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CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plMaxNodeBase.h"
#include "plMaxNodeData.h"
// Max includes
#include "iparamm2.h"
#include "modstack.h"
#include "ISkin.h"
#include "dummy.h"
//To support the new Plasma Light Objs, the classes are included below
#include "MaxPlasmaLights/plRealTimeLightBase.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "GlobalUtility.h" // Only needed for PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, fix?
#include "pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include "pnModifier/plModifier.h"
#include "MaxPlasmaMtls/Materials/plDecalMtl.h"
#include "MaxComponent/plComponentBase.h"
CoreExport void *__cdecl MAX_new(size_t size);
CoreExport void __cdecl MAX_delete(void* mem);
void plMaxNodeBase::SetMaxNodeData(plMaxNodeData * pdat)
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
// If object is a component, don't add node data
if (IsComponent())
AppDataChunk *adc = GetAppDataChunk(PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, GUP_CLASS_ID, kPlasmaMaxNodeDataChunk);
// If pointer is nil, remove any data
if (!pdat)
if( adc )
plMaxNodeData *pDataChunk = (plMaxNodeData*)adc->data;
RemoveAppDataChunk(PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, GUP_CLASS_ID, kPlasmaMaxNodeDataChunk);
if (!adc)
// Does not exist, create a new one...
int len = sizeof(plMaxNodeData);
plMaxNodeData *pDataChunk = (plMaxNodeData *)MAX_new(len);
memcpy(pDataChunk, pdat, sizeof(*pdat));
*pDataChunk = *pdat;
AddAppDataChunk(PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, GUP_CLASS_ID, kPlasmaMaxNodeDataChunk, len, pDataChunk);
plMaxNodeData *pDataChunk = (plMaxNodeData*)adc->data;
// if someone does a GetMaxNodeData, they get a pointer to the data,
// No need to set it, other wise set the Data chunk from the MaxNodeData passed in
if (pDataChunk != pdat)
*pDataChunk = *pdat;
plMaxNodeData *plMaxNodeBase::GetMaxNodeData()
AppDataChunk *adc = GetAppDataChunk(PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, GUP_CLASS_ID, kPlasmaMaxNodeDataChunk);
if (adc)
return (plMaxNodeData*)adc->data;
return nil;
#define GetMD plMaxNodeData *pMD = GetMaxNodeData(); //hsAssert(pMD,"Missing MaxNodeData"); // Get MaxNode Data
plKey plMaxNodeBase::GetKey() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetKey() : nil; }
plSceneObject* plMaxNodeBase::GetSceneObject() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetSceneObject() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForceLocal() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForceLocal() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetReverseSort() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetReverseSort() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetSortAsOpaque() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetSortAsOpaque() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetVS() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetVS() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetHasWaterHeight() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetHasWaterHeight() : nil; }
hsScalar plMaxNodeBase::GetWaterHeight() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetWaterHeight() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetSmoothAll() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetSmoothAll() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForceSortable() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForceSortable() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetConcave() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetConcave() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetCalcEdgeLens() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetCalcEdgeLens() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetRunTimeLight() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetRunTimeLight() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForceMatShade() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForceMatShade() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForceVisLOS() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForceVisLOS() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetEnviron() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetEnviron() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetEnvironOnly() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetEnvironOnly() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetWaterDecEnv() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetWaterDecEnv() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetNoPreShade() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNoPreShade() && !pMD->GetForcePreShade() : nil;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForcePreShade() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForcePreShade() : nil;}
plKey plMaxNodeBase::GetRoomKey() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetRoomKey() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetDrawable() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetDrawable() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetPhysical() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetPhysical() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetItinerant() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetItinerant() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetUnBounded() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetUnBounded() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetDisableNormal() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetDisableNormal() : nil; }
