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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
or by snail mail at:
Cyan Worlds, Inc.
14617 N Newport Hwy
Mead, WA 99021
// Max related headers
#include "max.h"
#include "iparamb2.h"
#include "iparamm2.h"
// Our generic headers
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "MaxPlasmaMtls/Layers/plLayerTex.h"
extern TCHAR *GetString(int id);
extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
#define RTOMNI_LIGHT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x57cf7089, 0x282e5b71)
#define RTSPOT_LIGHT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x2b263fdd, 0x19c4351f)
#define RTTSPOT_LIGHT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x48cb06ab, 0x3c142832)
#define RTDIR_LIGHT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x5a6d278c, 0x780a78b1)
// Projected Directional Light
#define RTPDIR_LIGHT_CLASSID Class_ID(0x2f611934, 0x3681ff0)
#define FOREVER Interval(TIME_NegInfinity, TIME_PosInfinity)
#define DEF_TDIST 240.0f // 160.0f
#define NUM_HALF_ARC 5
#define NUM_ARC_PTS (2*NUM_HALF_ARC+1)
#define NUM_CIRC_PTS 28
#define SEG_INDEX 7
#define ATTEN_START 2 // far
#define ATTEN_END 3 // far
#define WM_SET_TYPE WM_USER + 0x04002
inline float MaxF(float a, float b) { return a>b?a:b; }
inline float MinF(float a, float b) { return a<b?a:b; }
class plMaxNode;
class ClassDesc2;
//// Base LightDlgProc ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class plRTLightBase;
class plBaseLightProc : public ParamMap2UserDlgProc
void ILoadComboBox( HWND hComboBox, const char *names[] );
void IBuildLightMesh( plRTLightBase *base, float coneSize );
virtual BOOL DlgProc( TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
//// plLightTexPBAccessor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class plLightTexPBAccessor : public PBAccessor
void Set( PB2Value& val, ReferenceMaker* owner, ParamID id, int tabIndex, TimeValue t );
void Get( PB2Value& v, ReferenceMaker* owner, ParamID id, int tabIndex, TimeValue t, Interval &valid );
static plLightTexPBAccessor *Instance( void ) { return &fAccessor; }
static plLightTexPBAccessor fAccessor;
//// plRTLightBase Class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class plRTLightBase : public GenLight
ClassDesc2 *fClassDesc; // Must set in derived classes constructor
Color fColor; // Color of mesh
Mesh fMesh; // Mesh to draw
IParamBlock2 *fLightPB; // The derived component's paramblock (optional)
plLayerTex* fTex;
virtual hsBool IHasAttenuation( void ) { return false; }
virtual void IBuildMeshes( BOOL isNew ) {}
void BuildStaticMeshes();
void BuildSpotMesh(float coneSize);
int meshBuilt;
int extDispFlags;
Mesh staticMesh[2];
Mesh spotMesh;
friend class plBaseLightProc;
friend class plLightTexPBAccessor;
friend class SetTypeRest;
ExclList exclList;
IObjParam *fIP;
enum LightType
//// NOTE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// I would've overhauled this entire system to be far more sane, but doing
// so would break every scene with RT lights that the artists have (as in
// they would crash and burn, or at best just not read in). As a result,
// as much as it annoys me to death, we can't do a damn thing about it.
// Hopefully, in the future we will be able to clean all of this out somehow
// (a conversion utility might come in handy, dunno).
// For reference, the setup SHOULD have separate paramBlocks for each rollout,
// using the P_USE_PARAMS to duplicate the shared ones, and all the rollouts
// should have *IDENTICAL* block and ref #s, so the shared code actually looks
// sane. The final block/ref #s needed would be kBlkMain, kBlkAnim, kBlkProj
// (for spots and proj dir) and kBlkAttenuation (projMaps don't need ref #s,
// since they're part of the paramBlocks).
