CyanWorlds . com Engine - MMOG client , server and tools
Copyright ( C ) 2011 Cyan Worlds , Inc .
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program , or any covered work , by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK , Autodesk 3 ds Max SDK ,
NVIDIA PhysX SDK , Microsoft DirectX SDK , OpenSSL library , Independent
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* = = LICENSE = = */
# include "HeadSpin.h"
# include "plClickDragComponent.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include "plComponent.h"
# include "plComponentReg.h"
# include "plAnimComponent.h"
# include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h"
# include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
# include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
# include "plPhysical/plCollisionDetector.h" // MM
# include "plModifier/plLogicModifier.h"
# include "plModifier/plAxisAnimModifier.h"
# include "pnModifier/plConditionalObject.h"
# include "plPhysical/plPickingDetector.h"
# include "pfConditional/plActivatorConditionalObject.h"
# include "pfConditional/plFacingConditionalObject.h"
# include "pfConditional/plObjectInBoxConditionalObject.h"
# include "pnMessage/plObjRefMsg.h"
# include "pnMessage/plNotifyMsg.h"
# include "pnMessage/plCursorChangeMsg.h"
# include "pnMessage/plEventCallbackMsg.h"
# include "plMessage/plAnimCmdMsg.h"
# include "hsResMgr.h"
# include "MaxMain/plMaxNode.h"
# include "MaxConvert/plConvert.h"
# include "plResponderComponent.h"
# include "plgDispatch.h"
# include "MaxMain/plPhysicalProps.h"
# include "plNotetrackAnim.h"
# include "plPhysical/plSimDefs.h"
void DummyCodeIncludeFuncClickDrag ( ) { }
CLASS_DESC ( plClickDragComponent , gClickDragDesc , " Dragable " , " Dragable " , COMP_TYPE_DETECTOR , CLICK_DRAG_CID )
kClickDragDirectional ,
kClickDragDegrees ,
kClickDragUseProxy ,
kClickDragProxy ,
kClickDragUseRegion ,
kClickDragProxyRegion ,
kClickDragUseX ,
kClickDragUseY ,
kClickDragAnimX ,
kClickDragAnimY ,
kClickDragUseLoopX ,
kClickDragUseLoopY ,
kClickDragLoopAnimX ,
kClickDragLoopAnimY ,
kClickDragToggle ,
kClickDragAllOrNothing ,
kClickDragOneShot ,
kClikDragBoundsType ,
kClikDragEnabled ,
} ;
# include "plNoteTrackDlgComp.h"
class plClickDragComponentProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc
protected :
plComponentNoteTrackDlg fNoteTrackDlgX ;
plComponentNoteTrackDlg fNoteTrackDlgY ;
IParamBlock2 * fPB ;
public :
BOOL DlgProc ( TimeValue t , IParamMap2 * map , HWND hWnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
switch ( msg )
fPB = map - > GetParamBlock ( ) ;
fNoteTrackDlgX . Init ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_COMP_CLICK_DRAG_ANIMX ) ,
nil ,
kClickDragAnimX ,
- 1 ,
fPB ,
fPB - > GetOwner ( ) ) ;
fNoteTrackDlgX . Load ( ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_COMP_CLICK_DRAG_ANIMX ) , true ) ;
fNoteTrackDlgY . Init ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_COMP_CLICK_DRAG_ANIM_Y ) ,
nil ,
kClickDragAnimY ,
- 1 ,
fPB ,
fPB - > GetOwner ( ) ) ;
fNoteTrackDlgY . Load ( ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hWnd , IDC_COMP_CLICK_DRAG_ANIM_Y ) , true ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_COMP_CLICK_DRAG_ANIMX )
fNoteTrackDlgX . AnimChanged ( ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE & & LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_COMP_CLICK_DRAG_ANIM_Y )
fNoteTrackDlgY . AnimChanged ( ) ;
return TRUE ;
break ;
return false ;
void DeleteThis ( )
fNoteTrackDlgX . DeleteCache ( ) ;
fNoteTrackDlgY . DeleteCache ( ) ;
} ;
static plClickDragComponentProc gClickDragComponentProc ;
ParamBlockDesc2 gClickDragBlock
plComponent : : kBlkComp , _T ( " ClickDragComp " ) , 0 , & gClickDragDesc , P_AUTO_CONSTRUCT + P_AUTO_UI , plComponent : : kRefComp ,
kClickDragDirectional , _T ( " directional " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragDegrees , _T ( " degrees " ) , TYPE_INT , P_ANIMATABLE , 0 ,
p_range , 1 , 180 ,
p_default , 180 ,
end ,
kClickDragUseProxy , _T ( " useProxy " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
p_enable_ctrls , 1 , kClickDragProxy ,
end ,
