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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bgl
import math
from PyHSPlasma import plBitmap
# BGL doesn't know about this as of Blender 2.74
bgl.GL_BGRA = 0x80E1
# Some texture generation flags
class GLTexture:
def __init__(self, texkey=None):
self._texkey = texkey
self._ownit = (self._blimg.bindcode[0] == 0)
def _blimg(self):
return self._texkey.image
def __enter__(self):
"""Sets the Blender Image as the active OpenGL texture"""
if self._ownit:
if self._blimg.gl_load() != 0:
raise RuntimeError("failed to load image")
self._previous_texture = self._get_integer(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D)
self._changed_state = (self._previous_texture != self._blimg.bindcode[0])
if self._changed_state:
bgl.glBindTexture(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._blimg.bindcode[0])
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
mipmap_state = getattr(self, "_mipmap_state", None)
if mipmap_state is not None:
bgl.glTexParameteri(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, mipmap_state)
if self._changed_state:
bgl.glBindTexture(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._previous_texture)
if self._ownit:
def _detail_falloff(self):
num_levels = self.num_levels
return ((self._texkey.detail_fade_start / 100.0) * num_levels,
(self._texkey.detail_fade_stop / 100.0) * num_levels,
self._texkey.detail_opacity_start / 100.0,
self._texkey.detail_opacity_stop / 100.0)
def generate_mipmap(self):
"""Generates all mip levels for this texture"""
self._mipmap_state = self._get_tex_param(bgl.GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP)
# Note that this is a very old feature from OpenGL 1.x -- it's new enough that Windows (and
# Blender apparently) don't support it natively and yet old enough that it was thrown away
# in OpenGL 3.0. The new way is glGenerateMipmap, but Blender likes oldgl, so we don't have that
# function available to us in BGL. I don't want to deal with loading the GL dll in ctypes on
# many platforms right now (or context headaches). If someone wants to fix this, be my guest!
# It will simplify our state tracking a bit.
bgl.glTexParameteri(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, 1)
def get_level_data(self, level=0, calc_alpha=False, bgra=False, report=None, fast=False):
"""Gets the uncompressed pixel data for a requested mip level, optionally calculating the alpha
channel from the image color data
width = self._get_tex_param(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, level)
height = self._get_tex_param(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, level)
if report is not None:
report.msg("Level #{}: {}x{}", level, width, height, indent=2)
# Grab the image data
size = width * height * 4
buf = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_BYTE, size)
fmt = bgl.GL_BGRA if bgra else bgl.GL_RGBA
bgl.glGetTexImage(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, fmt, bgl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf);
if fast:
return bytes(buf)
# OpenGL returns the images upside down, so we're going to rotate it in memory.
finalBuf = bytearray(size)
row_stride = width * 4
for i in range(height):
src, dst = i * row_stride, (height - (i+1)) * row_stride
finalBuf[dst:dst+row_stride] = buf[src:src+row_stride]
# If this is a detail map, then we need to bake that per-level here.
if self._texkey.is_detail_map:
detail_blend = self._texkey.detail_blend
if detail_blend == TEX_DETAIL_ALPHA:
self._make_detail_map_alpha(finalBuf, level)
elif detail_blend == TEX_DETAIL_ADD:
self._make_detail_map_alpha(finalBuf, level)
elif detail_blend == TEX_DETAIL_MULTIPLY:
self._make_detail_map_mult(finalBuf, level)
# Do we need to calculate the alpha component?
if calc_alpha:
for i in range(0, size, 4):
finalBuf[i+3] = int(sum(finalBuf[i:i+3]) / 3)
return bytes(finalBuf)
def _get_detail_alpha(self, level, dropoff_start, dropoff_stop, detail_max, detail_min):
alpha = (level - dropoff_start) * (detail_min - detail_max) / (dropoff_stop - dropoff_start) + detail_max
if detail_min < detail_max:
return min(detail_max, max(detail_min, alpha))
return min(detail_min, max(detail_max, alpha))
def _get_integer(self, arg):
buf = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1)
bgl.glGetIntegerv(arg, buf)
return int(buf[0])
def _get_tex_param(self, param, level=None):
buf = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_INT, 1)
if level is None:
bgl.glGetTexParameteriv(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, param, buf)
bgl.glGetTexLevelParameteriv(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, param, buf)
return int(buf[0])
def has_alpha(self):
data = self.get_level_data(report=None, fast=True)
for i in range(3, len(data), 4):
if data[i] != 255:
return True
return False
def _make_detail_map_add(self, data, level):
dropoff_start, dropoff_stop, detail_max, detail_min = self._detail_falloff
alpha = self._get_detail_alpha(level, dropoff_start, dropoff_stop, detail_max, detail_min)
for i in range(0, len(data), 4):
data[i] = int(data[i] * alpha)
data[i+1] = int(data[i+1] * alpha)
data[i+2] = int(data[i+2] * alpha)
def _make_detail_map_alpha(self, data, level):
dropoff_start, dropoff_end, detail_max, detail_min = self._detail_falloff
alpha = self._get_detail_alpha(level, dropoff_start, dropoff_end, detail_max, detail_min)
for i in range(0, len(data), 4):
data[i+3] = int(data[i+3] * alpha)
def _make_detail_map_mult(self, data, level):
dropoff_start, dropoff_end, detail_max, detail_min = self._detail_falloff
alpha = self._get_detail_alpha(level, dropoff_start, dropoff_end, detail_max, detail_min)
invert_alpha = (1.0 - alpha) * 255.0
for i in range(0, len(data), 4):
data[i+3] = int(invert_alpha + data[i+3] * alpha)
def num_levels(self):
numLevels = math.floor(math.log(max(self._blimg.size), 2)) + 1
# Major Workaround Ahoy
# There is a bug in Cyan's level size algorithm that causes it to not allocate enough memory
# for the color block in certain mipmaps. I personally have encountered an access violation on
# 1x1 DXT5 mip levels -- the code only allocates an alpha block and not a color block. Paradox
# reports that if any dimension is smaller than 4px in a mip level, OpenGL doesn't like Cyan generated
# data. So, we're going to lop off the last two mip levels, which should be 1px and 2px as the smallest.
# This bug is basically unfixable without crazy hacks because of the way Plasma reads in texture data.
# "<Deledrius> I feel like any texture at a 1x1 level is essentially academic. I mean, JPEG/DXT
# doesn't even compress that, and what is it? Just the average color of the whole
# texture in a single pixel?"
# :)
return max(numLevels - 2, 2)
def store_in_mipmap(self, mipmap, data, compression):
func = mipmap.CompressImage if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression else mipmap.setLevel
for i, level in enumerate(data):
func(i, level)