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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from collections import OrderedDict
import inspect
from PyHSPlasma import *
import uuid
from .node_core import *
from .node_deprecated import PlasmaVersionedNode
class PlasmaResponderNode(PlasmaVersionedNode, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "LOGIC"
bl_idname = "PlasmaResponderNode"
bl_label = "Responder"
bl_width_default = 145
# These are the Python attributes we can fill in
pl_attrib = {"ptAttribResponder", "ptAttribResponderList", "ptAttribNamedResponder"}
detect_trigger = BoolProperty(name="Detect Trigger",
description="When notified, trigger the Responder",
detect_untrigger = BoolProperty(name="Detect UnTrigger",
description="When notified, untrigger the Responder",
no_ff_sounds = BoolProperty(name="Don't F-Fwd Sounds",
description="When fast-forwarding, play sound effects",
default_state = IntProperty(name="Default State Index",
input_sockets = OrderedDict([
("condition", {
"text": "Condition",
"type": "PlasmaConditionSocket",
"spawn_empty": True,
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("keyref", {
"text": "References",
"type": "PlasmaPythonReferenceNodeSocket",
"valid_link_nodes": {"PlasmaPythonFileNode"},
("state_refs", {
"text": "State",
"type": "PlasmaRespStateRefSocket",
"valid_link_nodes": "PlasmaResponderStateNode",
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaRespStateRefSocket",
"link_limit": 1,
"spawn_empty": True,
# This version of the states socket has been deprecated.
# We need to be able to track 1 socket -> 1 state to manage
# responder state IDs
("states", {
"text": "States",
"type": "PlasmaRespStateSocket",
"hidden": True,
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "detect_trigger")
layout.prop(self, "detect_untrigger")
layout.prop(self, "no_ff_sounds")
def get_key(self, exporter, so):
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plResponderModifier, name=self.key_name, so=so)
def export(self, exporter, bo, so):
responder = self.get_key(exporter, so).object
if not bo.plasma_net.manual_sdl:
if self.detect_trigger:
responder.flags |= plResponderModifier.kDetectTrigger
if self.detect_untrigger:
responder.flags |= plResponderModifier.kDetectUnTrigger
if self.no_ff_sounds:
responder.flags |= plResponderModifier.kSkipFFSound
responder.curState = self.default_state
class ResponderStateMgr:
def __init__(self, respNode, respMod):
self.states = []
self.parent = respNode
self.responder = respMod
self.has_pfm = respNode.find_output("keyref") is not None
def convert_states(self, exporter, so):
# This could implicitly export more states...
i = 0
while i < len(self.states):
node, state = self.states[i]
node.convert_state(exporter, so, state, i, self)
i += 1
resp = self.responder
for node, state in self.states:
def get_state(self, node):
for idx, (theNode, theState) in enumerate(self.states):
if theNode == node:
return (idx, theState)
state = plResponderModifier_State()
self.states.append((node, state))
return (len(self.states) - 1, state)
def register_state(self, node):
self.states.append((node, plResponderModifier_State()))
# Convert the Responder states
stateMgr = ResponderStateMgr(self, responder)
for stateNode in self.find_outputs("state_refs", "PlasmaResponderStateNode"):
stateMgr.convert_states(exporter, so)
def latest_version(self):
return 2
def upgrade(self):
# In version 1 responder nodes, responder states could be linked to the responder
# or to subsequent responder state nodes and be exported. The problem with this
# is that to use responder states in Python attributes, we need to be able to
# inform the user as to what the ID of the responder state will be.
# Version 2 make it slightly more mandatory that states be linked to a responder
# and will display the ID of each state linked to the responder. Any states only
# linked to other states will be converted at the end of the list.
if self.version == 1:
states = set()
def _link_states(state):
if state in states:
self.link_output(state, "state_refs", "resp")
goto = state.find_output("gotostate")
if goto is not None:
for i in self.find_outputs("states"):
self.unlink_outputs("states", "socket deprecated (upgrade complete)")
self.version = 2
class PlasmaResponderStateNode(PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "LOGIC"
bl_idname = "PlasmaResponderStateNode"
bl_label = "Responder State"
def _get_default_state(self):
resp_node = self.find_input("resp")
if resp_node is not None:
state_idx = next((idx for idx, node in enumerate(resp_node.find_outputs("state_refs")) if node == self))
except StopIteration:
return False
return resp_node.default_state == state_idx
return False
def _set_default_state(self, value):
if value:
resp_node = self.find_input("resp")
if resp_node is not None:
state_idx = next((idx for idx, node in enumerate(resp_node.find_outputs("state_refs")) if node == self))
except StopIteration:
self._whine("unable to set default state on responder")
