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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from collections import OrderedDict
import math
from PyHSPlasma import *
from typing import *
from .node_core import *
from import bounds_types
from .. import idprops
class PlasmaClickableNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "CONDITIONS"
bl_idname = "PlasmaClickableNode"
bl_label = "Clickable"
bl_width_default = 160
# These are the Python attributes we can fill in
pl_attrib = {"ptAttribActivator", "ptAttribActivatorList", "ptAttribNamedActivator"}
clickable_object = PointerProperty(name="Clickable",
description="Mesh object that is clickable",
bounds = EnumProperty(name="Bounds",
description="Clickable's bounds (NOTE: only used if your clickable is not a collider)",
input_sockets = OrderedDict([
("region", {
"text": "Avatar Inside Region",
"type": "PlasmaClickableRegionSocket",
("facing", {
"text": "Avatar Facing Target",
"type": "PlasmaFacingTargetSocket",
("message", {
"text": "Message",
"type": "PlasmaEnableMessageSocket",
"spawn_empty": True,
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("satisfies", {
"text": "Satisfies",
"type": "PlasmaConditionSocket",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaConditionSocket", "PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket"},
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "clickable_object", icon="MESH_DATA")
layout.prop(self, "bounds")
def export(self, exporter, parent_bo, parent_so):
clickable_bo, clickable_so = self._get_objects(exporter, parent_so)
if clickable_bo is None:
clickable_bo = parent_bo
interface = self._find_create_object(plInterfaceInfoModifier, exporter, bl=clickable_bo, so=clickable_so)
logicmod = self._find_create_key(plLogicModifier, exporter, bl=clickable_bo, so=clickable_so)
# Matches data seen in Cyan's PRPs...
logicmod = logicmod.object
# If we receive an enable message, this is a one-shot type deal that needs to be disabled
# while the attached responder is running.
if self.find_input("message", "PlasmaEnableMsgNode") is not None:
logicmod.setLogicFlag(plLogicModifier.kOneShot, True)
# Try to figure out the appropriate bounds type for the clickable....
phys_mod = clickable_bo.plasma_modifiers.collision
bounds = phys_mod.bounds if phys_mod.enabled else self.bounds
# The actual physical object that does the cursor LOS
exporter.physics.generate_physical(clickable_bo, clickable_so, bounds=bounds,
# Picking Detector -- detect when the physical is clicked
detector = self._find_create_object(plPickingDetector, exporter, bl=clickable_bo, so=clickable_so)
# Clickable
activator = self._find_create_object(plActivatorConditionalObject, exporter, bl=clickable_bo, so=clickable_so)
logicmod.setLogicFlag(plLogicModifier.kLocalElement, True)
logicmod.cursor = plCursorChangeMsg.kCursorPoised
logicmod.notify = self.generate_notify_msg(exporter, parent_so, "satisfies")
# If we have a region attached, let it convert.
region = self.find_input("region", "PlasmaClickableRegionNode")
if region is not None:
region.convert_subcondition(exporter, clickable_bo, clickable_so, logicmod)
# Hand things off to the FaceTarget socket which does things nicely for us
face_target = self.find_input_socket("facing")
face_target.convert_subcondition(exporter, clickable_bo, clickable_so, logicmod)
def export_once(self):
return self.clickable_object is not None
def get_key(self, exporter, parent_so):
# careful... we really make lots of keys...
clickable_bo, clickable_so = self._get_objects(exporter, parent_so)
key = self._find_create_key(plLogicModifier, exporter, bl=clickable_bo, so=clickable_so)
return key
def _get_objects(self, exporter, parent_so):
# First: look up the clickable mesh. if it is not specified, then it's this BO.
# We do this because we might be exporting from a BO that is not actually the clickable object.
# Case: sitting modifier (exports from sit position empty)
if self.clickable_object:
clickable_so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=self.clickable_object)
return (self.clickable_object, clickable_so)
return (None, parent_so)
def harvest_actors(self):
if self.clickable_object:
def requires_actor(self):
return self.clickable_object is None
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"clickable_object": "clickable"}
class PlasmaClickableRegionNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "CONDITIONS"
bl_idname = "PlasmaClickableRegionNode"
bl_label = "Clickable Region Settings"
bl_width_default = 200
region_object = PointerProperty(name="Region",
description="Object that defines the region mesh",
bounds = EnumProperty(name="Bounds",
description="Physical object's bounds (NOTE: only used if your clickable is not a collider)",
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("satisfies", {
"text": "Satisfies",
"type": "PlasmaClickableRegionSocket",
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "region_object", icon="MESH_DATA")
layout.alert = self.bounds == "trimesh"
layout.prop(self, "bounds")
layout.alert = False
def convert_subcondition(self, exporter, parent_bo, parent_so, logicmod):
