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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import functools
import math
from pathlib import Path
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from .explosions import *
from .. import helpers
from ..korlib import *
from . import utils
# Blender cube map mega image to libHSPlasma plCubicEnvironmap faces mapping...
# See
BLENDER_CUBE_MAP = ("leftFace", "backFace", "rightFace",
"bottomFace", "topFace", "frontFace")
class _Texture:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
texture, image = kwargs.get("texture"), kwargs.get("image")
assert texture or image
if texture is not None:
if image is None:
image = texture.image
self.calc_alpha = getattr(texture, "use_calculate_alpha", False)
self.mipmap = texture.use_mipmap
self.layer = kwargs.get("layer")
self.calc_alpha = False
self.mipmap = kwargs.get("mipmap", False)
if kwargs.get("is_detail_map", False):
self.is_detail_map = True
self.mipmap = True
self.detail_blend = kwargs["detail_blend"]
self.detail_fade_start = kwargs["detail_fade_start"]
self.detail_fade_stop = kwargs["detail_fade_stop"]
self.detail_opacity_start = kwargs["detail_opacity_start"]
self.detail_opacity_stop = kwargs["detail_opacity_stop"]
self.calc_alpha = False
self.alpha_type = TextureAlpha.full
self.allowed_formats = {"DDS"}
self.is_cube_map = False
self.is_detail_map = False
if kwargs.get("force_calc_alpha", False) or self.calc_alpha:
self.calc_alpha = True
self.alpha_type = TextureAlpha.full
self.alpha_type = kwargs.get("alpha_type", TextureAlpha.opaque)
self.allowed_formats = kwargs.get("allowed_formats",
{"DDS"} if self.mipmap else {"PNG", "JPG"})
self.is_cube_map = kwargs.get("is_cube_map", False)
# Basic format sanity
if self.mipmap:
assert "DDS" in self.allowed_formats
if len(self.allowed_formats) == 1:
self.auto_ext = next(iter(self.allowed_formats)).lower()
elif self.mipmap:
self.auto_ext = "dds"
self.auto_ext = "hsm"
self.extension = kwargs.get("extension", self.auto_ext)
self.ephemeral = kwargs.get("ephemeral", False)
self.image = image
self.tag = kwargs.get("tag", None) = kwargs.get("name",
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _Texture):
return False
# Yeah, the string name is a unique identifier. So shoot me.
if str(self) == str(other) and self.tag == other.tag:
return True
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __str__(self):
if self.extension is None:
name =
name = str(Path(".{}".format(self.extension)))
if self.calc_alpha:
name = "ALPHAGEN_{}".format(
if self.is_detail_map:
name = "DETAILGEN_{}-{}-{}-{}-{}_{}".format(self._DETAIL_BLEND[self.detail_blend],
self.detail_fade_start, self.detail_fade_stop,
self.detail_opacity_start, self.detail_opacity_stop,
return name
def _update(self, other):
"""Update myself with any props that might be overridable from another copy of myself"""
# NOTE: detail map properties should NEVER be overridden. NEVER. EVER. kthx.
if self.alpha_type < other.alpha_type:
self.alpha_type = other.alpha_type
if other.mipmap:
self.mipmap = True
class MaterialConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._obj2mat = {}
self._bump_mats = {}
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
self._pending = {}
self._alphatest = {}
self._tex_exporters = {
"BLEND": self._export_texture_type_blend,
"ENVIRONMENT_MAP": self._export_texture_type_environment_map,
"IMAGE": self._export_texture_type_image,
"NONE": self._export_texture_type_none,
self._animation_exporters = {
"opacityCtl": self._export_layer_opacity_animation,
"transformCtl": self._export_layer_transform_animation,
def _can_export_texslot(self, slot):
if slot is None or not slot.use:
return False
texture = slot.texture
if texture is None or texture.type not in self._tex_exporters:
return False
# Per-texture type rules
if texture.type == "ENVIRONMENT_MAP":