resp_node.default_state = state_idx
default_state = BoolProperty(name="Default State",
description="This state is the responder's default",
input_sockets = OrderedDict([
("condition", {
"text": "Triggers State",
"type": "PlasmaRespStateSocket",
"spawn_empty": True,
("resp", {
"text": "Responder",
"type": "PlasmaRespStateRefSocket",
"valid_link_nodes": "PlasmaResponderNode",
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaRespStateRefSocket",
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
# This socket has been deprecated.
("cmds", {
"text": "Commands",
"type": "PlasmaRespCommandSocket",
"hidden": True,
# These sockets are valid.
("msgs", {
"text": "Send Message",
"type": "PlasmaMessageSocket",
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaMessageSocket",
("gotostate", {
"link_limit": 1,
"text": "Triggers State",
"type": "PlasmaRespStateSocket",
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): = self.find_input("resp") is not None
layout.prop(self, "default_state")
def convert_state(self, exporter, so, state, idx, stateMgr):
# Where do we go from heah?
toStateNode = self.find_output("gotostate", "PlasmaResponderStateNode")
if toStateNode is None:
state.switchToState = idx
toIdx, toState = stateMgr.get_state(toStateNode)
state.switchToState = toIdx
class CommandMgr:
def __init__(self, respMod):
self.commands = []
self.responder = respMod
self.waits = {}
self.waitable_nodes = []
def add_command(self, node, waitOn):
cmd = type("ResponderCommand", (), {"msg": None, "waitOn": waitOn})
self.commands.append((node, cmd))
return (len(self.commands) - 1, cmd)
def add_wait(self, parentIdx):
wait = len(self.waits)
self.waits[wait] = parentIdx
return wait
def add_waitable_node(self, node):
def ensure_last_wait(self, exporter, so, force=False):
if self.waitable_nodes:
lastWaitNode = self.waitable_nodes[-1]
lastMsgNode = self.commands[-1][0]
if lastMsgNode == lastWaitNode or force:
return self.find_create_wait(exporter, so, lastWaitNode)
return -1
def find_create_wait(self, exporter, so, node):
i, cmd = next(((i, cmd) for i, cmd in enumerate(self.commands) if cmd[0] == node))
wait = next((key for key, value in self.waits.items() if value == i), None)
if wait is None:
wait = self.add_wait(i)
node.convert_callback_message(exporter, so, cmd[1].msg, self.responder.key, wait)
return wait
def save(self, state):
for node, cmd in self.commands:
# Amusing, PyHSPlasma doesn't actually want a plResponderModifier_Cmd
# Meh, I'll let this one slide.
state.addCommand(cmd.msg, cmd.waitOn)
state.numCallbacks = len(self.waits)
state.waitToCmd = self.waits
# Convert the commands
commands = CommandMgr(stateMgr.responder)
for i in self.find_outputs("msgs"):
# slight optimization--commands attached to states can't wait on other commands
# namely because it's impossible to wait on a command that doesn't exist...
self._generate_command(exporter, so, stateMgr.responder, commands, i)
# The last waitable message node may or may not have child nodes attached to it.
# Imaging a responder that sends only one animation command message, for example.
# That means a wait will not be set up for that command due to no child linkage.
# However, the PFM notification below expects a wait for stuff like that.
lastWait = commands.ensure_last_wait(exporter, so, force=stateMgr.has_pfm)
# This commits the responder commands to the responder. Needs to happen before we
# add the PFM notification directly to the responder.
# If the responder is linked to a PythonFile node, we need to automatically generate
# the callback message command node...
if stateMgr.has_pfm:
pfmNotify = plNotifyMsg()
pfmNotify.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kLocalPropagate
pfmNotify.sender = stateMgr.responder.key
pfmNotify.state = 1.0
state.addCommand(pfmNotify, lastWait)
def _generate_command(self, exporter, so, responder, commandMgr, msgNode, waitOn=-1):
def prepare_message(exporter, so, responder, commandMgr, waitOn, msg):
idx, command = commandMgr.add_command(msgNode, waitOn)
if msg.sender is None:
msg.sender = responder.key
msg.BCastFlags |= plMessage.kLocalPropagate
command.msg = msg
return (idx, command)
# HACK: Some message nodes may need to sneakily send multiple messages. So, convert_message
# is therefore now a generator. We will ASSume that the first message generated is the
# primary msg that we should use for callbacks, if applicable
if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(msgNode.convert_message):
messages = tuple(msgNode.convert_message(exporter, so))
msg = messages[0]
for i in messages[1:]:
prepare_message(exporter, so, responder, commandMgr, waitOn, i)
msg = msgNode.convert_message(exporter, so)
idx, command = prepare_message(exporter, so, responder, commandMgr, waitOn, msg)
if msgNode.has_callbacks:
if msgNode.find_output("msgs"):
childWaitOn = commandMgr.add_wait(idx)
msgNode.convert_callback_message(exporter, so, msg, responder.key, childWaitOn)
childWaitOn = waitOn
# Export any linked callback messages
for i in msgNode.find_outputs("msgs"):
self._generate_command(exporter, so, responder, commandMgr, i, childWaitOn)
class PlasmaRespStateSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (0.388, 0.78, 0.388, 1.0)
class PlasmaRespStateRefSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (1.00, 0.980, 0.322, 1.0)
def draw_content(self, context, layout, node, text):
if isinstance(node, PlasmaResponderNode):
idx = next((idx for idx, socket in enumerate(node.find_output_sockets("state_refs")) if socket == self))
except StopIteration:
layout.label("State (ID: {})".format(idx))