kClickDragProxy , _T ( " proxyPrimitave " ) , TYPE_INODE , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragProxyRegion , _T ( " proxyRegion " ) , TYPE_INODE , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragUseX , _T ( " useXAnim " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragAnimX , _T ( " XanimName " ) , TYPE_STRING , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragUseY , _T ( " useYAnim " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragAnimY , _T ( " YanimName " ) , TYPE_STRING , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragUseLoopX , _T ( " useLoopXAnim " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragUseLoopY , _T ( " useLoopYAnim " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragAllOrNothing , _T ( " allOrNot " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClickDragOneShot , _T ( " oneshot " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
end ,
kClikDragBoundsType , _T ( " BoundingConditions " ) , TYPE_INT , 0 , 0 ,
p_vals , plSimDefs : : kSphereBounds , plSimDefs : : kBoxBounds , plSimDefs : : kHullBounds , plSimDefs : : kProxyBounds ,
p_default , plSimDefs : : kHullBounds ,
end ,
kClikDragEnabled , _T ( " enabled " ) , TYPE_BOOL , 0 , 0 ,
p_default , TRUE ,
end ,
) ;
plClickDragComponent : : plClickDragComponent ( )
fClassDesc = & gClickDragDesc ;
fClassDesc - > MakeAutoParamBlocks ( this ) ;
const plClickDragComponent : : LogicKeys & plClickDragComponent : : GetAxisKeys ( )
return fAxisKeys ;
plKey plClickDragComponent : : GetAxisKey ( plMaxNode * node )
LogicKeys : : const_iterator it = fAxisKeys . find ( node ) ;
if ( it ! = fAxisKeys . end ( ) )
return ( it - > second ) ;
return nil ;
void plClickDragComponent : : CollectNonDrawables ( INodeTab & nonDrawables )
INode * boundsNode = fCompPB - > GetINode ( kClickDragProxy ) ;
if ( boundsNode & & fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragUseProxy ) )
nonDrawables . Append ( 1 , & boundsNode ) ;
boundsNode = fCompPB - > GetINode ( kClickDragProxyRegion ) ;
if ( boundsNode )
nonDrawables . Append ( 1 , & boundsNode ) ;
// Internal setup and write-only set properties on the MaxNode. No reading
// of properties on the MaxNode, as it's still indeterminant.
hsBool plClickDragComponent : : SetupProperties ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
plActivatorBaseComponent : : SetupProperties ( node , pErrMsg ) ;
// Phys Props for the Clickable itself.
plMaxNode * boundsNode = nil ;
boundsNode = ( plMaxNode * ) fCompPB - > GetINode ( kClickDragProxy ) ;
if ( boundsNode & & fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragUseProxy ) )
if ( boundsNode - > CanConvert ( ) )
boundsNode - > SetDrawable ( false ) ;
plPhysicalProps * physProps = boundsNode - > GetPhysicalProps ( ) ;
// only if movable will it have mass (then it will keep track of movements in PhysX)
if ( boundsNode - > IsMovable ( ) | | boundsNode - > IsTMAnimatedRecur ( ) )
physProps - > SetMass ( 1.0 , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
physProps - > SetGroup ( plSimDefs : : kGroupStatic , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
// physProps->SetReportGroup( plPhysicsGroups::kLocalAvatars, boundsNode, pErrMsg);
physProps - > SetBoundsType ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClikDragBoundsType ) , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Clickable Sensor Warning " , " The Clickable %s has a Proxy Surface %s that was Ignored. \n The Sensors geometry will be used instead. " , node - > GetName ( ) , boundsNode - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
plPhysicalProps * physProps = node - > GetPhysicalProps ( ) ;
// only if movable will it have mass (then it will keep track of movements in PhysX)
if ( node - > IsMovable ( ) | | node - > IsTMAnimatedRecur ( ) )
physProps - > SetMass ( 1.0 , node , pErrMsg ) ;
physProps - > SetGroup ( plSimDefs : : kGroupStatic , node , pErrMsg ) ;
// physProps->SetReportGroup( plPhysicsGroups::kLocalAvatars, node, pErrMsg);
physProps - > SetBoundsType ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClikDragBoundsType ) , node , pErrMsg ) ;
// Phys Properties for the auto-generated Detector Region...
