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# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
import bpy |
from bpy.props import * |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties |
from ...exporter import ExportError, utils |
def _convert_frame_time(frame_num): |
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps |
return frame_num / fps |
def _get_blender_action(bo): |
if bo.animation_data is None or bo.animation_data.action is None: |
raise ExportError("Object '{}' has no Action to export".format(bo.name)) |
return bo.animation_data.action |
class PlasmaAnimationModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "animation" |
bl_category = "Animation" |
bl_label = "Animation" |
bl_description = "Object animation" |
bl_icon = "ACTION" |
auto_start = BoolProperty(name="Auto Start", |
description="Automatically start this animation on link-in", |
default=True) |
loop = BoolProperty(name="Loop Anim", |
description="Loop the animation", |
default=True) |
initial_marker = StringProperty(name="Start Marker", |
description="Marker indicating the default start point") |
loop_start = StringProperty(name="Loop Start", |
description="Marker indicating where the default loop begins") |
loop_end = StringProperty(name="Loop End", |
description="Marker indicating where the default loop ends") |
def created(self, obj): |
self.display_name = "{}_(Entire Animation)".format(obj.name) |
@property |
def requires_actor(self): |
return True |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
action = _get_blender_action(bo) |
markers = action.pose_markers |
atcanim = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plATCAnim, so=so, name=self.display_name).object |
atcanim.autoStart = self.auto_start |
atcanim.loop = self.loop |
atcanim.name = "(Entire Animation)" |
atcanim.start = 0.0 |
atcanim.end = _convert_frame_time(action.frame_range[1]) |
# Simple start and loop info |
initial_marker = markers.get(self.initial_marker) |
if initial_marker is not None: |
atcanim.initial = _convert_fame_time(initial_marker.frame) |
else: |
atcanim.initial = -1.0 |
if self.loop: |
loop_start = markers.get(self.loop_start) |
if loop_start is not None: |
atcanim.loopStart = _convert_frame_time(loop_start.frame) |
else: |
atcanim.loopStart = 0.0 |
loop_end = markers.get(self.loop_end) |
if loop_end is not None: |
atcanim.loopEnd = _convert_frame_time(loop_end.frame) |
else: |
atcanim.loopEnd = _convert_frame_time(action.frame_range[1]) |
# Marker points |
for marker in markers: |
atcanim.setMarker(marker.name, _convert_frame_time(marker.frame)) |
# Fixme? Not sure if we really need to expose this... |
atcanim.easeInMin = 1.0 |
atcanim.easeInMax = 1.0 |
atcanim.easeInLength = 1.0 |
atcanim.easeOutMin = 1.0 |
atcanim.easeOutMax = 1.0 |
atcanim.easeOutLength = 1.0 |
# Now for the animation data. We're mostly just going to hand this off to the controller code |
matrix = bo.matrix_basis |
applicator = plMatrixChannelApplicator() |
applicator.enabled = True |
applicator.channelName = bo.name |
channel = plMatrixControllerChannel() |
channel.controller = exporter.animation.convert_action2tm(action, matrix) |
applicator.channel = channel |
atcanim.addApplicator(applicator) |
# Decompose the matrix into the 90s-era 3ds max affine parts sillyness |
# All that's missing now is something like "(c) 1998 HeadSpin" oh wait... |
affine = hsAffineParts() |
affine.T = utils.vector3(matrix.to_translation()) |
affine.K = utils.vector3(matrix.to_scale()) |
affine.F = -1.0 if matrix.determinant() < 0.0 else 1.0 |
rot = matrix.to_quaternion() |
affine.Q = utils.quaternion(rot) |
rot.normalize() |
affine.U = utils.quaternion(rot) |
channel.affine = affine |
# We need both an AGModifier and an AGMasterMod |
# TODO: grouped animations (eg one door, two objects) |
agmod = exporter.mgr.add_object(plAGModifier, so=so, name=self.display_name) |
agmod.channelName = bo.name |
agmaster = exporter.mgr.add_object(plAGMasterMod, so=so, name=self.display_name) |
agmaster.addPrivateAnim(atcanim.key) |
class LoopMarker(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
loop_name = StringProperty(name="Loop Name", |
description="Name of this loop") |
loop_start = StringProperty(name="Loop Start", |
description="Marker name from whence the loop begins") |
loop_end = StringProperty(name="Loop End", |
description="Marker name from whence the loop ends") |
class PlasmaAnimationLoopModifier(PlasmaModifierProperties): |
pl_id = "animation_loop" |
pl_depends = {"animation"} |
bl_category = "Animation" |
bl_label = "Loop Markers" |
bl_description = "Animation loop settings" |
bl_icon = "PMARKER_SEL" |
loops = CollectionProperty(name="Loops", |
description="Loop points within the animation", |
type=LoopMarker) |
active_loop_index = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
def created(self, obj): |
# who cares, this modifier creates no Keys... |
self.display_name = "AnimLoops" |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
action = _get_blender_action(bo) |
markers = action.pose_markers |
key_name = bo.plasma_modifiers.animation.display_name |
atcanim = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plATCAnim, so=so, name=key_name).object |
for loop in self.loops: |
start = markers.get(loop.loop_start) |
end = markers.get(loop.loop_end) |
if start is None: |
exporter.report.warn("Animation '{}' Loop '{}': Marker '{}' not found. This loop will not be exported".format( |
action.name, loop.loop_name, loop.loop_start), indent=2) |
if end is None: |
exporter.report.warn("Animation '{}' Loop '{}': Marker '{}' not found. This loop will not be exported".format( |
action.name, loop.loop_name, loop.loop_end), indent=2) |
if start is None or end is None: |
continue |
atcanim.setLoop(loop.loop_name, _convert_frame_time(start.frame), _convert_frame_time(end.frame))