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843 lines
39 KiB
843 lines
39 KiB
# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
from __future__ import annotations |
import bpy |
from bpy.props import * |
from contextlib import ExitStack |
import itertools |
import math |
from pathlib import Path |
from typing import * |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
from ...addon_prefs import game_versions |
from ...exporter import ExportError, utils |
from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties, PlasmaModifierLogicWiz |
from ... import helpers, idprops |
from ...exporter import Exporter |
from .game_gui import PlasmaGameGuiDialogModifier |
journal_pfms = { |
pvPots : { |
# Supplied by the OfflineKI script: |
# https://gitlab.com/diafero/offline-ki/blob/master/offlineki/xSimpleJournal.py |
"filename": "xSimpleJournal.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", "name": "bookClickable" }, |
{ 'id': 2, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "journalFileName" }, |
{ 'id': 3, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", "name": "isNotebook" }, |
{ 'id': 4, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "BookWidth" }, |
{ 'id': 5, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "BookHeight" }, |
) |
}, |
pvMoul : { |
"filename": "xJournalBookGUIPopup.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", 'name': "actClickableBook" }, |
{ 'id': 10, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", 'name': "StartOpen" }, |
{ 'id': 11, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", 'name': "BookWidth" }, |
{ 'id': 12, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", 'name': "BookHeight" }, |
{ 'id': 13, 'type': "ptAttribString", 'name': "LocPath" }, |
{ 'id': 14, 'type': "ptAttribString", 'name': "GUIType" }, |
) |
}, |
} |
# Do not change the numeric IDs. They allow the list to be rearranged. |
_languages = [("Dutch", "Nederlands", "Dutch", 0), |
("English", "English", "", 1), |
("Finnish", "Suomi", "Finnish", 2), |
("French", "Français", "French", 3), |
("German", "Deutsch", "German", 4), |
("Hungarian", "Magyar", "Hungarian", 5), |
("Italian", "Italiano ", "Italian", 6), |
# Blender 2.79b can't render 日本語 by default |
("Japanese", "Nihongo", "Japanese", 7), |
("Norwegian", "Norsk", "Norwegian", 8), |
("Polish", "Polski", "Polish", 9), |
("Romanian", "Română", "Romanian", 10), |
("Russian", "Pyccĸий", "Russian", 11), |
("Spanish", "Español", "Spanish", 12), |
("Swedish", "Svenska", "Swedish", 13)] |
languages = sorted(_languages, key=lambda x: x[1]) |
class ImageLibraryItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
image = bpy.props.PointerProperty(name="Image Item", |
description="Image stored for export.", |
type=bpy.types.Image, |
options=set()) |
enabled = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Enabled", |
description="Specifies whether this image will be stored during export.", |
default=True, |
options=set()) |
class PlasmaImageLibraryModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "imagelibmod" |
bl_category = "GUI" |
bl_label = "Image Library" |
bl_description = "A collection of images to be stored for later use" |
bl_icon = "RENDERLAYERS" |
images = CollectionProperty(name="Images", type=ImageLibraryItem, options=set()) |
active_image_index = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
if self.images: |
ilmod = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plImageLibMod, so=so, name=self.key_name) |
for item in self.images: |
if item.image and item.enabled: |
exporter.mesh.material.export_prepared_image(owner=ilmod, image=item.image, allowed_formats={"JPG", "PNG"}, extension="hsm") |
class PlasmaJournalTranslation(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
def _poll_nonpytext(self, value): |
return not value.name.endswith(".py") |
language = EnumProperty(name="Language", |
description="Language of this translation", |
items=languages, |
options=set()) |
text_id = PointerProperty(name="Contents", |
description="Text data block containing the text for this language", |
type=bpy.types.Text, |
poll=_poll_nonpytext, |