UInt32 plMaxNodeBase::GetDecalLevel() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetDecalLevel() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetMovable() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetMovable() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetIsBarney() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetIsBarney() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForceShadow() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForceShadow() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetAlphaTestHigh() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetAlphaTestHigh() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetFilterInherit() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetFilterInherit() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetNoShadow() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNoShadow() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetNoSpanSort() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNoSpanSort() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetNoSpanReSort() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNoSpanReSort() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetNoFaceSort() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNoFaceSort() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetNoDeferDraw() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNoDeferDraw() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetBlendToFB() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetBlendToFB() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetForceMaterialCopy() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetForceMaterialCopy() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetInstanced() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetInstanced() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetParticleRelated() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetParticleRelated() : nil; }
UInt32 plMaxNodeBase::GetSoundIdxCounter() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetSoundIdxCounter() : 0; }
plSceneObject* plMaxNodeBase::GetAvatarSO() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetAvatarSO() : nil; }
BOOL plMaxNodeBase::HasFade() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->HasFade() : false; }
Box3 plMaxNodeBase::GetFade() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetFade() : Box3(Point3(0,0,0), Point3(0,0,0)); }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetDup2Sided() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetDup2Sided() : false;}
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetRadiateNorms() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetRadiateNorms() : false;}
BOOL plMaxNodeBase::HasNormalChan() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->HasNormalChan() : false; }
int plMaxNodeBase::GetNormalChan() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetNormalChan() : 0; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetIsGUI() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetIsGUI() : false; }
plSharedMesh* plMaxNodeBase::GetSwappableGeom() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetSwappableGeom() : nil; }
UInt32 plMaxNodeBase::GetSwappableGeomTarget() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetSwappableGeomTarget() : -1; }
plMaxBoneMap* plMaxNodeBase::GetBoneMap() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetBoneMap() : nil; }
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetOverrideHighLevelSDL() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetOverrideHighLevelSDL() : false; }
UInt8 plMaxNodeBase::GetAnimCompress() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetAnimCompress() : false; }
hsScalar plMaxNodeBase::GetKeyReduceThreshold() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetKeyReduceThreshold() : 0; }
int plMaxNodeBase::NumRenderDependencies() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->NumRenderDependencies() : 0; }
plMaxNodeBase* plMaxNodeBase::GetRenderDependency(int i) { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetRenderDependency(i) : nil; }
int plMaxNodeBase::NumBones() { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->NumBones() : 0; }
plMaxNodeBase* plMaxNodeBase::GetBone(int i) { GetMD; return (pMD) ? pMD->GetBone(i) : nil; }
// Set Data from MaxNodeData
void plMaxNodeBase::SetCanConvert(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetCanConvert(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetMesh(hsGMesh *p) { GetMD; pMD->SetMesh(p); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetRoomKey(plKey p) { GetMD; pMD->SetRoomKey(p); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetDrawable(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetDrawable(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetPhysical(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetPhysical(b); }
//void plMaxNodeBase::SetItinerant(hsBool b);
void plMaxNodeBase::SetUnBounded(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetUnBounded(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetDisableNormal(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetDisableNormal(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetDecalLevel(UInt32 i) { GetMD; pMD->SetDecalLevel(i); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetMovable(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetMovable(b); pMD->SetRunTimeLight(b); pMD->SetNoPreShade(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetReverseSort(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetReverseSort(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetSortAsOpaque(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetSortAsOpaque(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetVS(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetVS(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetHasWaterHeight(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetHasWaterHeight(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetWaterHeight(hsScalar h) { GetMD; pMD->SetWaterHeight(h); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetSmoothAll(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetSmoothAll(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForceSortable(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForceSortable(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetConcave(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetConcave(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetCalcEdgeLens(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetCalcEdgeLens(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetRunTimeLight(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetRunTimeLight(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForceMatShade(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForceMatShade(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForceVisLOS(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForceVisLOS(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetEnviron(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetEnviron(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetEnvironOnly(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetEnvironOnly(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetWaterDecEnv(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetWaterDecEnv(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNoPreShade(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetNoPreShade(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForcePreShade(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForcePreShade(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForceLocal(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForceLocal(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetIsBarney(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetIsBarney(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForceShadow(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForceShadow(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetAlphaTestHigh(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetAlphaTestHigh(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetFilterInherit(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetFilterInherit(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNoShadow(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetNoShadow(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNoSpanSort(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetNoSpanSort(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNoSpanReSort(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetNoSpanReSort(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNoFaceSort(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetNoFaceSort(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNoDeferDraw(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetNoDeferDraw(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetBlendToFB(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetBlendToFB(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetForceMaterialCopy(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetForceMaterialCopy(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetInstanced(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetInstanced(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetParticleRelated(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetParticleRelated(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetSoundIdxCounter(UInt32 ctr) { GetMD; pMD->SetSoundIdxCounter(ctr); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetAvatarSO(plSceneObject *so) { GetMD; pMD->SetAvatarSO(so); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetFade(const Box3& b) { GetMD; pMD->SetFade(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetDup2Sided(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetDup2Sided(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetRadiateNorms(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetRadiateNorms(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetNormalChan(int n) { GetMD; pMD->SetNormalChan(n); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetIsGUI(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetIsGUI(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetSwappableGeom(plSharedMesh *sm) { GetMD; pMD->SetSwappableGeom(sm); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetSwappableGeomTarget(UInt32 id) { GetMD; pMD->SetSwappableGeomTarget(id); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetBoneMap(plMaxBoneMap *bones) { GetMD; pMD->SetBoneMap(bones); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetOverrideHighLevelSDL(hsBool b) { GetMD; pMD->SetOverrideHighLevelSDL(b); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetAnimCompress(UInt8 v) { GetMD; pMD->SetAnimCompress(v); }
void plMaxNodeBase::SetKeyReduceThreshold(hsScalar v) { GetMD; pMD->SetKeyReduceThreshold(v); }
void plMaxNodeBase::ClearRenderDependencies() { GetMD; pMD->ClearRenderDependencies(); }
void plMaxNodeBase::AddBone(plMaxNodeBase* m) { GetMD; if(pMD) pMD->AddBone(m); }
void plMaxNodeBase::ClearBones() { GetMD; if(pMD) pMD->ClearBones(); }
plLocation plMaxNodeBase::GetLocation()
plKey rmKey= GetRoomKey();
plLocation loc;
if (rmKey)
loc = rmKey->GetUoid().GetLocation();
return loc;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::GetDirty(UInt8 i)
UInt8 *dirty = IGetSceneViewerChunk();
return *dirty & i;
void plMaxNodeBase::SetDirty(UInt8 i, hsBool b)
UInt8 *dirty = IGetSceneViewerChunk();
if (b)
*dirty |= i;
*dirty &= ~i;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::HasLoadMask()
return pMD->HasLoadMask();
plLoadMask plMaxNodeBase::GetLoadMask()
return pMD->GetLoadMask();
void plMaxNodeBase::AddLoadMask(const plLoadMask& m)
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::RenderDependsOn(plMaxNodeBase* m)
if( m == this )
return true;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < NumRenderDependencies(); i++ )
if( GetRenderDependency(i)->RenderDependsOn(m) )
return true;
return false;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::AddRenderDependency(plMaxNodeBase* m)
if( m->RenderDependsOn(this) )
return false;
return true;
UInt8 *plMaxNodeBase::IGetSceneViewerChunk()
UInt8 *SVChunk = nil;
AppDataChunk *adc = GetAppDataChunk(PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, GUP_CLASS_ID, kPlasmaSceneViewerChunk);
if (adc)
SVChunk = (UInt8*)adc->data;
// Does not exist, create a new one...
