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# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
import bpy |
from bpy.props import * |
from pathlib import Path |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
from .node_core import * |
from .. import idprops |
_single_user_attribs = { |
"ptAttribBoolean", "ptAttribInt", "ptAttribFloat", "ptAttribString", "ptAttribDropDownList", |
"ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribDynamicMap", "ptAttribGUIDialog", "ptAttribExcludeRegion", |
"ptAttribWaveSet", "ptAttribSwimCurrent", "ptAttribAnimation", "ptAttribBehavior", |
"ptAttribMaterial", "ptAttribMaterialAnimation", "ptAttribGUIPopUpMenu", "ptAttribGUISkin", |
"ptAttribGrassShader", |
} |
_attrib2param = { |
"ptAttribInt": plPythonParameter.kInt, |
"ptAttribFloat": plPythonParameter.kFloat, |
"ptAttribBoolean": plPythonParameter.kBoolean, |
"ptAttribString": plPythonParameter.kString, |
"ptAttribSceneobject": plPythonParameter.kSceneObject, |
"ptAttribSceneobjectList": plPythonParameter.kSceneObjectList, |
"ptAttribActivator": plPythonParameter.kActivator, |
"ptAttribActivatorList": plPythonParameter.kActivator, |
"ptAttribNamedActivator": plPythonParameter.kActivator, |
"ptAttribResponder": plPythonParameter.kResponder, |
"ptAttribResponderList": plPythonParameter.kResponder, |
"ptAttribNamedResponder": plPythonParameter.kResponder, |
"ptAttribDynamicMap": plPythonParameter.kDynamicText, |
"ptAttribGUIDialog": plPythonParameter.kGUIDialog, |
"ptAttribExcludeRegion": plPythonParameter.kExcludeRegion, |
"ptAttribAnimation": plPythonParameter.kAnimation, |
"ptAttribBehavior": plPythonParameter.kBehavior, |
"ptAttribMaterial": plPythonParameter.kMaterial, |
"ptAttribMaterialList": plPythonParameter.kMaterial, |
"ptAttribGUIPopUpMenu": plPythonParameter.kGUIPopUpMenu, |
"ptAttribGUISkin": plPythonParameter.kGUISkin, |
"ptAttribWaveSet": plPythonParameter.kWaterComponent, |
"ptAttribSwimCurrent": plPythonParameter.kSwimCurrentInterface, |
"ptAttribClusterList": plPythonParameter.kClusterComponent, |
"ptAttribMaterialAnimation": plPythonParameter.kMaterialAnimation, |
"ptAttribGrassShader": plPythonParameter.kGrassShaderComponent, |
} |
_attrib_key_types = { |
"ptAttribSceneobject": plFactory.ClassIndex("plSceneObject"), |
"ptAttribSceneobjectList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plSceneObject"), |
"ptAttribActivator": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLogicModifier"), |
"ptAttribActivatorList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLogicModifier"), |
"ptAttribNamedActivator": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLogicModifier"), |
"ptAttribResponder": plFactory.ClassIndex("plResponderModifier"), |
"ptAttribResponderList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plResponderModifier"), |
"ptAttribNamedResponder": plFactory.ClassIndex("plResponderModifier"), |
"ptAttribDynamicMap": plFactory.ClassIndex("plDynamicTextMap"), |
"ptAttribGUIDialog": plFactory.ClassIndex("pfGUIDialogMod"), |
"ptAttribExcludeRegion": plFactory.ClassIndex("plExcludeRegionMod"), |
"ptAttribAnimation": plFactory.ClassIndex("plAGMasterMod"), |
"ptAttribBehavior": plFactory.ClassIndex("plMultistageBehMod"), |
"ptAttribMaterial": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLayer"), |
"ptAttribMaterialList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLayer"), |
"ptAttribGUIPopUpMenu": plFactory.ClassIndex("pfGUIPopUpMenu"), |
"ptAttribGUISkin": plFactory.ClassIndex("pfGUISkin"), |
"ptAttribWaveSet": plFactory.ClassIndex("plWaveSet7"), |
"ptAttribSwimCurrent": (plFactory.ClassIndex("plSwimRegionInterface"), |
plFactory.ClassIndex("plSwimCircularCurrentRegion"), |
plFactory.ClassIndex("plSwimStraightCurrentRegion")), |
"ptAttribClusterList": plFactory.ClassIndex("plClusterGroup"), |
"ptAttribMaterialAnimation": plFactory.ClassIndex("plLayerAnimation"), |
"ptAttribGrassShader": plFactory.ClassIndex("plGrassShaderMod"), |
} |
class PlasmaAttribute(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): |
attribute_id = IntProperty() |
attribute_type = StringProperty() |
attribute_name = StringProperty() |
attribute_description = StringProperty() |
# These shall be default values |
value_string = StringProperty() |
