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290 lines
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# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
import bpy |
import math |
import bmesh |
import mathutils |
from bpy.props import * |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties, PlasmaModifierLogicWiz |
from .logic import game_versions |
from ... import idprops |
journal_pfms = { |
pvPrime : { |
"filename": "xJournalBookGUIPopup.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", "name": "actClickableBook" }, |
{ 'id': 3, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "JournalName" }, |
{ 'id': 10, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", 'name': "StartOpen" }, |
) |
}, |
pvPots : { |
# Supplied by the OfflineKI script: |
# https://gitlab.com/diafero/offline-ki/blob/master/offlineki/xSimpleJournal.py |
"filename": "xSimpleJournal.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", "name": "bookClickable" }, |
{ 'id': 2, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "journalFileName" }, |
{ 'id': 3, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", "name": "isNotebook" }, |
{ 'id': 4, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "BookWidth" }, |
{ 'id': 5, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "BookHeight" }, |
) |
}, |
pvMoul : { |
"filename": "xJournalBookGUIPopup.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", 'name': "actClickableBook" }, |
{ 'id': 10, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", 'name': "StartOpen" }, |
{ 'id': 11, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", 'name': "BookWidth" }, |
{ 'id': 12, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", 'name': "BookHeight" }, |
{ 'id': 13, 'type': "ptAttribString", 'name': "LocPath" }, |
{ 'id': 14, 'type': "ptAttribString", 'name': "GUIType" }, |
) |
}, |
} |
class ImageLibraryItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
image = bpy.props.PointerProperty(name="Image Item", |
description="Image stored for export.", |
type=bpy.types.Image, |
options=set()) |
enabled = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Enabled", |
description="Specifies whether this image will be stored during export.", |
default=True, |
options=set()) |
class PlasmaImageLibraryModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "imagelibmod" |
bl_category = "GUI" |
bl_label = "Image Library" |
bl_description = "A collection of images to be stored for later use" |
bl_icon = "RENDERLAYERS" |
images = CollectionProperty(name="Images", type=ImageLibraryItem, options=set()) |
active_image_index = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
if self.images: |
ilmod = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plImageLibMod, so=so, name=self.key_name) |
for item in self.images: |
if item.image and item.enabled: |
exporter.mesh.material.export_prepared_image(owner=ilmod, image=item.image, allowed_formats={"JPG", "PNG"}, extension="hsm") |
class PlasmaJournalBookModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties, PlasmaModifierLogicWiz): |
pl_id = "journalbookmod" |
bl_category = "GUI" |
bl_label = "Journal" |
bl_description = "Journal Book" |
bl_icon = "WORDWRAP_ON" |
versions = EnumProperty(name="Export Targets", |
description="Plasma versions for which this journal exports", |
items=game_versions, |
options={"ENUM_FLAG"}, |
default={"pvMoul"}) |
start_state = EnumProperty(name="Start", |
description="State of journal when activated", |
items=[("OPEN", "Open", "Journal will start opened to first page"), |
("CLOSED", "Closed", "Journal will start closed showing cover")], |
default="CLOSED") |
book_type = EnumProperty(name="Book Type", |
description="GUI type to be used for the journal", |
items=[("bkBook", "Book", "A journal written on worn, yellowed paper"), |
("bkNotebook", "Notebook", "A journal written on white, lined paper")], |
default="bkBook") |
book_scale_w = IntProperty(name="Book Width Scale", |
description="Width scale", |
default=100, min=0, max=100, |
subtype="PERCENTAGE") |
book_scale_h = IntProperty(name="Book Height Scale", |
description="Height scale", |
default=100, min=0, max=100, |
subtype="PERCENTAGE") |
book_source_locpath = StringProperty(name="Book Source LocPath", |
description="LocPath for book's text (MO:UL)", |
default="Global.Journals.Empty") |
book_source_filename = StringProperty(name="Book Source Filename", |
description="Filename for book's text (Uru:CC)", |
default="") |
book_source_name = StringProperty(name="Book Source Name", |
description="Name of xJournalBookDefs.py entry for book's text (Uru:ABM)", |
default="Dummy") |
clickable_region = PointerProperty(name="Region", |
description="Region inside which the avatar must stand to be able to open the journal (optional)", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
our_versions = [globals()[j] for j in self.versions] |
version = exporter.mgr.getVer() |
if version not in our_versions: |
# We aren't needed here |
exporter.report.port("Object '{}' has a JournalMod not enabled for export to the selected engine. Skipping.".format(bo.name, version), indent=2) |
return |
if self.clickable_region is None: |
# Create a region for the clickable's condition |
rgn_mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("{}_Journal_ClkRgn".format(self.key_name)) |
self.temp_rgn = bpy.data.objects.new("{}_Journal_ClkRgn".format(self.key_name), rgn_mesh) |
