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# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
import bpy |
from bpy.props import * |
import math |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties |
from ...exporter import ExportError, ExportAssertionError |
from ... import idprops |
class PlasmaSwimRegion(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaModifierProperties, bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
pl_id = "swimregion" |
bl_category = "Water" |
bl_label = "Swimming Surface" |
bl_description = "Surface that the avatar can swim on" |
bl_icon = "MOD_WAVE" |
"NONE": plSwimRegionInterface, |
"CIRCULAR": plSwimCircularCurrentRegion, |
"STRAIGHT": plSwimStraightCurrentRegion, |
} |
region = PointerProperty(name="Region", |
description="Swimming detector region", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
down_buoyancy = FloatProperty(name="Downward Buoyancy", |
description="Distance the avatar sinks into the water", |
min=0.0, max=100.0, default=3.0, |
options=set()) |
up_buoyancy = FloatProperty(name="Up Buoyancy", |
description="Distance the avatar rises up after sinking", |
min=0.0, max=100.0, default=0.05, |
options=set()) |
up_velocity = FloatProperty(name="Up Velcocity", |
description="Rate at which the avatar rises", |
min=0.0, max=100.0, default=3.0, |
options=set()) |
current_type = EnumProperty(name="Water Current", |
description="", |
items=[("NONE", "None", "No current"), |
("CIRCULAR", "Circular", "Circular current"), |
("STRAIGHT", "Straight", "Straight current")], |
options=set()) |
rotation = FloatProperty(name="Rotation", |
description="Rate of rotation about the current object", |
min=-100.0, max=100.0, default=1.0, |
options=set()) |
near_distance = FloatProperty(name="Near Distance", |
description="Maximum distance at which the current is at the Near Velocity rate", |
min=0.0, max=10000.0, default=1.0, |
options=set()) |
far_distance = FloatProperty(name="Far Distance", |
description="Distance at which the current is at the Far Velocity rate", |
min=0.0, max=10000.0, default=1.0, |
options=set()) |
near_velocity = FloatProperty(name="Near Velocity", |
description="Current velocity near the region center", |
min=-100.0, max=100.0, default=0.0, |
options=set()) |
far_velocity = FloatProperty(name="Far Velocity", |
description="Current velocity far from the region center", |
min=-100.0, max=100.0, default=0.0, |
options=set()) |
current = PointerProperty(name="Current Object", |
description="Object whose Y-axis defines the direction of the current", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_empty_objects) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
swimIface = self.get_key(exporter, so).object |
swimIface.downBuoyancy = self.down_buoyancy |
swimIface.upBuoyancy = self.up_buoyancy |
swimIface.maxUpwardVel = self.up_velocity |
if isinstance(swimIface, plSwimCircularCurrentRegion): |
swimIface.rotation = self.rotation |
swimIface.pullNearDistSq = pow(self.near_distance, 2) |
swimIface.pullFarDistSq = pow(self.far_distance, 2) |
swimIface.pullNearVel = self.near_velocity |
swimIface.pullFarVel = self.far_velocity |
elif isinstance(swimIface, plSwimStraightCurrentRegion): |
swimIface.nearDist = self.near_distance |
swimIface.farDist = self.far_distance |
swimIface.nearVel = self.near_velocity |
swimIface.farVel = self.far_velocity |
if isinstance(swimIface, (plSwimCircularCurrentRegion, plSwimStraightCurrentRegion)): |
if self.current is None: |
raise ExportError("Swimming Surface '{}' does not specify a current object".format(bo.name)) |
swimIface.currentObj = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=self.current) |
# The surface needs bounds for LOS -- this is generally a flat plane, or I would think... |
# NOTE: If the artist has this on a WaveSet, they probably intend for the avatar to swim on |
# the surface of the water BUT wave sets are supposed to conform to the bottom of the |
# pool. Therefore, we need to flatten out a temporary mesh in that case. |
# Ohey! CWE doesn't let you swim at all if the surface isn't flat... |
swim_phys_name = "{}_SwimSurfaceLOS".format(bo.name) |
if bo.plasma_modifiers.water_basic.enabled: |
simIface, physical = exporter.physics.generate_flat_proxy(bo, so, bo.location[2], swim_phys_name) |
else: |
try: |