value_int = IntProperty() |
value_float = FloatProperty() |
value_bool = BoolProperty() |
_simple_attrs = { |
"ptAttribString": "value_string", |
"ptAttribInt": "value_int", |
"ptAttribFloat": "value_float", |
"ptAttribBoolean": "value_bool", |
} |
@property |
def is_simple_value(self): |
return self.attribute_type in self._simple_attrs |
def _get_simple_value(self): |
return getattr(self, self._simple_attrs[self.attribute_type]) |
def _set_simple_value(self, value): |
setattr(self, self._simple_attrs[self.attribute_type], value) |
simple_value = property(_get_simple_value, _set_simple_value) |
class PlasmaPythonFileNode(PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "PYTHON" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaPythonFileNode" |
bl_label = "Python File" |
bl_width_default = 210 |
class _NoUpdate: |
def __init__(self, node): |
self._node = node |
def __enter__(self): |
self._node.no_update = True |
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): |
self._node.no_update = False |
def _update_pyfile(self, context): |
with self._NoUpdate(self) as _hack: |
self.attributes.clear() |
self.inputs.clear() |
bpy.ops.node.plasma_attributes_to_node(node_path=self.node_path, python_path=self.filepath) |
filename = StringProperty(name="File", |
description="Python Filename") |
filepath = StringProperty(update=_update_pyfile, |
options={"HIDDEN"}) |
attributes = CollectionProperty(type=PlasmaAttribute, options={"HIDDEN"}) |
no_update = BoolProperty(default=False, options={"HIDDEN", "SKIP_SAVE"}) |
@property |
def attribute_map(self): |
return { i.attribute_id: i for i in self.attributes } |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
row = layout.row(align=True) |
if self.filename: |
row.prop(self, "filename") |
if Path(self.filepath).exists(): |
operator = row.operator("node.plasma_attributes_to_node", icon="FILE_REFRESH", text="") |
operator.python_path = self.filepath |
operator.node_path = self.node_path |
op_text = "" if self.filename else "Select" |
operator = row.operator("file.plasma_file_picker", icon="SCRIPT", text=op_text) |
operator.filter_glob = "*.py" |
operator.data_path = self.node_path |
operator.filepath_property = "filepath" |
operator.filename_property = "filename" |
def get_key(self, exporter, so): |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plPythonFileMod, name=self.key_name, so=so) |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
pfm = self.get_key(exporter, so).object |
pfm.filename = Path(self.filename).stem |
attrib_sockets = (i for i in self.inputs if i.is_linked) |
for socket in attrib_sockets: |
attrib = socket.attribute_type |
from_node = socket.links[0].from_node |
value = from_node.value if socket.is_simple_value else from_node.get_key(exporter, so) |
if not isinstance(value, tuple): |
value = (value,) |
for i in value: |
param = plPythonParameter() |
param.id = socket.attribute_id |
param.valueType = _attrib2param[attrib] |
param.value = i |
# Key type sanity checking... Because I trust no user. |
if not socket.is_simple_value: |
if i is None: |
msg = "'{}' Node '{}' didn't return a key and therefore will be unavailable to Python".format( |
self.id_data.name, from_node.name) |
exporter.report.warn(msg, indent=3) |
else: |
key_type = _attrib_key_types[attrib] |
if isinstance(key_type, tuple): |
good_key = i.type in key_type |
else: |
good_key = i.type == key_type |
if not good_key: |
msg = "'{}' Node '{}' returned an unexpected key type '{}'".format( |
self.id_data.name, from_node.name, plFactory.ClassName(i.type)) |
exporter.report.warn(msg, indent=3) |
pfm.addParameter(param) |
def _get_attrib_sockets(self, idx): |
for i in self.inputs: |
if i.attribute_id == idx: |
yield i |
def _make_attrib_socket(self, attrib, is_init=False): |
new_pos = len(self.inputs) |
if not is_init: |
for i, socket in enumerate(self.inputs): |
if attrib.attribute_id < socket.attribute_id: |
new_pos = i |
break |
old_pos = len(self.inputs) |
socket = self.inputs.new("PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket", attrib.attribute_name) |
socket.attribute_id = attrib.attribute_id |
if not is_init and new_pos != old_pos: |
self.inputs.move(old_pos, new_pos) |
def update(self): |
if self.no_update: |