options=set()) |
class TranslationMixin: |
def export_localization(self, exporter): |
translations = [i for i in self.translations if i.text_id is not None] |
if not translations: |
exporter.report.error(f"'{self.id_data.name}': '{self.bl_label}' No content translations available. The localization will not be exported.") |
return |
for i in translations: |
exporter.locman.add_string(self.localization_set, self.key_name, i.language, i.text_id) |
def _get_translation(self): |
# Ensure there is always a default (read: English) translation available. |
default_idx, default = next(((idx, translation) for idx, translation in enumerate(self.translations) |
if translation.language == _DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NAME), (None, None)) |
if default is None: |
default_idx = len(self.translations) |
default = self.translations.add() |
default.language = _DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_NAME |
if self.active_translation_index < len(self.translations): |
language = self.translations[self.active_translation_index].language |
else: |
self.active_translation_index = default_idx |
language = default.language |
# Due to the fact that we are using IDs to keep the data from becoming insane on new |
# additions, we must return the integer id... |
return next((idx for key, _, _, idx in languages if key == language)) |
def _set_translation(self, value): |
# We were given an int here, must change to a string |
language_name = next((key for key, _, _, i in languages if i == value)) |
idx = next((idx for idx, translation in enumerate(self.translations) |
if translation.language == language_name), None) |
if idx is None: |
self.active_translation_index = len(self.translations) |
translation = self.translations.add() |
translation.language = language_name |
else: |
self.active_translation_index = idx |
@property |
def localization_set(self): |
raise RuntimeError("TranslationMixin subclass needs a localization set getter!") |
@property |
def translations(self): |
raise RuntimeError("TranslationMixin subclass needs a translation getter!") |
class PlasmaJournalBookModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties, PlasmaModifierLogicWiz, TranslationMixin): |
pl_id = "journalbookmod" |
bl_category = "GUI" |
bl_label = "Journal" |
bl_description = "Journal Book" |
bl_icon = "WORDWRAP_ON" |
versions = EnumProperty(name="Export Targets", |
description="Plasma versions for which this journal exports", |
items=game_versions, |
options={"ENUM_FLAG"}, |
default={"pvMoul"}) |
start_state = EnumProperty(name="Start", |
description="State of journal when activated", |
items=[("OPEN", "Open", "Journal will start opened to first page"), |
("CLOSED", "Closed", "Journal will start closed showing cover")], |
default="CLOSED") |
book_type = EnumProperty(name="Book Type", |
description="GUI type to be used for the journal", |
items=[("bkBook", "Book", "A journal written on worn, yellowed paper"), |
("bkNotebook", "Notebook", "A journal written on white, lined paper")], |
default="bkBook") |
book_scale_w = IntProperty(name="Book Width Scale", |
description="Width scale", |
default=100, min=0, max=100, |
subtype="PERCENTAGE") |
book_scale_h = IntProperty(name="Book Height Scale", |
description="Height scale", |
default=100, min=0, max=100, |
subtype="PERCENTAGE") |
clickable_region = PointerProperty(name="Region", |
description="Region inside which the avatar must stand to be able to open the journal (optional)", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
journal_translations = CollectionProperty(name="Journal Translations", |
type=PlasmaJournalTranslation, |
options=set()) |
active_translation_index = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
active_translation = EnumProperty(name="Language", |
description="Language of this translation", |
items=languages, |
get=TranslationMixin._get_translation, |
set=TranslationMixin._set_translation, |
options=set()) |
def pre_export(self, exporter, bo): |
our_versions = (globals()[j] for j in self.versions) |
version = exporter.mgr.getVer() |
if version not in our_versions: |
