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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import math
import mathutils
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import utils
class AnimationConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
self._bl_fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps
def convert_action2tm(self, action, default_xform):
"""Converts a Blender Action to a plCompoundController."""
fcurves = action.fcurves
if not fcurves:
return None
# NOTE: plCompoundController is from Myst 5 and was backported to MOUL.
# Worry not however... libHSPlasma will do the conversion for us.
tm = plCompoundController()
tm.X = self.make_pos_controller(fcurves, default_xform)
tm.Y = self.make_rot_controller(fcurves, default_xform)
tm.Z = self.make_scale_controller(fcurves, default_xform)
return tm
def make_pos_controller(self, fcurves, default_xform):
pos_curves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "location" and i.keyframe_points]
keyframes, bez_chans = self._process_keyframes(pos_curves)
if not keyframes:
return None
# At one point, I had some... insanity here to try to crush bezier channels and hand off to
# blah blah blah... As it turns out, point3 keyframe's tangents are vector3s :)
ctrl = self._make_point3_controller(pos_curves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform.to_translation())
return ctrl
def make_rot_controller(self, fcurves, default_xform):
# TODO: support rotation_quaternion
rot_curves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "rotation_euler" and i.keyframe_points]
keyframes, bez_chans = self._process_keyframes(rot_curves)
if not keyframes:
return None
# Ugh. Unfortunately, it appears Blender's default interpolation is bezier. So who knows if
# many users will actually see the benefit here? Makes me sad.
if bez_chans:
ctrl = self._make_scalar_controller(rot_curves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform.to_euler())
ctrl = self._make_quat_controller(rot_curves, keyframes, default_xform.to_euler())
return ctrl
def make_scale_controller(self, fcurves, default_xform):
scale_curves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "scale" and i.keyframe_points]
keyframes, bez_chans = self._process_keyframes(scale_curves)
if not keyframes:
return None
# There is no such thing as a compound scale controller... in Plasma, anyway.
ctrl = self._make_scale_value_controller(scale_curves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform)
return ctrl
def _make_point3_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bezier, default_xform):
ctrl = plLeafController()
subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezPoint3KeyFrame if bezier else hsKeyFrame.kPoint3KeyFrame
exported_frames = []
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsPoint3Key()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
in_tan = hsVector3()
out_tan = hsVector3()
value = hsVector3()
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
setattr(value, subctrl, fval)
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, keyframe.in_tans[i])
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, keyframe.out_tans[i])
setattr(value, subctrl, ctrl_fcurves[i].evaluate(keyframe.frame_num_blender))
except KeyError:
setattr(value, subctrl, default_xform[i])
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
exported.inTan = in_tan
exported.outTan = out_tan
exported.value = value
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _make_quat_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, default_xform):
ctrl = plLeafController()
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kQuatKeyFrame
exported_frames = []
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsQuatKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
# NOTE: quat keyframes don't do bezier nonsense
value = mathutils.Euler()
for i in range(3):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
value[i] = fval
value[i] = ctrl_fcurves[i].evaluate(keyframe.frame_num_blender)
except KeyError:
value[i] = default_xform[i]
quat = value.to_quaternion()
exported.value = utils.quaternion(quat)
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _make_scalar_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform):
ctrl = plCompoundController()
subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
for i in subctrls:
setattr(ctrl, i, plLeafController())
exported_frames = ([], [], [])
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
for keyframe in keyframes:
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezScalarKeyFrame if i in bez_chans else hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
exported = hsScalarKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.inTan = keyframe.in_tans[i]
exported.outTan = keyframe.out_tans[i]
exported.type = keyframe_type
exported.value = fval
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
my_keyframes = exported_frames[i]
# ensure this controller has at least ONE keyframe
if not my_keyframes:
hack_frame = hsScalarKey()
hack_frame.frame = 0
hack_frame.frameTime = 0.0
hack_frame.type = hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
hack_frame.value = default_xform[i]
getattr(ctrl, subctrl).keys = (my_keyframes, my_keyframes[0].type)
return ctrl
def _make_scale_value_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform):
subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezScaleKeyFrame if bez_chans else hsKeyFrame.kScaleKeyFrame
exported_frames = []
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
default_scale = default_xform.to_scale()
unit_quat = default_xform.to_quaternion()
unit_quat = utils.quaternion(unit_quat)
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsScaleKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
in_tan = hsVector3()
out_tan = hsVector3()
value = hsVector3()
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
setattr(value, subctrl, fval)
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, keyframe.in_tans[i])
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, keyframe.out_tans[i])
setattr(value, subctrl, ctrl_fcurves[i].evaluate(keyframe.frame_num_blender))
except KeyError:
setattr(value, subctrl, default_scale[i])
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
exported.inTan = in_tan
exported.outTan = out_tan
exported.value = (value, unit_quat)
ctrl = plLeafController()
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _process_keyframes(self, fcurves):
"""Groups all FCurves for the same frame together"""
keyframe_data = type("KeyFrameData", (), {})
fps = self._bl_fps
pi = math.pi
keyframes = {}
bez_chans = set()
for fcurve in fcurves:
for fkey in fcurve.keyframe_points:
frame_num, value =
keyframe = keyframes.get(frame_num, None)
if keyframe is None:
keyframe = keyframe_data()
if fps == 30.0:
# hope you don't have a frame 29.9 and frame 30.0...
keyframe.frame_num = int(frame_num)
keyframe.frame_num = int(frame_num * (30.0 / fps))
keyframe.frame_num_blender = frame_num
keyframe.frame_time = frame_num / fps
keyframe.in_tans = {}
keyframe.out_tans = {}
keyframe.values = {}
keyframes[frame_num] = keyframe
idx = fcurve.array_index
keyframe.values[idx] = value
# Calculate the bezier interpolation nonsense
if fkey.interpolation == "BEZIER":
keyframe.in_tans[idx] = -(value - fkey.handle_left[1]) / (frame_num - fkey.handle_left[0]) / fps / (2 * pi)
keyframe.out_tans[idx] = (value - fkey.handle_right[1]) / (frame_num - fkey.handle_right[0]) / fps / (2 * pi)
keyframe.in_tans[idx] = 0.0
keyframe.out_tans[idx] = 0.0
# Return the keyframes in a sequence sorted by frame number
final_keyframes = [keyframes[i] for i in sorted(keyframes)]
return (final_keyframes, bez_chans)
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr