CyanWorlds . com Engine - MMOG client , server and tools
Copyright ( C ) 2011 Cyan Worlds , Inc .
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds , Inc . by email legal @ cyan . com
or by snail mail at :
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* = = LICENSE = = */
# include "HeadSpin.h"
# include "plPythonFileComponent.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include "plComponent.h"
# include "plComponentReg.h"
# include "../MaxMain/plMaxNode.h"
# include "hsUtils.h"
# include "plAutoUIBlock.h"
# include "plAutoUIParams.h"
# include "../pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h"
# include "../MaxMain/plPluginResManager.h"
# include "../pnMessage/plObjRefMsg.h"
# include "plVolumeGadgetComponent.h"
# include "plGUIComponents.h"
# include "pfGUISkinComp.h"
# include "plExcludeRegionComponent.h"
# include "plAnimComponent.h"
# include "plNotetrackAnim.h"
# include "plOneShotComponent.h"
# include "plMultistageBehComponent.h"
# include "../plInterp/plAnimEaseTypes.h"
# include "../plAgeDescription/plAgeDescription.h"
# include "plWaterComponent.h"
# include "../plDrawable/plWaveSetBase.h"
# include "plClusterComponent.h"
# include "../plDrawable/plClusterGroup.h"
# include "plPhysicalComponents.h"
//#include "../plHavok1/plHKPhysical.h"
# include "../plAvatar/plSwimRegion.h"
# include "../../PubUtilLib/plSurface/plGrassShaderMod.h"
# include "plGrassComponent.h"
# include "notify.h"
# include <vector>
# include <set>
# include <map>
# include <string>
# include "../pfPython/plPythonFileMod.h"
# include "../pfPython/plPythonParameter.h"
// for DynamicText hack to get the plKeys (could probably be removed later)
# include "../plGImage/plDynamicTextMap.h"
//// plCommonPythonLib ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Derived class for our global python fileMods, since they go in to the
// BuiltIn page
// 2.4.03 mcn - Added sceneObjects to the list, so that we can have an
// associated sceneObject for our mod
# include "../MaxMain/plCommonObjLib.h"
# include "../plSDL/plSDL.h"
class plCommonPythonLib : public plCommonObjLib
public :
virtual hsBool IsInteresting ( const plKey & objectKey )
if ( objectKey - > GetUoid ( ) . GetClassType ( ) = = plPythonFileMod : : Index ( ) )
return true ;
if ( objectKey - > GetUoid ( ) . GetClassType ( ) = = plSceneObject : : Index ( ) & &
strcmp ( objectKey - > GetUoid ( ) . GetObjectName ( ) , plSDL : : kAgeSDLObjectName ) = = 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
static plCommonPythonLib sCommonPythonLib ;
static void NotifyProc ( void * param , NotifyInfo * info ) ;
// Notify us on file open so we can check for bad Python components
void DummyCodeIncludePythonFileFunc ( )
RegisterNotification ( NotifyProc , nil , NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN ) ;
RegisterNotification ( NotifyProc , nil , NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_SAVE ) ;
RegisterNotification ( NotifyProc , nil , NOTIFY_SYSTEM_POST_RESET ) ;
RegisterNotification ( NotifyProc , nil , NOTIFY_SYSTEM_POST_NEW ) ;
RegisterNotification ( NotifyProc , nil , NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN2 ) ;
// Param block ID's
kPythonFileType_DEAD ,
kPythonFilePB ,
kPythonVersion ,
} ;
class plPythonFileComponent : public plComponent
public :
typedef std : : map < plMaxNode * , plKey > PythonKeys ;
// When we're auto-exporting and can't pop up an error dialog, we cache our
// errors here and blab about it at export time
static std : : string fPythonError ;
protected :
PythonKeys fModKeys ;
hsTArray < plKey > fOthersKeys ;
public :
plPythonFileComponent ( ) ;
virtual hsBool SetupProperties ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg ) ;
virtual hsBool PreConvert ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg ) ;
virtual hsBool Convert ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg ) ;
virtual void AddReceiverKey ( plKey key , plMaxNode * node = nil ) { fOthersKeys . Append ( key ) ; }
// Returns false if the Python file for this component wasn't loaded, and clears
// the data in the PB to prevent Max from crashing.