boundsNode = nil ;
boundsNode = ( plMaxNode * ) fCompPB - > GetINode ( kClickDragProxyRegion ) ;
if ( boundsNode )
if ( boundsNode - > CanConvert ( ) )
plPhysicalProps * physPropsDetector = boundsNode - > GetPhysicalProps ( ) ;
// physPropsDetector->SetAllowLOS(true, boundsNode, pErrMsg);
physPropsDetector - > SetProxyNode ( boundsNode , node , pErrMsg ) ;
physPropsDetector - > SetBoundsType ( plSimDefs : : kHullBounds , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
// only if movable will it have mass (then it will keep track of movements in PhysX)
if ( boundsNode - > IsMovable ( ) | | boundsNode - > IsTMAnimated ( ) )
physPropsDetector - > SetMass ( 1.0 , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
physPropsDetector - > SetGroup ( plSimDefs : : kGroupDetector , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
physPropsDetector - > SetReportGroup ( 1 < < plSimDefs : : kGroupAvatar , boundsNode , pErrMsg ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Clickable Sensor Error " , " The Clickable Sensor %s has a Required Region that is missing. \n The Export will be aborted " , node - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
// pErrMsg->Set(false);
return false ;
fAxisKeys . clear ( ) ;
return true ;
hsBool plClickDragComponent : : PreConvert ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
plActivatorBaseComponent : : PreConvert ( node , pErrMsg ) ;
plLogicModifier * logic = plLogicModifier : : ConvertNoRef ( fLogicModKeys [ node ] - > GetObjectPtr ( ) ) ;
if ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragOneShot ) )
logic - > SetFlag ( plLogicModBase : : kOneShot ) ;
plLocation loc = node - > GetLocation ( ) ;
plSceneObject * obj = node - > GetSceneObject ( ) ;
// do the same thing for axis animation controllers.
plAxisAnimModifier * pAxis = TRACKED_NEW plAxisAnimModifier ;
plKey axisKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , pAxis , loc ) ;
hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddViaNotify ( axisKey , TRACKED_NEW plObjRefMsg ( obj - > GetKey ( ) , plRefMsg : : kOnCreate , - 1 , plObjRefMsg : : kModifier ) , plRefFlags : : kActiveRef ) ;
logic - > AddNotifyReceiver ( axisKey ) ;
fAxisKeys [ node ] = axisKey ;
return true ;
hsBool plClickDragComponent : : Convert ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
plLocation loc = node - > GetLocation ( ) ;
plSceneObject * obj = node - > GetSceneObject ( ) ;
plKey logicKey = fLogicModKeys [ node ] ;
plLogicModifier * logic = plLogicModifier : : ConvertNoRef ( logicKey - > GetObjectPtr ( ) ) ;
logic - > fMyCursor = plCursorChangeMsg : : kCursorOpen ;
// Create the detector
plDetectorModifier * detector = nil ;
detector = TRACKED_NEW plPickingDetector ;
// Register the detector
plKey detectorKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , detector , loc ) ;
hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddViaNotify ( detectorKey , TRACKED_NEW plObjRefMsg ( obj - > GetKey ( ) , plRefMsg : : kOnCreate , - 1 , plObjRefMsg : : kModifier ) , plRefFlags : : kActiveRef ) ;
// set up the axis anim controller
plKey axisKey = fAxisKeys [ node ] ;
plAxisAnimModifier * pAxis = plAxisAnimModifier : : ConvertNoRef ( axisKey - > GetObjectPtr ( ) ) ;
// attach the animation controller to the animation objects:
// find an animation controller:
hsTArray < plKey > receivers ;
IGetReceivers ( node , receivers ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < receivers . Count ( ) ; i + + )
pAxis - > GetNotify ( ) - > AddReceiver ( receivers [ i ] ) ;
pAxis - > SetNotificationKey ( logicKey ) ;
uint32_t count = node - > NumAttachedComponents ( ) ;
hsBool bHasAnim = false ;
plAnimComponentBase * pAnim = nil ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
plComponentBase * comp = node - > GetAttachedComponent ( i ) ;
if ( comp - > ClassID ( ) = = ANIM_COMP_CID | | comp - > ClassID ( ) = = ANIM_GROUP_COMP_CID )
pAnim = ( plAnimComponentBase * ) comp ;
break ;
if ( ! pAnim )
