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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import itertools
import math
import mathutils
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import utils
class AnimationConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
self._bl_fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps
def _convert_frame_time(self, frame_num):
return frame_num / self._bl_fps
def convert_object_animations(self, bo, so):
if not bo.plasma_object.has_animation_data:
def fetch_animation_data(id_data):
if id_data is not None:
if id_data.animation_data is not None:
action = id_data.animation_data.action
return action, getattr(action, "fcurves", [])
return None, []
# TODO: At some point, we should consider supporting NLA stuff.
# But for now, this seems sufficient.
obj_action, obj_fcurves = fetch_animation_data(bo)
data_action, data_fcurves = fetch_animation_data(
# We're basically just going to throw all the FCurves at the controller converter (read: wall)
# and see what sticks. PlasmaMAX has some nice animation channel stuff that allows for some
# form of separation, but Blender's NLA editor is way confusing and appears to not work with
# things that aren't the typical position, rotation, scale animations.
applicators = []
if isinstance(, bpy.types.Camera):
applicators.append(self._convert_camera_animation(bo, so, obj_fcurves, data_fcurves))
applicators.append(self._convert_transform_animation(, obj_fcurves, bo.matrix_basis))
if bo.plasma_modifiers.soundemit.enabled:
applicators.extend(self._convert_sound_volume_animation(, obj_fcurves, bo.plasma_modifiers.soundemit))
if isinstance(, bpy.types.Lamp):
lamp =
applicators.extend(self._convert_lamp_color_animation(, data_fcurves, lamp))
if isinstance(lamp, bpy.types.SpotLamp):
applicators.extend(self._convert_spot_lamp_animation(, data_fcurves, lamp))
if isinstance(lamp, bpy.types.PointLamp):
applicators.extend(self._convert_omni_lamp_animation(, data_fcurves, lamp))
# Check to make sure we have some valid animation applicators before proceeding.
if not any(applicators):
# There is a race condition in the client with animation loading. It expects for modifiers
# to be listed on the SceneObject in a specific order. D'OH! So, always use these funcs.
agmod, agmaster = self.get_anigraph_objects(bo, so)
anim_mod = bo.plasma_modifiers.animation
atcanim = self._mgr.find_create_object(anim_mod.anim_type, so=so)
# Add the animation data to the ATC
for i in applicators:
if i is not None:
agmod.channelName =
# This was previously part of the Animation Modifier, however, there can be lots of animations
# Therefore we move it here.
def get_ranges(*args, **kwargs):
index = kwargs.get("index", 0)
for i in args:
if i is not None:
yield i.frame_range[index] = "(Entire Animation)"
sdl_name = anim_mod.obj_sdl_anim
atcanim.start = self._convert_frame_time(min(get_ranges(obj_action, data_action, index=0)))
atcanim.end = self._convert_frame_time(max(get_ranges(obj_action, data_action, index=1)))
if isinstance(atcanim, plAgeGlobalAnim):
atcanim.globalVarName = anim_mod.obj_sdl_anim
if isinstance(atcanim, plATCAnim):
# Marker points
if obj_action is not None:
for marker in obj_action.pose_markers:
atcanim.setMarker(, self._convert_frame_time(marker.frame))
# Fixme? Not sure if we really need to expose this...
atcanim.easeInMin = 1.0
atcanim.easeInMax = 1.0
atcanim.easeInLength = 1.0
atcanim.easeOutMin = 1.0
atcanim.easeOutMax = 1.0
atcanim.easeOutLength = 1.0
def _convert_camera_animation(self, bo, so, obj_fcurves, data_fcurves):
if data_fcurves:
# The hard part about this crap is that FOV animations are not stored in ATC Animations
# instead, FOV animation keyframes are held inside of the camera modifier. Cyan's solution
# in PlasmaMAX appears to be for any xform keyframe, add two messages to the camera modifier
# representing the FOV at that point. Makes more sense to me to use each FOV keyframe instead
fov_fcurve = next((i for i in data_fcurves if i.data_path == "plasma_camera.settings.fov"), None)
if fov_fcurve:
# NOTE: this is another critically important key ordering in the SceneObject modifier
# list. CameraModifier calls into AGMasterMod code that assumes the AGModifier
# is already available. Should probably consider adding some code to libHSPlasma
# to order the SceneObject modifier key vector at some point.
anim_key = self.get_animation_key(bo)
camera = self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraModifier, so=so)
cam_key = camera.key
aspect, fps = (3.0 / 4.0), self._bl_fps
degrees = math.degrees
# Seeing as how we're transforming the data entirely, we'll just use the fcurve itself
# instead of our other animation helpers. But ugh does this mess look like sloppy C.
keyframes = fov_fcurve.keyframe_points
num_keyframes = len(keyframes)
has_fov_anim = bool(num_keyframes)
i = 0
while i < num_keyframes:
this_keyframe = keyframes[i]
next_keyframe = keyframes[0] if i+1 == num_keyframes else keyframes[i+1]
# So remember, these are messages. When we hit a keyframe, we're dispatching a message
# representing the NEXT desired FOV.
this_frame_time =[0] / fps
next_frame_num, next_frame_value =
next_frame_time = next_frame_num / fps
# This message is held on the camera modifier and sent to the animation... It calls
# back when the animation reaches the keyframe time, causing the FOV message to be sent.
cb_msg = plEventCallbackMsg()
cb_msg.event = kTime
cb_msg.eventTime = this_frame_time
cb_msg.index = i
cb_msg.repeats = -1
anim_msg = plAnimCmdMsg()
anim_msg.animName = "(Entire Animation)"
anim_msg.time = this_frame_time
anim_msg.sender = anim_key
anim_msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kAddCallbacks, True)
camera.addMessage(anim_msg, anim_key)
# This is the message actually changes the FOV. Interestingly, it is sent at
# export-time and while playing the game, the camera modifier just steals its
# parameters and passes them to the brain. Can't make this stuff up.
cam_msg = plCameraMsg()
cam_msg.setCmd(plCameraMsg.kAddFOVKeyFrame, True)
cam_config = cam_msg.config
cam_config.accel = next_frame_time # Yassss...
cam_config.fovW = degrees(next_frame_value)
cam_config.fovH = degrees(next_frame_value * aspect)
i += 1
has_fov_anim = False
has_fov_anim = False
# If we exported any FOV animation at all, then we need to ensure there is an applicator
# returned from here... At bare minimum, we'll need the applicator with an empty
# CompoundController. This should be sufficient to keep CWE from crashing...
applicator = self._convert_transform_animation(, obj_fcurves, bo.matrix_basis, allow_empty=has_fov_anim)
camera = locals().get("camera", self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraModifier, so=so))
camera.animated = applicator is not None
return applicator
def _convert_lamp_color_animation(self, name, fcurves, lamp):
if not fcurves:
return None
energy_curve = next((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "energy" and i.keyframe_points), None)
color_curves = sorted((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "color" and i.keyframe_points), key=lambda x: x.array_index)
if energy_curve is None and color_curves is None:
return None
elif lamp.use_only_shadow:
self._exporter().report.warn("Cannot animate Lamp color because this lamp only casts shadows", indent=3)
return None
elif not lamp.use_specular and not lamp.use_diffuse:
self._exporter().report.warn("Cannot animate Lamp color because neither Diffuse nor Specular are enabled", indent=3)
return None
# OK Specular is easy. We just toss out the color as a point3.
color_keyframes, color_bez = self._process_keyframes(color_curves, convert=lambda x: x * -1.0 if lamp.use_negative else None)
if color_keyframes and lamp.use_specular:
channel = plPointControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self._make_point3_controller(color_curves, color_keyframes, color_bez, lamp.color)
applicator = plLightSpecularApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