envmap = texture.environment_map
# If this is a static, image based cube map, then we will allow it
# to be exported anyway. Note that as of the writing of this code,
# that is kind of pointless because CEMs are not yet implemented...
if envmap.source == "IMAGE_FILE":
return True
# Now for the ruelz
method, ver = self._exporter().envmap_method, self._mgr.getVer()
if method == "skip":
return False
elif method == "dcm2dem":
return True
elif method == "perengine":
return (ver >= pvMoul and envmap.mapping == "PLANE") or envmap.mapping == "CUBE"
raise NotImplementedError(method)
return True
def export_material(self, bo, bm):
"""Exports a Blender Material as an hsGMaterial"""
# Sometimes, a material might need to be single-use due to settings like baked lighting,
# being a waveset, doublesided, etc.
single_user = self._requires_single_user(bo, bm)
if single_user:
mat_name = "{}_AutoSingle".format( if == else "{}_{}".format(,
self._report.msg("Exporting Material '{}' as single user '{}'",, mat_name, indent=1)
hgmat = None
# Ensure that RT-lit objects don't infect the static-lit objects.
mat_prefix = "RTLit_" if else ""
mat_name = "".join((mat_prefix,
self._report.msg("Exporting Material '{}'", mat_name, indent=1)
hsgmat = self._mgr.find_key(hsGMaterial, name=mat_name, bl=bo)
if hsgmat is not None:
return hsgmat
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial, name=mat_name, bl=bo)
slots = [(idx, slot) for idx, slot in enumerate(bm.texture_slots) if self._can_export_texslot(slot)]
# There is a major difference in how Blender and Plasma handle stencils.
# In Blender, the stencil is on top and applies to every layer below is. In Plasma, the stencil
# is below the SINGLE layer it affects. The main texture is marked BindNext and RestartPassHere.
# The pipeline indicates that we can render 8 layers simultaneously, so we will collect all
# stencils and apply this arrangement. We're going to limit to 6 stencils however. 1 layer for
# main texture and 1 piggyback.
num_stencils = sum((1 for i in slots if i[1].use_stencil))
if num_stencils > _MAX_STENCILS:
raise ExportError("Material '{}' uses too many stencils. The maximum is {}".format(, _MAX_STENCILS))
stencils = []
restart_pass_next = False
# Loop over layers
for idx, slot in slots:
# Prepend any BumpMapping magic layers
if slot.use_map_normal:
if bo in self._bump_mats:
raise ExportError("Material '{}' has more than one bumpmap layer".format(
du, dw, dv = self.export_bumpmap_slot(bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx)
hsgmat.addLayer(du.key) # Du
hsgmat.addLayer(dw.key) # Dw
hsgmat.addLayer(dv.key) # Dv
if slot.use_stencil:
stencils.append((idx, slot))
tex_name = "{}_{}".format(mat_name,
tex_layer = self.export_texture_slot(bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx, name=tex_name)
if restart_pass_next:
tex_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere
restart_pass_next = False
if slot.use_map_normal:
self._bump_mats[bo] = (tex_layer.UVWSrc, tex_layer.transform)
# After a bumpmap layer(s), the next layer *must* be in a
# new pass, otherwise it gets added in non-intuitive ways
restart_pass_next = True
if stencils:
tex_state = tex_layer.state
if not tex_state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask:
tex_state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
tex_state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere | hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext
curr_stencils = len(stencils)
for i in range(curr_stencils):
stencil_idx, stencil = stencils[i]
stencil_name = "STENCILGEN_{}@{}_{}".format(,,
stencil_layer = self.export_texture_slot(bo, bm, hsgmat, stencil, stencil_idx, name=stencil_name)
if i+1 < curr_stencils:
stencil_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext
# Plasma makes several assumptions that every hsGMaterial has at least one layer. If this
# material had no Textures, we will need to initialize a default layer
if not hsgmat.layers:
layer = self._mgr.find_create_object(plLayer, name="{}_AutoLayer".format(mat_name), bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bo, bm, layer)
# Cache this material for later
mat_list = self._obj2mat.setdefault(bo, [])
# Looks like we're done...
return hsgmat.key
def export_print_materials(self, bo, image, name, blend):
"""Exports dynamic decal print material(s)"""
def make_print_material(name):
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, bl=bo, name=name)
layer.state.blendFlags = blend
layer.state.clampFlags = hsGMatState.kClampTexture
layer.state.ZFlags = hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite | hsGMatState.kZIncLayer
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.export_prepared_image(name=image_name, image=image, alpha_type=image_alpha,
owner=layer, allowed_formats={"DDS"}, indent=4)
material = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial, bl=bo, name=name)
return material, layer
want_preshade = blend == hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
image_alpha = self._test_image_alpha(image)
if image_alpha == TextureAlpha.opaque and want_preshade:
self._report.warn("Using an opaque texture with alpha blending -- this may look bad")
