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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
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#ifndef plAnimTimeConvert_inc
#define plAnimTimeConvert_inc
#include "pnFactory/plCreatable.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "pnNetCommon/plSynchedValue.h"
#pragma warning (disable: 4284)
class plSynchedObject;
class plAnimCmdMsg;
class plEventCallbackMsg;
class plATCEaseCurve;
class plATCState;
class plATCAnim;
class plAGMasterMod;
class plAnimTimeConvert : public plCreatable
friend class plAnimTimeConvertSDLModifier;
friend class plAGAnimInstance;
UInt16 fFlags;
hsScalar fBegin;
hsScalar fEnd;
hsScalar fLoopEnd;
hsScalar fLoopBegin;
hsScalar fSpeed;
hsScalar fCurrentAnimTime;
hsScalar fWrapTime;
double fLastEvalWorldTime;
// Do not change fLastEvalWorldTime anywhere except WorldToAnimTime()
plSynchedObject* fOwner;
double fLastStateChange;
typedef std::list<plATCState *> plATCStateList;
plATCStateList fStates;
hsTArray<hsScalar> fStopPoints;
hsTArray<plEventCallbackMsg*> fCallbackMsgs;
// Ease In/Out stuff
plATCEaseCurve *fEaseInCurve;
plATCEaseCurve *fEaseOutCurve;
plATCEaseCurve *fSpeedEaseCurve;
plATCEaseCurve *fCurrentEaseCurve; // One of the above, or nil
hsScalar fInitialBegin;
hsScalar fInitialEnd;
static hsScalar ICalcEaseTime(const plATCEaseCurve *curve, double start, double end);
void IClearSpeedEase();
void ICheckTimeCallbacks(hsScalar frameStart, hsScalar frameStop);
hsBool ITimeInFrame(hsScalar secs, hsScalar start, hsScalar stop);
void ISendCallback(int i);
plAnimTimeConvert& IStop(double time, hsScalar animTime);
hsBool IIsStoppedAt(const double &wSecs, const UInt32 &flags, const plATCEaseCurve *curve) const;
plAnimTimeConvert& IProcessStateChange(double worldTime, hsScalar animTime = -1);
void IFlushOldStates();
void IClearAllStates();
plATCState *IGetState(double wSecs) const;
plATCState *IGetLatestState() const;
plAnimTimeConvert& SetFlag(UInt8 f, hsBool on) { if(on)fFlags |= f; else fFlags &= ~f; return *this; }
virtual ~plAnimTimeConvert();
void Init(plATCAnim *anim, plAGAnimInstance *instance, plAGMasterMod *master);
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plAnimTimeConvert );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plAnimTimeConvert, plCreatable );
void SetOwner(plSynchedObject* o);
const plSynchedObject* GetOwner() const { return fOwner; }
// ALL WorldToAnimTime functions are only valid if called with a time >= fLastEvalWorldTime.
hsBool IsStoppedAt(double wSecs) const;
hsScalar WorldToAnimTime(double wSecs);
hsScalar WorldToAnimTimeNoUpdate(double wSecs) const; // convert time but don't fire triggers or set state
static hsScalar IWorldToAnimTimeNoUpdate(double wSecs, plATCState *state);
hsScalar IWorldToAnimTimeBeforeState(double wSecs) const;
void SetBegin(hsScalar s) { fBegin = s; }
void SetEnd(hsScalar s) { fEnd = s; }
void SetSpeed(hsScalar goal, hsScalar rate = 0);
void SetLoopPoints(hsScalar begin, hsScalar end) { SetLoopBegin(begin); SetLoopEnd(end); }
void SetLoopBegin(hsScalar s) { fLoopBegin = s; }
void SetLoopEnd(hsScalar s) { fLoopEnd = s; }
void SetEase(hsBool easeIn, UInt8 inType, hsScalar minLength, hsScalar maxLength, hsScalar inLength);
void SetCurrentEaseCurve(int x); // 0=nil, 1=easeIn, 2=easeOut, 3=speed
hsScalar GetBegin() const { return fBegin; }
hsScalar GetEnd() const { return fEnd; }
hsScalar GetLoopBegin() const { return fLoopBegin; }
hsScalar GetLoopEnd() const { return fLoopEnd; }
hsScalar GetSpeed() const { return fSpeed; }
hsTArray<hsScalar> &GetStopPoints() { return fStopPoints; }
hsScalar GetBestStopDist(hsScalar min, hsScalar max, hsScalar norm, hsScalar time) const;
int GetCurrentEaseCurve() const; // returns 0=nil, 1=easeIn, 2=easeOut, 3=speed
void ResizeStates(int cnt);
void ResetWrap();
plAnimTimeConvert& ClearFlags() { fFlags = kNone; return *this; }
hsBool GetFlag(UInt8 f) const { return (fFlags & f) ? true : false; }
plAnimTimeConvert& InitStop(); // Called when initializing an anim that doesn't autostart
plAnimTimeConvert& Stop(hsBool on);
plAnimTimeConvert& Stop(double s = -1.0);
plAnimTimeConvert& Start(double s = -1.0);
plAnimTimeConvert& PlayToTime(hsScalar time);
plAnimTimeConvert& PlayToPercentage(hsScalar percent); // zero to one.