# Hey, look, it's a third way to process FCurves. YAY!
def convert_diffuse_animation(color, energy):
if lamp.use_negative:
return { key: (0.0 - value) * energy[0] for key, value in color.items() }
return { key: value * energy[0] for key, value in color.items() }
diffuse_defaults = { "color": lamp.color, "energy": }
diffuse_fcurves = color_curves + [energy_curve,]
diffuse_keyframes = self._process_fcurves(diffuse_fcurves, convert_diffuse_animation, diffuse_defaults)
if not diffuse_keyframes:
return None
# Whew.
channel = plPointControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self._make_point3_controller([], diffuse_keyframes, False, [])
applicator = plLightDiffuseApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
def _convert_omni_lamp_animation(self, name, fcurves, lamp):
if not fcurves:
return None
energy_fcurve = next((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "energy"), None)
distance_fcurve = next((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "distance"), None)
if energy_fcurve is None and distance_fcurve is None:
return None
light_converter = self._exporter().light
intensity, atten_end = light_converter.convert_attenuation(lamp)
# All types allow animating cutoff
if distance_fcurve is not None:
channel = plScalarControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self.make_scalar_leaf_controller(distance_fcurve,
lambda x: x if lamp.use_sphere else x * 2)
applicator = plOmniCutoffApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
falloff = lamp.falloff_type
if falloff == "CONSTANT":
if energy_fcurve is not None:
self._exporter().report.warn("Constant attenuation cannot be animated in Plasma", ident=3)
elif falloff == "INVERSE_LINEAR":
def convert_linear_atten(distance, energy):
intens = abs(energy[0])
atten_end = distance[0] if lamp.use_sphere else distance[0] * 2
return light_converter.convert_attenuation_linear(intens, atten_end)
keyframes = self._process_fcurves([distance_fcurve, energy_fcurve], convert_linear_atten,
{"distance": lamp.distance, "energy":})
if keyframes:
channel = plScalarControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self._make_scalar_leaf_controller(keyframes, False)
applicator = plOmniApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
elif falloff == "INVERSE_SQUARE":
if self._mgr.getVer() >= pvMoul:
def convert_quadratic_atten(distance, energy):
intens = abs(energy[0])
atten_end = distance[0] if lamp.use_sphere else distance[0] * 2
return light_converter.convert_attenuation_quadratic(intens, atten_end)
keyframes = self._process_fcurves([distance_fcurve, energy_fcurve], convert_quadratic_atten,
{"distance": lamp.distance, "energy":})
if keyframes:
channel = plScalarControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self._make_scalar_leaf_controller(keyframes, False)
applicator = plOmniSqApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
self._exporter().report.port("Lamp Falloff '{}' animations only partially supported for this version of Plasma", falloff, indent=3)
self._exporter().report.warn("Lamp Falloff '{}' animations are not supported".format(falloff), ident=3)
def _convert_sound_volume_animation(self, name, fcurves, soundemit):
if not fcurves:
return None
convert_volume = lambda x: math.log10(max(.01, x / 100.0)) * 20.0
for sound in soundemit.sounds:
path = "{}.volume".format(sound.path_from_id())
fcurve = next((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == path and i.keyframe_points), None)
if fcurve is None:
for i in soundemit.get_sound_indices(sound=sound):
applicator = plSoundVolumeApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name
applicator.index = i
# libHSPlasma assumes a channel is not shared among applicators...
# so yes, we must convert the same animation data again and again.
channel = plScalarControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self.make_scalar_leaf_controller(fcurve, convert=convert_volume) = channel
yield applicator
def _convert_spot_lamp_animation(self, name, fcurves, lamp):
if not fcurves:
return None
blend_fcurve = next((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "spot_blend"), None)
size_fcurve = next((i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "spot_size"), None)
if blend_fcurve is None and size_fcurve is None:
return None
# Spot Outer is just the size keyframes...
if size_fcurve is not None:
channel = plScalarControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self.make_scalar_leaf_controller(size_fcurve, lambda x: math.degrees(x))