# Non-alpha blendmodes absolutely cannot have an alpha channel. Period. Nada.
# You can't even filter it out with blend flags. We'll try to mitigate the damage by
# exporting a DXT1 version. As of right now, opaque vs on_off does nothing, so we still
# get some turd-alpha data.
if image_alpha == TextureAlpha.full and not want_preshade:
self._report.warn("Using an alpha texture with a non-alpha blend mode -- this may look bad", indent=3)
image_alpha = TextureAlpha.opaque
image_name = "DECALPRINT_{}".format(
image_name =
# Check to see if we have already processed this print material...
rtname = "DECALPRINT_{}".format(name)
rt_key = self._mgr.find_key(hsGMaterial, bl=bo, name=rtname)
if want_preshade:
prename = "DECALPRINT_{}_AH".format(name)
pre_key = self._mgr.find_key(hsGMaterial, bl=bo, name=prename)
pre_key = None
if rt_key or pre_key:
return pre_key, rt_key
self._report.msg("Exporting Print Material '{}'", rtname, indent=3)
rt_material, rt_layer = make_print_material(rtname)
if blend == hsGMatState.kBlendMult:
rt_layer.state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendInvertFinalColor
rt_key = rt_material.key
if want_preshade:
self._report.msg("Exporting Print Material '{}'", prename, indent=3)
pre_material, pre_layer = make_print_material(prename)
pre_material.compFlags |= hsGMaterial.kCompNeedsBlendChannel
pre_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext | hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere
pre_layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
blend_layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, bl=bo, name="{}_AlphaBlend".format(rtname))
blend_layer.state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha | hsGMatState.kBlendNoTexColor | \
blend_layer.state.clampFlags = hsGMatState.kClampTexture
blend_layer.state.ZFlags = hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
blend_layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.export_alpha_blend("LINEAR", "HORIZONTAL", owner=blend_layer, indent=4)
pre_key = pre_material.key
pre_key = None
return pre_key, rt_key
def export_waveset_material(self, bo, bm):
self._report.msg("Exporting WaveSet Material '{}'",, indent=1)
# WaveSets MUST have their own material
unique_name = "{}_WaveSet7".format(
hsgmat = self._mgr.add_object(hsGMaterial, name=unique_name, bl=bo)
# Materials MUST have one layer. Wavesets need alpha blending...
layer = self._mgr.add_object(plLayer, name=unique_name, bl=bo)
self._propagate_material_settings(bo, bm, layer)
layer.state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
# Wasn't that easy?
return hsgmat.key
def export_bumpmap_slot(self, bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx):
name = "{}_{}".format(,
self._report.msg("Exporting Plasma Bumpmap Layers for '{}'", name, indent=2)
# Okay, now we need to make 3 layers for the Du, Dw, and Dv
du_layer = self._mgr.find_create_object(plLayer, name="{}_DU_BumpLut".format(name), bl=bo)
dw_layer = self._mgr.find_create_object(plLayer, name="{}_DW_BumpLut".format(name), bl=bo)
dv_layer = self._mgr.find_create_object(plLayer, name="{}_DV_BumpLut".format(name), bl=bo)
for layer in (du_layer, dw_layer, dv_layer):
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.specular = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
state = layer.state
state.ZFlags = hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
state.clampFlags = hsGMatState.kClampTexture
state.miscFlags = hsGMatState.kMiscBindNext
state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendAdd
if not slot.use_map_specular:
du_layer.state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendMADD
du_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBumpDu | hsGMatState.kMiscRestartPassHere
dw_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBumpDw
dv_layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscBumpDv
du_uv = len(
du_layer.UVWSrc = du_uv
dw_layer.UVWSrc = du_uv | plLayerInterface.kUVWNormal
dv_layer.UVWSrc = du_uv + 1
page = self._mgr.get_textures_page(du_layer.key)
LUT_key = self._mgr.find_key(plMipmap, loc=page, name="BumpLutTexture")
if LUT_key is None:
bumpLUT = plMipmap("BumpLutTexture", 16, 16, 1, plBitmap.kUncompressed, plBitmap.kRGB8888)
self._mgr.AddObject(page, bumpLUT)
LUT_key = bumpLUT.key
du_layer.texture = LUT_key
dw_layer.texture = LUT_key
dv_layer.texture = LUT_key
return (du_layer, dw_layer, dv_layer)
def export_texture_slot(self, bo, bm, hsgmat, slot, idx, name=None, blend_flags=True):
if name is None:
name = "{}_{}".format( if bm is not None else,
self._report.msg("Exporting Plasma Layer '{}'", name, indent=2)
layer = self._mgr.find_create_object(plLayer, name=name, bl=bo)
if bm is not None and not slot.use_map_normal:
self._propagate_material_settings(bo, bm, layer)
# UVW Channel
if slot.texture_coords == "UV":
for i, uvchan in enumerate(
if == slot.uv_layer:
layer.UVWSrc = i
self._report.msg("Using UV Map #{} '{}'", i, name, indent=3)
self._report.msg("No UVMap specified... Blindly using the first one, maybe it exists :|", indent=3)
# Transform
xform = hsMatrix44()
layer.transform = xform
wantStencil, canStencil = slot.use_stencil, slot.use_stencil and bm is not None and not slot.use_map_normal
if wantStencil and not canStencil:
self._exporter().report.warn("{} wants to stencil, but this is not a real Material".format(
state = layer.state
if canStencil:
hsgmat.compFlags |= hsGMaterial.kCompNeedsBlendChannel
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha | hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaMult | hsGMatState.kBlendNoTexColor
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
elif blend_flags:
# Standard layer flags ahoy
if slot.blend_type == "ADD":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAddColorTimesAlpha
elif slot.blend_type == "MULTIPLY":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendMult
# Check if this layer uses diffuse/runtime lighting
if bm is not None and not slot.use_map_color_diffuse:
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
# Check if this layer uses specular lighting
if bm is not None and slot.use_map_color_spec:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeSpecular
layer.specular = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.specularPower = 1.0
texture = slot.texture
if texture.type == "BLEND":
hsgmat.compFlags |= hsGMaterial.kCompNeedsBlendChannel
# Apply custom layer properties
wantBumpmap = bm is not None and slot.use_map_normal
if wantBumpmap:
state.blendFlags = hsGMatState.kBlendDot3
state.miscFlags = hsGMatState.kMiscBumpLayer
strength = max(min(1.0, slot.normal_factor), 0.0)
layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(strength, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer.specular = hsColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
layer_props = texture.plasma_layer
layer.opacity = layer_props.opacity / 100
if layer_props.opacity < 100 and not state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
if layer_props.alpha_halo:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaTestHigh
if layer_props.z_bias:
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZIncLayer
if layer_props.skip_depth_test:
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZRead
if layer_props.skip_depth_write:
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
# Export the specific texture type
self._tex_exporters[texture.type](bo, layer, slot)
# Export any layer animations
# NOTE: animated stencils and bumpmaps are nonsense.
if not slot.use_stencil and not wantBumpmap:
layer = self._export_layer_animations(bo, bm, slot, idx, layer)
return layer
def _export_layer_animations(self, bo, bm, tex_slot, idx, base_layer):
"""Exports animations on this texture and chains the Plasma layers as needed"""
def harvest_fcurves(bl_id, collection, data_path=None):
if bl_id is None:
return None
anim = bl_id.animation_data
if anim is not None:
action = anim.action
if action is not None:
if data_path is None:
collection.extend((i for i in action.fcurves if i.data_path.startswith(data_path)))
return action
return None
fcurves = []
texture = tex_slot.texture
mat_action = harvest_fcurves(bm, fcurves, "texture_slots[{}]".format(idx))
tex_action = harvest_fcurves(texture, fcurves)
if not fcurves:
return base_layer
# Okay, so we have some FCurves. We'll loop through our known layer animation converters
# and chain this biotch up as best we can.
layer_animation = None
for attr, converter in self._animation_exporters.items():
ctrl = converter(tex_slot, base_layer, fcurves)
if ctrl is not None:
if layer_animation is None:
name = "{}_LayerAnim".format(
layer_animation = self.get_texture_animation_key(bo, bm, texture).object
setattr(layer_animation, attr, ctrl)