simIface, physical = exporter.physics.generate_flat_proxy(bo, so, None, swim_phys_name) |
except ExportAssertionError: |
raise ExportError("Swimming Surface '{}' must be flat".format(bo.name)) |
physical.LOSDBs |= plSimDefs.kLOSDBSwimRegion |
if exporter.mgr.getVer() != pvMoul: |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupLOSOnly |
# Detector region bounds |
if self.region is not None: |
region_so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=self.region) |
# Good news: if this phys has already been exported, this is basically a noop |
det_name = "{}_SwimDetector".format(self.region.name) |
bounds = self.region.plasma_modifiers.collision.bounds |
simIface, physical = exporter.physics.generate_physical(self.region, region_so, bounds, det_name) |
if exporter.mgr.getVer() == pvMoul: |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupDetector |
else: |
physical.memberGroup = plSimDefs.kGroupLOSOnly |
physical.reportGroup |= 1 << plSimDefs.kGroupAvatar |
# I am a little concerned if we already have a plSwimDetector... I am not certain how |
# well Plasma would tolerate having a plSwimMsg with multiple regions referenced. |
# If you're brave, maybe you will test this... |
# What? Me test it? |
# I are chicken. |
# Mmmmm chicken ***drool*** |
if exporter.mgr.find_key(plSwimDetector, name=det_name, so=region_so) is None: |
enter_msg, exit_msg = plSwimMsg(), plSwimMsg() |
for i in (enter_msg, exit_msg): |
i.BCastFlags = plMessage.kLocalPropagate | plMessage.kPropagateToModifiers |
i.sender = region_so.key |
i.swimRegion = swimIface.key |
enter_msg.isEntering = True |
exit_msg.isEntering = False |
detector = exporter.mgr.add_object(plSwimDetector, name=det_name, so=region_so) |
detector.enterMsg = enter_msg |
detector.exitMsg = exit_msg |
else: |
# OK, I lied. It is perfectly legal to NOT have a detector... Think about Ahnonay, |
# if you want to have currents inside of a large body of water, only your main |
# swimming surface should have a detector. m'kay? But still, we might want to make note |
# of this sitation. Just in case someone is like "WTF! Why am I not swimming?!?!1111111" |
# Because you need to have a detector, dummy. |
exporter.report.warn("Swimming Surface '{}' does not specify a detector region".format(bo.name), indent=2) |
def get_key(self, exporter, so=None): |
pClass = self._CURRENTS[self.current_type] |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(pClass, bl=self.id_data, so=so) |
def harvest_actors(self): |
if self.current_type != "NONE" and self.current: |
return set((self.current.name,)) |
return set() |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"current": "current_object", |
"region": "region_name"} |
class PlasmaWaterModifier(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaModifierProperties, bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
pl_id = "water_basic" |
bl_category = "Water" |
bl_label = "Basic Water" |
bl_description = "Basic water properties" |
wind_object = PointerProperty(name="Wind Object", |
description="Object whose Y axis represents the wind direction", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_empty_objects) |
wind_speed = FloatProperty(name="Wind Speed", |
description="Magnitude of the wind", |
default=1.0) |
envmap = PointerProperty(name="EnvMap", |
description="Texture defining an environment map for this water object", |
type=bpy.types.Texture, |
poll=idprops.poll_envmap_textures) |
envmap_radius = FloatProperty(name="Environment Sphere Radius", |
description="How far away the first object you want to see is", |
min=5.0, max=10000.0, |
default=500.0) |
specular_tint = FloatVectorProperty(name="Specular Tint", |
subtype="COLOR", |
min=0.0, max=1.0, |
default=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) |
specular_alpha = FloatProperty(name="Specular Alpha", |
min=0.0, max=1.0, |
default=0.3) |
noise = IntProperty(name="Noise", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=300, |
default=50) |
specular_start = FloatProperty(name="Specular Start", |
min=0.0, max=1000.0, |
default=50.0) |
specular_end = FloatProperty(name="Specular End", |
min=0.0, max=10000.0, |
default=1000.0) |
ripple_scale = FloatProperty(name="Ripple Scale", |
min=5.0, max=1000.0, |
default=25.0) |
depth_opacity = FloatProperty(name="Opacity End", |
min=0.5, max=20.0, |
default=3.0) |
