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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// //
// plDrawableSpans Header //
// //
// The base plDrawable derivative for ice (triangle list) //
// drawables. Contains the basic structure for spans and the functions //
// to deal with them. //
// //
//// Version History /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// 4.3.2001 mcn - Created. //
// 5.3.2001 mcn - Completely revamped. Now plDrawableSpans *IS* the group //
// of spans, and each span is either an icicle or patch. //
// This eliminates the need entirely for separate drawables,//
// at the cost of having to do a bit of extra work to //
// maintain different types of spans in the same drawable. //
// 4.20.2006 bob - Patches are long gone. Only icicle (or particle) spans //
// now.
// //
#ifndef _plDrawableSpans_h
#define _plDrawableSpans_h
#include "hsBitVector.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "plDrawable.h"
#include "hsBounds.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "plSpanTypes.h"
class plPipeline;
class plMessage;
class hsGMaterial;
class plGeometrySpan;
class plSpaceTree;
class plFogEnvironment;
class plLightInfo;
class plGBufferGroup;
class plParticleCore;
class plAccessSpan;
class plAccessVtxSpan;
class plAccessTriSpan;
class plVisMgr;
class plVisRegion;
class plClusterGroup;
//// Class Definition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class plDISpanIndex
enum {
kNone = 0x0,
kMatrixOnly = 0x1,
kDontTransformSpans = 0x2 // Only used for particle systems right now
UInt8 fFlags;
hsTArray<UInt32> fIndices;
hsBool IsMatrixOnly() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kMatrixOnly); }
hsBool DontTransform() const { return 0 != ( fFlags & kDontTransformSpans ); }
void Append(UInt32 i) { fIndices.Append(i); }
void Reset() { fFlags = kNone; fIndices.Reset(); }
void SetCountAndZero(int c) { fIndices.SetCountAndZero(c); }
UInt32 GetCount() const { return fIndices.GetCount(); }
UInt32& operator[](int i) const { return fIndices[i]; }
struct hsColorRGBA;
class plDrawableSpans : public plDrawable
static const UInt32 kSpanTypeMask;
static const UInt32 kSpanIDMask;
static const UInt32 kSpanTypeIcicle;
static const UInt32 kSpanTypeParticleSpan;
UInt32 fType;
hsBool fReadyToRender;
hsBounds3Ext fLocalBounds;
hsBounds3Ext fWorldBounds;
hsBounds3Ext fMaxWorldBounds;
hsMatrix44 fLocalToWorld;
hsMatrix44 fWorldToLocal;
hsTArray<hsMatrix44> fLocalToWorlds;
hsTArray<hsMatrix44> fWorldToLocals;
hsTArray<hsMatrix44> fLocalToBones;
hsTArray<hsMatrix44> fBoneToLocals;
hsTArray<hsGMaterial *> fMaterials;
mutable plSpaceTree* fSpaceTree;
hsBitVector fVisSet; // the or of all our spans visset's. Doesn't have to be exact, just conservative.
hsBitVector fVisNot; // same, but for visregions that exclude us.
mutable hsBitVector fLastVisSet; // Last vis set we were evaluated against.
mutable hsBitVector fLastVisNot; // Last exclusion set we were evaluated agains.
hsBitVector fVisCache; // the enabled section of the space tree
hsTArray<plIcicle> fIcicles;
hsTArray<plParticleSpan> fParticleSpans;
hsTArray<plSpan *> fSpans; // Pointers into the above two arrays
hsTArray<UInt32> fSpanSourceIndices; // For volatile drawables only
hsTArray<plGBufferGroup *> fGroups;
hsTArray<plDISpanIndex*> fDIIndices;
UInt32 fProps;
UInt32 fCriteria;
plRenderLevel fRenderLevel;
plLoadMask fLoadMask;
hsBool fRegisteredForRecreate, fNeedCleanup;
hsBool fRegisteredForRender;
hsBitVector fParticleSpanVector;
hsBitVector fBlendingSpanVector;
hsBitVector fFakeBlendingSpanVector;
plKey fSceneNode;
hsBool fSettingMatIdxLock;
UInt32 fSkinTime;
/// Export-only members
hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> fSourceSpans;
hsBool fOptimized;
virtual void IQuickSpaceTree( void ) const;
// Temp placeholder function. See code for comments.