# REMEMBER: parent_so doesn't have to be the actual region scene object...
region_bo = self.region_object
if region_bo is None:
self.raise_error("invalid Region")
region_so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=region_bo)
# Try to figure out the appropriate bounds type for the region....
phys_mod = region_bo.plasma_modifiers.collision
bounds = phys_mod.bounds if phys_mod.enabled else self.bounds
# Our physical is a detector and it only detects avatars...
exporter.physics.generate_physical(region_bo, region_so, bounds=bounds,
# I'm glad this crazy mess made sense to someone at Cyan...
# ObjectInVolumeDetector can notify multiple logic mods. This implies we could share this
# one detector for many unrelated logic mods. However, LogicMods and Conditions appear to
# assume they pwn each other... so we need a unique detector. This detector must be attached
# as a modifier to the region's SO however.
detector = self._find_create_object(plObjectInVolumeDetector, exporter, bl=region_bo, so=region_so)
detector.type = plObjectInVolumeDetector.kTypeAny
# Now, the conditional object. At this point, these seem very silly. At least it's not a plModifier.
# All they really do is hold a satisfied boolean...
objinbox_key = self._find_create_key(plObjectInBoxConditionalObject, exporter, bl=region_bo, so=parent_so)
objinbox_key.object.satisfied = True
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"region_object": "region"}
class PlasmaClickableRegionSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (0.412, 0.0, 0.055, 1.0)
class PlasmaConditionSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0)
class PlasmaFacingTargetNode(PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "CONDITIONS"
bl_idname = "PlasmaFacingTargetNode"
bl_label = "Facing Target"
bl_width_default = 200
def _get_directional(self) -> bool:
output_node = self.find_output("satisfies")
if output_node is not None and output_node.bl_idname == "PlasmaVolumeSensorNode":
return True
return self.directional
def _set_directional(self, value: bool):
self.directional = value
# Volume Sensors use view ortientation testing, so if we're connected to a volume sensor node,
# then we need to indicate that in the UI.
directional = BoolProperty(default=False, options={"HIDDEN"})
directional_ui = BoolProperty(name="Directional",
description="Use the object's orientation for facing tests",
get=_get_directional, set=_set_directional)
def _get_moving_forward(self) -> bool:
output_node = self.find_output("satisfies")
if output_node is not None and output_node.bl_idname != "PlasmaVolumeSensorNode":
return False
return self.moving_forward
def _set_moving_forward(self, value: bool):
self.moving_forward = value
# Only volume sensors allow the moving forward setting, so show this as disabled for connections
# that are not volume sensors.
moving_forward = BoolProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
moving_forward_ui = BoolProperty(name="Forward Motion",
description="The player must be moving forward (eg walking) for the condition to trigger",
get=_get_moving_forward, set=_set_moving_forward)
def _get_tolerance(self) -> float:
return math.radians(self.tolerance)
def _set_tolerance(self, value: float) -> None:
self.tolerance = math.degrees(value)
# Legacy storage property... this exists as the storage for the tolerance value to prevent
# breaking old blend files. NOTE: This property is stored in degrees.
tolerance = FloatProperty(min=-180.0, max=180.0, default=45.0, options={"HIDDEN"})
# New property for usage in the UI. NOTE: This property is stored in radians.
tolerance_ui = FloatProperty(name="Tolerance",
description="How far away from the target the avatar can turn",
min=-180.0, max=180.0, precision=0,
get=_get_tolerance, set=_set_tolerance,
subtype="ANGLE", options=set())
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("satisfies", {
"text": "Satisfies",
"type": "PlasmaFacingTargetSocket",
"link_limit": 1,
def _draw_sub_prop(self, layout, prop_name, *, active=True, sidebar=False, **kwargs):
sub = layout.row() if sidebar else layout.column()
sub.enabled = active
sub.prop(self, prop_name, **kwargs)
def _draw(self, layout, *, sidebar):
output_node = self.find_output("satisfies")
is_regular_condition = output_node is None or output_node.bl_idname != "PlasmaVolumeSensorNode"
is_volume_sensor = output_node is None or output_node.bl_idname == "PlasmaVolumeSensorNode"
sub = layout if sidebar else layout.split()
self._draw_sub_prop(sub, "directional_ui", active=is_regular_condition)
self._draw_sub_prop(sub, "moving_forward_ui", active=is_volume_sensor, text="Moving")
layout.prop(self, "tolerance_ui")
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
self._draw(layout, sidebar=False)
def draw_buttons_ext(self, context, layout):
self._draw(layout, sidebar=True)
class PlasmaFacingTargetSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
bl_color = (0.0, 0.267, 0.247, 1.0)
allow_simple = BoolProperty(name="Facing Target",
description="Avatar must be facing the target object",
def draw_content(self, context, layout, node, text):
if self.simple_mode:
layout.prop(self, "allow_simple", text="")
def convert_subcondition(self, exporter, bo, so, logicmod: Union[plLogicModifier, plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector]):
assert not self.is_output
if not self.enable_condition:
# First, gather the schtuff from the appropriate blah blah blah
if self.simple_mode:
node = self.node
directional = False
moving_forward = False
tolerance = math.radians(45.0)
elif self.is_linked:
node = self.links[0].from_node
directional = node.directional
moving_forward = node.moving_forward
tolerance = node.tolerance
# This is a programmer failure, so we need a traceback.
raise RuntimeError("Tried to export an unused PlasmaFacingTargetSocket")
if isinstance(logicmod, plLogicModifier):
facing_key = node._find_create_key(plFacingConditionalObject, exporter, bl=bo, so=so)
facing = facing_key.object
facing.directional = directional
facing.satisfied = True
facing.tolerance = math.radians(tolerance)
elif isinstance(logicmod, plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector):
logicmod.facingTolerance = math.cos(math.radians(tolerance))
logicmod.needWalkingForward = moving_forward
raise ValueError("logicmod")
def enable_condition(self):
return self.enabled and ((self.simple_mode and self.allow_simple) or self.is_linked)
def simple_mode(self):
"""Simple mode allows a user to click a button on input sockets to automatically generate a
Facing Target condition"""
return (not self.is_linked and not self.is_output)
class PlasmaVolumeReportNode(PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "CONDITIONS"
bl_idname = "PlasmaVolumeReportNode"
bl_label = "Region Trigger Settings"
report_when = EnumProperty(name="When",
description="When the region should trigger",
items=[("each", "Each Event", "The region will trigger on every enter/exit"),
("first", "First Event", "The region will trigger on the first event only"),
("count", "Population", "When the region has a certain number of objects inside it")])
threshold = IntProperty(name="Threshold",
description="How many objects should be in the region for it to trigger",
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("settings", {
"text": "Trigger Settings",
"type": "PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketOut",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketIn"},
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "report_when")
if self.report_when == "count":
row = layout.row()
row.label("Threshold: ")
row.prop(self, "threshold", text="")
class PlasmaVolumeSensorNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node):
bl_category = "CONDITIONS"
bl_idname = "PlasmaVolumeSensorNode"
bl_label = "Region Sensor"
bl_width_default = 190
def _update_report_on(self, context):
# Facing target properties only make sense if we trigger on avatars being present
# in the region. Furthermore, the engine explicitly disallows other physicals triggering
# the region sensor if the facing condition is enabled. So, remove the facing option if
# avatars are not selected or if dynamics are selected. NOTE: The socket is hidden
# when it is disabled.
include_avatars = "kGroupAvatar" in self.report_on
include_physicals = "kGroupDynamic" in self.report_on
self.find_input_socket("facing").enabled = include_avatars and not include_physicals
# These are the Python attributes we can fill in
pl_attrib = {"ptAttribActivator", "ptAttribActivatorList", "ptAttribNamedActivator"}
# Region Mesh
region_object = PointerProperty(name="Region",
description="Object that defines the region mesh",
bounds = EnumProperty(name="Bounds",
description="Physical object's bounds",
# Detector Properties
report_on = EnumProperty(name="Triggerers",
description="What triggers this region?",
options={"ANIMATABLE", "ENUM_FLAG"},
items=[("kGroupAvatar", "Avatars", "Avatars trigger this region"),
("kGroupDynamic", "Dynamics", "Any non-avatar dynamic physical object (eg kickables)")],
input_sockets = OrderedDict([
("facing", {
"text": "Avatar Facing Target",
"type": "PlasmaFacingTargetSocket",
("enter", {
"text": "Trigger on Enter",
"type": "PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketIn",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketOut"},
("exit", {
"text": "Trigger on Exit",
"type": "PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketIn",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketOut"},
("message", {
"text": "Message",
"type": "PlasmaEnableMessageSocket",
"spawn_empty": True,
output_sockets = OrderedDict([
("satisfies", {
"text": "Satisfies",
"type": "PlasmaConditionSocket",
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaConditionSocket", "PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket"},
def init(self, context):