applicator = plSpotOuterApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
# Spot inner must be calculated...
def convert_spot_inner(spot_blend, spot_size):
blend = min(0.001, spot_blend[0])
size = spot_size[0]
value = size - (blend * size)
return math.degrees(value)
defaults = { "spot_blend": lamp.spot_blend, "spot_size": lamp.spot_size }
keyframes = self._process_fcurves([blend_fcurve, size_fcurve], convert_spot_inner, defaults)
if keyframes:
channel = plScalarControllerChannel()
channel.controller = self._make_scalar_leaf_controller(keyframes, False)
applicator = plSpotInnerApplicator()
applicator.channelName = name = channel
yield applicator
def _convert_transform_animation(self, name, fcurves, xform, allow_empty=False):
tm = self.convert_transform_controller(fcurves, xform, allow_empty)
if tm is None and not allow_empty:
return None
applicator = plMatrixChannelApplicator()
applicator.enabled = True
applicator.channelName = name
channel = plMatrixControllerChannel()
channel.controller = tm = channel
channel.affine = utils.affine_parts(xform)
return applicator
def convert_transform_controller(self, fcurves, xform, allow_empty=False):
if not fcurves and not allow_empty:
return None
pos = self.make_pos_controller(fcurves, xform)
rot = self.make_rot_controller(fcurves, xform)
scale = self.make_scale_controller(fcurves, xform)
if pos is None and rot is None and scale is None:
if not allow_empty:
return None
tm = plCompoundController()
tm.X = pos
tm.Y = rot
tm.Z = scale
return tm
def get_anigraph_keys(self, bo=None, so=None):
mod = self._mgr.find_create_key(plAGModifier, so=so, bl=bo)
master = self._mgr.find_create_key(plAGMasterMod, so=so, bl=bo)
return mod, master
def get_anigraph_objects(self, bo=None, so=None):
mod = self._mgr.find_create_object(plAGModifier, so=so, bl=bo)
master = self._mgr.find_create_object(plAGMasterMod, so=so, bl=bo)
return mod, master
def get_animation_key(self, bo, so=None):
# we might be controlling more than one animation. isn't that cute?
# (but obviously this is not wrong...)
group_mod = bo.plasma_modifiers.animation_group
if group_mod.enabled:
return self._mgr.find_create_key(plMsgForwarder, bl=bo, so=so, name=group_mod.key_name)
return self.get_anigraph_keys(bo, so)[1]
def make_matrix44_controller(self, fcurves, pos_path, scale_path, pos_default, scale_default):
def convert_matrix_keyframe(**kwargs):
pos = kwargs.get(pos_path)
scale = kwargs.get(scale_path)
# Since only some position curves may be supplied, construct dict with all positions
allpos = dict(enumerate(pos_default))
allscale = dict(enumerate(scale_default))
matrix = hsMatrix44()
# Note: scale and pos are dicts, so we can't unpack
matrix.setTranslate(hsVector3(allpos[0], allpos[1], allpos[2]))
matrix.setScale(hsVector3(allscale[0], allscale[1], allscale[2]))
return matrix
fcurves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == pos_path or i.data_path == scale_path]
if not fcurves:
return None
default_values = { pos_path: pos_default, scale_path: scale_default }
keyframes = self._process_fcurves(fcurves, convert_matrix_keyframe, default_values)
if not keyframes:
return None
# Now we make the controller
return self._make_matrix44_controller(keyframes)
def make_pos_controller(self, fcurves, default_xform, convert=None):
pos_curves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "location" and i.keyframe_points]
keyframes, bez_chans = self._process_keyframes(pos_curves, convert)
if not keyframes:
return None
# At one point, I had some... insanity here to try to crush bezier channels and hand off to
# blah blah blah... As it turns out, point3 keyframe's tangents are vector3s :)
ctrl = self._make_point3_controller(pos_curves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform.to_translation())
return ctrl
def make_rot_controller(self, fcurves, default_xform, convert=None):
# TODO: support rotation_quaternion
rot_curves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "rotation_euler" and i.keyframe_points]
keyframes, bez_chans = self._process_keyframes(rot_curves, convert=None)
if not keyframes:
return None
# Ugh. Unfortunately, it appears Blender's default interpolation is bezier. So who knows if
# many users will actually see the benefit here? Makes me sad.
if bez_chans:
ctrl = self._make_scalar_compound_controller(rot_curves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform.to_euler())
ctrl = self._make_quat_controller(rot_curves, keyframes, default_xform.to_euler())
return ctrl
def make_scale_controller(self, fcurves, default_xform, convert=None):
scale_curves = [i for i in fcurves if i.data_path == "scale" and i.keyframe_points]
keyframes, bez_chans = self._process_keyframes(scale_curves, convert)
if not keyframes:
return None
# There is no such thing as a compound scale controller... in Plasma, anyway.
ctrl = self._make_scale_value_controller(scale_curves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform)
return ctrl
def make_scalar_leaf_controller(self, fcurve, convert=None):
keyframes, bezier = self._process_fcurve(fcurve, convert)
if not keyframes:
return None
ctrl = self._make_scalar_leaf_controller(keyframes, bezier)
return ctrl
def _make_matrix44_controller(self, keyframes):
ctrl = plLeafController()
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kMatrix44KeyFrame
exported_frames = []
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsMatrix44Key()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
exported.value = keyframe.value
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _make_point3_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bezier, default_xform):
ctrl = plLeafController()
subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezPoint3KeyFrame if bezier else hsKeyFrame.kPoint3KeyFrame
exported_frames = []
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsPoint3Key()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
in_tan = hsVector3()
out_tan = hsVector3()
value = hsVector3()
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
setattr(value, subctrl, fval)
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, keyframe.in_tans[i])
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, keyframe.out_tans[i])
setattr(value, subctrl, ctrl_fcurves[i].evaluate(keyframe.frame_num_blender))
except KeyError:
setattr(value, subctrl, default_xform[i])
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
exported.inTan = in_tan
exported.outTan = out_tan
exported.value = value
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _make_quat_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, default_xform):
ctrl = plLeafController()
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kQuatKeyFrame
exported_frames = []
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsQuatKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
# NOTE: quat keyframes don't do bezier nonsense
value = mathutils.Euler()
for i in range(3):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
value[i] = fval
value[i] = ctrl_fcurves[i].evaluate(keyframe.frame_num_blender)
except KeyError:
value[i] = default_xform[i]
quat = value.to_quaternion()
exported.value = utils.quaternion(quat)
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _make_scalar_compound_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform):
ctrl = plCompoundController()
subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
for i in subctrls:
setattr(ctrl, i, plLeafController())
exported_frames = ([], [], [])
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
for keyframe in keyframes:
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezScalarKeyFrame if i in bez_chans else hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
exported = hsScalarKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.inTan = keyframe.in_tans[i]
exported.outTan = keyframe.out_tans[i]
exported.type = keyframe_type
exported.value = fval
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
my_keyframes = exported_frames[i]
# ensure this controller has at least ONE keyframe
if not my_keyframes:
hack_frame = hsScalarKey()
hack_frame.frame = 0
hack_frame.frameTime = 0.0
hack_frame.type = hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
hack_frame.value = default_xform[i]
getattr(ctrl, subctrl).keys = (my_keyframes, my_keyframes[0].type)
return ctrl
def _make_scalar_leaf_controller(self, keyframes, bezier):
ctrl = plLeafController()
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezScalarKeyFrame if bezier else hsKeyFrame.kScalarKeyFrame
exported_frames = []
