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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import abc
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
class PlasmaModifierProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
def created(self):
def destroyed(self):
def enabled(self):
return self.display_order >= 0
def harvest_actors(self):
return ()
def key_name(self):
def requires_actor(self):
"""Indicates if this modifier requires the object to be a movable actor"""
return False
def requires_face_sort(self):
"""Indicates that the geometry's faces must be sorted by the engine"""
return False
def requires_span_sort(self):
"""Indicates that the geometry's Spans must be sorted with those from other Drawables that
will render in the same pass"""
return False
# Guess what?
# You can't register properties on a base class--Blender isn't smart enough to do inheritance,
# you see... So, we'll store our definitions in a dict and make those properties on each subclass
# at runtime. What joy. Python FTW. See register() in
_subprops = {
"display_order": (IntProperty, {"name": "INTERNAL: Display Ordering",
"description": "Position in the list of buttons",
"default": -1,
"options": {"HIDDEN"}}),
"show_expanded": (BoolProperty, {"name": "INTERNAL: Actually draw the modifier",
"default": True,
"options": {"HIDDEN"}}),
"current_version": (IntProperty, {"name": "INTERNAL: Modifier version",
"default": 1,
"options": {"HIDDEN"}}),
class PlasmaModifierLogicWiz:
def node_tree(self):
name = self.key_name
except LookupError:
return, "PlasmaNodeTree")
def logicwiz(self, bo):
class PlasmaModifierUpgradable:
def latest_version(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def requires_upgrade(self):
current_version, latest_version = self.current_version, self.latest_version
assert current_version < latest_version
return current_version < latest_version
def upgrade(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _restore_properties(dummy):
# When Blender opens, it loads the default blend. The post load handler
# below is executed and deprecated properties are unregistered. When the
# user goes to load a new blend file, the handler below tries to execute
# again and BOOM--there are no deprecated properties available. Therefore,
# we reregister them here.
for mod_cls in PlasmaModifierUpgradable.__subclasses__():
for prop_name in mod_cls.deprecated_properties:
# Unregistered propertes are a sequence of (property function,
# property keyword arguments). Interesting design decision :)
prop_cb, prop_kwargs = getattr(mod_cls, prop_name)
del prop_kwargs["attr"] # Prevents proper registration
setattr(mod_cls, prop_name, prop_cb(**prop_kwargs))
def _upgrade_modifiers(dummy):
# First, run all the upgrades
for i in
for mod_cls in PlasmaModifierUpgradable.__subclasses__():
mod = getattr(i.plasma_modifiers, mod_cls.pl_id)
if mod.requires_upgrade:
# Now that everything is upgraded, forcibly remove all properties
# from the modifiers to prevent sneaky zombie-data type export bugs
for mod_cls in PlasmaModifierUpgradable.__subclasses__():
for prop in mod_cls.deprecated_properties:
RemoveProperty(mod_cls, attr=prop)