depth_reflection = FloatProperty(name="Reflection End", |
min=0.5, max=20.0, |
default=3.0) |
depth_wave = FloatProperty(name="Wave End", |
min=0.5, max=20.0, |
default=4.0) |
zero_opacity = FloatProperty(name="Opacity Start", |
min=-10.0, max=10.0, |
default=-1.0) |
zero_reflection = FloatProperty(name="Reflection Start", |
min=-10.0, max=10.0, |
default=0.0) |
zero_wave = FloatProperty(name="Wave Start", |
min=-10.0, max=10.0, |
default=0.0) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
waveset = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plWaveSet7, name=bo.name, so=so) |
if self.wind_object: |
if self.wind_object.plasma_object.enabled and self.wind_object.plasma_modifiers.animation.enabled: |
waveset.refObj = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=self.wind_object) |
waveset.setFlag(plWaveSet7.kHasRefObject, True) |
# This is much like what happened in PyPRP |
speed = self.wind_speed |
matrix = wind_obj.matrix_world |
wind_dir = hsVector3(matrix[1][0] * speed, matrix[1][1] * speed, matrix[1][2] * speed) |
else: |
# Stolen shamelessly from PyPRP |
wind_dir = hsVector3(0.0871562, 0.996195, 0.0) |
# Stuff we expose |
state = waveset.state |
state.rippleScale = self.ripple_scale |
state.waterHeight = bo.location[2] |
state.windDir = wind_dir |
state.specVector = hsVector3(self.noise / 100.0, self.specular_start, self.specular_end) |
state.specularTint = hsColorRGBA(*self.specular_tint, alpha=self.specular_alpha) |
state.waterOffset = hsVector3(self.zero_opacity * -1.0, self.zero_reflection * -1.0, self.zero_wave * -1.0) |
state.depthFalloff = hsVector3(self.depth_opacity, self.depth_reflection, self.depth_wave) |
# Environment Map |
if self.envmap: |
# maybe, just maybe, we're absuing our privledges? |
dem = exporter.mesh.material.export_dynamic_env(bo, None, self.envmap, plDynamicEnvMap) |
waveset.envMap = dem.key |
state.envCenter = dem.position |
state.envRefresh = dem.refreshRate |
else: |
state.envCenter = hsVector3(*bo.location) |
state.envRefresh = 0.0 |
state.envRadius = self.envmap_radius |
# These are either unused, set from somewhere else at runtime, or hardcoded |
state.waterTint = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) |
state.maxColor = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) |
state.shoreTint = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) |
state.maxAtten = hsVector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) |
state.minAtten = hsVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
# Now, we have some related modifiers that may or may not be enabled... If not, we should |
# make them export their defaults. |
mods = bo.plasma_modifiers |
if not mods.water_geostate.enabled: |
mods.water_geostate.convert_default_wavestate(state.geoState) |
if not mods.water_texstate.enabled: |
mods.water_texstate.convert_default_wavestate(state.texState) |
if not mods.water_shore.enabled: |
mods.water_shore.convert_default(state) |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"wind_object": "wind_object_name", |
"envmap": "envmap_name"} |
def _idprop_sources(self): |
return {"wind_object_name": bpy.data.objects, |
"envmap_name": bpy.data.textures} |
@property |
def key_name(self): |
return "{}_WaveSet7".format(self.id_data.name) |
class PlasmaShoreObject(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
display_name = StringProperty(name="Display Name") |
shore_object = PointerProperty(name="Shore Object", |
description="Object that waves crash upon", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"shore_object": "object_name"} |
class PlasmaWaterShoreModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_depends = {"water_basic"} |
pl_id = "water_shore" |
bl_category = "Water" |
bl_label = "Water Shore" |
bl_description = "" |
# The basic modifier may want to export a default copy of us |
_shore_tint_default = (0.2, 0.4, 0.4) |
_shore_opacity_default = 40 |
_wispiness_default = 50 |
_period_default = 100.0 |
_finger_default = 100.0 |
_edge_opacity_default = 100 |
_edge_radius_default = 100.0 |
shores = CollectionProperty(type=PlasmaShoreObject) |
active_shore_index = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
shore_tint = FloatVectorProperty(name="Shore Tint", |
subtype="COLOR", |
min=0.0, max=1.0, |
default=_shore_tint_default) |
shore_opacity = IntProperty(name="Shore Opacity", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=100, |
default=_shore_opacity_default) |
wispiness = IntProperty(name="Wispiness", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=200, |
default=_wispiness_default) |
period = FloatProperty(name="Period", |
min=0.0, max=200.0, |
default=_period_default) |
finger = FloatProperty(name="Finger", |
min=50.0, max=300.0, |
default=_finger_default) |
edge_opacity = IntProperty(name="Edge Opacity", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=100, |
default=_edge_opacity_default) |
edge_radius = FloatProperty(name="Edge Radius", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=50, max=300, |
default=_edge_radius_default) |
def convert_default(self, wavestate): |
wavestate.wispiness = self._wispiness_default / 100.0 |
wavestate.minColor = hsColorRGBA(*self._shore_tint_default, alpha=(self._shore_opacity_default / 100.0)) |
wavestate.edgeOpacity = self._edge_opacity_default / 100.0 |
wavestate.edgeRadius = self._edge_radius_default / 100.0 |
wavestate.period = self._period_default / 100.0 |
wavestate.fingerLength = self._finger_default / 100.0 |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
waveset = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plWaveSet7, name=bo.name, so=so) |
wavestate = waveset.state |
for i in self.shores: |
if i.shore_object is None: |
raise ExportError("'{}': Shore Object for '{}' is invalid".format(self.key_name, i.display_name)) |
waveset.addShore(exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=i.shore_object)) |
wavestate.wispiness = self.wispiness / 100.0 |
wavestate.minColor = hsColorRGBA(*self.shore_tint, alpha=(self.shore_opacity / 100.0)) |
wavestate.edgeOpacity = self.edge_opacity / 100.0 |
wavestate.edgeRadius = self.edge_radius / 100.0 |
wavestate.period = self.period / 100.0 |
wavestate.fingerLength = self.finger / 100.0 |
class PlasmaWaveState: |
pl_depends = {"water_basic"} |
def convert_wavestate(self, state): |
state.minLength = self.min_length |
state.maxLength = self.max_length |
state.ampOverLen = self.amplitude / 100.0 |
state.chop = self.chop / 100.0 |
state.angleDev = self.angle_dev |
def convert_default_wavestate(self, state): |
cls = self.__class__ |
state.minLength = cls._min_length_default |
state.maxLength = cls._max_length_default |
state.ampOverLen = cls._amplitude_default / 100.0 |
state.chop = cls._chop_default / 100.0 |
state.angleDev = cls._angle_dev_default |
@classmethod |
def register(cls): |
cls.min_length = FloatProperty(name="Min Length", |
description="Smallest wave length", |
min=0.1, max=50.0, |
default=cls._min_length_default) |
cls.max_length = FloatProperty(name="Max Length", |
description="Largest wave length", |
min=0.1, max=50.0, |
default=cls._max_length_default) |
cls.amplitude = IntProperty(name="Amplitude", |
description="Multiplier for wave height", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=100, |
default=cls._amplitude_default) |
cls.chop = IntProperty(name="Choppiness", |
description="Sharpness of wave crests", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=500, |
default=cls._chop_default) |
cls.angle_dev = FloatProperty(name="Wave Spread", |
subtype="ANGLE", |
min=math.radians(0.0), max=math.radians(180.0), |
default=cls._angle_dev_default) |
class PlasmaWaveGeoState(PlasmaWaveState, PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "water_geostate" |
bl_category = "Water" |
bl_label = "Geometry Waves" |
bl_description = "Mesh wave settings" |
_min_length_default = 4.0 |
_max_length_default = 8.0 |
_amplitude_default = 10 |
_chop_default = 50 |
_angle_dev_default = math.radians(20.0) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
waveset = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plWaveSet7, name=bo.name, so=so) |
self.convert_wavestate(waveset.state.geoState) |
class PlasmaWaveTexState(PlasmaWaveState, PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "water_texstate" |
bl_category = "Water" |
bl_label = "Texture Waves" |
bl_description = "Texture wave settings" |
_min_length_default = 0.1 |
_max_length_default = 4.0 |
_amplitude_default = 10 |
_chop_default = 50 |
_angle_dev_default = math.radians(20.0) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
waveset = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plWaveSet7, name=bo.name, so=so) |