# Alrighty, if we exported any controllers, layer_animation is a plLayerAnimation. We need to do
# the common schtuff now.
if layer_animation is not None:
layer_animation.underLay = base_layer.key
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps
atc = layer_animation.timeConvert
# Since we are harvesting from the material action but are exporting to a layer, the
# action's range is relatively useless. We'll figure our own. Reminder: the blender
# documentation is wrong -- FCurve.range() returns a sequence of frame numbers, not times.
atc.begin = min((fcurve.range()[0] for fcurve in fcurves)) * (30.0 / fps) / fps
atc.end = max((fcurve.range()[1] for fcurve in fcurves)) * (30.0 / fps) / fps
layer_props = tex_slot.texture.plasma_layer
if not layer_props.anim_auto_start:
atc.flags |= plAnimTimeConvert.kStopped
if layer_props.anim_loop:
atc.flags |= plAnimTimeConvert.kLoop
atc.loopBegin = atc.begin
atc.loopEnd = atc.end
if layer_props.anim_sdl_var:
layer_animation.varName = layer_props.anim_sdl_var
return layer_animation
# Well, we had some FCurves but they were garbage... Too bad.
return base_layer
def _export_layer_opacity_animation(self, tex_slot, base_layer, fcurves):
for i in fcurves:
if i.data_path == "plasma_layer.opacity":
base_layer.state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
ctrl = self._exporter().animation.make_scalar_leaf_controller(i)
return ctrl
return None
def _export_layer_transform_animation(self, tex_slot, base_layer, fcurves):
path = tex_slot.path_from_id()
pos_path = "{}.offset".format(path)
scale_path = "{}.scale".format(path)
# Plasma uses the controller to generate a matrix44... so we have to produce a leaf controller
ctrl = self._exporter().animation.make_matrix44_controller(fcurves, pos_path, scale_path, tex_slot.offset, tex_slot.scale)
return ctrl
def _export_texture_type_environment_map(self, bo, layer, slot):
"""Exports a Blender EnvironmentMapTexture to a plLayer"""
texture = slot.texture
bl_env = texture.environment_map
if bl_env.source in {"STATIC", "ANIMATED"}:
# NOTE: It is assumed that if we arrive here, we are at lease dcm2dem on the
# environment map export method. You're welcome!
if bl_env.mapping == "PLANE" and self._mgr.getVer() >= pvMoul:
pl_env = plDynamicCamMap
pl_env = plDynamicEnvMap
pl_env = self.export_dynamic_env(bo, layer, texture, pl_env)
elif bl_env.source == "IMAGE_FILE":
pl_env = self.export_cubic_env(bo, layer, texture)
raise NotImplementedError(bl_env.source)
layer.state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeEnvironMap
if pl_env is not None:
layer.texture = pl_env.key
def export_cubic_env(self, bo, layer, texture):
width, height = texture.image.size
# Sanity check: the image here should be 3x2 faces, so we should not have any
# dam remainder...
if width % 3 != 0:
raise ExportError("CubeMap '{}' width must be a multiple of 3".format(
if height % 2 != 0:
raise ExportError("CubeMap '{}' height must be a multiple of 2".format(
# According to PlasmaMAX, we don't give a rip about UVs...
layer.UVWSrc = plLayerInterface.kUVWReflect
layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscUseReflectionXform
# Well, this is kind of sad...
# Back before the texture cache existed, all the image work was offloaded
# to a big "finalize" save step to prevent races. The texture cache would
# prevent that as well, so we could theoretically slice-and-dice the single
# image here... but... meh. Offloading taim.
self.export_prepared_image(texture=texture, owner=layer, indent=3,
alpha_type=TextureAlpha.opaque, mipmap=True,
allowed_formats={"DDS"}, is_cube_map=True, tag="cubemap")
def export_dynamic_env(self, bo, layer, texture, pl_class):
bl_env = texture.environment_map
viewpt = bl_env.viewpoint_object
if viewpt is None:
viewpt = bo
name = "{}_DynEnvMap".format(
pl_env = self._mgr.find_object(pl_class, bl=bo, name=name)
# Ensure POT
oRes = bl_env.resolution
eRes = helpers.ensure_power_of_two(oRes)
if oRes != eRes:
self._report.msg("Overriding EnvMap size to ({}x{}) -- POT", eRes, eRes, indent=3)
# And now for the general ho'hum-ness
pl_env = self._mgr.find_create_object(pl_class, bl=bo, name=name)