# We aren't needed here |
exporter.report.port("Object '{}' has a JournalMod not enabled for export to the selected engine. Skipping.", |
bo.name, version) |
return |
# Generate the clickable region if it was not provided |
if self.clickable_region is None: |
self.clickable_region = yield utils.create_cube_region( |
f"{bo.name}_Journal_ClkRgn", 6.0, |
bo |
) |
# Generate the logic nodes |
yield self.convert_logic(bo, age_name=exporter.age_name, version=version) |
def logicwiz(self, bo, tree, age_name, version): |
# Assign journal script based on target version |
journal_pfm = journal_pfms[version] |
journalnode = self._create_python_file_node(tree, journal_pfm["filename"], journal_pfm["attribs"]) |
if version <= pvPots: |
self._create_pots_nodes(bo, tree.nodes, journalnode, age_name) |
else: |
self._create_moul_nodes(bo, tree.nodes, journalnode, age_name) |
def _create_pots_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, journalnode, age_name): |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.clickable_region |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.find_input_socket("facing").allow_simple = False |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_output(journalnode, "satisfies", "bookClickable") |
clickable.clickable_object = clickable_object |
srcfile = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
srcfile.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "journalFileName") |
srcfile.value = self.key_name |
guitype = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribBoolNode") |
guitype.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "isNotebook") |
guitype.value = self.book_type == "bkNotebook" |
width = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
width.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookWidth") |
width.value_float = self.book_scale_w / 100.0 |
height = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
height.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookHeight") |
height.value_float = self.book_scale_h / 100.0 |
def _create_moul_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, journalnode, age_name): |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.clickable_region |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.find_input_socket("facing").allow_simple = False |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_output(journalnode, "satisfies", "actClickableBook") |
clickable.clickable_object = clickable_object |
start_open = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribBoolNode") |
start_open.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "StartOpen") |
start_open.value = self.start_state == "OPEN" |
width = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
width.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookWidth") |
width.value_float = self.book_scale_w / 100.0 |
height = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
height.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "BookHeight") |
height.value_float = self.book_scale_h / 100.0 |
locpath = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
locpath.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "LocPath") |
locpath.value = "{}.{}.{}".format(age_name, self.localization_set, self.key_name) |
guitype = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
guitype.link_output(journalnode, "pfm", "GUIType") |
guitype.value = self.book_type |
@property |
def localization_set(self): |
return "Journals" |
@property |
def requires_actor(self): |
# We are too late in the export to be harvested automatically, so let's be explicit |
return True |
@property |
def translations(self): |
# Backwards compatibility thunk. |
return self.journal_translations |
linking_pfms = { |
pvPots : { |
# Supplied by the OfflineKI script: |
# https://gitlab.com/diafero/offline-ki/blob/master/offlineki/xSimpleLinkingBook.py |
"filename": "xSimpleLinkingBook.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", "name": "bookClickable" }, |
{ 'id': 2, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "destinationAge" }, |
{ 'id': 3, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "spawnPoint" }, |
