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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#ifndef plMaxNode_inc
#define plMaxNode_inc
#include "plMaxNodeBase.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "iparamb2.h"
#include "../pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include <map>
class plMaxNode;
class plErrorMsg;
class plConvertSettings;
class plExportProgressBar;
class plSceneNode;
class plDrawable;
class plDrawInterface;
class plDrawableSpans;
class plLightInfo;
class plSpotLightInfo;
class plOmniLightInfo;
class plGeometrySpan;
class ISkin;
class plSpotModifier;
class plOmniModifier;
class plLtdDirModifier;
class plLightModifier;
class plController;
class plAGModifier;
class plAGMasterMod;
class plAGAnim;
class plRenderLevel;
class plDrawableCriteria;
class plXImposterComp;
class plPhysicalProps;
class plLightMapComponent;
class plPageInfoComponent;
class plMaxBoneMap;
class plSynchedObject;
typedef hsBool (plMaxNode:: *PMaxNodeFunc) (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *); // Function pointer to a plMaxNode member funtion
class plMaxNodeTab : public Tab<plMaxNode*>
// plMaxNode
// CAREFUL! This class is different, it is derived from Max's INode (as you can see)
// But we can only add (NON Virtual) functions to plMaxNode directly
// If you want some new Data members, you can add them by adding to the class
// plMaxNodeData This data is stored in each INode through some mechanisms supplied
// It would be nice of you to add GetFunctions for each new data member you add (see below)
// NOTE: an INode can be cast to a plMaxNode, but currently it is the MakeSceneObject Pass which
// Adds the plMaxNodeData to the Node
class plMaxNode : public plMaxNodeBase
hsBool DoRecur(PMaxNodeFunc p,plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *, plExportProgressBar*);
hsBool DoAllRecur(PMaxNodeFunc p,plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *, plExportProgressBar*);
// DoRecur takes one of the following functions
hsBool ConvertValidate (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool SetupPropertiesPass (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeSceneObject (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool PrepareSkin (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakePhysical (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool FirstComponentPass (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeController (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeCoordinateInterface (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeModifiers (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeParentOrRoomConnection (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeMesh (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeLight (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeOccluder (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool ConvertComponents (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool ClearData (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool ShadeMesh (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool MakeIfaceReferences (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool ClearMaxNodeData (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
hsBool DeInitComponents (plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
// Does specified function for all components attached to this node
enum { kSetupProperties, kPreConvert, kConvert };
hsBool DoComponents(int convertType, plErrorMsg *, plConvertSettings *);
plKey AddModifier(plModifier *pMod, const char* name);
hsBool ConvertToOccluder (plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, hsBool twoSided, hsBool isHole);
plDrawableCriteria GetDrawableCriteria(hsBool needBlending, hsBool needSorting);
Point3 GetFlexibility(); // returns Point3(flexibility, interRand, intraRand).
plXImposterComp* GetXImposterComp();
int AlphaHackLayersNeeded(int iSubMtl);
int NumUVWChannels();
hsBool VtxAlphaNotAvailable();
hsBool NonVtxPreshaded();
TriObject* GetTriObject(hsBool& deleteIt);
plAGModifier* HasAGMod();
plAGMasterMod* GetAGMasterMod();
plMaxNode* GetBonesRoot(); // Returns the root of my bones hierarchy, if I have any bones, else nil.
void GetBonesRootsRecur(hsTArray<plMaxNode*>& list);
plSceneObject* MakeCharacterHierarchy(plErrorMsg *pErrMsg);
void SetupBonesAliasesRecur(const char *rootName);
void SetupBoneHierarchyPalette(plMaxBoneMap *bones = nil);
void SetDISceneNodeSpans( plDrawInterface *di, hsBool needBlending );
hsBool IsLegalDecal(hsBool checkParent = true);
bool IsAnimatedLight();
// These are public so the animation component can use them, no one else should need them
void GetRTLightColAnim(IParamBlock2* ProperPB, plAGAnim* anim);
void GetRTConeAnim(IParamBlock2* ProperPB, plAGAnim* anim);
void GetRTLightAttenAnim(IParamBlock2* ProperPB, plAGAnim* anim);
// This is used in the shading pass, where the lightmap component can
// serve as a cache for some shading info. Returns nil if there is no LightMapComponent on this.
plLightMapComponent* GetLightMapComponent();
// Starting at 0, returns an incrementing index for each maxNode. Useful for assigning
// indices to sound objects attached to the node
UInt32 GetNextSoundIdx( void );
hsBool IsPhysical( void );
hsBool CanMakeMesh( Object *obj, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings );
plDrawInterface* GetDrawInterface(); // Returns nil if there isn't a sceneobject and a drawinterface.