pl_env.hither = bl_env.clip_start
pl_env.yon = bl_env.clip_end
pl_env.refreshRate = 0.01 if bl_env.source == "ANIMATED" else 0.0
pl_env.incCharacters = True
# Perhaps the DEM/DCM fog should be separately configurable at some point?
pl_fog =
pl_env.color = utils.color(texture.plasma_layer.envmap_color)
pl_env.fogStart = pl_fog.fog_start
# EffVisSets
# Whoever wrote this PyHSPlasma binding didn't follow the convention. Sigh.
visregions = []
for region in texture.plasma_layer.vis_regions:
rgn = region.control_region
if rgn is None:
raise ExportError("'{}': Has an invalid Visibility Control".format(
if not rgn.plasma_modifiers.visregion.enabled:
raise ExportError("'{}': '{}' is not a VisControl".format(,
visregions.append(self._mgr.find_create_key(plVisRegion, bl=rgn))
pl_env.visRegions = visregions
if isinstance(pl_env, plDynamicCamMap):
faces = (pl_env,)
# It matters not whether or not the viewpoint object is a Plasma Object, it is exported as at
# least a SceneObject and CoordInterface so that we can touch it...
# NOTE: that harvest_actor makes sure everyone alread knows we're going to have a CI
if isinstance(, bpy.types.Camera): = self._mgr.find_create_key(plCameraModifier, bl=viewpt)
pl_env.rootNode = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=viewpt)
pl_env.addTargetNode(self._mgr.find_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo))
# This is really just so we don't raise any eyebrows if anyone is looking at the files.
# If you're disabling DCMs, then you're obviuously trolling!
# Cyan generates a single color image, but we'll just set the layer colors and go away.
fake_layer = self._mgr.find_create_object(plLayer, bl=bo, name="{}_DisabledDynEnvMap".format(
fake_layer.ambient = layer.ambient
fake_layer.preshade = layer.preshade
fake_layer.runtime = layer.runtime
fake_layer.specular = layer.specular
pl_env.disableTexture = fake_layer.key
if is None:
layer.UVWSrc = plLayerInterface.kUVWPosition
layer.state.miscFlags |= (hsGMatState.kMiscCam2Screen | hsGMatState.kMiscPerspProjection)
faces = pl_env.faces + (pl_env,)
# If the user specifies a camera object, this might be worthy of a notice.
if viewpt.type == "CAMERA":
warn = self._report.port if bl_env.mapping == "PLANE" else self._report.warn
warn("Environment Map '{}' is exporting as a cube map. The viewpoint '{}' is a camera, but only its position will be used.",,, indent=5)
# DEMs can do just a position vector. We actually prefer this because the WaveSet exporter
# will probably want to steal it for diabolical purposes... In MOUL, root objects are
# allowed, but that introduces a gotcha with regard to animated roots and PotS. Also,
# sharing root objects with a DCM seems to result in bad problems in game O.o
pl_env.position = hsVector3(*viewpt.location)
if layer is not None:
layer.UVWSrc = plLayerInterface.kUVWReflect
layer.state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscUseReflectionXform
# Because we might be working with a multi-faced env map. It's even worse than have two faces...
for i in faces:
i.flags |= plBitmap.kIsTexture
i.flags &= ~plBitmap.kAlphaChannelFlag
i.width = eRes
i.height = eRes
i.proportionalViewport = False
i.viewportLeft = 0
i.viewportTop = 0
i.viewportRight = eRes
i.viewportBottom = eRes
i.ZDepth = 24
return pl_env
def _export_texture_type_image(self, bo, layer, slot):
"""Exports a Blender ImageTexture to a plLayer"""