{ 'id': 4, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "linkPanel" }, |
{ 'id': 5, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "bookCover" }, |
{ 'id': 6, 'type': "ptAttribString", "name": "stampTexture" }, |
{ 'id': 7, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "stampX" }, |
{ 'id': 8, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "stampY" }, |
{ 'id': 9, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "bookWidth" }, |
{ 'id': 10, 'type': "ptAttribFloat", "name": "BookHeight" }, |
{ 'id': 11, 'type': "ptAttribBehavior", "name": "msbSeekBeforeUI" }, |
{ 'id': 12, 'type': "ptAttribResponder", "name": "respOneShot" }, |
) |
}, |
pvMoul : { |
"filename": "xLinkingBookGUIPopup.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", 'name': "actClickableBook" }, |
{ 'id': 2, 'type': "ptAttribBehavior", 'name': "SeekBehavior" }, |
{ 'id': 3, 'type': "ptAttribResponder", 'name': "respLinkResponder" }, |
{ 'id': 4, 'type': "ptAttribString", 'name': "TargetAge" }, |
{ 'id': 5, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", 'name': "actBookshelf" }, |
{ 'id': 6, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", 'name': "shareRegion" }, |
{ 'id': 7, 'type': "ptAttribBehavior", 'name': "shareBookSeek" }, |
{ 'id': 10, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", 'name': "IsDRCStamped" }, |
{ 'id': 11, 'type': "ptAttribBoolean", 'name': "ForceThirdPerson" }, |
) |
}, |
} |
class PlasmaLinkingBookModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties, PlasmaModifierLogicWiz): |
pl_id = "linkingbookmod" |
bl_category = "GUI" |
bl_label = "Linking Book" |
bl_description = "Linking Book" |
bl_icon = "FILE_IMAGE" |
versions = EnumProperty(name="Export Targets", |
description="Plasma versions for which this journal exports", |
items=game_versions, |
options={"ENUM_FLAG"}, |
default={"pvMoul"}) |
# Link Info |
link_type = EnumProperty(name="Linking Type", |
description="The type of Link this Linking Book will use", |
items=[ |
("kBasicLink", "Public Link", "Links to a public instance of the specified Age"), |
("kOriginalBook", "Private Link", "Links to a new or existing private instance of the specified Age"), |
("kSubAgeBook", "Closed Loop Link", "Links between instances of the specifed Age and the current one"),], |
options=set(), |
default="kOriginalBook") |
age_name = StringProperty(name="Age Name", |
description="Filename of the Age to link to (e.g. Garrison)",) |
age_instance = StringProperty(name="Age Instance", |
description="Friendly name of the Age to link to (e.g. Gahreesen)",) |
age_uuid = StringProperty(name="Age GUID", |
description="GUID for a specific instance (used with public Ages)",) |
age_parent = StringProperty(name="Parent Age", |
description="Name of the Child Age's parent Age",) |
spawn_title = StringProperty(name="Spawn Title", |
description="Title of the Spawn Point", |
default="Default") |
spawn_point = StringProperty(name="Spawn Point", |
description="Name of the Spawn Point to arrive at after the link", |
default="LinkInPointDefault") |
anim_type = EnumProperty(name="Link Animation", |
description="Type of Linking Animation to use", |
items=[("LinkOut", "Standing", "The avatar steps up to the book and places their hand on the panel"), |
("FishBookLinkOut", "Kneeling", "The avatar kneels in front of the book and places their hand on the panel"),], |
default="LinkOut", |
options=set()) |
link_destination = StringProperty(name="Linking Panel Name", |
description="Optional: Name of Linking Panel to use for this link-in point if it differs from the Age Name",) |
# Interactables |
seek_point = PointerProperty(name="Seek Point", |
description="The point the avatar will seek to before opening the Linking Book GUI", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_empty_objects) |
clickable_region = PointerProperty(name="Clickable Region", |
description="The region in which the avatar must be standing before they can click on the Linking Book", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
clickable = PointerProperty(name="Clickable", |
description="The object the avatar will click on to activate the Linking Book GUI", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