// Only call during convert
plPhysicalProps *GetPhysicalProps();
// Little helper function. Calls FindKey() in the resManager using the location (page) of this node
plKey FindPageKey( UInt16 classIdx, const char *name );
char *GetAgeName();
void CheckSynchOptions(plSynchedObject* so);
INode *GetRootNode() { return GetInterface()->GetRootNode(); }
plDrawableSpans *IGetSceneNodeSpans( plSceneNode *node, hsBool needBlending, hsBool needSorting=true );
plLightInfo* IMakeDirectional(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, plConvertSettings* settings);
plLightInfo* IMakeOmni(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, plConvertSettings* settings);
plLightInfo* IMakeSpot(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, plConvertSettings* settings);
hsBool IGetProjection(plLightInfo* li, plErrorMsg* pErrMsg);
plLightInfo* IMakeRTDirectional(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, plConvertSettings* settings);
plLightInfo* IMakeRTOmni(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, plConvertSettings* settings);
plLightInfo* IMakeRTSpot(plErrorMsg* pErrMsg, plConvertSettings* settings);
plLightInfo* IMakeRTProjDirectional( plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings );
void IGetCone(plSpotLightInfo* liInfo, LightObject* light, LightState& ls);
void IGetLightColors(plLightInfo* liInfo, LightObject* light, LightState& ls);
void IGetLightAttenuation(plOmniLightInfo* liInfo, LightObject* light, LightState& ls);
// RunTime Lights versions
void IGetRTCone(plSpotLightInfo* liInfo, IParamBlock2* ProperPB);
void IGetRTLightColors(plLightInfo* liInfo, IParamBlock2* ProperPB);
void IGetRTLightAttenuation(plOmniLightInfo* liInfo, IParamBlock2* ProperPB);
// RunTime Light animation builders
hsBool IGetRTLightAttenValues(IParamBlock2* ProperPB, hsScalar& attenConst, hsScalar& attenLinear, hsScalar& attenQuadratic,hsScalar &attenCutoff);
void IAdjustRTColorByIntensity(plController* ctl, IParamBlock2* ProperPB);
hsBool IAttachRTLightModifier(plLightModifier* liMod);
plLightInfo* IMakeLight(plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings);
plSceneNode* IGetDrawableSceneNode(plErrorMsg *pErrMsg);
void IAssignSpansToDrawables( hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spanArray, plDrawInterface *di,
plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings );
void IAssignSpan( plDrawableSpans *drawable, hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spanArray, UInt32 &index,
hsMatrix44 &l2w, hsMatrix44 &w2l,
plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings );
void ISetupBones( plDrawableSpans *drawable, hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spanArray,
hsMatrix44 &l2w, hsMatrix44 &w2l,
plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings );
hsBool IFindBones(plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings);
void IWipeBranchDrawable(hsBool b);
UInt32 IBuildInstanceList( Object *obj, TimeValue t, hsTArray<plMaxNode *> &nodes, hsBool beMoreAccurate = false );
hsBool IMakeInstanceSpans( plMaxNode *node, hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spanArray,
plErrorMsg *pErrMsg, plConvertSettings *settings );
hsBool IMaterialsMatch( plMaxNode *otherNode, hsBool beMoreAccurate );
int IGetCachedAlphaHackValue( int iSubMtl );
void ISetCachedAlphaHackValue( int iSubMtl, int value );
friend class plLocationDlg;
class plMaxBoneMap
typedef std::map<plMaxNodeBase*, UInt32> BoneMap;
BoneMap fBones;
typedef std::map<plDrawable*, UInt32> DrawableMap;
DrawableMap fBaseMatrices;
UInt8 fNumBones;
plMaxNodeBase *fOwner; // Make note of which node created us, so they can delete us.
plMaxBoneMap() : fNumBones(0), fOwner(nil) {}
void AddBone(plMaxNodeBase *bone);
UInt8 GetIndex(plMaxNodeBase *bone);
void FillBoneArray(plMaxNodeBase **boneArray);
UInt32 GetBaseMatrixIndex(plDrawable *draw);
void SetBaseMatrixIndex(plDrawable *draw, UInt32 idx);
void SortBones();