SVChunk = (UInt8*)MAX_new(1);
*SVChunk = 0;
AddAppDataChunk(PLASMA_MAX_CLASSID, GUP_CLASS_ID, kPlasmaSceneViewerChunk, 1, SVChunk);
hsAssert(SVChunk, "SceneViewer chunk not found or created");
return SVChunk;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::CanConvert(bool recalculate)
// Try and find a cached return value
plMaxNodeData *md = GetMaxNodeData();
if (md && !recalculate)
return md->CanConvert();
if (UserPropExists("IGNORE"))
return false;
Object *obj = EvalWorldState(0/*hsConverterUtils::Instance().GetTime(GetInterface())*/).obj;
if (obj)
if ( obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) // MeshObjs are accepted here
|| obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(DUMMY_CLASS_ID,0) // Dummy boxes are accepted here
|| obj->SuperClassID() == CAMERA_CLASS_ID // All Camera types are accepted here
|| obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(UTILITY_CLASS_ID, 0) // All Camera targets are accepted here
|| ( obj->ClassID() == RTOMNI_LIGHT_CLASSID
|| obj->ClassID() == RTDIR_LIGHT_CLASSID
|| obj->ClassID() == RTPDIR_LIGHT_CLASSID )
|| ( obj->SuperClassID() == LIGHT_CLASS_ID // All run time lights are accepted here
&& UserPropExists("RunTimeLight"))
|| IsGroupMember() // Group objects are accepted here
return true;
return false;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::IsTMAnimated()
Control* tmControl = GetTMController();
return (tmControl && tmControl->IsAnimated());
//// IsTMAnimatedRecur - test recursively up the chain ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::IsTMAnimatedRecur()
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
hsBool shouldBe = false;
if( !CanConvert() )
return false;
if( IsTMAnimated() )
return true;
return ((plMaxNodeBase*)GetParentNode())->IsTMAnimatedRecur();
//// IsMovable ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Returns whether this node is "animated" (i.e. could move at runtime)
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::IsMovable()
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
hsBool shouldBe = false;
if( !CanConvert() )
return false;
if( GetMovable() )
return true;
if( GetItinerant() )
shouldBe = true;
else if( FindSkinModifier() )
shouldBe = true;
// Moved this to plAnimComponent (so GetMovable() will reveal it)
else if( IsTMAnimated() )
shouldBe = true;
if( shouldBe )
SetMovable( true );
return true;
return ((plMaxNodeBase*)GetParentNode())->IsMovable();
// Recursively set so we don't have to recursively check.
void plMaxNodeBase::SetItinerant(hsBool b)
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
if( !CanConvert() )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < NumChildren(); i++ )
//// FindSkinModifier ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Given an INode, gets the ISkin object of that node, or nil if there is
// none. Taken from the Max4 SDK, ISkin.h
ISkin* plMaxNodeBase::FindSkinModifier()
int modStackIndex;
// Get object from node. Abort if no object.
Object *pObj = GetObjectRef();
if( pObj == nil )
return nil;
// Is derived object ?
while( pObj->SuperClassID() == GEN_DERIVOB_CLASS_ID )
IDerivedObject *pDerObj = (IDerivedObject *)pObj;
// Iterate over all entries of the modifier stack.
for( modStackIndex = 0; modStackIndex < pDerObj->NumModifiers(); modStackIndex++ )
// Get current modifier.
Modifier *mod = pDerObj->GetModifier( modStackIndex );
// Is this Skin ?
if( mod->ClassID() == SKIN_CLASSID )
ISkin* skin = (ISkin*)mod->GetInterface(I_SKIN);
if( skin->GetNumBones() > 0 )
return skin;
pObj = pDerObj->GetObjRef();
// Not found.
return nil;
bool plMaxNodeBase::IsXRef()
// Is this an XRef'd object?
Object *obj = GetObjectRef();
if (obj->SuperClassID() == SYSTEM_CLASS_ID && obj->ClassID() == XREFOBJ_CLASS_ID)
return true;
// Is this part of an XRef'd scene?
// Walk up to our root node
INode *root = GetParentNode();
while (!root->IsRootNode())
root = root->GetParentNode();
// If our root isn't the main root, we're in an XRef'd scene.
if (root != GetCOREInterface()->GetRootNode())
return true;
return false;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::IsComponent(Object *obj)
if (!obj)
obj = GetObjectRef();
if (obj && obj->CanConvertToType(COMPONENT_CLASSID))
return true;
return false;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::IsExternComponent(Object *obj)
if (!obj)
obj = GetObjectRef();
if (obj && obj->CanConvertToType(EXT_COMPONENT_CLASSID))
return true;
return false;
plComponentBase *plMaxNodeBase::ConvertToComponent()
if (IsComponent())
return (plComponentBase*)GetObjectRef();
return nil;
// There isn't an easy way to determine if there are any components attached to a node.
