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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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#ifndef hsBitVector_inc
#define hsBitVector_inc
#include "hsTypes.h"
template <class T> class hsTArray;
class hsStream;
class hsBitVector {
UInt32* fBitVectors;
UInt32 fNumBitVectors;
void IGrow(UInt32 newNumBitVectors);
friend class hsBitIterator;
hsBitVector(const hsBitVector& other);
hsBitVector(UInt32 which) : fBitVectors(nil), fNumBitVectors(0) { SetBit(which); }
hsBitVector(int b, ...); // list of one or more integer bits to set. -1 (or any negative) terminates the list (e.g. hsBitVector(0,1,4,-1);
hsBitVector(const hsTArray<Int16>& list); // sets bit for each int in list
hsBitVector() : fBitVectors(nil), fNumBitVectors(0) {}
virtual ~hsBitVector() { Reset(); }
hsBitVector& Reset() { delete [] fBitVectors; fBitVectors = nil; fNumBitVectors = 0; return *this; }
hsBitVector& Clear(); // everyone clear, but no dealloc
hsBitVector& Set(int upToBit=-1); // WARNING - see comments at function
int operator==(const hsBitVector& other) const; // unset (ie uninitialized) bits are clear,
int operator!=(const hsBitVector& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
hsBitVector& operator=(const hsBitVector& other); // will wind up identical
hsBool ClearBit(UInt32 which) { return SetBit(which, 0); } // returns previous state
hsBool SetBit(UInt32 which, hsBool on = true); // returns previous state
hsBool IsBitSet(UInt32 which) const; // returns current state
hsBool ToggleBit(UInt32 which); // returns previous state
hsBitVector& RemoveBit(UInt32 which); // removes bit, sliding higher bits down to fill the gap.
friend inline int Overlap(const hsBitVector& lhs, const hsBitVector& rhs) { return lhs.Overlap(rhs); }
hsBool Overlap(const hsBitVector& other) const;
hsBool Empty() const;
hsBool operator[](UInt32 which) const { return IsBitSet(which); }
friend inline hsBitVector operator&(const hsBitVector& lhs, const hsBitVector& rhs); // See Overlap()
friend inline hsBitVector operator|(const hsBitVector& lhs, const hsBitVector& rhs);
friend inline hsBitVector operator^(const hsBitVector& lhs, const hsBitVector& rhs);
friend inline hsBitVector operator-(const hsBitVector& lhs, const hsBitVector& rhs); // return lhs w/ rhs's bits turned off
hsBitVector& operator&=(const hsBitVector& other); // See Overlap()
hsBitVector& operator|=(const hsBitVector& other);
hsBitVector& operator^=(const hsBitVector& other);
hsBitVector& operator-=(const hsBitVector& other); // return me w/ other's bits turned off
hsBitVector& Compact();
hsBitVector& SetSize(UInt32 numBits) { ClearBit(numBits+1); return *this; }
UInt32 GetSize() { return fNumBitVectors << 5; }
// integer level access
UInt32 GetNumBitVectors() const { return fNumBitVectors; }
UInt32 GetBitVector(int i) const { return fBitVectors[i]; }
void SetNumBitVectors(UInt32 n) { Reset(); fNumBitVectors=n; fBitVectors = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[n]; }
void SetBitVector(int i, UInt32 val) { fBitVectors[i]=val; }
// Do dst.SetCount(0), then add each set bit's index into dst, returning dst.
hsTArray<Int16>& Enumerate(hsTArray<Int16>& dst) const;
// this->Clear(), then set all bits listed in src, returning *this.