shareable = BoolProperty(name="Shareable", |
description="Enable the Book to be Shareable (MOUL private instance only)", |
default=True, |
options=set()) |
share_region = PointerProperty(name="Share Region", |
description="Sets the share region in which the receiving avatar must stand", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects) |
# -- Path of the Shell options -- |
# Popup Appearance |
book_cover_image = PointerProperty(name="Book Cover", |
description="Image to use for the Linking Book's cover (Optional: book starts open if left blank)", |
type=bpy.types.Image, |
options=set()) |
link_panel_image = PointerProperty(name="Linking Panel", |
description="Image to use for the Linking Panel", |
type=bpy.types.Image, |
options=set()) |
stamp_image = PointerProperty(name="Stamp Image", |
description="Image to use for the stamp on the page opposite the book's linking panel, if any", |
type=bpy.types.Image, |
options=set()) |
stamp_x = IntProperty(name="Stamp Position X", |
description="X position of Stamp", |
default=140, |
subtype="UNSIGNED") |
stamp_y = IntProperty(name="Stamp Position Y", |
description="Y position of Stamp", |
default=255, |
subtype="UNSIGNED") |
def _check_version(self, *args) -> bool: |
our_versions = frozenset((globals()[j] for j in self.versions)) |
return frozenset(args) & our_versions |
def pre_export(self, exporter, bo): |
if not self._check_version(exporter.mgr.getVer()): |
# We aren't needed here |
exporter.report.port(f"Object '{self.id_data.name}' has a LinkingBookMod not enabled for export to the selected engine. Skipping.") |
return |
# Auto-generate a six-foot cube region around the clickable if none was provided. |
if self.clickable_region is None: |
self.clickable_region = yield utils.create_cube_region( |
f"{self.key_name}_LinkingBook_ClkRgn", 6.0, |
self.clickable |
) |
# Auto-generate a ten-foot cube region around the clickable if none was provided. |
if self.shareable and self.share_region is None: |
self.share_region = yield utils.create_cube_region( |
f"{self.key_name}_LinkingBook_ShareRgn", 10.0, |
self.clickable |
) |
yield self.convert_logic(bo, age_name=exporter.age_name, version=exporter.mgr.getVer()) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
if self._check_version(pvPrime, pvPots): |
# Create ImageLibraryMod in which to store the Cover, Linking Panel, and Stamp images |
ilmod = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plImageLibMod, so=so, name=self.key_name) |
user_images = (i for i in (self.book_cover_image, self.link_panel_image, self.stamp_image) |
if i is not None) |
for image in user_images: |
exporter.mesh.material.export_prepared_image(owner=ilmod, image=image, |
allowed_formats={"JPG", "PNG"}, extension="hsm") |
def harvest_actors(self): |
if self.seek_point is not None: |
yield self.seek_point.name |
def logicwiz(self, bo, tree, age_name, version): |
# Assign linking book script based on target version |
linking_pfm = linking_pfms[version] |
linkingnode = self._create_python_file_node(tree, linking_pfm["filename"], linking_pfm["attribs"]) |
if version <= pvPots: |
self._create_pots_nodes(bo, tree.nodes, linkingnode, age_name) |
else: |
self._create_moul_nodes(bo, tree.nodes, linkingnode, age_name) |
def _create_pots_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, linkingnode, age_name): |
# Clickable |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.clickable_region |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.clickable_object = self.clickable |
clickable.find_input_socket("facing").allow_simple = False |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_output(linkingnode, "satisfies", "bookClickable") |
# Destination Age Name |
age_name = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
age_name.value = self.age_name |
age_name.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "destinationAge") |
# Spawn Point Name |
spawn_point = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
spawn_point.value = self.spawn_point |
spawn_point.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "spawnPoint") |