# The default value for the facing socket is a bit silly for this node type.
# Reset it to False.
self.find_input_socket("facing").allow_simple = False
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
layout.prop(self, "report_on")
# Okay, if they changed the name of the ObData, that's THEIR problem...
layout.prop(self, "region_object", icon="MESH_DATA")
layout.alert = self.bounds == "trimesh"
layout.prop(self, "bounds")
layout.alert = False
def get_key(self, exporter, parent_so):
bo = self.region_object
if bo is None:
self.raise_error("Region cannot be empty")
so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=bo)
rgn_enter, rgn_exit = None, None
parent_key = parent_so.key
if self.report_enters:
rgn_enter = self._find_create_key(plLogicModifier, exporter, suffix="Enter", bl=bo, so=so)
if self.report_exits:
rgn_exit = self._find_create_key(plLogicModifier, exporter, suffix="Exit", bl=bo, so=so)
if rgn_enter is None:
return rgn_exit
elif rgn_exit is None:
return rgn_enter
# !!! ... !!!
# Sorry
# -- Hoikas
# !!! ... !!!
return (rgn_enter, rgn_exit)
def export(self, exporter, bo, parent_so):
region_bo = self.region_object
if region_bo is None:
self.raise_error("Region cannot be empty")
region_so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=region_bo)
interface = self._find_create_object(plInterfaceInfoModifier, exporter, bl=region_bo, so=region_so)
# Region Enters
enter_simple = self.find_input_socket("enter").allow
enter_settings = self.find_input("enter", "PlasmaVolumeReportNode")
if enter_simple or enter_settings is not None:
key = self._export_volume_event(exporter, region_bo, region_so, parent_so, plVolumeSensorConditionalObject.kTypeEnter, enter_settings)
# Region Exits
exit_simple = self.find_input_socket("exit").allow
exit_settings = self.find_input("exit", "PlasmaVolumeReportNode")
if exit_simple or exit_settings is not None:
key = self._export_volume_event(exporter, region_bo, region_so, parent_so, plVolumeSensorConditionalObject.kTypeExit, exit_settings)
# Don't forget to export the physical object itself!
exporter.physics.generate_physical(region_bo, region_so, bounds=self.bounds,
def _export_volume_event(self, exporter, region_bo, region_so, parent_so, event, settings):
if event == plVolumeSensorConditionalObject.kTypeEnter:
suffix = "Enter"
suffix = "Exit"
logicKey = self._find_create_key(plLogicModifier, exporter, suffix=suffix, bl=region_bo, so=region_so)
logicmod = logicKey.object
logicmod.setLogicFlag(plLogicModifier.kMultiTrigger, True)
logicmod.notify = self.generate_notify_msg(exporter, parent_so, "satisfies")
# Now, the detector objects
facing_socket: PlasmaFacingTargetSocket = self.find_input_socket("facing")
if facing_socket.enable_condition:
det = self._find_create_object(plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector, exporter, suffix=suffix, bl=region_bo, so=region_so)
facing_socket.convert_subcondition(exporter, region_bo, region_so, det)
det = self._find_create_object(plObjectInVolumeDetector, exporter, suffix=suffix, bl=region_bo, so=region_so)
volKey = self._find_create_key(plVolumeSensorConditionalObject, exporter, suffix=suffix, bl=region_bo, so=region_so)
volsens = volKey.object
volsens.type = event
if settings is not None:
if settings.report_when == "first":
volsens.first = True
elif settings.report_when == "count":
volsens.trigNum = settings.threshold
# There appears to be a mandatory order for these keys...
# End mandatory order
return logicKey
def export_once(self):
return True
def harvest_actors(self):
if self.region_object and self.find_input_socket("facing").enable_condition:
def _idprop_mapping(cls):
return {"region_object": "region"}
def report_enters(self):
return (self.find_input_socket("enter").allow or
self.find_input("enter", "PlasmaVolumeReportNode") is not None)
def report_exits(self):
return (self.find_input_socket("exit").allow or
self.find_input("exit", "PlasmaVolumeReportNode") is not None)
class PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase):
bl_color = (43.1, 24.7, 0.0, 1.0)
class PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketIn(PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocket, bpy.types.NodeSocket):
allow = BoolProperty()
def draw_content(self, context, layout, node, text):
if not self.is_linked:
layout.prop(self, "allow", text="")
class PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocketOut(PlasmaVolumeSettingsSocket, bpy.types.NodeSocket):