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/*==LICENSE==* Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
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You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email
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// //
// plOGGCodec - Plasma codec support for the OGG/Vorbis file format. //
// //
//// Notes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// 2.7.2003 - Created by mcn. If only life were really this simple... //
// //
#include <math.h>
#include <vorbis/codec.h>
#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "plOGGCodec.h"
#include "hsTimer.h"
#include "pnNetCommon/plNetApp.h"
plOGGCodec::DecodeFormat plOGGCodec::fDecodeFormat = plOGGCodec::k16bitSigned;
uint8_t plOGGCodec::fDecodeFlags = 0;
//// Constructor/Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////
plOGGCodec::plOGGCodec( const char *path, plAudioCore::ChannelSelect whichChan ) : fFileHandle( nil )
fOggFile = nil;
IOpen( path, whichChan );
fCurHeaderPos = 0;
fHeadBuf = nil;
void plOGGCodec::BuildActualWaveHeader()
// Build an actual WAVE header for this ogg
int fmtSize = 16;
short fmt = 1;
int factsize = 4;
int factdata = 0;
int size = fDataSize+48; // size of data with header except for first four bytes
fHeadBuf = (uint8_t *) ALLOC(56);
memcpy(fHeadBuf, "RIFF", 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+4, &size, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+8, "WAVE", 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+12, "fmt ", 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+16, &fmtSize, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+20, &fmt, 2); /* format */
memcpy(fHeadBuf+22, &fHeader.fNumChannels, 2);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+24, &fHeader.fNumSamplesPerSec, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+28, &fHeader.fAvgBytesPerSec, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+32, &fHeader.fBlockAlign, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+34, &fHeader.fBitsPerSample, 2);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+36, "fact", 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+40, &factsize, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+44, &factdata, 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+48, "data", 4);
memcpy(fHeadBuf+52, &fDataSize, 4);
bool plOGGCodec::ReadFromHeader(int numBytes, void *data)
if(fCurHeaderPos < 56)
memcpy(data, fHeadBuf+fCurHeaderPos, numBytes);
fCurHeaderPos += numBytes;
return true;
return false;
void plOGGCodec::IOpen( const char *path, plAudioCore::ChannelSelect whichChan )
hsAssert( path != nil, "Invalid path specified in plOGGCodec reader" );
// plNetClientApp::StaticDebugMsg("Ogg Open %s, t=%f, start", path, hsTimer::GetSeconds());
strncpy( fFilename, path, sizeof( fFilename ) );
fWhichChannel = whichChan;
/// Open the file as a plain binary stream
fFileHandle = fopen( path, "rb" );
if( fFileHandle != nil )
/// Create the OGG data struct
fOggFile = TRACKED_NEW OggVorbis_File;
/// Open the OGG decompressor
if( ov_open( fFileHandle, fOggFile, NULL, 0 ) < 0 )
IError( "Unable to open OGG source file" );
/// Construct some header info from the ogg info
vorbis_info *vInfo = ov_info( fOggFile, -1 );
fHeader.fFormatTag = 1;
fHeader.fNumChannels = vInfo->channels;
fHeader.fNumSamplesPerSec = vInfo->rate;
// Funny thing about the bits per sample: we get to CHOOSE. Go figure!
fHeader.fBitsPerSample = ( fDecodeFormat == k8bitUnsigned ) ? 8 : 16;
// Why WAV files hold this info when it can be calculated is beyond me...
fHeader.fBlockAlign = ( fHeader.fBitsPerSample * fHeader.fNumChannels ) >> 3;
fHeader.fAvgBytesPerSec = fHeader.fNumSamplesPerSec * fHeader.fBlockAlign;
/// The size in bytes of our PCM data stream
/// Note: OGG sometimes seems to be off by 1 sample, which causes our reads to suck
/// because we end up waiting for 1 more sample than we actually have. So, on the
/// assumption that OGG is just slightly wrong sometimes, we just subtract 1 sample
/// from what it tells us. As Brice put it, who's going to miss 1/40,000'ths of a second?