// Blk Numbers
enum BlkNumber
// Old numbers. Phase out when possible
// New ones
kBlkMain = 0,
kBlkAnim = 9,
kBlkDerivedStart = 20
// Ref numbers
enum RefNumber
kRefDerivedStart = 30
//Multimap Support?
enum MapChoice
enum ParamVals
kLightType, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v4
kAffectDiffuse, //Inserted in v1
kLightColor, //Inserted in v1
kLightExclude, //Inserted in v1
kCastShadows, //Inserted in v2, OBSOLETE
kIntensity, //Inserted in v1
kContrast, //Inserted in v1
kDiffSoft, //Inserted in v1
kDiffOn, //Inserted in v1
kSpec, //Inserted in v1
kAmbiOnly, //Inserted in v1
kStartAttenNear, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kEndAttenNear, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kUseNearAtten, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kShowNearAttenRanges,//Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kStartAttenFar, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kEndAttenFar, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kUseFarAtten, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kShowFarAttenRanges, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kLightDecay, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kDecayEdit, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kShowDecay, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v3
kUseProjectBool, //Inserted in v1
kProjMapTexButton, //Inserted in v1
kShowConeBool, //Inserted in v1
kOvershootBool, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v2
kHotSpot, //Inserted in v1
kFallOff, //Inserted in v1
kLightShapeRadio, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v2
kAspect, //Inserted in v1, Removed in v2
kUseProjectorBool, //Inserted in v1
kProjMapTexButton2, //Inserted in v1
kTargetDist, //Inserted in v1
kShadowOn, //Inserted in v2
kShadowChoice, //Inserted in v2
kUseShadGlobal, //Inserted in v2
kShadowColor, //Inserted in v2
kShadowDensity, //Inserted in v2
kUseShadMapBool, //Inserted in v2
kShadMapButton, //Inserted in v2
kLightColorEffects, //Inserted in v2
kAtmosShadowsBool, //Inserted in v2
kAtmosShadOpacity, //Inserted in v2
kAtmosShadColor, //Inserted in v2
kShadMapBias, //Inserted in v2
kShadMapSize, //Inserted in v2
kShadSampleRange, //Inserted in v2
kAbsoluteShadBias, //Inserted in v2
kUseAttenuationBool,//Inserted in v3
kAttenMaxFalloffEdit, //Inserted in v3
kAttenTypeRadio, //Inserted in v3
kSpecularColorSwatch,//Inserted in v3
// Projection types.
// Animation rollout parameters
plRTLightBase() { }//meshBuilt = 0; fClassDesc = NULL; fLightPB = NULL; fIP = NULL; BuildMeshes(true); }
virtual ~plRTLightBase();
void DeleteThis() { delete this; }
static ParamBlockDesc2 *GetAnimPBDesc( void );
TCHAR* GetObjectName() { return (TCHAR*)fClassDesc->ClassName(); }
void GetClassName(TSTR& s) { s = fClassDesc->ClassName(); }
virtual IParamBlock2 *GetParamBlock( int i );
virtual IParamBlock2* GetParamBlock2();
virtual IParamBlock2* GetParamBlockByID(short id);
plLayerTex* GetTex() { return fTex; }
// So our animatables will show up in the trackview
virtual int NumParamBlocks() { return 1; }
virtual int NumSubs();
virtual Animatable* SubAnim(int i);
virtual TSTR SubAnimName(int i);
// plug-in mouse creation callback
CreateMouseCallBack* GetCreateMouseCallBack();
RefTargetHandle Clone(RemapDir &remap = NoRemap()){ plRTLightBase* thisObj = TRACKED_NEW plRTLightBase(); BaseClone(this, thisObj, remap); return thisObj;}
virtual void BeginEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev);
virtual void EndEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next);
// main function that will build our mesh
void FreeCaches();
// retreives bounding box in object space/world space
void GetLocalBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box);
void GetWorldBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box);
// main display function for this object
int Display(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, int flags);
virtual int DrawConeAndLine(TimeValue t, INode* inode, GraphicsWindow *gw, int drawing );