void IUpdateMatrixPaletteBoundsHack( );
void ICleanupMatrices();
void IRemoveGarbage( void );
void IAdjustSortData( plGBufferTriangle *triList, UInt32 count, UInt32 threshhold, Int32 delta );
// The following two functions return true if they create a new span, false if it's just an instance
hsBool IConvertGeoSpanToVertexSpan( plGeometrySpan *geoSpan, plVertexSpan *span, int lod, plVertexSpan *instancedParent );
hsBool IConvertGeoSpanToIcicle( plGeometrySpan *geoSpan, plIcicle *icicle, int lod, plIcicle *instancedParent = nil );
void IUpdateIcicleFromGeoSpan( plGeometrySpan *geoSpan, plIcicle *icicle );
void IUpdateVertexSpanFromGeoSpan( plGeometrySpan *geoSpan, plVertexSpan *span );
UInt32 IXlateSpanProps( UInt32 props, hsBool xlateToSpan );
UInt32 IAddAMaterial( hsGMaterial *material );
UInt32 IRefMaterial( UInt32 index );
void ICheckToRemoveMaterial( UInt32 materialIdx );
// Annoying to need this, but necessary until materials can test for properties on any of their layers (might add in the future)
hsBool ITestMatForSpecularity( hsGMaterial *mat );
void IAssignMatIdxToSpan( plSpan *span, hsGMaterial *mtl );
// Create the sorting data for a given span and flag it as sortable
void ICheckSpanForSortable( UInt32 idx ) { if( !(fSpans[idx]->fProps & plSpan::kPropFacesSortable) )IMakeSpanSortable(idx); }
void IMakeSpanSortable( UInt32 index );
/// Bit vector build thingies
virtual void IBuildVectors( void );
hsBool IBoundsInvalid(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const;
// Packs the span indices
void IPackSourceSpans( void );
// Sort the spans
void ISortSourceSpans( void );
// Compare two spans for sorting
short ICompareSpans( plGeometrySpan *span1, plGeometrySpan *span2 );
// Find a buffer group of the given format (returns its index into fGroups)
UInt8 IFindBufferGroup( UInt8 vtxFormat, UInt32 numVertsNeeded, int lod, hsBool vertVolatile, hsBool idxVolatile);
// Write a span to a stream
void IWriteSpan( hsStream *s, plSpan *span );
plDISpanIndex *IFindDIIndices( UInt32 &index );
void IRebuildSpanArray( void );
plParticleSpan *ICreateParticleIcicle( hsGMaterial *material, plParticleSet *set );
virtual void SetKey(plKey k);
virtual ~plDrawableSpans();
CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plDrawableSpans );
GETINTERFACE_ANY( plDrawableSpans, plDrawable );
virtual void SetNativeTransform(UInt32 idx, const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l);
virtual plDrawable& SetTransform( UInt32 index, const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l);
virtual const hsMatrix44& GetLocalToWorld( UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1 ) const;
virtual const hsMatrix44& GetWorldToLocal( UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1 ) const;
virtual plDrawable& SetProperty( UInt32 index, int prop, hsBool on );
virtual hsBool GetProperty( UInt32 index, int prop ) const;
virtual plDrawable& SetProperty( int prop, hsBool on );
virtual hsBool GetProperty( int prop ) const;
virtual plDrawable& SetNativeProperty( int prop, hsBool on ) { if( on ) fProps |= prop; else fProps &= ~prop; return *this; }
virtual hsBool GetNativeProperty( int prop ) const { return ( fProps & prop ) ? true : false; }
virtual plDrawable& SetNativeProperty( UInt32 index, int prop, hsBool on );
virtual hsBool GetNativeProperty( UInt32 index, int prop ) const;
virtual plDrawable& SetSubType( UInt32 index, plSubDrawableType t, hsBool on );
virtual UInt32 GetSubType( UInt32 index ) const; // returns or of all spans with this index (index==-1 is all spans).
virtual UInt32 GetType( void ) const { return fType; }
virtual void SetType( UInt32 type ) { fType = type; }
virtual void SetRenderLevel(const plRenderLevel& l);
virtual const plRenderLevel& GetRenderLevel() const;
const hsBounds3Ext& GetLocalBounds( UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1 ) const;
const hsBounds3Ext& GetWorldBounds( UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1 ) const;
const hsBounds3Ext& GetMaxWorldBounds( UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1 ) const;
virtual void Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual void Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
virtual plSpaceTree* GetSpaceTree() const { if(!fSpaceTree)IQuickSpaceTree(); return fSpaceTree; }
virtual void SetSpaceTree(plSpaceTree* st) const;
virtual void SetVisSet(plVisMgr* visMgr);
virtual void SetDISpanVisSet(UInt32 diIndex, hsKeyedObject* reg, hsBool on);
virtual const plSpan *GetSpan( UInt32 index ) const { return fSpans[ index ]; }
virtual const plSpan *GetSpan( UInt32 diIndex, UInt32 index ) const { return fSpans[ (*fDIIndices[ diIndex ])[ index ] ]; }
virtual const UInt32 GetNumSpans( void ) const { return fSpans.GetCount(); }
virtual const hsTArray<plSpan *> &GetSpanArray( void ) const { return fSpans; }
hsMatrix44* GetMatrixPalette(int baseMatrix) const { return &fLocalToWorlds[baseMatrix]; }
const hsMatrix44& GetPaletteMatrix(int i) const { return fLocalToWorlds[i]; }
void SetInitialBone(int i, const hsMatrix44& l2b, const hsMatrix44& b2l);
// Get the vertex buffer ref of a given group
hsGDeviceRef *GetVertexRef( UInt32 group, UInt32 idx );
// Get the index buffer ref of a given group
hsGDeviceRef *GetIndexRef( UInt32 group, UInt32 idx );
// BufferGroups accessed only by Pipeline and it's close personal acquaintances.
plGBufferGroup* GetBufferGroup(UInt32 i) const { return fGroups[i]; }
UInt32 GetNumBufferGroups() const { return fGroups.GetCount(); }
const hsTArray<plGeometrySpan*>& GetSourceSpans() const { return fSourceSpans; }
void DirtyVertexBuffer(UInt32 group, UInt32 idx);
void DirtyIndexBuffer(UInt32 group, UInt32 idx);
// Prepare all internal data structures for rendering
virtual void PrepForRender( plPipeline *p );
void SetNotReadyToRender() { fReadyToRender = false; }
virtual hsBool MsgReceive( plMessage* msg );
// These two should only be called by the SceneNode
virtual plKey GetSceneNode() const { return fSceneNode; }
virtual void SetSceneNode(plKey newNode);
// Lookup a material in the material array
hsGMaterial *GetMaterial( UInt32 index ) const { return ( ( index == (UInt32)-1 ) ? nil : fMaterials[ index ] ); }
UInt32 GetNumMaterials( void ) const { return fMaterials.GetCount(); }
// Convert intermediate data into export/run-time-ready data
virtual void Optimize( void );
// Called by the sceneNode to determine if we match the criteria
virtual hsBool DoIMatch( const plDrawableCriteria& crit );
// To set the criteria that this ice fits
void SetCriteria( const plDrawableCriteria& crit );
// Get a bitVector of the spans that are particle spans
virtual hsBitVector const &GetParticleSpanVector( void ) const;
// Get a bitVector of the spans that are blending (i.e. numMatrices > 0)
virtual hsBitVector const &GetBlendingSpanVector( void ) const;
// Set a single bit in the bitVector of spans that are blending
virtual void SetBlendingSpanVectorBit( UInt32 bitNumber, hsBool on );
// Taking span index. DI Index doesn't make sense here, because one object's DI can dereference into many materials etc.
virtual hsGMaterial* GetSubMaterial(int index) const;
virtual hsBool GetSubVisDists(int index, hsScalar& minDist, hsScalar& maxDist) const; // return true if span invisible before minDist and/or after maxDist
// Used by the pipeline to keep from reskinning on multiple renders per frame.
UInt32 GetSkinTime() const { return fSkinTime; }
void SetSkinTime(UInt32 t) { fSkinTime = t; }
void UnPackCluster(plClusterGroup* cluster);
virtual UInt32 AddDISpans( hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spans, UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1);
virtual plDISpanIndex& GetDISpans( UInt32 index ) const;
// Data Access functions
// Runtime
hsPoint3& GetPosition(int spanIdx, int vtxIdx);
hsVector3& GetNormal(int spanIdx, int vtxIdx);
UInt32 GetNumTris(int spanIdx);
UInt16* GetIndexList(int spanIdx);
// Conversion (before geometryspans get tossed (at write)).
UInt32 CvtGetNumVerts(int spanIdx) const;
hsPoint3& CvtGetPosition(int spanIdx, int vtxIdx);
hsVector3& CvtGetNormal(int spanIdx, int vtxIdx);
UInt32 CvtGetNumTris(int spanIdx);
UInt16* CvtGetIndexList(int spanIdx);
plGeometrySpan* GetGeometrySpan(int spanIdx);
virtual void RemoveDISpans( UInt32 index );
virtual UInt32 AppendDISpans( hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spans, UInt32 index = (UInt32)-1, hsBool clearSpansAfterAdd = true, hsBool doNotAddToSource = false, hsBool addToFront = false, int lod = 0 );
virtual UInt32 RefreshDISpans( UInt32 diIndex );
virtual UInt32 RefreshSpan( UInt32 srcSpanIndex );
virtual void RemoveDIMatrixSpans(UInt32 index);
virtual UInt32 AppendDIMatrixSpans(int n);
virtual UInt32 FindBoneBaseMatrix(const hsTArray<hsMatrix44>& initL2B, hsBool searchAll) const;
virtual UInt32 NewDIMatrixIndex();
void SortSpan( UInt32 index, plPipeline *pipe );
void SortVisibleSpans(const hsTArray<Int16>& visList, plPipeline* pipe);
void SortVisibleSpansPartial(const hsTArray<Int16>& visList, plPipeline* pipe);
void CleanUpGarbage( void ) { IRemoveGarbage(); }
/// Funky particle system functions
virtual UInt32 CreateParticleSystem( UInt32 maxNumEmitters, UInt32 maxNumParticles, hsGMaterial *material );
virtual void ResetParticleSystem( UInt32 index );
virtual void AssignEmitterToParticleSystem( UInt32 index, plParticleEmitter *emitter );
/// SceneViewer only!
void GetOrigGeometrySpans( UInt32 diIndex, hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &arrayToFill );
void ClearAndSetMaterialCount(UInt32 count);
#endif // _plDrawableSpans_h