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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
from PyHSPlasma import *
from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties
from ...exporter import ExportError
from ... import idprops
# These are the kinds of physical bounds Plasma can work with.
# This sequence is acceptable in any EnumProperty
bounds_types = (
("box", "Bounding Box", "Use a perfect bounding box"),
("sphere", "Bounding Sphere", "Use a perfect bounding sphere"),
("hull", "Convex Hull", "Use a convex set encompasing all vertices"),
("trimesh", "Triangle Mesh", "Use the exact triangle mesh (SLOW!)")
# These are the collision sound surface types
surface_types = (
# Danger: do not reorder this one.
("kNone", "[None]", ""),
# Reorder away down here...
("kBone", "Bone", ""),
("kDirt", "Dirt", ""),
("kGrass", "Grass", ""),
("kMetal", "Metal", ""),
("kCone", "Plastic", ""),
("kRug", "Rug", ""),
("kStone", "Stone", ""),
("kWater", "Water", ""),
("kWood", "Wood", ""),
("kUser1", "User 1", ""),
("kUser2", "User 2", ""),
("kUser3", "User 3", ""),
def bounds_type_index(key):
return list(zip(*bounds_types))[0].index(key)
def bounds_type_str(idx):
return bounds_types[idx][0]
def _set_phys_prop(prop, sim, phys, value=True):
"""Sets properties on plGenericPhysical and plSimulationInterface (seeing as how they are duped)"""
sim.setProperty(prop, value)
phys.setProperty(prop, value)
class PlasmaCollider(PlasmaModifierProperties):
pl_id = "collision"
bl_category = "Physics"
bl_label = "Collision"
bl_icon = "MOD_PHYSICS"
bl_description = "Simple physical collider"
bounds = EnumProperty(name="Bounds Type", description="", items=bounds_types, default="hull")
avatar_blocker = BoolProperty(name="Blocks Avatars", description="Object blocks avatars", default=True)
camera_blocker = BoolProperty(name="Blocks Camera LOS", description="Object blocks camera line-of-sight", default=True)
friction = FloatProperty(name="Friction", min=0.0, default=0.5)
restitution = FloatProperty(name="Restitution", description="Coefficient of collision elasticity", min=0.0, max=1.0)
terrain = BoolProperty(name="Terrain", description="Object represents the ground", default=False)
dynamic = BoolProperty(name="Dynamic", description="Object can be influenced by other objects (ie is kickable)", default=False)
mass = FloatProperty(name="Mass", description="Mass of object in pounds", min=0.0, default=1.0)
start_asleep = BoolProperty(name="Start Asleep", description="Object is not active until influenced by another object", default=False)
proxy_object = PointerProperty(name="Proxy",
description="Object used as the collision geometry",
surface = EnumProperty(name="Surface Type",
description="Type of surface sound effect to play on collision",
def export(self, exporter, bo, so):
# All modifier properties are examined by this little stinker...
exporter.physics.generate_physical(bo, so)
def requires_actor(self):
return self.dynamic
class PlasmaSubworld(PlasmaModifierProperties):
pl_id = "subworld_def"
bl_category = "Physics"
bl_label = "Subworld"
bl_description = "Subworld definition"
bl_icon = "WORLD"
sub_type = EnumProperty(name="Subworld Type",
description="Specifies the physics strategy to use for this subworld",
items=[("auto", "Auto", "Korman will decide which physics strategy to use"),
("dynamicav", "Dynamic Avatar", "Allows the avatar to affected by dynamic physicals"),
("subworld", "Separate World", "Causes all objects to be placed in a separate physics simulation")],
gravity = FloatVectorProperty(name="Gravity",
description="Subworld's gravity defined in feet per second squared",
size=3, default=(0.0, 0.0, -32.174), precision=3,
def export(self, exporter, bo, so):
if self.is_dedicated_subworld(exporter):
# NOTE to posterity... Cyan's PotS/Havok subworlds appear to have a
# plHKPhysical object that is set as LOSOnly convex hull. They appear to
# be a bounding box. PyPRP generated PRPs do not do this and work just fine,
# however, so this is probably just a quirk of the Havok-era PlasmaMAX
subworld = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plHKSubWorld, so=so)
subworld.gravity = hsVector3(*self.gravity)
def is_dedicated_subworld(self, exporter):
if exporter.mgr.getVer() != pvMoul:
return True
if self.sub_type == "subworld":
return True
elif self.sub_type == "dynamicav":
return False
return not self.property_unset("gravity")
def post_export(self, exporter, bo, so):
# It appears PotS does something really fancy with subworlds under the hood such that
# if you make a subworld that has collision, it will get into an infinite loop in
# plCoordinateInterface::IGetRoot. Not really sure why this happens (nor do I care),
# but we definitely don't want it to happen.
if bo.type != "EMPTY":"Subworld '{}' is attached to a '{}'--this should be an empty.",, bo.type, indent=1)
if so.sim:
if exporter.mgr.getVer() > pvPots:"Subworld '{}' has physics data--this will cause PotS to crash.",, indent=1)
raise ExportError("Subworld '{}' cannot have physics data (should be an empty).".format(