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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnUtils/Private/pnUtPath.h
#error "Header $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnUtils/Private/pnUtPath.h included more than once"
* Path definitions
#ifndef MAX_PATH
#define MAX_PATH 260
#define MAX_DRIVE 256
#define MAX_DIR 256
#define MAX_FNAME 256
#define MAX_EXT 256
const unsigned kPathFlagFile = 1<<0;
const unsigned kPathFlagDirectory = 1<<1;
const unsigned kPathFlagHidden = 1<<2;
const unsigned kPathFlagSystem = 1<<3;
const unsigned kPathFlagRecurse = 1<<4; // also set if "**" used in filespec
struct PathFind {
unsigned flags;
qword fileLength;
qword lastWriteTime;
wchar name[MAX_PATH];
* Path "get" functions
void PathFindFiles (
ARRAY(PathFind) * paths,
const wchar fileSpec[],
unsigned pathFlags
void PathGetProgramName (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
void PathGetModuleName (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
// this function will use the current directory if <src> is a relative path
// (see PathSetCurrentDirectory/PathGetCurrentDirectory)
bool PathFromString (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
unsigned dstChars
bool PathFromString (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
unsigned dstChars,
const wchar baseDir[]
bool PathDoesFileExist (
const wchar fileName[]
bool PathDoesDirectoryExist (
const wchar directory[]
bool PathDeleteFile (
const wchar file[]
bool PathMoveFile (
const wchar src[],
const wchar dst[]
bool PathCopyFile (
const wchar src[],
const wchar dst[]
* Path building functions
void PathSplitPath (
const wchar path[],
wchar * drive,
wchar * dir,
wchar * fname,
wchar * ext
void PathMakePath (
wchar * path,
unsigned chars,
const wchar drive[],
const wchar dir[],
const wchar fname[],
const wchar ext[]
// c:\dir1 + dir2\file.txt => c:\dir1\dir2\file.txt
void PathAddFilename (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
const wchar fname[],
unsigned dstChars
// c:\dir1\dir2\file.txt => c:\dir1\dir2\ * note trailing backslash
void PathRemoveFilename (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
unsigned dstChars
// c:\file.txt => c:\dir1\dir2\file
void PathRemoveExtension (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
unsigned dstChars
// c:\file + .out => c:\file.out
// c:\file. + .out => c:\file.out
// c:\file.txt + .out => c:\file.out
void PathSetExtension (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
const wchar ext[],
unsigned dstChars
// c:\file + .out => c:\file.out
// c:\file. + .out => c:\file.
// c:\file.txt + .out => c:\file.txt
void PathAddExtension (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
const wchar ext[],
unsigned dstChars
// c:\dir1\dir2\file.txt => file.txt
void PathRemoveDirectory (
wchar * dst,
const wchar src[],
unsigned dstChars
// c:\dir1\dir2\file.txt - c:\dir1 => .\dir2\file.txt
// c:\dir1\dir2\file1.txt - c:\dir1\dir4\file2.txt => ..\dir4\file2.txt
bool PathMakeRelative (
wchar * dst,
unsigned fromFlags,
const wchar from[],
unsigned toFlags,
const wchar to[],
unsigned dstChars
bool PathIsRelative (
const wchar src[]
const wchar * PathFindFilename (const wchar path[]);
inline wchar * PathFindFilename (wchar * path) {
return const_cast<wchar *>(PathFindFilename(const_cast<const wchar *>(path)));
const wchar * PathFindExtension (const wchar path[]);
inline wchar * PathFindExtension (wchar * path) {
return const_cast<wchar *>(PathFindExtension(const_cast<const wchar *>(path)));
* Directory functions
// Create directory
enum EPathCreateDirError {
kPathCreateDirErrDirExists, // Directory exists and kPathCreateDirFlagCreateNew was specified
// Setting this flag causes the function to create the entire directory
// tree from top to bottom. Clearing this flag causes the function to
// create only the last entry in the path.
const unsigned kPathCreateDirFlagEntireTree = 1<<0;
// Setting this flag causes the function to create the last entry in the path
// ONLY if it doesn't already exist. If it does exist the function will return
// kPathCreateDirErrDirExistes.
const unsigned kPathCreateDirFlagCreateNew = 1<<1;
EPathCreateDirError PathCreateDirectory (
const wchar path[],
unsigned flags
void PathDeleteDirectory (
const wchar path[],
unsigned flags
// Set directory
bool PathSetCurrentDirectory (const wchar path[]);
void PathSetProgramDirectory ();
// Get directory
void PathGetProgramDirectory (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
void PathGetCurrentDirectory (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
void PathGetTempDirectory (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
// Product and user-specific common directory locations
void PathGetUserDirectory (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
void PathGetLogDirectory (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
void PathGetInitDirectory (
wchar * dst,
unsigned dstChars
* Email formatting functions
// you may send nil for any fields you don't care about
void PathSplitEmail (
const wchar emailAddr[],
wchar * user,
unsigned userChars,
wchar * domain,
unsigned domainChars,
wchar * tld,
unsigned tldChars,
wchar * subDomains, // (wchar *)&subs --> wchar subs[16][256];
unsigned subDomainChars, // arrsize(subs[0]) --> 256
unsigned subDomainCount // arrsize(subs) --> 16