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " WARNING " , " Object %s has click-drag component attached but NO animation component! " , ( ( INode * ) node ) - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
if ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragUseX ) )
pAxis - > SetXAnim ( pAnim - > GetModKey ( node ) ) ;
else // take out this else when we support multiple channels
if ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragUseY ) )
pAxis - > SetYAnim ( pAnim - > GetModKey ( node ) ) ;
pAxis - > SetAllOrNothing ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragAllOrNothing ) ) ;
// add callbacks for beginning and end of animation
plEventCallbackMsg * pCall1 = TRACKED_NEW plEventCallbackMsg ;
pCall1 - > fEvent = kBegin ;
pCall1 - > fRepeats = - 1 ;
pCall1 - > AddReceiver ( axisKey ) ;
plEventCallbackMsg * pCall2 = TRACKED_NEW plEventCallbackMsg ;
pCall2 - > fEvent = kEnd ;
pCall2 - > fRepeats = - 1 ;
pCall2 - > AddReceiver ( axisKey ) ;
plAnimCmdMsg * pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg ;
const char * tempAnimName = pAnim - > GetAnimName ( ) ;
if ( tempAnimName = = nil )
pMsg - > SetAnimName ( pAnim - > GetModKey ( node ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pAxis - > SetAnimLabel ( ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME ) ;
pMsg - > SetAnimName ( pAnim - > GetModKey ( node ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
pAxis - > SetAnimLabel ( tempAnimName ) ;
pMsg - > SetCmd ( plAnimCmdMsg : : kAddCallbacks ) ;
pMsg - > AddCallback ( pCall1 ) ;
pMsg - > AddCallback ( pCall2 ) ;
hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef ( pCall1 ) ;
hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef ( pCall2 ) ;
pMsg - > AddReceiver ( pAnim - > GetModKey ( node ) ) ;
plgDispatch : : MsgSend ( pMsg ) ;
// is this a using a proxy primitive?
plPickingDetector * det2 = nil ;
plKey det2Key = nil ;
plMaxNode * pProxyNode = ( plMaxNode * ) fCompPB - > GetINode ( kClickDragProxy ) ;
if ( pProxyNode & & fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragUseProxy ) )
// verify that there is a physical proxy attached to this scene object:
uint32_t count = ( ( plMaxNodeBase * ) pProxyNode ) - > NumAttachedComponents ( ) ;
hsBool bHasPhys = false ;
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
// {
// plComponentBase *comp = ((plMaxNodeBase*)pProxyNode)->GetAttachedComponent(i);
// if (comp->ClassID() == Class_ID(0x11e81ee4, 0x36b81450))
// {
// bHasPhys = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (!bHasPhys)
// {
// pErrMsg->Set(true, "WARNING", "Object %s listed as draggable component proxy physical for %s but has NO physical component.\n Please attach a proxyTerrain componet!\n Export will continue but this gadget will not function",pProxyNode->GetName(), ((INode*)node)->GetName()).Show();
// pErrMsg->Set(false);
// }
if ( pProxyNode - > CanConvert ( ) )
det2 = TRACKED_NEW plPickingDetector ;
// Register the detector
det2Key = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , det2 , loc ) ;
hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddViaNotify ( det2Key , TRACKED_NEW plObjRefMsg ( ( ( plMaxNode * ) pProxyNode ) - > GetSceneObject ( ) - > GetKey ( ) , plRefMsg : : kOnCreate , - 1 , plObjRefMsg : : kModifier ) , plRefFlags : : kActiveRef ) ;
hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddViaNotify ( logicKey , TRACKED_NEW plObjRefMsg ( det2Key , plRefMsg : : kOnCreate , - 1 , plObjRefMsg : : kModifier ) , plRefFlags : : kActiveRef ) ;
det2 - > SetProxyKey ( node - > GetSceneObject ( ) - > GetKey ( ) ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Unknown Error " , " Invalid proxy physical detector set for draggable %s. " , ( ( INode * ) pProxyNode ) - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
return false ;
// create and register the CONDITIONS for the DETECTOR's Logic Modifier
plActivatorConditionalObject * activatorCond = TRACKED_NEW plActivatorConditionalObject ;
plKey activatorKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , activatorCond , loc ) ;
// do we have a required region?