bm = bmesh.new() |
bmesh.ops.create_cube(bm, size=(6.0)) |
bmesh.ops.transform(bm, matrix=mathutils.Matrix.Translation(bo.location - self.temp_rgn.location), space=self.temp_rgn.matrix_world, verts=bm.verts) |
bm.to_mesh(rgn_mesh) |
bm.free() |
# No need to enable the object as a Plasma object; we're exported automatically as part of the node tree. |
# It does need a page, however, so we'll put it in the same place as the journal object itself. |
self.temp_rgn.plasma_object.page = bo.plasma_object.page |
bpy.context.scene.objects.link(self.temp_rgn) |
else: |
# Use the region provided |
self.temp_rgn = self.clickable_region |
# Generate the logic nodes |
self.logicwiz(bo, version) |
# Export the node tree |
self.node_tree.export(exporter, bo, so) |
# Get rid of our temporary clickable region |
if self.clickable_region is None: |
bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(self.temp_rgn) |
def logicwiz(self, bo, version): |
tree = self.node_tree |
nodes = tree.nodes |
nodes.clear() |
# Assign journal script based on target version |
journal_pfm = journal_pfms[version] |
journalnode = nodes.new("PlasmaPythonFileNode") |
journalnode.filename = journal_pfm["filename"] |
# Manually add required attributes to the PFM |
journal_attribs = journal_pfm["attribs"] |
for attr in journal_attribs: |
new_attr = journalnode.attributes.add() |
new_attr.attribute_id = attr["id"] |
new_attr.attribute_type = attr["type"] |
new_attr.attribute_name = attr["name"] |
journalnode.update() |
if version == pvPrime: |
self.create_prime_nodes(bo, nodes, journalnode) |
elif version == pvPots: |
self.create_pots_nodes(bo, nodes, journalnode) |
elif version == pvMoul: |
self.create_moul_nodes(bo, nodes, journalnode) |
def create_prime_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, journalnode): |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.temp_rgn |
facing_object = nodes.new("PlasmaFacingTargetNode") |
facing_object.directional = False |
facing_object.tolerance = math.degrees(-1) |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_input(facing_object, "satisfies", "facing") |
clickable.link_output(journalnode, "satisfies", "actClickableBook") |
clickable.clickable_object = clickable_object |
start_open = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribBoolNode") |
start_open.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "StartOpen") |
start_open.value = self.start_state == "OPEN" |
journal_name = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
journal_name.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "JournalName") |
journal_name.value = self.book_source_name |
def create_pots_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, journalnode): |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.temp_rgn |
facing_object = nodes.new("PlasmaFacingTargetNode") |
facing_object.directional = False |
facing_object.tolerance = math.degrees(-1) |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_input(facing_object, "satisfies", "facing") |
clickable.link_output(journalnode, "satisfies", "bookClickable") |
clickable.clickable_object = clickable_object |
srcfile = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
srcfile.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "journalFileName") |
srcfile.value = self.book_source_filename |
guitype = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribBoolNode") |
guitype.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "isNotebook") |
guitype.value = self.book_type == "bkNotebook" |
width = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
width.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookWidth") |
width.value_float = self.book_scale_w / 100.0 |
height = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
height.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookHeight") |
height.value_float = self.book_scale_h / 100.0 |
def create_moul_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, journalnode): |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.temp_rgn |
facing_object = nodes.new("PlasmaFacingTargetNode") |
facing_object.directional = False |
facing_object.tolerance = math.degrees(-1) |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_input(facing_object, "satisfies", "facing") |
clickable.link_output(journalnode, "satisfies", "actClickableBook") |
clickable.clickable_object = clickable_object |
start_open = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribBoolNode") |
start_open.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "StartOpen") |
start_open.value = self.start_state == "OPEN" |
width = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
width.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookWidth") |
width.value_float = self.book_scale_w / 100.0 |
height = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
height.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookHeight") |
height.value_float = self.book_scale_h / 100.0 |
locpath = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
locpath.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "LocPath") |
locpath.value = self.book_source_locpath |
guitype = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
guitype.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "GUIType") |
guitype.value = self.book_type |
@property |
def requires_actor(self): |
# We are too late in the export to be harvested automatically, so let's be explicit |
return True