// This method goes through the reflist of a node and backtracks up each ref (using
// IRefMakerToComponent) to determine if it is a component. There are cases though
// where a component can show up as two or more refs to a node, when it has a legitimate
// target ref and some other ref like a proxy object. To catch this case we maintain a
// list of the components found so far and ensure there aren't any duplicates. Maybe it
// would be easier to just go through every component in the scene and check their target
// lists... -Colin
UInt32 plMaxNodeBase::NumAttachedComponents(bool all)
UInt32 numComponents = 0;
std::vector<plComponentBase*> comps;
// Go through this item's reflist, looking for components
DependentIterator di(this);
ReferenceMaker* item = di.Next();
while (item)
plComponentBase *comp = IRefMakerToComponent(item, all);
if (comp && std::find(comps.begin(), comps.end(), comp) == comps.end())
item = di.Next();
return numComponents;
plComponentBase *plMaxNodeBase::GetAttachedComponent(UInt32 i, bool all)
UInt32 numComponents = 0;
std::vector<plComponentBase*> comps;
// Go through this item's reflist, looking for components
DependentIterator di(this);
ReferenceMaker* item = di.Next();
while (item)
plComponentBase *comp = IRefMakerToComponent(item, all);
if (comp && std::find(comps.begin(), comps.end(), comp) == comps.end())
if (numComponents == i)
return comp;
item = di.Next();;
return nil;
plComponentBase *plMaxNodeBase::IRefMakerToComponent(ReferenceMaker *maker, bool all)
if (!maker)
return nil;
// Is the refmaker a paramblock? If so, it may be the
// targets block of a component
if (maker->SuperClassID() == PARAMETER_BLOCK2_CLASS_ID)
IParamBlock2 *pb = (IParamBlock2*)maker;
ReferenceMaker *pbowner = pb->GetOwner();
// Is the owner of the paramblock a helper object (component superclass)?
if (pbowner && pbowner->SuperClassID() == HELPER_CLASS_ID)
Object *obj = (Object*)pbowner;
// Is the owner of the paramblock a component?
if (IsComponent(obj))
plComponentBase *comp = (plComponentBase*)obj;
if (!all)
// Does this component actually ref us? (A component can have other
// refs to a node, like a proxy object, so we want to make sure this
// node is actually in the target list.)
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < comp->NumTargets(); i++)
if (comp->GetTarget(i) == this)
return comp;
return comp;
return nil;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::IRenderLevelSet(hsBool forBlend)
plMaxNodeData* md = GetMaxNodeData();
if( md )
return forBlend ? md->BlendLevelSet() : md->OpaqueLevelSet();
return false;
void plMaxNodeBase::ISetRenderLevel(const plRenderLevel& l, hsBool forBlend)
plMaxNodeData* md = GetMaxNodeData();
if( md )
if( forBlend )
const plRenderLevel& plMaxNodeBase::IGetRenderLevel(hsBool forBlend)
plMaxNodeData* md = GetMaxNodeData();
if( !md )
static plRenderLevel defRenderLevel;
return defRenderLevel;
return forBlend ? md->GetBlendLevel() : md->GetOpaqueLevel();
UInt32 plMaxNodeBase::IGetMajorRenderLevel(hsBool forBlend)
if( GetBlendToFB() )
return plRenderLevel::kFBMajorLevel;
if( GetNoDeferDraw() || GetAvatarSO() )
forBlend = false;
int numDep = NumRenderDependencies();
if( !numDep )
return forBlend ? plRenderLevel::kBlendRendMajorLevel : plRenderLevel::kDefRendMajorLevel;
int iMaxDep = 0;
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
int i;
for( i = 0; i < numDep; i++ )
plMaxNodeBase* dep = GetRenderDependency(i);
if( dep )
const char* depNodeName = dep->GetName();
int iDep = GetRenderDependency(i)->GetRenderLevel(forBlend).Major();
if( iDep > iMaxDep )
iMaxDep = iDep;
return iMaxDep;
UInt32 plMaxNodeBase::IGetMinorRenderLevel(hsBool forBlend)
if( GetAvatarSO() )
return plRenderLevel::kAvatarRendMinorLevel;
int numDep = NumRenderDependencies();
if( !numDep )
return plRenderLevel::kDefRendMinorLevel;
int iMaxDep = 0;
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
int i;
for( i = 0; i < numDep; i++ )
plMaxNodeBase* dep = GetRenderDependency(i);
if( dep )
const char* depNodeName = dep->GetName();
int iDep = GetRenderDependency(i)->GetRenderLevel(forBlend).Minor();
if( iDep > iMaxDep )
iMaxDep = iDep;
return iMaxDep + 4;
plRenderLevel plMaxNodeBase::ICalcRenderLevel(hsBool forBlend)
if( GetBlendToFB() )
return plRenderLevel::kFBMajorLevel;
if( GetAvatarSO() )
return plRenderLevel(plRenderLevel::kOpaqueMajorLevel, plRenderLevel::kAvatarRendMinorLevel);
if( GetNoDeferDraw() )
forBlend = false;
int numDep = NumRenderDependencies();
if( !numDep )
return forBlend
? plRenderLevel(plRenderLevel::kBlendRendMajorLevel, plRenderLevel::kDefRendMinorLevel)
: plRenderLevel(plRenderLevel::kDefRendMajorLevel, plRenderLevel::kDefRendMinorLevel);
plRenderLevel maxLevel(plRenderLevel::kFBMajorLevel, plRenderLevel::kDefRendMinorLevel);
const char* dbgNodeName = GetName();
int i;
for( i = 0; i < numDep; i++ )
plMaxNodeBase* dep = GetRenderDependency(i);
if( dep )
const char* depNodeName = dep->GetName();
plRenderLevel depLev = GetRenderDependency(i)->GetRenderLevel(forBlend);
if( depLev > maxLevel )
maxLevel = depLev;
maxLevel.Set(maxLevel.Level() + 4);
return maxLevel;
const plRenderLevel& plMaxNodeBase::GetRenderLevel(hsBool forBlend)
if( !CanConvert() )
static plRenderLevel retVal;
return retVal;
if( !IRenderLevelSet(forBlend) )
#if 0
UInt32 major = IGetMajorRenderLevel(forBlend);
UInt32 minor = IGetMinorRenderLevel(forBlend);
ISetRenderLevel(plRenderLevel(major, minor), forBlend);
ISetRenderLevel(ICalcRenderLevel(forBlend), forBlend);
return IGetRenderLevel(forBlend);
BOOL plMaxNodeBase::GetGeoDice(int& maxFaces, float& maxSize, int& minFaces)
plMaxNodeData* md = GetMaxNodeData();
if( md && md->GetGeoDice() )
maxFaces = md->GetGeoDiceMaxFaces();
maxSize = md->GetGeoDiceMaxSize();
minFaces = md->GetGeoDiceMinFaces();
return true;
maxFaces = 0;
maxSize = 0;
minFaces = 0;
return false;
void plMaxNodeBase::SetGeoDice(BOOL on, int maxFaces, float maxSize, int minFaces)
plMaxNodeData* md = GetMaxNodeData();
if( md )
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::Contains(const Point3& worldPt)
TimeValue currTime = 0;//hsConverterUtils::Instance().GetTime(GetInterface());
Object *obj = EvalWorldState(currTime).obj;
if( !obj )
return false;
Matrix3 l2w = GetObjectTM(currTime);
Matrix3 w2l = Inverse(l2w);
Point3 pt = w2l * worldPt;
if( obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(DUMMY_CLASS_ID,0) )
DummyObject* dummy = (DummyObject*)obj;
Box3 bnd = dummy->GetBox();
return bnd.Contains(pt);
if( obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) )
TriObject *meshObj = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType(currTime, triObjectClassID);
if( !meshObj )
return false;
Mesh& mesh = meshObj->mesh;
Box3 bnd = mesh.getBoundingBox();
if( !bnd.Contains(pt) )
if( meshObj != obj )
return false;
hsBool retVal = true;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++ )
Face& face = mesh.faces[i];
Point3 p0 = mesh.verts[face.v[0]];
Point3 p1 = mesh.verts[face.v[1]];
Point3 p2 = mesh.verts[face.v[2]];
Point3 n = CrossProd(p1 - p0, p2 - p0);
if( DotProd(pt, n) > DotProd(p0, n) )
retVal = false;
if( meshObj != obj )
return retVal;
// If we can't figure out what it is, the point isn't inside it.