enum Validate
kPythonOk ,
kPythonNoFile ,
kPythonBadVer ,
kPythonNoVer ,
} ;
Validate ValidateFile ( ) ;
const char * GetPythonName ( ) ;
virtual PythonKeys & GetKeys ( ) { return fModKeys ; }
virtual hsBool DeInit ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
fModKeys . clear ( ) ;
fOthersKeys . Reset ( ) ;
return plComponent : : DeInit ( node , pErrMsg ) ;
} ;
CLASS_DESC ( plPythonFileComponent , gPythonFileComponentDesc , " Python File " , " PythonFile " , COMP_TYPE_LOGIC , PYTHON_FILE_CID ) ;
std : : string plPythonFileComponent : : fPythonError ;
// Called by the Python File manager
// Storage for all the registered Python file types
static std : : vector < plAutoUIBlock * > gAutoUIBlocks ;
void PythonFile : : AddAutoUIBlock ( plAutoUIBlock * block )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < gAutoUIBlocks . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( gAutoUIBlocks [ i ] - > GetBlockID ( ) = = block - > GetBlockID ( ) )
char buf [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( buf ,
" Duplicate Python File ID \n \n "
" %s and %s use ID %d \n \n "
" %s will be ignored. " ,
gAutoUIBlocks [ i ] - > GetName ( ) ,
block - > GetName ( ) ,
block - > GetBlockID ( ) ,
block - > GetName ( ) ) ;
hsMessageBox ( buf , " Warning " , hsMBoxOk ) ;
return ;
gAutoUIBlocks . push_back ( block ) ;
plComponentClassDesc * PythonFile : : GetClassDesc ( )
return & gPythonFileComponentDesc ;
static plAutoUIBlock * FindAutoUI ( IParamBlock2 * pb )
if ( ! pb )
return nil ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < gAutoUIBlocks . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( gAutoUIBlocks [ i ] - > GetBlockID ( ) = = pb - > ID ( ) )
return gAutoUIBlocks [ i ] ;
return nil ;
plPythonFileComponent : : plPythonFileComponent ( )
fClassDesc = & gPythonFileComponentDesc ;
fClassDesc - > MakeAutoParamBlocks ( this ) ;
hsBool plPythonFileComponent : : SetupProperties ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
if ( fPythonError . length ( ) > 0 )
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Python Error " , fPythonError . c_str ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( ) ;
fPythonError = " " ;
fModKeys . clear ( ) ;
return true ;
hsBool plPythonFileComponent : : PreConvert ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
IParamBlock2 * pb = ( IParamBlock2 * ) fCompPB - > GetReferenceTarget ( kPythonFilePB ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * block = FindAutoUI ( pb ) ;
if ( ! block )
return false ;
// if this is a multi-modifier python file component then is this the main (or first) maxnode
bool mainMultiModierNode = false ;
plPythonFileMod * mod = TRACKED_NEW plPythonFileMod ;
// create the modifier key ourselves so that we can get the name of the modifier in the name
plSceneObject * obj = node - > GetSceneObject ( ) ;
plKey modKey ;
if ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kPythonFileIsGlobal ) )
// Do we already have this guy?
plPythonFileMod * existingOne = plPythonFileMod : : ConvertNoRef ( sCommonPythonLib . FindObject ( plPythonFileMod : : kGlobalNameKonstant ) ) ;
if ( existingOne ! = nil )
// This component already exists, which can happen since it's in a common page. So we need
// to nuke the key and its object so we can reuse it.
modKey = existingOne - > GetKey ( ) ;
// But first detach it from its target sceneObject
if ( existingOne - > GetTarget ( 0 ) ! = nil )
existingOne - > GetTarget ( 0 ) - > GetKey ( ) - > Release ( modKey ) ;
if ( ! sCommonPythonLib . RemoveObjectAndKey ( modKey ) )
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Python File Component Error " ,
" The global Python File Component %s is attempting to export over an already "
" existing component of the same name, and the exporter is unable to delete the "
" old object to replace it. This would be a good time to call mcn for help. " , GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
// Pointer is invalid now anyways...
existingOne = nil ;
// Also make sure we have an age SDL object to attach to (currently only used for python, hence why it's safe here)
obj = plSceneObject : : ConvertNoRef ( sCommonPythonLib . FindObject ( plSDL : : kAgeSDLObjectName ) ) ;
if ( obj ! = nil )
plKey foo = obj - > GetKey ( ) ;
if ( ! sCommonPythonLib . RemoveObjectAndKey ( foo ) )
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Python File Component Error " ,
" The global Python File Component %s is attempting to export over an already "
" existing component of the same name, and the exporter is unable to delete the "
" old sceneObject to replace it. This would be a good time to call mcn for help. " , GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
// Pointer is invalid now anyways...