hsBitVector& FromList(const hsTArray<Int16>& src);
void Read(hsStream* s);
void Write(hsStream* s) const;
inline hsBitVector::hsBitVector(const hsBitVector& other)
if( 0 != (fNumBitVectors = other.fNumBitVectors) )
fBitVectors = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[fNumBitVectors];
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] = other.fBitVectors[i];
fBitVectors = nil;
inline hsBool hsBitVector::Empty() const
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
if( fBitVectors[i] )
return false;
return true;
inline hsBool hsBitVector::Overlap(const hsBitVector& other) const
if( fNumBitVectors > other.fNumBitVectors )
return other.Overlap(*this);
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
if( fBitVectors[i] & other.fBitVectors[i] )
return true;
return false;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::operator=(const hsBitVector& other)
if( this != &other )
if( fNumBitVectors < other.fNumBitVectors )
fNumBitVectors = other.fNumBitVectors;
fBitVectors = TRACKED_NEW UInt32[fNumBitVectors];
int i;
for( i = 0; i < other.fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] = other.fBitVectors[i];
return *this;
inline int hsBitVector::operator==(const hsBitVector& other) const
if( fNumBitVectors < other.fNumBitVectors )
return other.operator==(*this);
int i;
for( i = 0; i < other.fNumBitVectors; i++ )
if( fBitVectors[i] ^ other.fBitVectors[i] )
return false;
for( ; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
if( fBitVectors[i] )
return false;
return true;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::operator&=(const hsBitVector& other)
if( this == &other )
return *this;
if( fNumBitVectors > other.fNumBitVectors )
fNumBitVectors = other.fNumBitVectors;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] &= other.fBitVectors[i];
return *this;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::operator|=(const hsBitVector& other)
if( this == &other )
return *this;
if( fNumBitVectors < other.fNumBitVectors )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < other.fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] |= other.fBitVectors[i];
return *this;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::operator^=(const hsBitVector& other)
if( this == &other )
return *this;
if( fNumBitVectors < other.fNumBitVectors )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < other.fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] ^= other.fBitVectors[i];
return *this;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::operator-=(const hsBitVector& other)
if( this == &other )
return *this;
int minNum = fNumBitVectors < other.fNumBitVectors ? fNumBitVectors : other.fNumBitVectors;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < minNum; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] &= ~other.fBitVectors[i];
return *this;
inline hsBitVector operator&(const hsBitVector& rhs, const hsBitVector& lhs)
hsBitVector ret(rhs);
return ret &= lhs;
inline hsBitVector operator|(const hsBitVector& rhs, const hsBitVector& lhs)
hsBitVector ret(rhs);
return ret |= lhs;
inline hsBitVector operator^(const hsBitVector& rhs, const hsBitVector& lhs)
hsBitVector ret(rhs);
return ret ^= lhs;
inline hsBitVector operator-(const hsBitVector& rhs, const hsBitVector& lhs)
hsBitVector ret(rhs);
return ret -= lhs;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::Clear()
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] = 0;
return *this;
// WARNING - since the bitvector is conceptually infinitely long,
// we can't actually set all the bits. If you pass in a non-negative
// upToBit, this sets all bits up to and including that one, otherwise
// it just sets however many bits are currently allocated. You can
// assure this is as many as you want by first calling SetSize, but
// if there are more bits than the requested size, these will also
// get set. Calling Set with a non-negative upToBit will only set
// the bits from 0 to upToBit, but won't clear any higher bits.
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::Set(int upToBit)
if( upToBit >= 0 )
UInt32 major = upToBit >> 5;
UInt32 minor = 1 << (upToBit & 0x1f);
if( major >= fNumBitVectors )
UInt32 i;
for( i = 0; i < major; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] = 0xffffffff;
for( i = 1; i <= minor && i > 0; i <<= 1 )
fBitVectors[major] |= i;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < fNumBitVectors; i++ )
fBitVectors[i] = 0xffffffff;
return *this;
inline hsBool hsBitVector::IsBitSet(UInt32 which) const
UInt32 major = which >> 5;
(major < fNumBitVectors)
&& (0 != (fBitVectors[major] & 1 << (which & 0x1f)));
inline hsBool hsBitVector::SetBit(UInt32 which, hsBool on)
UInt32 major = which >> 5;
UInt32 minor = 1 << (which & 0x1f);
if( major >= fNumBitVectors )
hsBool ret = 0 != (fBitVectors[major] & minor);
if( ret != on )
if( on )
fBitVectors[major] |= minor;
fBitVectors[major] &= ~minor;
return ret;
inline hsBool hsBitVector::ToggleBit(UInt32 which)
UInt32 major = which >> 5;
UInt32 minor = 1 << (which & 0x1f);
if( major >= fNumBitVectors )
hsBool ret = 0 != (fBitVectors[major] & minor);
if( ret )
fBitVectors[major] &= ~minor;
fBitVectors[major] |= minor;
return ret;
inline hsBitVector& hsBitVector::RemoveBit(UInt32 which)
UInt32 major = which >> 5;
if( major >= fNumBitVectors )
return *this;
UInt32 minor = 1 << (which & 0x1f);
UInt32 lowMask = minor-1;
UInt32 hiMask = ~(lowMask);
fBitVectors[major] = (fBitVectors[major] & lowMask)
| ((fBitVectors[major] >> 1) & hiMask);
while( major < fNumBitVectors-1 )
if( fBitVectors[major+1] & 0x1 )
fBitVectors[major] |= 0x80000000;
fBitVectors[major] &= ~0x80000000;
fBitVectors[major] >>= 1;
fBitVectors[major] &= ~0x80000000;
return *this;
class hsBitIterator
const hsBitVector& fBits;
int fCurrent;
int fCurrVec;
int fCurrBit;
int IAdvanceBit();
int IAdvanceVec();
// Must call begin after instanciating.
hsBitIterator(const hsBitVector& bits) : fBits(bits) {}
int Begin();
int Current() const { return fCurrent; }
int Advance();
int End() const { return fCurrVec < 0; }
#endif // hsBitVector_inc