# Book Cover Image |
if self.book_cover_image: |
book_cover_name = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
book_cover_name.value = str(Path(self.book_cover_image.name).with_suffix(".hsm")) |
book_cover_name.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "bookCover") |
# Linking Panel Image |
if self.link_panel_image: |
linking_panel_name = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
linking_panel_name.value = str(Path(self.link_panel_image.name).with_suffix(".hsm")) |
linking_panel_name.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "linkPanel") |
# Stamp Image |
if self.stamp_image: |
stamp_texture_name = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
stamp_texture_name.value = str(Path(self.stamp_image.name).with_suffix(".hsm")) |
stamp_texture_name.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "stampTexture") |
# Stamp X Position |
stamp_x = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
stamp_x.value = self.stamp_x |
stamp_x.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "stampX") |
# Stamp Y Position |
stamp_y = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribIntNode") |
stamp_y.value = self.stamp_y |
stamp_y.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "stampY") |
# MSB |
seek = nodes.new("PlasmaSeekTargetNode") |
seek.target = self.seek_point |
anim_stage = nodes.new("PlasmaAnimStageNode") |
anim_stage.anim_name = "LinkOut" |
anim_settings = nodes.new("PlasmaAnimStageSettingsNode") |
anim_settings.forward = "kPlayAuto" |
anim_settings.stage_advance = "kAdvanceAuto" |
anim_stage.link_input(anim_settings, "stage", "stage_settings") |
msb = nodes.new("PlasmaMultiStageBehaviorNode") |
msb.link_input(seek, "seekers", "seek_target") |
msb.link_input(anim_stage, "stage", "stage_refs") |
msb.link_output(linkingnode, "hosts", "msbSeekBeforeUI") |
# Responder |
one_shot = nodes.new("PlasmaOneShotMsgNode") |
one_shot.animation = self.anim_type |
one_shot.marker = "touch" |
one_shot.pos_object = self.seek_point |
responder_state = nodes.new("PlasmaResponderStateNode") |
responder_state.link_output(one_shot, "msgs", "sender") |
responder = nodes.new("PlasmaResponderNode") |
responder.link_output(responder_state, "state_refs", "resp") |
responder.link_output(linkingnode, "keyref", "respOneShot") |
def _create_moul_nodes(self, clickable_object, nodes, linkingnode, age_name): |
# Clickable |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.clickable_region |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.clickable_object = self.clickable |
clickable.find_input_socket("facing").allow_simple = False |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_output(linkingnode, "satisfies", "actClickableBook") |
# MSB |
seek = nodes.new("PlasmaSeekTargetNode") |
seek.target = self.seek_point |
anim_stage = nodes.new("PlasmaAnimStageNode") |
anim_stage.anim_name = "LinkOut" |
anim_settings = nodes.new("PlasmaAnimStageSettingsNode") |
anim_settings.forward = "kPlayAuto" |
anim_settings.stage_advance = "kAdvanceAuto" |
anim_stage.link_input(anim_settings, "stage", "stage_settings") |
msb = nodes.new("PlasmaMultiStageBehaviorNode") |
msb.link_input(seek, "seekers", "seek_target") |
msb.link_input(anim_stage, "stage", "stage_refs") |
msb.link_output(linkingnode, "hosts", "SeekBehavior") |
# Responder |
link_message = nodes.new("PlasmaLinkToAgeMsg") |
link_message.rules = self.link_type |
link_message.parent_filename = self.age_parent |
link_message.age_filename = self.age_name |
link_message.age_instance = self.age_instance |
link_message.age_uuid = self.age_uuid |
link_message.spawn_title = self.spawn_title |
link_message.spawn_point = self.spawn_point |
one_shot = nodes.new("PlasmaOneShotMsgNode") |
one_shot.animation = self.anim_type |
one_shot.marker = "touch" |
one_shot.pos_object = self.seek_point |
one_shot.link_output(link_message, "msgs", "sender") |
responder_state = nodes.new("PlasmaResponderStateNode") |
responder_state.link_output(one_shot, "msgs", "sender") |
responder = nodes.new("PlasmaResponderNode") |
responder.link_output(responder_state, "state_refs", "resp") |