return false;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::Contains(const Box3& bnd, const Matrix3& l2w)
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
if( !Contains(l2w * bnd[i]) )
return false;
return true;
hsScalar plMaxNodeBase::BoxVolume(const Box3& bnd, const Matrix3& l2w)
Point3 corner = l2w * bnd[0]; // min, min, min
float len[3];
len[0] = Length((l2w * bnd[1]) - corner); // max, min, min
len[1] = Length((l2w * bnd[2]) - corner); // min, max, min
len[2] = Length((l2w * bnd[4]) - corner); // min, min, max
return len[0] * len[1] * len[2];
hsScalar plMaxNodeBase::RegionPriority()
TimeValue currTime = 0;//hsConverterUtils::Instance().GetTime(GetInterface());
Object *obj = EvalWorldState(currTime).obj;
if( !obj )
return 0;
Matrix3 l2w = GetObjectTM(currTime);
if( obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(DUMMY_CLASS_ID,0) )
DummyObject* dummy = (DummyObject*)obj;
Box3 bnd = dummy->GetBox();
return BoxVolume(bnd, l2w);
if( obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) )
TriObject *meshObj = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType(currTime, triObjectClassID);
if( !meshObj )
return 0;
Mesh& mesh = meshObj->mesh;
Box3 bnd = mesh.getBoundingBox();
if( meshObj != obj )
return BoxVolume(bnd, l2w);
// Don't know how to interpret other, it's not contained.
return 0;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToParent44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetLocalToParent(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetParentToLocal44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetParentToLocal(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToWorld44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetLocalToWorld(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetWorldToLocal44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetWorldToLocal(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetOTM44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetOTM(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetVertToLocal44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetVertToLocal(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToVert44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetLocalToVert(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToOBB44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetLocalToOBB(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::GetOBBToLocal44(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 m3 = GetOBBToLocal(t);
hsMatrix44 m44 = Matrix3ToMatrix44(m3);
return m44;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetParentToWorld(TimeValue t)
return Inverse(GetWorldToParent(t));
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetWorldToParent(TimeValue t)
// This may look back-ass-ward, but that's only because it
// is. If we've got inheritance filtering on, then our localtoworld
// is no longer parentl2w * l2p, because we'll be ignoring
// some of our parent's transform. More precisely, we'll be
// clobbering parts of the product of our parent's current transform
// and our current local to parent. So we're going to calculate
// a parent to world transform here that would get us to the
// right point and orientation in space, even though it has
// little or nothing to do with our parent's real transform.
// Note that we only go through this charade if we've got
// filtering of inheritance active for this node.
plMaxNodeBase* parent = (plMaxNodeBase*)GetParentNode();
if( !GetFilterInherit() )
return parent->GetWorldToLocal(t);
// l2w = l2p * parentL2W
// l2w * parentW2L = l2p
// parentW2L = w2l * l2p
Point3 pos;
float rot[4];
ScaleValue scl;
Interval posInv;
Interval rotInv;
Interval sclInv;
Matrix3Indirect parentMatrix(parent->GetNodeTM(t));
TMComponentsArg cmpts(&pos, &posInv, rot, &rotInv, &scl, &sclInv);
GetTMController()->GetLocalTMComponents(t, cmpts, parentMatrix);
Quat q;
if( cmpts.rotRep == TMComponentsArg::RotationRep::kQuat )
q = Quat(rot);
EulerToQuat(rot, q, cmpts.rotRep);
Matrix3 l2p(true);
PreRotateMatrix(l2p, q);
PreRotateMatrix(l2p, scl.q);
Matrix3 w2l = GetWorldToLocal(t);
return w2l * l2p;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToParent(TimeValue t)
// l2w = l2p * parentL2W
// l2w * Inverse(parentL2W) = l2p
// l2w * parentW2L = l2p
Matrix3 l2w = GetLocalToWorld(t);
Matrix3 w2p(true);
if( !GetParentNode()->IsRootNode() )
w2p = GetWorldToParent(t);
Matrix3 l2p = l2w * w2p;
return l2p;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetParentToLocal(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 loc2Par = GetLocalToParent(t);
Matrix3 par2Loc = Inverse(loc2Par);
return par2Loc;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToWorld(TimeValue t)
if( GetForceLocal() )
// v2l * l2w = objectTM
// l2w = Inverse(v2l) * objectTM;
// l2w = l2v * objectTM
Matrix3 objectTM = GetObjectTM(t);
Matrix3 l2w = GetLocalToVert(t) * objectTM ;
return l2w;
if( !GetParentNode()->IsRootNode() )
return GetParentToWorld(t);
return Matrix3(true);
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetWorldToLocal(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 l2w = GetLocalToWorld(t);
Matrix3 w2l = Inverse(l2w);
return w2l;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetOTM(TimeValue t)
// objectTM = otm * nodeTM
// otm = objectTM * Inverse(nodeTM)
Matrix3 objectTM = GetObjectTM(t);
Matrix3 nodeTM = GetNodeTM(t);
Matrix3 otm = objectTM * Inverse(nodeTM);
return otm;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetVertToLocal(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 objectTM;
// If animated or we want forced into local space
// still return OTM to fold into vertices
if( GetForceLocal() )
return GetOTM(t);
// otherwise flatten our local to parent into the verts
// note that our parent may have flattened their l2p into
// their v2l as well.
// so
// objectTM = v2l * l2p * parentL2W
// objectTM * Inverse(parentL2W) = v2l * l2p
// objectTM * parentW2L = v2l (w/ l2p folded in)
// Objects transformation ObjectTM = OTM * nodeTM
objectTM = GetObjectTM(t);
Matrix3 w2p(true);
if( !GetParentNode()->IsRootNode() )
w2p = GetWorldToParent(t);
Matrix3 v2l = objectTM * w2p;
return v2l;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToVert(TimeValue t)
Matrix3 v2l = GetVertToLocal(t);
Matrix3 l2v = Inverse(v2l);
return l2v;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToOBB(TimeValue t)
return GetLocalToVert(t) * GetOTM(t);
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetOBBToLocal(TimeValue t)
return Inverse(GetOTM(t)) * GetVertToLocal(t);
hsMatrix44 plMaxNodeBase::Matrix3ToMatrix44(const Matrix3& m3)
const MRow* m = m3.GetAddr();
hsMatrix44 m44;
m44.fMap[0][0] = m[0][0];
m44.fMap[0][1] = m[1][0];
m44.fMap[0][2] = m[2][0];
m44.fMap[0][3] = m[3][0];
m44.fMap[1][0] = m[0][1];
m44.fMap[1][1] = m[1][1];
m44.fMap[1][2] = m[2][1];
m44.fMap[1][3] = m[3][1];
m44.fMap[2][0] = m[0][2];
m44.fMap[2][1] = m[1][2];
m44.fMap[2][2] = m[2][2];
m44.fMap[2][3] = m[3][2];
return m44;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::Matrix44ToMatrix3(const hsMatrix44& m44)
Matrix3 m3;
MRow* m = m3.GetAddr();
m[0][0] = m44.fMap[0][0];
m[1][0] = m44.fMap[0][1];
m[2][0] = m44.fMap[0][2];
m[3][0] = m44.fMap[0][3];
m[0][1] = m44.fMap[1][0];
m[1][1] = m44.fMap[1][1];
m[2][1] = m44.fMap[1][2];
m[3][1] = m44.fMap[1][3];
m[0][2] = m44.fMap[2][0];
m[1][2] = m44.fMap[2][1];
m[2][2] = m44.fMap[2][2];
m[3][2] = m44.fMap[2][3];
return m3;