void GetConePoints(TimeValue t, float aspect, float angle, float dist, Point3 *q);
virtual void DrawCone(TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, float dist);
int GetSpotShape(void){ return 0; }
void SetExtendedDisplay(int flags){ extDispFlags = flags; }
void BoxCircle(TimeValue t, float r, float d, Box3& box, int extraPt, Matrix3 *tm);
void BoxDirPoints(TimeValue t, float angle, float dist, Box3 &box, Matrix3 *tm);
void BoxPoints(TimeValue t, float angle, float dist, Box3 &box, Matrix3 *tm);
void DrawArrow( TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, Point3 &direction, float dist );
void GetAttenPoints(TimeValue t, float rad, Point3 *q);
int GetRectXPoints(TimeValue t, float angle, float dist, Point3 *q);
int GetCirXPoints(TimeValue t, float angle, float dist, Point3 *q);
void DrawSphereArcs(TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, float r, Point3 *q);
void DrawX(TimeValue t, float asp, int npts, float dist, GraphicsWindow *gw, int indx);
void DrawCircleX(TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, float angle, float dist, Point3 *q);
void DrawWarpRect(TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, float angle, float dist, Point3 *q);
void DrawAttenCirOrRect(TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, float dist, BOOL froze, int uicol);
int DrawAtten(TimeValue t, INode *inode, GraphicsWindow *gw);
//void SetType(int tp);
// hit testing of this object
int HitTest(TimeValue t, INode *node, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt);
void Snap(TimeValue t, INode* inode, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt);
void GetDeformBBox(TimeValue t, Box3& box, Matrix3 *tm, BOOL useSel );
//Internal routines
void BoxLight(TimeValue t, INode *inode, Box3& box, Matrix3 *tm);
void GetMat(TimeValue t, INode* inode, ViewExp *vpt, Matrix3& tm);
virtual RefTargetHandle GetReference(int i);
virtual void SetReference(int ref, RefTargetHandle rtarg);
virtual int NumRefs() { return kNumRefs;}
RefResult NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID& partID, RefMessage message);
// Called to retreive the state of this object at the specified time.
ObjectState Eval(TimeValue t) { return ObjectState(this); }
const char *GetCategory(){ return fClassDesc->Category(); }
// LightObject Specific Stuff below
virtual BOOL IsSpot( void ) { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsDir( void ) { return FALSE; }
RefResult EvalLightState(TimeValue time, Interval& valid, LightState *ls);
ObjLightDesc *CreateLightDesc(INode *n, BOOL forceShadowBuffer=FALSE);
void SetUseLight(int onOff) { fLightPB->SetValue(kLightOn, 0, onOff); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_OBJ, REFMSG_CHANGE); }
BOOL GetUseLight(void) { BOOL v; fLightPB->GetValue(kLightOn, 0, v, FOREVER); return v; }
void SetHotspot(TimeValue time, float f);
float GetHotspot(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0));
void SetFallsize(TimeValue time, float f);
float GetFallsize(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0));
void SetAtten(TimeValue time, int which, float f);
float GetAtten(TimeValue t, int which, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0));
// TDist funcs needs implementation as of 31/5/01
void SetTDist(TimeValue time, float f);
float GetTDist(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0));
void SetConeDisplay(int s, int notify=TRUE);
BOOL GetConeDisplay(void);
void SetRGBColor(TimeValue t, Point3& rgb); //fLightPB->SetValue(kRGB, t, rgb); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_ALL, REFMSG_CHANGE);}
Point3 GetRGBColor(TimeValue t, Interval &valid = Interval(0,0)); //return fLightPB->GetPoint3(kRGB, t); }
void SetIntensity(TimeValue t, float f) { fLightPB->SetValue(kIntensity, t, f); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_ALL, REFMSG_CHANGE);}
float GetIntensity(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)) {return fLightPB->GetFloat(kIntensity, t); }
void SetAspect(TimeValue t, float f) {}