texture = slot.texture
layer_props = texture.plasma_layer
mipmap = texture.use_mipmap
# Does the image have any alpha at all?
if texture.image is not None:
alpha_type = self._test_image_alpha(texture.image)
has_alpha = texture.use_calculate_alpha or slot.use_stencil or alpha_type != TextureAlpha.opaque
if (texture.image.use_alpha and texture.use_alpha) and not has_alpha:
warning = "'{}' wants to use alpha, but '{}' is opaque".format(,
self._exporter().report.warn(warning, indent=3)
alpha_type, has_alpha = TextureAlpha.opaque, False
# First, let's apply any relevant flags
state = layer.state
if not slot.use_stencil and not getattr(slot, "use_map_normal", False):
# mutually exclusive blend flags
if texture.use_alpha and has_alpha:
if slot.blend_type == "ADD":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaAdd
elif slot.blend_type == "MULTIPLY":
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaMult
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha
if texture.invert_alpha and has_alpha:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendInvertAlpha
if texture.extension in {"CLIP", "EXTEND"}:
state.clampFlags |= hsGMatState.kClampTexture
# Now, let's export the plBitmap
# If the image is None (no image applied in Blender), we assume this is a plDynamicTextMap
# Otherwise, we toss this layer and some info into our pending texture dict and process it
# when the exporter tells us to finalize all our shit
if texture.image is None:
dtm = self._mgr.find_create_object(plDynamicTextMap, name="{}_DynText".format(, bl=bo)
dtm.hasAlpha = texture.use_alpha
# if you have a better idea, let's hear it...
dtm.visWidth, dtm.visHeight = 1024, 1024
layer.texture = dtm.key
detail_blend = TEX_DETAIL_ALPHA
if layer_props.is_detail_map and mipmap:
if slot.blend_type == "ADD":
detail_blend = TEX_DETAIL_ADD
elif slot.blend_type == "MULTIPLY":
detail_blend = TEX_DETAIL_MULTIPLY
# Herp, derp... Detail blends are all based on alpha
if layer_props.is_detail_map and not state.blendFlags & hsGMatState.kBlendMask:
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendDetail
allowed_formats = {"DDS"} if mipmap else {"PNG", "BMP"}
self.export_prepared_image(texture=texture, owner=layer,
alpha_type=alpha_type, force_calc_alpha=slot.use_stencil,
mipmap=mipmap, allowed_formats=allowed_formats,
def _export_texture_type_none(self, bo, layer, texture):
# We'll allow this, just for sanity's sake...
def _export_texture_type_blend(self, bo, layer, slot):
state = layer.state
state.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendAlpha | hsGMatState.kBlendAlphaMult | hsGMatState.kBlendNoTexColor
state.clampFlags |= hsGMatState.kClampTexture
state.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite
# This has been separated out because other things may need alpha blend textures.
texture = slot.texture
self.export_alpha_blend(texture.progression, texture.use_flip_axis, layer)
def export_alpha_blend(self, progression, axis, owner, indent=2):
"""This exports an alpha blend texture as exposed by bpy.types.BlendTexture.
The following arguments are expected:
- progression: (required)
- axis: (required)
- owner: (required) the Plasma object using this image
- indent: (optional) indentation level for log messages
default: 2
# Certain blend types don't use an axis...
progression_axes = {"EASING", "LINEAR", "RADIAL", "QUADRATIC"}
if progression in progression_axes:
filename = "ALPHA_BLEND_{}_{}".format(progression, axis)
filename = "ALPHA_BLEND_{}".format(progression)
axis = ""
image =
if image is None:
def _calc_diagonal(x, y, width, height):
distance = math.sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2))
total = math.sqrt(pow(width, 2) + pow(height, 2))
return distance / total
def _calc_radial(x, y, width, height, horizontal=None):
if horizontal is True:
relative = (y - height / 2, x - width / 2)
elif horizontal is False:
relative = (x - width / 2, y - height / 2)
raise RuntimeError()