plAnimTimeConvert& Loop(hsBool on);
plAnimTimeConvert& Loop() { return Loop(true); }
plAnimTimeConvert& NoLoop() { return Loop(false); }
plAnimTimeConvert& Backwards(hsBool on);
plAnimTimeConvert& Backwards();
plAnimTimeConvert& Forewards();
hsBool IsStopped() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kStopped); }
hsBool IsLooped() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kLoop); }
hsBool IsBackwards() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kBackwards); }
hsBool IsForewards() const { return !(fFlags & kBackwards); }
double LastEvalWorldTime() const { return fLastEvalWorldTime; }
hsScalar CurrentAnimTime() const { return fCurrentAnimTime; }
void SetCurrentAnimTime(hsScalar s, hsBool jump = false);
virtual void Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
hsBool HandleCmd(plAnimCmdMsg* msg);
void AddCallback(plEventCallbackMsg* pMsg);
void RemoveCallback(plEventCallbackMsg* pMsg);
void ClearCallbacks();
void EnableCallbacks(hsBool val);
enum plAnimTimeFlags {
kNone = 0x0,
kStopped = 0x1,
kLoop = 0x2,
kBackwards = 0x4,
kWrap = 0x8,
kNeedsReset = 0x10,
kEasingIn = 0x20,
kForcedMove = 0x40,
kNoCallbacks = 0x80,
kFlagsMask = 0xff
enum plEaseCurveType {
// Rules for happy ease curves:
// 1. Any time value between 0 and fLength is kosher.
// 2. Velocity values accepted/returned are in the range [fStartSpeed, fSpeed]
// (some tolerance for values REALLY close to the limit, to account for floating-point inaccuracy)
class plATCEaseCurve : public plCreatable
hsScalar fStartSpeed;
hsScalar fMinLength;
hsScalar fMaxLength;
hsScalar fNormLength;
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plATCEaseCurve, plCreatable );
double fBeginWorldTime;
hsScalar fLength;
hsScalar fSpeed; // The anim's target ("full") speed.
static plATCEaseCurve *CreateEaseCurve(UInt8 type, hsScalar minLength, hsScalar maxLength, hsScalar normLength,
hsScalar startSpeed, hsScalar goalSpeed);
double GetEndWorldTime() const { return fBeginWorldTime + fLength; }
virtual plATCEaseCurve *Clone() const = 0;
virtual void Read(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr);
virtual void RecalcToSpeed(hsScalar startSpeed, hsScalar goalSpeed, hsBool preserveRate = false);
virtual void SetLengthOnRate(hsScalar rate);
virtual void SetLengthOnDistance(hsScalar dist) = 0;
virtual hsScalar PositionGivenTime(hsScalar time) const = 0;
virtual hsScalar VelocityGivenTime(hsScalar time) const = 0;
virtual hsScalar TimeGivenVelocity(hsScalar velocity) const = 0;
virtual hsScalar GetMinDistance();
virtual hsScalar GetMaxDistance();
virtual hsScalar GetNormDistance();
class plConstAccelEaseCurve : public plATCEaseCurve
plConstAccelEaseCurve(hsScalar minLength, hsScalar maxLength, hsScalar length,
hsScalar startSpeed, hsScalar goalSpeed);
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plConstAccelEaseCurve );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plConstAccelEaseCurve, plATCEaseCurve );
virtual plATCEaseCurve *Clone() const;
virtual void SetLengthOnDistance(hsScalar dist);
virtual hsScalar PositionGivenTime(hsScalar time) const;
virtual hsScalar VelocityGivenTime(hsScalar time) const;
virtual hsScalar TimeGivenVelocity(hsScalar velocity) const;
class plSplineEaseCurve : public plATCEaseCurve
plSplineEaseCurve(hsScalar minLength, hsScalar maxLength, hsScalar length,
hsScalar startSpeed, hsScalar goalSpeed);
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plSplineEaseCurve );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plSplineEaseCurve, plATCEaseCurve );
virtual void Read(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr);
virtual plATCEaseCurve *Clone() const;
virtual void RecalcToSpeed(hsScalar startSpeed, hsScalar goalSpeed, hsBool preserveRate = false);
virtual void SetLengthOnDistance(hsScalar dist);
virtual hsScalar PositionGivenTime(hsScalar time) const;
virtual hsScalar VelocityGivenTime(hsScalar time) const;
virtual hsScalar TimeGivenVelocity(hsScalar velocity) const;
hsScalar fCoef[4];
class plATCState
plATCState() : fEaseCurve(nil) {}
~plATCState() { delete fEaseCurve; }
void Read(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr);
void Write(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr);
double fStartWorldTime;
hsScalar fStartAnimTime;
UInt8 fFlags;
hsScalar fBegin;
hsScalar fEnd;
hsScalar fLoopBegin;
hsScalar fLoopEnd;
hsScalar fSpeed;
hsScalar fWrapTime;
plATCEaseCurve *fEaseCurve;
#endif // plAnimTimeConvert_inc