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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include "Max.h"
#include "stdmat.h"
#include "bmmlib.h"
#include "istdplug.h"
#include "texutil.h"
#include "plInterp/hsKeys.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
class plMaxNode;
enum ControllerType
ctrlTypeVert, // CS Biped
ctrlTypeHoriz, // CS Biped
ctrlTypeTurn, // CS Biped
class plController;
class plLeafController;
class plCompoundController;
struct hsKeyFrame;
class hsConverterUtils;
class plSceneObject;
class hsControlConverter
~hsControlConverter() { };
static hsControlConverter& Instance();
void Init(plErrorMsg* msg);
void DeInit();
// Used to pick correct controller by lights/materials
hsBool GetControllerByName(Animatable* anim, TSTR &name, Control* &ctl);
Control *GetControllerByID(IParamBlock2 *pblock, int paramID);
// Controller convert functions:
// All convert functions must call ISetSegRange(start, end) at the beginning.
// (ISetSegRange(-1, -1) will give you the entire anim.)
plLeafController* MakeMatrix44Controller(StdUVGen* uvGen, const char* nodeName);
plLeafController* MakeMatrix44Controller(Control* prsControl);
plLeafController* MakeScalarController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
plController* MakeColorController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
plController* MakePosController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
plController* MakeScaleController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
plController* MakeRotController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, hsBool camRot = false, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
plCompoundController* MakeTransformController(Control* control, plMaxNode* node, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
// This last one was in tempAnim.cpp on its own for some time, apparently created
// as an initial attempt to get anims working in Max. It's still used, so I don't want
// to nuke it, but it made sense to move it here.
plController* ConvertTMAnim(plSceneObject *obj, plMaxNode *node, hsAffineParts *parts, hsScalar start = -1, hsScalar end = -1);
void Matrix3ToHsMatrix44(Matrix3* m3, hsMatrix44* hsM);
Matrix3 StdUVGenToMatrix3(StdUVGen* uvGen);
bool StdUVGenToHsMatrix44(hsMatrix44* hsMat, StdUVGen* uvGen, bool preserveOffset=false);
void MaxSampleAngles(const char* nodeName, Control* ctl, Tab<TimeValue>& kTimes, hsScalar maxRads);
void ScalePositionController(plController* ctl, hsScalar scale);
void ReduceKeys(Control *control, hsScalar threshold);
hsBool HasKeyTimes(Control* ctl);
UInt8 GetKeyType(Control* ctl, hsBool rotQuat = false);
plMaxNode* GetXformParent(plMaxNode* node);
hsBool ForceWorldSpace(plMaxNode* node);
hsBool ForceOrigin(plMaxNode* node);
hsBool ForceLocal(plMaxNode* node);
hsBool IsAnimated(plMaxNode* node);
hsBool OwnsMaterialCopy(plMaxNode* node);
hsBool HasFrameEvents(plMaxNode *node);
void CompositeKeyTimes(Control* ctl, Tab<TimeValue> &time);
int GetTicksPerFrame() { return fTicksPerFrame; }
int GetFrameRate() { return fFrameRate; }
int GetTicksPerSec() { return fTicksPerSec; }
int GetStartFrame() { return fStartFrame; }
int GetEndFrame() { return fEndFrame; }
int GetNumFrames() { return fNumFrames; }
float GetAnimLength() { return fAnimLength; }
void ISetSegRange(hsScalar start, hsScalar end);
void IConvertSubTransform(Control *control, char *ctlName, plMaxNode *node, plCompoundController *tmc, hsScalar start, hsScalar end);
plLeafController* ICreateSimpleRotController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control, hsBool camRot = false);
plLeafController* ICreateSimpleScaleController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
plLeafController* ICreateQuatController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control, bool rotation = true, hsBool camRot = false);
plLeafController* ICreateScaleValueController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
plLeafController* ICreateScalarController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
plLeafController* ICreateSimplePosController(plMaxNode* node, Control* control);
void IEnableEaseCurves(Animatable* control, bool enable);
void IGetControlSampleTimes(Control* control, int iLo, int iHi, Tab<TimeValue>& kTimes, float maxRads);
int IAddPartsKeys(Control* control, hsTArray <hsG3DSMaxKeyFrame>* kfArray, plMaxNode* node);
Int32 ICreateHSInterpKey(Control* control, IKey* mKey, TimeValue keyTime, hsKeyFrame* baseKey, plMaxNode* node=nil, hsBool rotQuat = false);
Int32 IGetRangeCoverKeyIndices(char* nodeName, Control* cont, Int32 &start, Int32 &end);
ControllerType IGetControlType(TSTR ctrlName);
bool IIsKeyTimeInRange(TimeValue time);
bool IIsKeyInRange(IKey* key);
void IGetUnEasedLocalTM(plMaxNode* node, Control* control, hsMatrix44* out, TimeValue time);
Matrix3 IFlipY();
bool ISkinNode(plMaxNode* node);
void ISetForceLocal(bool f) { fForceLocal=f; }
hsBool IGetEditableMeshKeyTimes( plMaxNode *node, Tab<TimeValue> &times );
hsBool IGetGeomKeyTimes( plMaxNode *node, Tab<TimeValue> &times );
void IGetGeomKeyTimesRecur( Animatable *anim, Tab<TimeValue> &times );
hsBool IGetSubAnimByName( Animatable *anim, TSTR &name, Animatable *&subAnim );
void IExportAnimatedCameraFOV(plMaxNode* node, hsTArray <hsG3DSMaxKeyFrame>* kfArray);
Interface* fInterface;
hsConverterUtils& fConverterUtils;
plErrorMsg * fErrorMsg;
Int32 fTicksPerFrame;
Int32 fFrameRate;
Int32 fTicksPerSec;
Int32 fStartFrame;
Int32 fEndFrame;
Int32 fNumFrames;
hsScalar fAnimLength;
hsBool fWarned;
hsBool fForceLocal;
TimeValue fSegStart;
TimeValue fSegEnd;