responder.link_output(linkingnode, "keyref", "respLinkResponder") |
# Linking Panel Name |
linking_panel_name = nodes.new("PlasmaAttribStringNode") |
linking_panel_name.value = self.link_destination if self.link_destination else self.age_name |
linking_panel_name.link_output(linkingnode, "pfm", "TargetAge") |
# Share MSB |
if self.shareable: |
# Region |
share_msb_region = nodes.new("PlasmaVolumeSensorNode") |
share_msb_region.region_object = self.share_region |
for i in share_msb_region.inputs: |
i.allow = True |
share_msb_region.link_output(linkingnode, "satisfies", "shareRegion") |
# MSB Behavior |
share_seek = nodes.new("PlasmaSeekTargetNode") |
share_seek.target = self.seek_point |
share_anim_stage = nodes.new("PlasmaAnimStageNode") |
share_anim_stage.anim_name = "LinkOut" |
share_anim_settings = nodes.new("PlasmaAnimStageSettingsNode") |
share_anim_settings.forward = "kPlayAuto" |
share_anim_settings.stage_advance = "kAdvanceAuto" |
share_anim_stage.link_input(share_anim_settings, "stage", "stage_settings") |
share = nodes.new("PlasmaMultiStageBehaviorNode") |
share.link_input(share_seek, "seekers", "seek_target") |
share.link_input(share_anim_stage, "stage", "stage_refs") |
share.link_output(linkingnode, "hosts", "shareBookSeek") |
def sanity_check(self): |
if self.clickable is None: |
raise ExportError("{}: Linking Book modifier requires a clickable!", self.id_data.name) |
if self.seek_point is None: |
raise ExportError("{}: Linking Book modifier requires a seek point!", self.id_data.name) |
dialog_toggle = { |
"filename": "xDialogToggle.py", |
"attribs": ( |
{ 'id': 1, 'type': "ptAttribActivator", 'name': "Activate" }, |
{ 'id': 4, 'type': "ptAttribString", 'name': "Vignette" }, |
) |
} |
class PlasmaNotePopupModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties, PlasmaModifierLogicWiz): |
pl_id = "note_popup" |
bl_category = "GUI" |
bl_label = "Note Popup (ex)" |
bl_description = "XXX" |
bl_icon = "MATPLANE" |
def _get_gui_pages(self, context): |
scene = context.scene if context is not None else bpy.context.scene |
return [ |
(i.name, i.name, i.name) |
for i in scene.world.plasma_age.pages |
if i.page_type == "gui" |
] |
clickable: bpy.types.Object = PointerProperty( |
name="Clickable", |
description="The object the player will click on to activate the GUI", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects |
) |
clickable_region: bpy.types.Object = PointerProperty( |
name="Clickable Region", |
description="The region in which the avatar must be standing before they can click on the note", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=idprops.poll_mesh_objects |
) |
gui_page: str = EnumProperty( |
name="GUI Page", |
description="Page containing all of the objects to display", |
items=_get_gui_pages, |
options=set() |
) |
gui_camera: bpy.types.Object = PointerProperty( |
name="GUI Camera", |
description="", |
poll=idprops.poll_camera_objects, |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
options=set() |
) |
@property |
def clickable_object(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.Object]: |
if self.clickable is not None: |
return self.clickable |
if self.id_data.type == "MESH": |
return self.id_data |
def sanity_check(self): |
page_type = helpers.get_page_type(self.id_data.plasma_object.page) |
if page_type != "room": |
raise ExportError(f"Note Popup modifiers should be in a 'room' page, not a '{page_type}' page!") |
def pre_export(self, exporter: Exporter, bo: bpy.types.Object): |
guidialog_object = utils.create_empty_object(f"{self.gui_page}_NoteDialog") |
guidialog_object.plasma_object.enabled = True |
guidialog_object.plasma_object.page = self.gui_page |
yield guidialog_object |
guidialog_mod: PlasmaGameGuiDialogModifier = guidialog_object.plasma_modifiers.gui_dialog |
guidialog_mod.enabled = True |
guidialog_mod.is_modal = True |
if self.gui_camera: |
guidialog_mod.camera_object = self.gui_camera |
else: |
# Abuse the GUI Dialog's lookat caLculation to make us a camera that looks at everything |
# the artist has placed into the GUI page. We want to do this NOW because we will very |
# soon be adding more objects into the GUI page. |
camera_object = yield utils.create_camera_object(f"{self.key_name}_GUICamera") |
camera_object.data.angle = math.radians(45.0) |
camera_object.data.lens_unit = "FOV" |
visible_objects = [ |
i for i in exporter.get_objects(self.gui_page) |
if i.type == "MESH" and i.data.materials |
] |
camera_object.matrix_world = exporter.gui.calc_camera_matrix( |
bpy.context.scene, |
visible_objects, |
camera_object.data.angle |
) |
clipping = exporter.gui.calc_clipping( |
camera_object.matrix_world, |
bpy.context.scene, |
visible_objects, |
camera_object.data.angle |
) |
camera_object.data.clip_start = clipping.hither |
camera_object.data.clip_end = clipping.yonder |
guidialog_mod.camera_object = camera_object |
# Begin creating the object for the clickoff plane. We want to yield it immediately |
# to the exporter in case something goes wrong during the export, allowing the stale |
# object to be cleaned up. |
click_plane_object = utils.BMeshObject(f"{self.key_name}_Exit") |
click_plane_object.matrix_world = guidialog_mod.camera_object.matrix_world |
click_plane_object.plasma_object.enabled = True |
click_plane_object.plasma_object.page = self.gui_page |
yield click_plane_object |
# We have a camera on guidialog_mod.camera_object. We will now use it to generate the |
# points for the click-off plane button. |
# TODO: Allow this to be configurable to 4:3, 16:9, or 21:9? |
with ExitStack() as stack: |
stack.enter_context(exporter.gui.generate_camera_render_settings(bpy.context.scene)) |
toggle = stack.enter_context(helpers.GoodNeighbor()) |
# Temporarily adjust the clipping plane out to the farthest point we can find to ensure |
# that the click-off button ecompasses everything. This is a bit heavy-handed, but if |
# you want more refined control, you won't be using this helper. |
clipping = max((guidialog_mod.camera_object.data.clip_start, guidialog_mod.camera_object.data.clip_end)) |
toggle.track(guidialog_mod.camera_object.data, "clip_start", clipping - 0.1) |
view_frame = guidialog_mod.camera_object.data.view_frame(bpy.context.scene) |
click_plane_object.data.materials.append(exporter.gui.transparent_material) |
with click_plane_object as click_plane_mesh: |
verts = [click_plane_mesh.verts.new(i) for i in view_frame] |
face = click_plane_mesh.faces.new(verts) |
# TODO: Ensure the face is pointing toward the camera! |
# I feel like we should be fine by assuming that Blender returns the viewframe |
# verts in the correct order, but this is Blender... So test that assumption carefully. |
# TODO: Apparently not! |
face.normal_flip() |
# We've now created the mesh object - handle the GUI Button stuff |
click_plane_object.plasma_modifiers.gui_button.enabled = True |
# NOTE: We will be using xDialogToggle.py, so we use a special tag ID instead of the |
# close dialog procedure. |
click_plane_object.plasma_modifiers.gui_control.tag_id = 99 |
# Auto-generate a six-foot cube region around the clickable if none was provided. |
if self.clickable_region is None: |
self.clickable_region = yield utils.create_cube_region( |
f"{self.key_name}_DialogToggle_ClkRgn", 6.0, |
self.clickable_object |
) |
# Everything is ready now - create an xDialogToggle.py in the room page to display the GUI. |
yield self.convert_logic(bo) |
def export(self, exporter: Exporter, bo: bpy.types.Object, so: plSceneObject): |
# You're not hallucinating... Everything is done in the pre-export phase. |
pass |
def logicwiz(self, bo, tree): |
nodes = tree.nodes |
# xDialogToggle.py PythonFile Node |
dialog_node = self._create_python_file_node( |
tree, |
dialog_toggle["filename"], |
dialog_toggle["attribs"] |
) |
self._create_python_attribute(dialog_node, "Vignette", value=self.gui_page) |
# Clickable |
clickable_region = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableRegionNode") |
clickable_region.region_object = self.clickable_region |
clickable = nodes.new("PlasmaClickableNode") |
clickable.find_input_socket("facing").allow_simple = False |
clickable.clickable_object = self.clickable_object |
clickable.link_input(clickable_region, "satisfies", "region") |
clickable.link_output(dialog_node, "satisfies", "Activate")