obj = nil ;
// Create us a new sceneObject to attach to
obj = TRACKED_NEW plSceneObject ;
const plLocation & globalLoc = plPluginResManager : : ResMgr ( ) - > GetCommonPage ( node - > GetLocation ( ) , plAgeDescription : : kGlobal ) ;
hsAssert ( globalLoc . IsValid ( ) , " Invalid common page location!!! " ) ;
modKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( plPythonFileMod : : kGlobalNameKonstant , mod , globalLoc ) ;
// Make a key for our special sceneObject too
plKey sdlObjectKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( plSDL : : kAgeSDLObjectName , obj , globalLoc ) ;
plPluginResManager : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddLooseEnd ( sdlObjectKey ) ;
if ( block - > IsMultiModifier ( ) )
// yup, then only create one modifier that will all the objects will attach to
// in other words, one python module with many attached sceneobjects
if ( fModKeys . empty ( ) )
// its empty so create the first and only one
modKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , mod , node - > GetLocation ( ) ) ;
mainMultiModierNode = true ;
// else we just take the first one (should be the only one)
PythonKeys : : iterator pos ;
pos = fModKeys . begin ( ) ;
modKey = pos - > second ;
// Guess we won't be using that modifier we new'd up there. Does that mean we should delete it? Sure.
delete mod ;
mod = nil ;
else // else, nope... create a modifier for each object its attached to
modKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , mod , node - > GetLocation ( ) ) ;
hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddViaNotify ( modKey , TRACKED_NEW plObjRefMsg ( obj - > GetKey ( ) , plRefMsg : : kOnCreate , - 1 , plObjRefMsg : : kModifier ) , plRefFlags : : kActiveRef ) ;
fModKeys [ node ] = modKey ;
// only let non-multimodifier or multimodifier then only the main node register for notifies
if ( ! block - > IsMultiModifier ( ) | | mainMultiModierNode )
int nParams = block - > NumParams ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nParams ; i + + )
plAutoUIParam * param = block - > GetParam ( i ) ;
if ( param - > GetParamType ( ) = = plAutoUIParam : : kTypeActivator )
// Register the modifier to recieve notifies from this activator.
// We'll let the modifier know the activator key when it's available,
// in the convert pass.
int numcomps = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < numcomps ; j + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , j ) ;
if ( comp )
comp - > AddReceiverKey ( modKey ) ;
if ( param - > GetParamType ( ) = = plAutoUIParam : : kTypeGUIDialog )
// Register the modifier to recieve notifies from this activator.
// We'll let the modifier know the activator key when it's available,
// in the convert pass.
int numcomps = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < numcomps ; j + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , j ) ;
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = GUI_DIALOG_COMP_CLASS_ID )
// convert the comp to a GUIDialog component, so we can talk to it
plGUIDialogComponent * dialog_comp = ( plGUIDialogComponent * ) comp ;
dialog_comp - > SetNotifyReceiver ( modKey ) ;
return true ;
# include "plActivatorBaseComponent.h"
# include "../pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
# include "plResponderComponent.h"
hsBool plPythonFileComponent : : Convert ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
IParamBlock2 * pb = ( IParamBlock2 * ) fCompPB - > GetReferenceTarget ( kPythonFilePB ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * block = FindAutoUI ( pb ) ;
if ( ! block )
return false ;
plKey modKey = fModKeys [ node ] ;
plPythonFileMod * mod = plPythonFileMod : : ConvertNoRef ( modKey - > GetObjectPtr ( ) ) ;
// add in all the receivers that want to be notified from the Python coded script
int j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < fOthersKeys . Count ( ) ; j + + )
mod - > AddToNotifyList ( fOthersKeys [ j ] ) ;
// remove all the Keys we know about to be re-built on the next convert
fOthersKeys . Reset ( ) ;
// set the name of the source file
mod - > SetSourceFile ( block - > GetName ( ) ) ;
int nParams = block - > NumParams ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nParams ; i + + )
plAutoUIParam * param = block - > GetParam ( i ) ;
plPythonParameter pyParam ;
pyParam . fID = param - > GetID ( ) ;
// Get the data for the param
switch ( param - > GetParamType ( ) )
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeBool :
pyParam . SetToBoolean ( param - > GetBool ( pb ) ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeInt :
pyParam . SetToInt ( param - > GetInt ( pb ) ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeFloat :
pyParam . SetToFloat ( param - > GetFloat ( pb ) ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeString :
pyParam . SetToString ( param - > GetString ( pb ) ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeSceneObj :
int numKeys = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
hsBool found_atleast_one_good_one = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKeys ; i + + )
plKey skey = param - > GetKey ( pb , i ) ;
if ( skey ! = nil )
pyParam . SetToSceneObject ( skey , true ) ;
// make sure that there really was a sceneobject
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
found_atleast_one_good_one = true ;
if ( ! found_atleast_one_good_one )
char buf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " The sceneobject attribute (ID=%d) that was selected in %s PythonFile, somehow does not exist!? " ,
pyParam . fID , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeComponent :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
hsBool found_atleast_one_good_one = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < comp - > NumTargets ( ) ; j + + )
plKey responderKey = Responder : : GetKey ( comp , comp - > GetTarget ( j ) ) ;
if ( responderKey ! = nil )
pyParam . SetToResponder ( responderKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
found_atleast_one_good_one = true ;
if ( ! found_atleast_one_good_one )
char buf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " The responder attribute %s that was selected in %s PythonFile, somehow does not exist!? " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeActivator :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
// make sure we found a comp and then see if it is an activator type
if ( comp & & comp - > CanConvertToType ( ACTIVATOR_BASE_CID ) )
plActivatorBaseComponent * activator = ( plActivatorBaseComponent * ) comp ;
const plActivatorBaseComponent : : LogicKeys & logicKeys = activator - > GetLogicKeys ( ) ;
plActivatorBaseComponent : : LogicKeys : : const_iterator it ;
for ( it = logicKeys . begin ( ) ; it ! = logicKeys . end ( ) ; it + + )
pyParam . SetToActivator ( it - > second ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
// do special stuff for Volume sensors because they are stupid turds
if ( comp - > ClassID ( ) = = VOLUMEGADGET_CID )
plVolumeGadgetComponent * pClick = ( plVolumeGadgetComponent * ) comp ;
const plVolumeGadgetComponent : : LogicKeys & logicKeys2 = pClick - > GetLogicOutKeys ( ) ;
plVolumeGadgetComponent : : LogicKeys : : const_iterator VGit ;
for ( VGit = logicKeys2 . begin ( ) ; VGit ! = logicKeys2 . end ( ) ; VGit + + )
pyParam . SetToActivator ( VGit - > second ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
// now see if it is a PythonFile kinda activator thingy
else if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = PYTHON_FILE_CID )
plPythonFileComponent * pyfact = ( plPythonFileComponent * ) comp ;
const plPythonFileComponent : : PythonKeys & pythonKeys = pyfact - > GetKeys ( ) ;
plPythonFileComponent : : PythonKeys : : const_iterator it ;
for ( it = pythonKeys . begin ( ) ; it ! = pythonKeys . end ( ) ; it + + )
pyParam . SetToActivator ( it - > second ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeDynamicText :
int numKeys = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKeys ; i + + )
plKey key = param - > GetKey ( pb , i ) ;
// make sure we got a key and that it is a DynamicTextMap
if ( key & & plDynamicTextMap : : ConvertNoRef ( key - > GetObjectPtr ( ) ) )
pyParam . SetToDynamicText ( key ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeGUIDialog :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp )
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = GUI_DIALOG_COMP_CLASS_ID )
// convert the comp to a GUIDialog component, so we can talk to it
plGUIDialogComponent * dialog_comp = ( plGUIDialogComponent * ) comp ;
plKey dialogKey = dialog_comp - > GetModifierKey ( ) ;
pyParam . SetToGUIDialog ( dialogKey ) ;
if ( pyParam . fObjectKey = = nil )
char buf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " The GUIDialog attribute %s that was selected in %s PythonFile, somehow does not exist!? " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeGUIPopUpMenu :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp )
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = GUI_MENUANCHOR_CLASSID )
// convert the comp to a GUIPopUpMenu component, so we can talk to it
plGUIMenuComponent * guiComp = ( plGUIMenuComponent * ) comp ;
plKey key = guiComp - > GetConvertedMenuKey ( ) ;
pyParam . SetToGUIPopUpMenu ( key ) ;
if ( pyParam . fObjectKey = = nil )
char buf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " The GUIPopUpMenu attribute %s that was selected in %s PythonFile, somehow does not exist!? " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeGUISkin :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp )
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = GUI_SKIN_CLASSID )
// convert the comp to a GUISkin component, so we can talk to it
plGUISkinComp * guiComp = ( plGUISkinComp * ) comp ;
plKey key = guiComp - > GetConvertedSkinKey ( ) ;
pyParam . SetToGUISkin ( key ) ;
if ( pyParam . fObjectKey = = nil )
char buf [ 512 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " The GUISkin attribute %s that was selected in %s PythonFile, somehow does not exist!? " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeExcludeRegion :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
int number_of_real_targets_found = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = XREGION_CID )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < comp - > NumTargets ( ) ; j + + )
plExcludeRegionComponent * excomp = ( plExcludeRegionComponent * ) comp ;
plKey exKey = excomp - > GetKey ( ( plMaxNode * ) ( comp - > GetTarget ( j ) ) ) ;
if ( exKey ! = nil )
// only get one real target, just count the rest
if ( number_of_real_targets_found = = 0 )
pyParam . SetToExcludeRegion ( exKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
number_of_real_targets_found + = 1 ;
if ( number_of_real_targets_found ! = 1 )
// there is zero or more than one node attached to this exclude region
char buf [ 512 ] ;
if ( number_of_real_targets_found = = 0 )
sprintf ( buf , " The ExcludeRegion %s that was selected as an attribute in %s PythonFile, has no scene nodes attached. " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " The ExcludeRegion %s that was selected as an attribute in %s PythonFile, has more than one scene node attached (using first one found). " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeWaterComponent :
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , 0 ) ;
plWaveSetBase * wsb = nil ;
if ( comp )
wsb = plWaterComponent : : GetWaveSet ( comp - > GetINode ( ) ) ;
if ( wsb ! = nil )
plKey waterKey = wsb - > GetKey ( ) ;
if ( waterKey ! = nil )
pyParam . SetToWaterComponent ( waterKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeSwimCurrentInterface :
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , 0 ) ;
plSwimRegionInterface * sri = nil ;
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = PHYS_SWIMSURFACE_CID )
plSwim2DComponent * swimcomp = ( plSwim2DComponent * ) comp ;
std : : map < plMaxNode * , plSwimRegionInterface * > : : const_iterator containsNode ;
plMaxNode * mnode = nil ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < swimcomp - > NumTargets ( ) ; i + + )
mnode = ( plMaxNode * ) swimcomp - > GetTarget ( i ) ;
containsNode = swimcomp - > fSwimRegions . find ( mnode ) ;
if ( containsNode ! = swimcomp - > fSwimRegions . end ( ) )
sri = swimcomp - > fSwimRegions [ mnode ] ;
break ;
if ( sri ! = nil )
plKey swimKey = sri - > GetKey ( ) ;
if ( swimKey ! = nil )
pyParam . SetToSwimCurrentInterface ( swimKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeClusterComponent :
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , 0 ) ;
plClusterGroup * clusterGroup = nil ;
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = CLUSTER_COMP_CID )
plClusterComponent * clusterComp = ( plClusterComponent * ) comp ;
int numGroups = clusterComp - > GetNumGroups ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numGroups ; i + + )
plClusterGroup * group = clusterComp - > GetGroup ( i ) ;
plKey groupKey = group - > GetKey ( ) ;
if ( groupKey ! = nil )
pyParam . SetToClusterComponent ( groupKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeAnimation :
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp & & ( comp - > ClassID ( ) = = ANIM_COMP_CID | | comp - > ClassID ( ) = = ANIM_GROUP_COMP_CID ) )
plAnimComponentBase * animcomp = ( plAnimComponentBase * ) comp ;
// save out the animation name first
const char * tempAnimName = animcomp - > GetAnimName ( ) ;
if ( tempAnimName = = nil )
pyParam . SetToAnimationName ( ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME ) ;
pyParam . SetToAnimationName ( tempAnimName ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
// gather up all the modkeys for all the targets attached to this animation component
int j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < comp - > NumTargets ( ) ; j + + )
pyParam . SetToAnimation ( animcomp - > GetModKey ( ( plMaxNode * ) ( comp - > GetTarget ( j ) ) ) ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeBehavior :
// The Behavior attribute is One-Shots and Multi-stage behaviors
// For Python usage: we will only allow using behaviors that are
// attached to one position node. In other words, Python will only
// be used for special cases.
int count = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
int number_of_real_targets_found = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , i ) ;
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = ONESHOTCLASS_ID )
// gather up all the modkeys for all the targets attached to this animation component
int j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < comp - > NumTargets ( ) ; j + + )
plKey behKey = OneShotComp : : GetOneShotKey ( comp , ( plMaxNode * ) ( comp - > GetTarget ( j ) ) ) ;
if ( behKey ! = nil )
// only get one real target, just count the rest
if ( number_of_real_targets_found = = 0 )
pyParam . SetToBehavior ( behKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
number_of_real_targets_found + = 1 ;
else if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = MULTISTAGE_BEH_CID )
// gather up all the modkeys for all the targets attached to this animation component
int j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < comp - > NumTargets ( ) ; j + + )
plKey behKey = MultiStageBeh : : GetMultiStageBehKey ( comp , ( plMaxNode * ) ( comp - > GetTarget ( j ) ) ) ;
if ( behKey ! = nil )
// only get one real target, just count the rest
if ( number_of_real_targets_found = = 0 )
pyParam . SetToBehavior ( behKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
number_of_real_targets_found + = 1 ;
if ( number_of_real_targets_found ! = 1 )
// there is zero or more than one node attached to this exclude region
char buf [ 512 ] ;
if ( number_of_real_targets_found = = 0 )
sprintf ( buf , " The Behavior component %s that was selected as an attribute in %s PythonFile, has no scene nodes attached. " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " The Behavior component %s that was selected as an attribute in %s PythonFile, has more than one scene node attached (using first one found). " ,
comp - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) , this - > GetINode ( ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " PythonFile Warning " , buf ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeMaterial :
int numKeys = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKeys ; i + + )
plKey key = param - > GetKey ( pb , i ) ;
// make sure we got a key and that it is a plMipmap
if ( key & & plMipmap : : ConvertNoRef ( key - > GetObjectPtr ( ) ) )
pyParam . SetToMaterial ( key ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeMaterialAnimation :
plPickMaterialAnimationButtonParam * matAnim = ( plPickMaterialAnimationButtonParam * ) param ;
matAnim - > CreateKeyArray ( pb ) ;
int numKeys = param - > GetCount ( pb ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKeys ; i + + )
plKey key = param - > GetKey ( pb , i ) ;
if ( key )
pyParam . SetToMaterialAnimation ( key ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
matAnim - > DestroyKeyArray ( ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeDropDownList :
pyParam . SetToString ( param - > GetString ( pb ) ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
case plAutoUIParam : : kTypeGrassComponent :
plComponentBase * comp = param - > GetComponent ( pb , 0 ) ;
plGrassShaderMod * shader = nil ;
if ( comp )
shader = plGrassComponent : : GetShader ( comp - > GetINode ( ) ) ;
if ( shader ! = nil )
plKey shaderKey = shader - > GetKey ( ) ;
if ( shaderKey ! = nil )
pyParam . SetToGrassShaderComponent ( shaderKey ) ;
mod - > AddParameter ( pyParam ) ;
break ;
return true ;
plPythonFileComponent : : Validate plPythonFileComponent : : ValidateFile ( )
// Make sure the type is in the valid range
IParamBlock2 * pb = ( IParamBlock2 * ) fCompPB - > GetReferenceTarget ( kPythonFilePB ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * block = FindAutoUI ( pb ) ;
if ( ! block | | fCompPB - > GetInt ( kPythonVersion ) > block - > GetVersion ( ) )
// Bad type, clear out the PB so this won't blow up during a save
fCompPB - > SetValue ( kPythonFilePB , 0 , ( ReferenceTarget * ) nil ) ;
if ( ! block )
return kPythonNoFile ;
return kPythonBadVer ;
// Got a newer version of the Python file, update our version
if ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kPythonVersion ) < block - > GetVersion ( ) )
fCompPB - > SetValue ( kPythonVersion , 0 , block - > GetVersion ( ) ) ;
if ( block - > GetVersion ( ) = = 0 )
return kPythonNoVer ;
return kPythonOk ;
const char * plPythonFileComponent : : GetPythonName ( )
// Make sure the type is in the valid range
IParamBlock2 * pb = ( IParamBlock2 * ) fCompPB - > GetReferenceTarget ( kPythonFilePB ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * block = FindAutoUI ( pb ) ;
if ( block )
return block - > GetName ( ) ;
return " (unknown) " ;
// Verify that all Python File components in the scene are OK, and warn the user
// if any aren't
class plPythonError
public :
plMaxNode * node ;
const char * pythonName ;
plPythonFileComponent : : Validate error ;
bool operator < ( const plPythonError & rhs ) const { return rhs . node < node ; }
} ;
typedef std : : set < plPythonError > ErrorSet ;
static void CheckPythonFileCompsRecur ( plMaxNode * node , ErrorSet & badNodes )
plComponentBase * comp = node - > ConvertToComponent ( ) ;
if ( comp & & comp - > ClassID ( ) = = PYTHON_FILE_CID )
plPythonFileComponent * pyComp = ( plPythonFileComponent * ) comp ;
const char * pythonName = pyComp - > GetPythonName ( ) ;
plPythonFileComponent : : Validate valid = pyComp - > ValidateFile ( ) ;
if ( valid ! = plPythonFileComponent : : kPythonOk )
plPythonError err ;
err . node = node ;
err . pythonName = pythonName ;
err . error = valid ;
badNodes . insert ( err ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < node - > NumberOfChildren ( ) ; i + + )
CheckPythonFileCompsRecur ( ( plMaxNode * ) node - > GetChildNode ( i ) , badNodes ) ;
static BOOL CALLBACK WarnDialogProc ( HWND hDlg , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
if ( msg = = WM_INITDIALOG )
HWND hList = GetDlgItem ( hDlg , IDC_COMP_LIST ) ;
lvc . mask = LVCF_TEXT ;
lvc . pszText = " Component " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hList , 0 , & lvc ) ;
lvc . pszText = " Python File " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hList , 1 , & lvc ) ;
lvc . pszText = " Error " ;
ListView_InsertColumn ( hList , 2 , & lvc ) ;
ErrorSet * badNodes = ( ErrorSet * ) lParam ;
ErrorSet : : iterator it = badNodes - > begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = badNodes - > end ( ) ; it + + )
plPythonError & err = * it ;
plMaxNode * node = err . node ;
plPythonFileComponent * comp = ( plPythonFileComponent * ) node - > ConvertToComponent ( ) ;
LVITEM lvi ;
lvi . mask = LVIF_TEXT ;
lvi . pszText = ( char * ) node - > GetName ( ) ;
lvi . iItem = 0 ;
lvi . iSubItem = 0 ;
int idx = ListView_InsertItem ( hList , & lvi ) ;
ListView_SetItemText ( hList , idx , 1 , ( char * ) err . pythonName ) ;
switch ( err . error )
case plPythonFileComponent : : Validate : : kPythonBadVer :
ListView_SetItemText ( hList , idx , 2 , " Old Version " ) ;
break ;
case plPythonFileComponent : : Validate : : kPythonNoVer :
ListView_SetItemText ( hList , idx , 2 , " No Version " ) ;
break ;
case plPythonFileComponent : : Validate : : kPythonNoFile :
ListView_SetItemText ( hList , idx , 2 , " No File/Python Error " ) ;
break ;
ListView_SetColumnWidth ( hList , 0 , LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ) ;
ListView_SetColumnWidth ( hList , 1 , LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ) ;
ListView_SetColumnWidth ( hList , 2 , LVSCW_AUTOSIZE ) ;
return TRUE ;
else if ( msg = = WM_COMMAND )
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED & & ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDOK | | LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDCANCEL ) )
DestroyWindow ( hDlg ) ;
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
static void WriteBadPythonText ( ErrorSet & badNodes )
ErrorSet : : iterator it = badNodes . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = badNodes . end ( ) ; it + + )
plPythonError & err = * it ;
const char * compName = err . node - > GetName ( ) ;
const char * pythonFile = err . pythonName ;
const char * errorText = " " ;
switch ( err . error )
case plPythonFileComponent : : kPythonBadVer :
errorText = " Old Version " ;
break ;
case plPythonFileComponent : : Validate : : kPythonNoVer :
errorText = " No Version " ;
break ;
case plPythonFileComponent : : Validate : : kPythonNoFile :
errorText = " No File/Python Error " ;
break ;
std : : string & pythonError = plPythonFileComponent : : fPythonError ;
pythonError + = " Python component " ;
pythonError + = compName ;
pythonError + = " (file " ;
pythonError + = pythonFile ;
pythonError + = " ) is bad. Reason: " ;
pythonError + = errorText ;
pythonError + = " \n " ;
static void NotifyProc ( void * param , NotifyInfo * info )
static bool gotBadPython = false ;
if ( info - > intcode = = NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN )
ErrorSet badNodes ;
CheckPythonFileCompsRecur ( ( plMaxNode * ) GetCOREInterface ( ) - > GetRootNode ( ) , badNodes ) ;
if ( badNodes . size ( ) > 0 )
gotBadPython = true ;
if ( hsMessageBox_SuppressPrompts )
WriteBadPythonText ( badNodes ) ;
CreateDialogParam ( hInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDD_PYTHON_FILE_WARN ) , GetCOREInterface ( ) - > GetMAXHWnd ( ) , WarnDialogProc , ( LPARAM ) & badNodes ) ;
gotBadPython = false ;
else if ( info - > intcode = = NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_SAVE )
if ( gotBadPython )
hsMessageBox ( " This file has bad Python components in it, you REALLY shouldn't save it. " ,
" Python Component Warning " ,
hsMBoxOk ) ;
else if ( info - > intcode = = NOTIFY_SYSTEM_POST_RESET | |
info - > intcode = = NOTIFY_SYSTEM_POST_NEW )
gotBadPython = false ;
// Have to do this at system shutdown 2 (really final shutdown) because it deletes the
// descriptor, which Max may still try to use in between shutdown 1 and 2.
else if ( info - > intcode = = NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN2 )
int count = gAutoUIBlocks . size ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
delete gAutoUIBlocks [ i ] ;
gAutoUIBlocks . clear ( ) ;
class plPythonFileComponentProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc
public :
plPythonFileComponentProc ( ) : fAutoUI ( nil ) { }
BOOL DlgProc ( TimeValue t , IParamMap2 * map , HWND hWnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) ;
void DeleteThis ( ) { DestroyAutoUI ( ) ; }
protected :
plAutoUIBlock * fAutoUI ;
void CreateAutoUI ( plAutoUIBlock * autoUI , IParamBlock2 * pb ) ;
void DestroyAutoUI ( ) ;
} ;
static plPythonFileComponentProc gPythonFileProc ;
ParamBlockDesc2 gPythonFileBlk
plComponent : : kBlkComp , _T ( " PythonFile " ) , 0 , & gPythonFileComponentDesc , P_AUTO_CONSTRUCT + P_AUTO_UI , plComponent : : kRefComp ,
IDD_COMP_PYTHON_FILE , IDS_COMP_PYTHON , 0 , 0 , & gPythonFileProc ,
kPythonFilePB , _T ( " pb " ) , TYPE_REFTARG , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kPythonVersion , _T ( " version " ) , TYPE_INT , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kPythonFileIsGlobal , _T ( " isGlobal " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
p_default , FALSE ,
end ,
) ;
BOOL plPythonFileComponentProc : : DlgProc ( TimeValue t , IParamMap2 * pmap , HWND hWnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
switch ( msg )
IParamBlock2 * pb = pmap - > GetParamBlock ( ) ;
HWND hCombo = GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_PYTHON_FILE ) ;
ComboBox_ResetContent ( hCombo ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hWnd , IDC_VER_TEXT , " " ) ;
IParamBlock2 * pythonPB = ( IParamBlock2 * ) pb - > GetReferenceTarget ( kPythonFilePB ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * pythonBlock = FindAutoUI ( pythonPB ) ;
int numPythonFiles = gAutoUIBlocks . size ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numPythonFiles ; i + + )
plAutoUIBlock * block = gAutoUIBlocks [ i ] ;
const char * name = block - > GetName ( ) ;
int idx = ComboBox_AddString ( hCombo , name ) ;
ComboBox_SetItemData ( hCombo , idx , i ) ;
if ( block = = pythonBlock )
ComboBox_SetCurSel ( hCombo , idx ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hWnd , IDC_VER_TEXT , block - > GetVersion ( ) , TRUE ) ;
// Crappy hack, see WM_LOAD_AUTO_UI
PostMessage ( hWnd , WM_LOAD_AUTO_UI , 0 , 0 ) ;
return TRUE ;
// Crappy hack. If we put up the python file UI before returning from WM_INITDIALOG
// it will show up ABOVE the main UI. To get around this we post a message that won't
// get processed until after the main UI is put up.
IParamBlock2 * pb = pmap - > GetParamBlock ( ) ;
IParamBlock2 * pythonPB = ( IParamBlock2 * ) pb - > GetReferenceTarget ( kPythonFilePB ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * pythonBlock = FindAutoUI ( pythonPB ) ;
if ( pythonBlock & & pythonPB )
CreateAutoUI ( pythonBlock , pythonPB ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_PYTHON_FILE )
HWND hCombo = ( HWND ) lParam ;
int sel = ComboBox_GetCurSel ( hCombo ) ;
int type = ComboBox_GetItemData ( hCombo , sel ) ;
plAutoUIBlock * block = gAutoUIBlocks [ type ] ;
IParamBlock2 * autoPB = block - > CreatePB ( ) ;
CreateAutoUI ( block , autoPB ) ;
IParamBlock2 * pb = pmap - > GetParamBlock ( ) ;
pb - > SetValue ( kPythonFilePB , 0 , ( ReferenceTarget * ) autoPB ) ;
SetDlgItemInt ( hWnd , IDC_VER_TEXT , block - > GetVersion ( ) , TRUE ) ;
return TRUE ;
break ;
return FALSE ;
void plPythonFileComponentProc : : CreateAutoUI ( plAutoUIBlock * autoUI , IParamBlock2 * pb )
DestroyAutoUI ( ) ;
if ( autoUI & & pb )
fAutoUI = autoUI ;
autoUI - > CreateAutoRollup ( pb ) ;
void plPythonFileComponentProc : : DestroyAutoUI ( )
if ( fAutoUI )
fAutoUI - > DestroyAutoRollup ( ) ;
fAutoUI = nil ;