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsScalarKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.inTan = keyframe.in_tan
exported.outTan = keyframe.out_tan
exported.type = keyframe_type
exported.value = keyframe.value
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _make_scale_value_controller(self, fcurves, keyframes, bez_chans, default_xform):
subctrls = ("X", "Y", "Z")
keyframe_type = hsKeyFrame.kBezScaleKeyFrame if bez_chans else hsKeyFrame.kScaleKeyFrame
exported_frames = []
ctrl_fcurves = { i.array_index: i for i in fcurves }
default_scale = default_xform.to_scale()
unit_quat = default_xform.to_quaternion()
unit_quat = utils.quaternion(unit_quat)
for keyframe in keyframes:
exported = hsScaleKey()
exported.frame = keyframe.frame_num
exported.frameTime = keyframe.frame_time
exported.type = keyframe_type
in_tan = hsVector3()
out_tan = hsVector3()
value = hsVector3()
for i, subctrl in enumerate(subctrls):
fval = keyframe.values.get(i, None)
if fval is not None:
setattr(value, subctrl, fval)
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, keyframe.in_tans[i])
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, keyframe.out_tans[i])
setattr(value, subctrl, ctrl_fcurves[i].evaluate(keyframe.frame_num_blender))
except KeyError:
setattr(value, subctrl, default_scale[i])
setattr(in_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
setattr(out_tan, subctrl, 0.0)
exported.inTan = in_tan
exported.outTan = out_tan
exported.value = (value, unit_quat)
ctrl = plLeafController()
ctrl.keys = (exported_frames, keyframe_type)
return ctrl
def _process_fcurve(self, fcurve, convert=None):
"""Like _process_keyframes, but for one fcurve"""
keyframe_data = type("KeyFrameData", (), {})
fps = self._bl_fps
pi = math.pi
keyframes = {}
bezier = False
for fkey in fcurve.keyframe_points:
keyframe = keyframe_data()
frame_num, value =
if fps == 30.0:
keyframe.frame_num = int(frame_num)
keyframe.frame_num = int(frame_num * (30.0 / fps))
keyframe.frame_time = frame_num / fps
if fkey.interpolation == "BEZIER":
keyframe.in_tan = -(value - fkey.handle_left[1]) / (frame_num - fkey.handle_left[0]) / fps / (2 * pi)
keyframe.out_tan = (value - fkey.handle_right[1]) / (frame_num - fkey.handle_right[0]) / fps / (2 * pi)
bezier = True
keyframe.in_tan = 0.0
keyframe.out_tan = 0.0
keyframe.value = value if convert is None else convert(value)
keyframes[frame_num] = keyframe
final_keyframes = [keyframes[i] for i in sorted(keyframes)]
return (final_keyframes, bezier)
def _process_fcurves(self, fcurves, convert, defaults=None):
"""Processes FCurves of different data sets and converts them into a single list of keyframes.
This should be used when multiple Blender fields map to a single Plasma option."""
class KeyFrameData:
def __init__(self):
self.values = {}
fps = self._bl_fps
pi = math.pi
# It is assumed therefore that any multichannel FCurves will have all channels represented.
# This seems fairly safe with my experiments with Lamp colors...
grouped_fcurves = {}
for fcurve in fcurves:
if fcurve is None:
if fcurve.data_path in grouped_fcurves:
grouped_fcurves[fcurve.data_path][fcurve.array_index] = fcurve
grouped_fcurves[fcurve.data_path] = { fcurve.array_index: fcurve }
# Default values for channels that are not animated
for key, value in defaults.items():
if key not in grouped_fcurves:
if hasattr(value, "__len__"):
grouped_fcurves[key] = value
grouped_fcurves[key] = [value,]
# Assemble a dict { PlasmaFrameNum: { FCurveDataPath: KeyFrame } }
keyframe_points = {}
for fcurve in fcurves:
if fcurve is None:
for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:
frame_num_blender, value =
frame_num = int(frame_num_blender * (30.0 / fps))
# This is a temporary keyframe, so we're not going to worry about converting everything
# Only the frame number to Plasma so we can go ahead and merge any rounded dupes
entry, data = keyframe_points.get(frame_num), None
if entry is None:
entry = {}
keyframe_points[frame_num] = entry
data = entry.get(fcurve.data_path)
if data is None:
data = KeyFrameData()
data.frame_num = frame_num
data.frame_num_blender = frame_num_blender
entry[fcurve.data_path] = data
data.values[fcurve.array_index] = value
# Now, we loop through our assembled keyframes and interpolate any missing data using the FCurves
fcurve_chans = { key: len(value) for key, value in grouped_fcurves.items() }
expected_values = sum(fcurve_chans.values())
all_chans = frozenset(grouped_fcurves.keys())