plMaxNode * pProxyRegNode = ( plMaxNode * ) fCompPB - > GetINode ( kClickDragProxyRegion ) ;
if ( pProxyRegNode )
// verify that there is a physical detector attached to this scene object:
uint32_t count = ( ( plMaxNodeBase * ) pProxyRegNode ) - > NumAttachedComponents ( ) ;
hsBool bHasPhys = false ;
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
// {
// plComponentBase *comp = ((plMaxNodeBase*)pProxyRegNode)->GetAttachedComponent(i);
// if (comp->ClassID() == Class_ID(0x33b60376, 0x7e5163e0))
// {
// bHasPhys = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (!bHasPhys)
// {
// pErrMsg->Set(true, "WARNING", "Object %s listed as draggable component detector region for %s but has NO physical detector component!\n Please attach a detector componet.\n Export will continue but this gadget will not function",((INode*)pProxyRegNode)->GetName(), ((INode*)node)->GetName()).Show();
// pErrMsg->Set(false);
// }
if ( pProxyRegNode - > CanConvert ( ) )
// need a player in box condition here...
// first a detector-any for the box
plObjectInVolumeDetector * pCDet = TRACKED_NEW plObjectInVolumeDetector ( plCollisionDetector : : kTypeAny ) ;
plKey cDetKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , pCDet , loc ) ;
hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > AddViaNotify ( cDetKey , TRACKED_NEW plObjRefMsg ( ( ( plMaxNode * ) pProxyRegNode ) - > GetSceneObject ( ) - > GetKey ( ) , plRefMsg : : kOnCreate , - 1 , plObjRefMsg : : kModifier ) , plRefFlags : : kActiveRef ) ;
pCDet - > AddLogicObj ( logicKey ) ;
// then an object-in-box condition for the logic mod
plObjectInBoxConditionalObject * boxCond = TRACKED_NEW plObjectInBoxConditionalObject ;
plKey boxCondKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , boxCond , loc ) ;
logic - > AddCondition ( boxCond ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Problem with region " , " Can't convert region component on %s. This component will not be exported. \n " , ( ( INode * ) pProxyRegNode ) - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
return false ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( true , " Must specify trigger region " , " No required trigger region specified for click-drag component on %s. This component will not be exported. \n " , ( ( INode * ) node ) - > GetName ( ) ) . Show ( ) ;
pErrMsg - > Set ( false ) ;
return false ;
// How do we feel about player facing
plFacingConditionalObject * facingCond = TRACKED_NEW plFacingConditionalObject ;
facingCond - > SetDirectional ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragDirectional ) ) ;
int deg = fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClickDragDegrees ) ;
if ( deg > 180 )
deg = 180 ;
float rad = hsDegreesToRadians ( deg ) ;
facingCond - > SetTolerance ( cos ( rad ) ) ;
plKey facingKey = hsgResMgr : : ResMgr ( ) - > NewKey ( IGetUniqueName ( node ) , facingCond , loc ) ;
// link everything up:
if ( det2 ) // set up the remote detector (if any)
activatorCond - > SetActivatorKey ( det2Key ) ;
det2 - > AddLogicObj ( logicKey ) ;
detector - > AddLogicObj ( logicKey ) ; // send messages to this logic component
activatorCond - > SetActivatorKey ( detectorKey ) ; // Tells the activator condition to look for stimulus from the detector
logic - > AddCondition ( activatorCond ) ; // add this activator condition
logic - > AddCondition ( facingCond ) ;
logic - > SetDisabled ( fCompPB - > GetInt ( kClikDragEnabled ) = = 0 ) ;
// If this is for the SceneViewer, set the local only flag since the read function will never be called
if ( plConvert : : Instance ( ) . IsForSceneViewer ( ) )
logic - > SetLocalOnly ( true ) ;
return true ;
hsBool plClickDragComponent : : DeInit ( plMaxNode * node , plErrorMsg * pErrMsg )
fAxisKeys . clear ( ) ;
return plActivatorBaseComponent : : DeInit ( node , pErrMsg ) ;