float GetAspect(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)) { return 0.0; }
void SetUseAtten(int s){ fLightPB->SetValue(kUseAttenuationBool, 0, s); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_OBJ, REFMSG_CHANGE); }
BOOL GetUseAtten(void) {return fLightPB->GetInt(kUseAttenuationBool, 0);}
void SetUseAttenNear(int s) { }
BOOL GetUseAttenNear(void) {return false;}
void SetAttenDisplay(int s){ }
BOOL GetAttenDisplay(void) {return fLightPB->GetInt(kUseAttenuationBool, 0);}
void SetAttenDisplayNear(int s){ }
BOOL GetAttenDisplayNear(void){return false;}
void Enable(int enab) { fLightPB->SetValue(kLightOn, 0, enab); }
void SetMapBias(TimeValue t, float f) {}
float GetMapBias(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)){return 0.0f;}
void SetMapRange(TimeValue t, float f) {}
float GetMapRange(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)) {return 0.0f;}
void SetMapSize(TimeValue t, int f) {}
int GetMapSize(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)){return 0;}
void SetRayBias(TimeValue t, float f) {}
float GetRayBias(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)) {return 0.0;} //{return 0.0f;}
int GetAbsMapBias() {return 0;}
void SetAbsMapBias(int a) {}
int GetOvershoot(){return 0;}
void SetOvershoot(int a){}
virtual int GetProjector() { return 0; }
void SetProjector(int a){fLightPB->SetValue(kUseProjectorBool, 0, a); }
ExclList* GetExclList(){return NULL;}
BOOL Include() {return false;}
virtual Texmap* GetProjMap(); //{ Interval valid = Interval(0,0); Texmap* MyMap; fLightPB->GetValue(kProjMapTexButton, 0, MyMap, valid); return MyMap; }
void SetProjMap(BitmapInfo* pmap);
void UpdateTargDistance(TimeValue t, INode* inode);
// GenLight Specific Stuff below
BOOL GetUseGlobal() { return false; } //Global Shadow param
void SetUseGlobal(int a) {}
BOOL GetShadow();
void SetShadow(int a);
BOOL GetShadowType() { return -1; } //No Shadows generated ....
void SetShadowType(int a) {} //Until implemented....
GenLight* NewLight(int type) { return NULL;}
int Type() {return -1;}
void SetSpotShape(int a) {}
void SetHSVColor(TimeValue t, class Point3 &b);
Point3 GetHSVColor(TimeValue t, Interval& b);
void SetContrast(int a, float other) {} // fLightPB->SetValue(kContrast, a, other); NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_ALL, REFMSG_CHANGE);}
float GetContrast(int a, Interval &valid) {return 0.0;} //float f; f = fLightPB->GetFloat(kContrast, a); return f;}
void SetAttenNearDisplay(int a) {}
BOOL GetAttenNearDisplay() {return false;}
ExclList& GetExclusionList() {return exclList;}
void SetExclusionList(ExclList & a) {}
BOOL SetHotSpotControl(Control* a) {fLightPB->SetController(ParamID(kHotSpot),0, a); return true;}
BOOL SetFalloffControl(Control* a) {fLightPB->SetController(ParamID(kFallOff),0, a); return true;}
Control* GetHotSpotControl() {return fLightPB->GetController(ParamID(kHotSpot));}
Control* GetFalloffControl() {return fLightPB->GetController(ParamID(kFallOff));}
BOOL SetColorControl(Control * a) {fLightPB->SetController(ParamID(kLightColor),0, a); return true;}
Control* GetColorControl() {return fLightPB->GetController(ParamID(kLightColor)); }
BOOL GetDecayType() { return fLightPB->GetInt(kAttenTypeRadio, 0) + 1;} //Offset for the radio.
void SetDecayType(BOOL onOff) {if (!onOff) return; else {fLightPB->SetValue(kAttenTypeRadio, 0, ((int) onOff - 1)); return;} }
void SetDecayRadius(TimeValue time, float f) { fLightPB->SetValue(kAttenMaxFalloffEdit, time, f); }
float GetDecayRadius(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)) {return fLightPB->GetFloat(kAttenMaxFalloffEdit, t); }
void SetDiffuseSoft(TimeValue time, float f) {}//fLightPB->SetValue(kDiffSoft, time, f);}
float GetDiffuseSoft(TimeValue t, Interval& valid = Interval(0,0)) {return 0.0;} //return fLightPB->GetFloat(kDiffSoft, t);}
void SetAffectDiffuse(BOOL onOff) {}//fLightPB->SetValue(kDiffOn, 0, onOff); }
BOOL GetAffectDiffuse() {return false; } //fLightPB->GetInt(kDiffOn, 0); }
LRESULT CALLBACK TrackViewWinProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){return(0);}