fDataSize = (uint32_t)(( ov_pcm_total( fOggFile, -1 ) - 1 ) * fHeader.fBlockAlign);
/// Channel select
if( fWhichChannel != plAudioCore::kAll )
fChannelAdjust = 2;
fChannelOffset = ( fWhichChannel == plAudioCore::kLeft ) ? 0 : 1;
fChannelAdjust = 1;
fChannelOffset = 0;
/// Construct our fake header for channel adjustment
fFakeHeader = fHeader;
fFakeHeader.fAvgBytesPerSec /= fChannelAdjust;
fFakeHeader.fNumChannels /= (uint16_t)fChannelAdjust;
fFakeHeader.fBlockAlign /= (uint16_t)fChannelAdjust;
SetPosition( 0 );
// plNetClientApp::StaticDebugMsg("Ogg Open %s, t=%f, end", path, hsTimer::GetSeconds());
void plOGGCodec::Close( void )
// plNetClientApp::StaticDebugMsg("Ogg Close, t=%f, start", hsTimer::GetSeconds());
fHeadBuf = nil;
if( fOggFile != nil )
ov_clear( fOggFile );
fOggFile = nil;
if( fFileHandle != nil )
fclose( fFileHandle );
fFileHandle = nil;
// plNetClientApp::StaticDebugMsg("Ogg Close, t=%f, end", hsTimer::GetSeconds());
void plOGGCodec::IError( const char *msg )
hsAssert( false, msg );
plWAVHeader &plOGGCodec::GetHeader( void )
hsAssert( IsValid(), "GetHeader() called on an invalid OGG file" );
return fFakeHeader;
float plOGGCodec::GetLengthInSecs( void )
hsAssert( IsValid(), "GetLengthInSecs() called on an invalid OGG file" );
// Just query ogg directly...starting to see how cool ogg is yet?
return (float)ov_time_total( fOggFile, -1 );
hsBool plOGGCodec::SetPosition( uint32_t numBytes )
hsAssert( IsValid(), "GetHeader() called on an invalid OGG file" );
if( !ov_seekable( fOggFile ) )
hsAssert( false, "Trying to set position on an unseekable OGG stream!" );
return false;
// The numBytes position is in uncompressed space and should be sample-aligned anyway,
// so this should be just fine here.
ogg_int64_t newSample = ( numBytes / (fFakeHeader.fBlockAlign * fChannelAdjust) );
// Now please note how freaking easy it is here to do accurate or fast seeking...
// Also note that if we're doing our channel extraction, we MUST do it the accurate way
if( ( fDecodeFlags & kFastSeeking ) && fChannelAdjust == 1 )
if( ov_pcm_seek_page( fOggFile, newSample ) != 0 )
IError( "Unable to seek OGG stream" );
return false;
if( ov_pcm_seek( fOggFile, newSample ) != 0 )
IError( "Unable to seek OGG stream" );
return false;
return true;
hsBool plOGGCodec::Read( uint32_t numBytes, void *buffer )
hsAssert( IsValid(), "GetHeader() called on an invalid OGG file" );
// plNetClientApp::StaticDebugMsg("Ogg Read, t=%f, start", hsTimer::GetSeconds());
int bytesPerSample = ( fDecodeFormat == k16bitSigned ) ? 2 : 1;
int isSigned = ( fDecodeFormat == k16bitSigned ) ? 1 : 0;
int currSection;
if( fWhichChannel == plAudioCore::kAll )
// Easy, just a straight read
char *uBuffer = (char *)buffer;
while( numBytes > 0 )
// Supposedly we should pay attention to currSection in case of bitrate changes,
// but hopefully we'll never have those....
long bytesRead = ov_read( fOggFile, uBuffer, numBytes, 0, bytesPerSample, isSigned, &currSection );
// Since our job is so simple, do some extra error checking
if( bytesRead == OV_HOLE )
IError( "Unable to read from OGG file: missing data" );
return false;
else if( bytesRead == OV_EBADLINK )
IError( "Unable to read from OGG file: corrupt link" );
return false;
else if( bytesRead == 0 )
IError( "Unable to finish reading from OGG file: end of stream" );
return false;
else if( bytesRead < 0 )
IError( "Unable to read from OGG file: unknown error" );
return false;
numBytes -= bytesRead;
uBuffer += bytesRead;
/// Read in 4k chunks and extract
static char trashBuffer[ 4096 ];
long toRead, i, thisRead, sampleSize = fFakeHeader.fBlockAlign;
for( ; numBytes > 0; )
/// Read 4k worth of samples
toRead = ( sizeof( trashBuffer ) < numBytes * fChannelAdjust ) ? sizeof( trashBuffer ) : numBytes * fChannelAdjust;
thisRead = ov_read( fOggFile, (char *)trashBuffer, toRead, 0, bytesPerSample, isSigned, &currSection );
if( thisRead < 0 )
return false;
/// Copy every other sample out
int sampleOffset = (fChannelOffset == 1) ? sampleSize : 0;
for (i = 0; i < thisRead; i += sampleSize * 2)
memcpy(buffer, &trashBuffer[i + sampleOffset], sampleSize);
buffer = (void*)((uint8_t*)buffer + sampleSize);
numBytes -= sampleSize;
// plNetClientApp::StaticDebugMsg("Ogg Read, t=%f, end", hsTimer::GetSeconds());
return true;
uint32_t plOGGCodec::NumBytesLeft( void )
hsAssert( false, "GetHeader() called on an invalid OGG file" );
return 0;
return (uint32_t)(( fDataSize - ( ov_pcm_tell( fOggFile ) * fHeader.fBlockAlign ) ) / fChannelAdjust);