return |
with self._NoUpdate(self) as _no_recurse: |
# First, we really want to make sure our junk matches up. Yes, this does dupe what |
# happens in PlasmaAttribNodeBase, but we can link much more than those node types... |
toasty_sockets = [] |
input_nodes = (i for i in self.inputs if i.is_linked and i.links) |
for i in input_nodes: |
link = i.links[0] |
allowed_attribs = getattr(link.from_node, "pl_attrib", set()) |
if i.attribute_type not in allowed_attribs: |
self.id_data.links.remove(link) |
# Bad news, old chap... Even though we're doing this before we figure out |
# how many socket we need, the changes won't be committed to the socket's links |
# until later. damn. We'll have to track it manually |
toasty_sockets.append(i) |
attribs = self.attribute_map |
empty = not self.inputs |
for idx in sorted(attribs): |
attrib = attribs[idx] |
# Delete any attribute sockets whose type changed |
for i in self._get_attrib_sockets(idx): |
if i.attribute_type != attrib.attribute_type: |
self.inputs.remove(i) |
# Fetch the list of sockets again because we may have nuked some |
inputs = list(self._get_attrib_sockets(idx)) |
if not inputs: |
self._make_attrib_socket(attrib, empty) |
elif attrib.attribute_type not in _single_user_attribs: |
unconnected = [socket for socket in inputs if not socket.is_linked or socket in toasty_sockets] |
if not unconnected: |
self._make_attrib_socket(attrib, empty) |
while len(unconnected) > 1: |
self.inputs.remove(unconnected.pop()) |
class PlasmaPythonFileNodeSocket(bpy.types.NodeSocket): |
attribute_id = IntProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
@property |
def attribute_description(self): |
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_description |
@property |
def attribute_name(self): |
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_name |
@property |
def attribute_type(self): |
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].attribute_type |
def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): |
layout.alignment = "LEFT" |
layout.label("ID: {}".format(self.attribute_id)) |
layout.label(self.attribute_description) |
def draw_color(self, context, node): |
return _attrib_colors.get(self.attribute_type, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) |
@property |
def is_simple_value(self): |
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].is_simple_value |
@property |
def simple_value(self): |
return self.node.attribute_map[self.attribute_id].simple_value |
class PlasmaPythonAttribNodeSocket(bpy.types.NodeSocket): |
def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): |
attrib = node.to_socket |
if attrib is None: |
layout.label(text) |
else: |
layout.label("ID: {}".format(attrib.attribute_id)) |
def draw_color(self, context, node): |
return _attrib_colors.get(node.pl_attrib, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) |
class PlasmaPythonReferenceNodeSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket): |
bl_color = (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0) |
class PlasmaAttribNodeBase(PlasmaNodeBase): |
def init(self, context): |
self.outputs.new("PlasmaPythonAttribNodeSocket", "Python File", "pfm") |
@property |
def attribute_name(self): |
attr = self.to_socket |
return "Value" if attr is None else attr.attribute_name |
@property |
def to_socket(self): |
"""Returns the socket linked to IF only one link has been made""" |
socket = self.outputs[0] |
if len(socket.links) == 1: |
return socket.links[0].to_socket |
return None |
@classmethod |
def register(cls): |
pl_attrib = cls.pl_attrib |
if isinstance(pl_attrib, tuple): |
color = _attrib_colors.get(pl_attrib, None) |
if color is not None: |
for i in pl_attrib: |
_attrib_colors[i] = color |
def update(self): |
pl_id = self.pl_attrib |
socket = self.outputs[0] |
for link in socket.links: |
if link.to_node.bl_idname != "PlasmaPythonFileNode": |
self.id_data.links.remove(link) |
if isinstance(pl_id, tuple): |
if link.to_socket.attribute_type not in pl_id: |
self.id_data.links.remove(link) |
else: |
if pl_id != link.to_socket.attribute_type: |
self.id_data.links.remove(link) |
class PlasmaAttribBoolNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "PYTHON" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribBoolNode" |
bl_label = "Boolean Attribute" |
def _on_update(self, context): |
self.inited = True |
pl_attrib = "ptAttribBoolean" |
value = BoolProperty() |
inited = BoolProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "value", text=self.attribute_name) |
def update(self): |
super().update() |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is not None and not self.inited: |
self.value = attrib.simple_value |
self.inited = True |
class PlasmaAttribNumericNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "PYTHON" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribIntNode" |
bl_label = "Numeric Attribute" |
def _on_update_int(self, context): |
self.value_float = float(self.value_int) |
self.inited = True |
def _on_update_float(self, context): |
self.value_int = int(self.value_float) |
self.inited = True |
pl_attrib = ("ptAttribFloat", "ptAttribInt") |
value_int = IntProperty(update=_on_update_int, options={"HIDDEN"}) |
value_float = FloatProperty(update=_on_update_float, options={"HIDDEN"}) |
inited = BoolProperty(options={"HIDDEN"}) |
def init(self, context): |
super().init(context) |
# because we're trying to be for both int and float... |
self.outputs[0].link_limit = 1 |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is None: |
layout.prop(self, "value_int", text="Value") |
elif attrib.attribute_type == "ptAttribFloat": |
layout.prop(self, "value_float", text=attrib.name) |
elif attrib.attribute_type == "ptAttribInt": |
layout.prop(self, "value_int", text=attrib.name) |
else: |
raise RuntimeError() |
def update(self): |
super().update() |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is not None and not self.inited: |
self.value = attrib.simple_value |
self.inited = True |
@property |
def value(self): |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is None or attrib.attribute_type == "ptAttribInt": |
return self.value_int |
else: |
return self.value_float |
class PlasmaAttribObjectNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "PYTHON" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribObjectNode" |
bl_label = "Object Attribute" |
pl_attrib = ("ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribSceneobjectList", "ptAttribAnimation", |
"ptAttribSwimCurrent", "ptAttribWaveSet") |
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object", |
description="Object containing the required data", |
type=bpy.types.Object) |
def init(self, context): |
super().init(context) |
# keep the code simple |
self.outputs[0].link_limit = 1 |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "target_object", text=self.attribute_name) |
def get_key(self, exporter, so): |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is None: |
self.raise_error("must be connected to a Python File node!") |
attrib = attrib.attribute_type |
bo = self.target_object |
if bo is None: |
self.raise_error("Target object must be specified") |
ref_so_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo) |
ref_so = ref_so_key.object |
# Add your attribute type handling here... |
if attrib in {"ptAttribSceneobject", "ptAttribSceneobjectList"}: |
return ref_so_key |
elif attrib == "ptAttribAnimation": |
anim = bo.plasma_modifiers.animation |
agmod = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAGModifier, so=ref_so, name=anim.key_name) |
agmaster = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAGMasterModifier, so=ref_so, name=anim.key_name) |
return agmaster |
elif attrib == "ptAttribSwimCurrent": |
swimregion = bo.plasma_modifiers.swimregion |
return swimregion.get_key(exporter, ref_so) |
elif attrib == "ptAttribWaveSet": |
waveset = bo.plasma_modifiers.water_basic |
if not waveset.enabled: |
self.raise_error("water modifier not enabled on '{}'".format(self.object_name)) |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plWaveSet7, so=ref_so, bl=bo) |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"target_object": "object_name"} |
class PlasmaAttribStringNode(PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "PYTHON" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribStringNode" |
bl_label = "String Attribute" |
pl_attrib = "ptAttribString" |
value = StringProperty() |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "value", text=self.attribute_name) |
def update(self): |
super().update() |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is not None and not self.value: |
self.value = attrib.simple_value |
class PlasmaAttribTextureNode(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaAttribNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "PYTHON" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAttribTextureNode" |
bl_label = "Texture Attribute" |
bl_width_default = 175 |
pl_attrib = ("ptAttribMaterial", "ptAttribMaterialList", |
"ptAttribDynamicMap", "ptAttribMaterialAnimation") |
def _poll_texture(self, value): |
if self.material is not None: |
# is this the type of dealio that we're looking for? |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is not None: |
attrib = attrib.attribute_type |
if attrib == "ptAttribDynamicMap": |
if not self._is_dyntext(value): |
return False |
elif attrib == "ptAttribMaterialAnimation": |
if not self._is_animated(self.material, value): |
return False |
# must be a legal option... but is it a member of this material? |
return value.name in self.material.texture_slots |
return False |
material = PointerProperty(name="Material", |
description="Material the texture is attached to", |
type=bpy.types.Material) |
texture = PointerProperty(name="Texture", |
description="Texture to expose to Python", |
type=bpy.types.Texture, |
poll=_poll_texture) |
def init(self, context): |
super().init(context) |
# keep the code simple |
self.outputs[0].link_limit = 1 |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop_search(self, "material_name", bpy.data, "materials") |
material = bpy.data.materials.get(self.material_name, None) |
if material is not None: |
layout.prop_search(self, "texture_name", material, "texture_slots") |
def get_key(self, exporter, so): |
if self.material is None: |
self.raise_error("Material must be specified") |
if self.texture is None: |
self.raise_error("Texture must be specified") |
attrib = self.to_socket |
if attrib is None: |
self.raise_error("must be connected to a Python File node!") |
attrib = attrib.attribute_type |
material = self.material |
texture = self.texture |
# Your attribute stuff here... |
if attrib == "ptAttribDynamicMap": |
if not self._is_dyntext(material, texture): |
self.raise_error("Texture '{}' is not a Dynamic Text Map".format(self.texture_name)) |
name = "{}_{}_DynText".format(material.name, texture.name) |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plDynamicTextMap, name=name, so=so) |
elif self._is_animated(material, texture): |
name = "{}_{}_LayerAnim".format(material_name, texture.name) |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plLayerAnimation, name=name, so=so) |
else: |
name = "{}_{}".format(material.name, texture.name) |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plLayer, name=name, so=so) |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"material": "material_name", |
"texture": "texture_name"} |
def _idprop_sources(self): |
return {"material_name": bpy.data.materials, |
"texture_name": bpy.data.textures} |
def _is_animated(self, material, texture): |
return ((material.animation_data is not None and material.animation_data.action is not None) |
or (texture.animation_data is not None and texture.animation_data.action is not None)) |
def _is_dyntext(self, texture): |
return texture.type == "IMAGE" and texture.image is None |
_attrib_colors = { |
"ptAttribActivator": (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0), |
"ptAttribActivatorList": (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0), |
"ptAttribBoolean": (0.71, 0.706, 0.655, 1.0), |
"ptAttribExcludeRegion": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0), |
"ptAttribNamedActivator": (0.188, 0.086, 0.349, 1.0), |
"ptAttribNamedResponder": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0), |
"ptAttribResponder": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0), |
"ptAttribResponderList": (0.031, 0.110, 0.290, 1.0), |
"ptAttribString": (0.675, 0.659, 0.494, 1.0), |
PlasmaAttribNumericNode.pl_attrib: (0.443, 0.439, 0.392, 1.0), |
PlasmaAttribObjectNode.pl_attrib: (0.565, 0.267, 0.0, 1.0), |
PlasmaAttribTextureNode.pl_attrib: (0.035, 0.353, 0.0, 1.0), |