnimTime(double foo) { return (fTimeConvert ? fTimeConvert->WorldToAnimTimeNoUpdate(foo) : 0); };
/** Attach a sequence of callback messages to the animation instance.
Messages are each associated with a specific (local) time
in the animation and will be sent when playback passes that time. */
void AttachCallbacks(plOneShotCallbacks *callbacks);
void ProcessFade(float elapsed); // process any outstanding fades
void SearchForGlobals(); // Util function to setup SDL channels
/** Set up bookkeeping for a fade. */
void ISetupFade(float goal, float rate, bool detach, uint8_t type);
void IRegisterDetach(const plString &channelName, plAGChannel *channel);
const plAGAnim * fAnimation;
plAGMasterMod * fMaster;
std::map<plString, plAGChannelApplicator *, plString::less_i> fChannels;
typedef std::multimap<plString, plAGChannel *> plDetachMap;
plDetachMap fManualDetachChannels;
std::vector<plAGChannel*> fCleanupChannels;
std::vector<plScalarSDLChannel*> fSDLChannels;
plScalarConstant fBlend; // blend factor vs. previous animations
plScalarConstant fAmplitude; // for animation scaling
// Each activation gets its own timeline.
plAnimTimeConvert *fTimeConvert;
12 years ago
bool fFadeBlend; /// we are fading the blend
float fFadeBlendGoal; /// what blend level we're trying to reach
float fFadeBlendRate; /// how fast are we fading in blend units per second (1 blend unit = full)
12 years ago
bool fFadeDetach; /// detach after fade is finished? (only used for blend fades)
12 years ago
bool fFadeAmp; /// we are fading the amplitude
float fFadeAmpGoal; /// amplitude we're trying to reach
float fFadeAmpRate; /// how faster we're fading in blend units per second
12 years ago
float ICalcFade(bool &fade, float curVal, float goal, float rate, float elapsed);
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//#define TRACK_AG_ALLOCS // for now, automatically track AG allocations in debug
extern plString gGlobalAnimName;
extern plString gGlobalChannelName;
void RegisterAGAlloc(plAGChannel *object, const char *chanName, const char *animName, uint16_t classIndex);
void UnRegisterAGAlloc(plAGChannel *object);
void DumpAGAllocs();