# We will also do the final convert here as well...
final_keyframes = []
for frame_num in sorted(keyframe_points.copy().keys()):
keyframes = keyframe_points[frame_num]
frame_num_blender = next(iter(keyframes.values())).frame_num_blender
# If any data_paths are missing, init a dummy
missing_channels = all_chans - frozenset(keyframes.keys())
for chan in missing_channels:
dummy = KeyFrameData()
dummy.frame_num = frame_num
dummy.frame_num_blender = frame_num_blender
keyframes[chan] = dummy
# Ensure all values are filled out.
num_values = sum(map(len, (i.values for i in keyframes.values())))
if num_values != expected_values:
for chan, sorted_fcurves in grouped_fcurves.items():
chan_keyframes = keyframes[chan]
chan_values = fcurve_chans[chan]
if len(chan_keyframes.values) == chan_values:
for i in range(chan_values):
if i not in chan_keyframes.values:
fcurve = grouped_fcurves[chan][i]
chan_keyframes.values[i] = defaults[chan]
if isinstance(fcurve, bpy.types.FCurve):
chan_keyframes.values[i] = fcurve.evaluate(chan_keyframes.frame_num_blender)
# it's actually a default value!
chan_keyframes.values[i] = fcurve
# All values are calculated! Now we convert the disparate key data into a single keyframe.
kwargs = { data_path: keyframe.values for data_path, keyframe in keyframes.items() }
final_keyframe = KeyFrameData()
final_keyframe.frame_num = frame_num
final_keyframe.frame_num_blender = frame_num_blender
final_keyframe.frame_time = frame_num / fps
value = convert(**kwargs)
if hasattr(value, "__len__"):
final_keyframe.in_tans = [0.0] * len(value)
final_keyframe.out_tans = [0.0] * len(value)
final_keyframe.values = value
final_keyframe.in_tan = 0.0
final_keyframe.out_tan = 0.0
final_keyframe.value = value
return final_keyframes
def _process_keyframes(self, fcurves, convert=None):
"""Groups all FCurves for the same frame together"""
keyframe_data = type("KeyFrameData", (), {})
fps = self._bl_fps
pi = math.pi
keyframes = {}
bez_chans = set()
for fcurve in fcurves:
for fkey in fcurve.keyframe_points:
frame_num, value =
keyframe = keyframes.get(frame_num, None)
if keyframe is None:
keyframe = keyframe_data()
if fps == 30.0:
# hope you don't have a frame 29.9 and frame 30.0...
keyframe.frame_num = int(frame_num)
keyframe.frame_num = int(frame_num * (30.0 / fps))
keyframe.frame_num_blender = frame_num
keyframe.frame_time = frame_num / fps
keyframe.in_tans = {}
keyframe.out_tans = {}
keyframe.values = {}
keyframes[frame_num] = keyframe
idx = fcurve.array_index
keyframe.values[idx] = value if convert is None else convert(value)
# Calculate the bezier interpolation nonsense
if fkey.interpolation == "BEZIER":
keyframe.in_tans[idx] = -(value - fkey.handle_left[1]) / (frame_num - fkey.handle_left[0]) / fps / (2 * pi)
keyframe.out_tans[idx] = (value - fkey.handle_right[1]) / (frame_num - fkey.handle_right[0]) / fps / (2 * pi)
keyframe.in_tans[idx] = 0.0
keyframe.out_tans[idx] = 0.0
# Return the keyframes in a sequence sorted by frame number
final_keyframes = [keyframes[i] for i in sorted(keyframes)]
return (final_keyframes, bez_chans)
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr