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# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
import bmesh |
import bpy |
import itertools |
import mathutils |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
import weakref |
from .explosions import ExportError, ExportAssertionError |
from ..helpers import bmesh_from_object, TemporaryObject |
from . import utils |
def _set_phys_prop(prop, sim, phys, value=True): |
"""Sets properties on plGenericPhysical and plSimulationInterface (seeing as how they are duped)""" |
sim.setProperty(prop, value) |
phys.setProperty(prop, value) |
class PhysicsConverter: |
def __init__(self, exporter): |
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter) |
self._bounds_converters = { |
"box": self._export_box, |
"sphere": self._export_sphere, |
"hull": self._export_hull, |
"trimesh": self._export_trimesh, |
} |
def _apply_props(self, simIface, physical, props): |
for i in props.get("properties", []): |
_set_phys_prop(getattr(plSimulationInterface, i), simIface, physical) |
for i in props.get("losdbs", []): |
physical.LOSDBs |= getattr(plSimDefs, i) |
for i in props.get("report_groups", []): |
physical.reportGroup |= 1 << getattr(plSimDefs, i) |
for i in props.get("collide_groups", []): |
physical.collideGroup |= 1 << getattr(plSimDefs, i) |
def _convert_indices(self, mesh): |
indices = [] |
for face in mesh.tessfaces: |
v = face.vertices |
if len(v) == 3: |
indices += v |
elif len(v) == 4: |
indices += (v[0], v[1], v[2],) |
indices += (v[0], v[2], v[3],) |
return indices |
def _convert_mesh_data(self, bo, physical, local_space, mat, indices=True): |
mesh = bo.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "RENDER", calc_tessface=False) |
with TemporaryObject(mesh, bpy.data.meshes.remove): |
if local_space: |
mesh.update(calc_tessface=indices) |
physical.pos = hsVector3(*mat.to_translation()) |
physical.rot = utils.quaternion(mat.to_quaternion()) |
# Physicals can't have scale... |
scale = mat.to_scale() |
if scale[0] == 1.0 and scale[1] == 1.0 and scale[2] == 1.0: |
# Whew, don't need to do any math! |
vertices = [hsVector3(*i.co) for i in mesh.vertices] |
else: |
# Dagnabbit... |
vertices = [hsVector3(i.co.x * scale.x, i.co.y * scale.y, i.co.z * scale.z) for i in mesh.vertices] |
else: |
# apply the transform to the physical itself |
utils.transform_mesh(mesh, mat) |
mesh.update(calc_tessface=indices) |
vertices = [hsVector3(*i.co) for i in mesh.vertices] |
if indices: |
return (vertices, self._convert_indices(mesh)) |
else: |
return vertices |
def generate_flat_proxy(self, bo, so, **kwargs): |
"""Generates a flat physical object""" |
z_coord = kwargs.pop("z_coord", None) |
if so.sim is None: |
simIface = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plSimulationInterface, bl=bo) |
physical = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plGenericPhysical, bl=bo) |
simIface.physical = physical.key |
physical.object = so.key |
physical.sceneNode = self._mgr.get_scene_node(bl=bo) |
mesh = bo.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "RENDER", calc_tessface=False) |
with TemporaryObject(mesh, bpy.data.meshes.remove): |
# No mass and no emedded xform, so we force worldspace collision. |
utils.transform_mesh(mesh, bo.matrix_world) |
mesh.update(calc_tessface=True) |
if z_coord is None: |
# Ensure all vertices are coplanar |
z_coords = [i.co.z for i in mesh.vertices] |
delta = max(z_coords) - min(z_coords) |
if delta > 0.0002: |
raise ExportAssertionError() |
vertices = [hsVector3(*i.co) for i in mesh.vertices] |
else: |
# Flatten out all points to the given Z-coordinate |
vertices = [hsVector3(i.co.x, i.co.y, z_coord) for i in mesh.vertices] |
physical.verts = vertices |
physical.indices = self._convert_indices(mesh) |
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kProxyBounds |
group_name = kwargs.get("member_group") |
if group_name: |
physical.memberGroup = getattr(plSimDefs, group_name) |
else: |
simIface = so.sim.object |
physical = simIface.physical.object |
member_group = getattr(plSimDefs, kwargs.get("member_group", "kGroupLOSOnly")) |
if physical.memberGroup != member_group and member_group != plSimDefs.kGroupLOSOnly: |
self._report.warn("{}: Physical memberGroup overwritten!", bo.name) |
physical.memberGroup = member_group |
self._apply_props(simIface, physical, kwargs) |
def generate_physical(self, bo, so, **kwargs): |
"""Generates a physical object for the given object pair. |
The following optional arguments are allowed: |
- bounds: (defaults to collision modifier setting) |
- member_group: str attribute of plSimDefs, defaults to kGroupStatic |
NOTE that kGroupLOSOnly generation will only succeed if no one else |
has generated this physical in another group |
- properties: sequence of str bit names from plSimulationInterface |
- losdbs: sequence of str bit names from plSimDefs |
- report_groups: sequence of str bit names from plSimDefs |
- collide_groups: sequence of str bit names from plSimDefs |
""" |
if so.sim is None: |
simIface = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plSimulationInterface, bl=bo) |
physical = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plGenericPhysical, bl=bo) |
ver = self._mgr.getVer() |
simIface.physical = physical.key |
physical.object = so.key |
physical.sceneNode = self._mgr.get_scene_node(bl=bo) |
# Got subworlds? |
subworld = bo.plasma_object.subworld |
if self.is_dedicated_subworld(subworld, sanity_check=False): |
physical.subWorld = self._mgr.find_create_key(plHKSubWorld, bl=subworld) |
# Export the collision modifier here since we like stealing from it anyway. |
mod = bo.plasma_modifiers.collision |
bounds = kwargs.get("bounds", mod.bounds) |
if mod.enabled: |
physical.friction = mod.friction |
physical.restitution = mod.restitution |
if mod.dynamic: |
if ver <= pvPots: |
physical.collideGroup = (1 << plSimDefs.kGroupDynamic) | \ |
(1 << plSimDefs.kGroupStatic) |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupDynamic |
physical.mass = mod.mass |
_set_phys_prop(plSimulationInterface.kStartInactive, simIface, physical, |
value=mod.start_asleep) |
elif mod.dynamic_blocker and not mod.avatar_blocker: |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupDynamicBlocker |
elif not mod.avatar_blocker and not mod.dynamic_blocker: |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupLOSOnly |
else: |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupStatic |
# Line of Sight DB |
if mod.camera_blocker: |
physical.LOSDBs |= plSimDefs.kLOSDBCameraBlockers |
_set_phys_prop(plSimulationInterface.kCameraAvoidObject, simIface, physical) |
if mod.terrain: |
physical.LOSDBs |= plSimDefs.kLOSDBAvatarWalkable |
# Hacky? We'd like to share the simple surface descriptors(TM) as much as possible... |
# This could result in a few orphaned PhysicalSndGroups, but I think that's preferable |
# to having a bunch of empty objects...? |
if mod.surface != "kNone": |
sndgroup = self._mgr.find_create_object(plPhysicalSndGroup, so=so, name="SURFACEGEN_{}".format(mod.surface)) |
sndgroup.group = getattr(plPhysicalSndGroup, mod.surface) |
physical.soundGroup = sndgroup.key |
else: |
group_name = kwargs.get("member_group") |
if group_name: |
physical.memberGroup = getattr(plSimDefs, group_name) |
# Ensure this thing is set up properly for animations. |
# This was previously the collision modifier's postexport method, but that |
# would miss cases where we have animated detectors (subworlds!!!) |
def _iter_object_tree(bo, stop_at_subworld): |
while bo is not None: |
if stop_at_subworld and self.is_dedicated_subworld(bo, sanity_check=False): |
return |
yield bo |
bo = bo.parent |
for i in _iter_object_tree(bo, ver == pvMoul): |
if i.plasma_object.has_transform_animation: |
tree_xformed = True |
break |
else: |
tree_xformed = False |
if tree_xformed: |
bo_xformed = bo.plasma_object.has_transform_animation |
# Always pin these objects - otherwise they may start falling through the floor. |
# Unless you've marked it kickable... |
if not mod.dynamic: |
_set_phys_prop(plSimulationInterface.kPinned, simIface, physical) |
# MOUL: only objects that have animation data are kPhysAnim |
if ver != pvMoul or bo_xformed: |
_set_phys_prop(plSimulationInterface.kPhysAnim, simIface, physical) |
# Any physical that is parented by not kickable (dynamic) is passive - |
# meaning we don't need to report back any changes from physics. Same for |
# plFilterCoordInterface, which filters out some axes. |
if (bo.parent is not None and not mod.dynamic) or bo.plasma_object.ci_type == plFilterCoordInterface: |
_set_phys_prop(plSimulationInterface.kPassive, simIface, physical) |
# If the mass is zero, then we will fail to animate. Fix that. |
if physical.mass == 0.0: |
physical.mass = 1.0 |
# Different Plasma versions have different ways they expect to get physical transforms. |
# With Havok, massless objects are in absolute worldspace while massed (movable) objects |
# are in object-local space. |
# In PhysX, objects with a coordinate interface are in local to SUBWORLD space, otherwise |
# they are in absolute worldspace. |
if ver <= pvPots: |
local_space, mat = physical.mass > 0.0, bo.matrix_world |
elif ver == pvMoul: |
if self._exporter().has_coordiface(bo): |
local_space = True |
mat = subworld.matrix_world.inverted() * bo.matrix_world if subworld else bo.matrix_world |
else: |
local_space, mat = False, bo.matrix_world |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError("ODE physical transform") |
self._bounds_converters[bounds](bo, physical, local_space, mat) |
else: |
simIface = so.sim.object |
physical = simIface.physical.object |
member_group = getattr(plSimDefs, kwargs.get("member_group", "kGroupLOSOnly")) |
if physical.memberGroup != member_group and member_group != plSimDefs.kGroupLOSOnly: |
self._report.warn("{}: Physical memberGroup overwritten!", bo.name, indent=2) |
physical.memberGroup = member_group |
self._apply_props(simIface, physical, kwargs) |
def _export_box(self, bo, physical, local_space, mat): |
"""Exports box bounds based on the object""" |
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kBoxBounds |
vertices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical, local_space, mat, indices=False) |
physical.calcBoxBounds(vertices) |
def _export_hull(self, bo, physical, local_space, mat): |
"""Exports convex hull bounds based on the object""" |
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kHullBounds |
# Only certain builds of libHSPlasma are able to take artist generated triangle soups and |
# bake them to convex hulls. Specifically, Windows 32-bit w/PhysX 2.6. Everything else just |
# needs to have us provide some friendlier data... |
with bmesh_from_object(bo) as mesh: |
if local_space: |
physical.pos = hsVector3(*mat.to_translation()) |
physical.rot = utils.quaternion(mat.to_quaternion()) |
bmesh.ops.scale(mesh, vec=mat.to_scale(), verts=mesh.verts) |
else: |
mesh.transform(mat) |
result = bmesh.ops.convex_hull(mesh, input=mesh.verts, use_existing_faces=False) |
BMVert = bmesh.types.BMVert |
verts = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: isinstance(x, BMVert), result["geom"]) |
physical.verts = [hsVector3(*i.co) for i in verts] |
def _export_sphere(self, bo, physical, local_space, mat): |
"""Exports sphere bounds based on the object""" |
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kSphereBounds |
vertices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical, local_space, mat, indices=False) |
physical.calcSphereBounds(vertices) |
def _export_trimesh(self, bo, physical, local_space, mat): |
"""Exports an object's mesh as exact physical bounds""" |
# Triangle meshes MAY optionally specify a proxy object to fetch the triangles from... |
mod = bo.plasma_modifiers.collision |
if mod.enabled and mod.proxy_object is not None: |
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kProxyBounds |
vertices, indices = self._convert_mesh_data(mod.proxy_object, physical, local_space, mat) |
else: |
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kExplicitBounds |
vertices, indices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical, local_space, mat) |
physical.verts = vertices |
physical.indices = indices |
def is_dedicated_subworld(self, bo, sanity_check=True): |
"""Determines if a subworld object defines an alternate physics world""" |
if bo is None: |
return False |
subworld_mod = bo.plasma_modifiers.subworld_def |
if not subworld_mod.enabled: |
if sanity_check: |
raise ExportError("'{}' is not a subworld".format(bo.name)) |
else: |
return False |
return subworld_mod.is_dedicated_subworld(self._exporter()) |
@property |
def _mgr(self): |
return self._exporter().mgr |
@property |
def _report(self): |
return self._exporter().report