angle = math.atan2(*relative) + math.pi
# PyPRP had some weird code that looked like an infinite loop for clamping from
# zero through 2pi. atan2 is documented to return in the range of -pi through pi.
two_pi = math.pi * 2
if angle < 0.0:
angle += two_pi
return max(0.0, angle / two_pi)
def _calc_lin_sphere(x, y, width, height):
half_width, half_height = width / 2, height / 2
distance = math.sqrt(pow(x - half_width, 2) + pow(y - half_height, 2))
value = math.cos(distance / half_width * 0.5 * math.pi)
if value < 0.0 or distance > half_width:
return 0.0
return min(1.0, value)
def _calc_quad_sphere(x, y, width, height):
half_width, half_height = width / 2, height / 2
distance = math.sqrt(pow(x - half_width, 2) + pow(y - half_height, 2))
value = 0.5 + (0.5 * math.cos(distance / half_width * math.pi))
if value < 0.0 or distance > half_width:
return 0.0
return min(1.0, value)
dimensions = {
("EASING", "HORIZONTAL"): (64, 4),
("EASING", "VERTICAL"): (4, 64),
("LINEAR", "HORIZONTAL"): (64, 4),
("LINEAR", "VERTICAL"): (4, 64),
("QUADRATIC", "VERTICAL"): (4, 64),
funcs = {
("DIAGONAL", ""): _calc_diagonal,
("EASING", "HORIZONTAL"): lambda x, y, width, height: 0.5 - math.cos(x / width * math.pi) * 0.5,
("EASING", "VERTICAL"): lambda x, y, width, height: 0.5 - math.cos(y / height * math.pi) * 0.5,
("LINEAR", "HORIZONTAL"): lambda x, y, width, height: x / width,
("LINEAR", "VERTICAL"): lambda x, y, width, height: y / height,
("QUADRATIC", "HORIZONTAL"): lambda x, y, width, height: pow(x / width, 2),
("QUADRATIC", "VERTICAL"): lambda x, y, width, height: pow(y / height, 2),
("QUADRATIC_SPHERE", ""): _calc_quad_sphere,
("RADIAL", "HORIZONTAL"): functools.partial(_calc_radial, horizontal=True),
("RADIAL", "VERTICAL"): functools.partial(_calc_radial, horizontal=False),
("SPHERICAL", ""): _calc_lin_sphere,
blend_type = (progression, axis)
width, height = dimensions.get(blend_type, (64, 64))
pixels = [None] * (width * height * 4)
func = funcs.get(blend_type)
if func is None:
raise BlendNotSupported(progression, axis)
# This is slower than a custom writer for each blend texture, but that would be uglier
# and less maintainable. Running this function in the Blender console is nearly instant,
# so I think this is the best option, really.
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
offset = (y * width * 4) + (x * 4)
value = func(x, y, width, height)
pixels[offset:offset+4] = (value,) * 4
image =, width=width, height=height, alpha=True)
image.pixels = pixels
self.export_prepared_image(image=image, owner=owner, allowed_formats={"BMP"},
alpha_type=TextureAlpha.full, indent=indent, ephemeral=True)
def export_prepared_image(self, **kwargs):
"""This exports an externally prepared image and an optional owning layer.
The following arguments are typical:
- texture: (co-required) the image texture datablock to export
- image: (co-required) the image datablock to export
- owner: (required) the Plasma object using this image
- mipmap: (optional) should the image be mipmapped?
- allowed_formats: (optional) set of string *hints* for desired image export type
valid options: BMP, DDS, JPG, PNG
- extension: (optional) file extension to use for the image object
to use the image datablock extension, set this to None
- indent: (optional) indentation level for log messages
default: 2
- ephemeral: (optional) never cache this image
- tag: (optional) an optional identifier hint that allows multiple images with the
same name to coexist in the cache
- is_cube_map: (optional) indicates the provided image contains six cube faces
that must be split into six separate images for Plasma
owner = kwargs.pop("owner", None)
indent = kwargs.pop("indent", 2)
key = _Texture(**kwargs)
image = key.image
if key not in self._pending:
self._report.msg("Stashing '{}' for conversion as '{}'",, key, indent=indent)
self._pending[key] = [owner.key,]
self._report.msg("Found another user of '{}'", key, indent=indent)
def finalize(self):
self._report.progress_range = len(self._pending)
inc_progress = self._report.progress_increment
mgr = self._mgr
# This with statement causes the texture cache to hold open a
# read stream for the cache file, preventing spurious open-close
# spin washing during this tight loop. Note that the cache still
# has to actually be loaded ^_^
with self._texcache as texcache:
for key, owners in self._pending.items():
name = str(key)
pClassName = "CubicEnvironmap" if key.is_cube_map else "Mipmap"
self._report.msg("\n[{} '{}']", pClassName, name)
image = key.image
# Now we try to use the pile of hints we were given to figure out what format to use
allowed_formats = key.allowed_formats
if key.mipmap:
compression = plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
elif "PNG" in allowed_formats and self._mgr.getVer() == pvMoul:
compression = plBitmap.kPNGCompression
elif "DDS" in allowed_formats:
compression = plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
elif "JPG" in allowed_formats:
compression = plBitmap.kJPEGCompression
elif "BMP" in allowed_formats:
compression = plBitmap.kUncompressed
raise RuntimeError(allowed_formats)
dxt = plBitmap.kDXT5 if key.alpha_type == TextureAlpha.full else plBitmap.kDXT1
# Mayhaps we have a cached version of this that has already been exported
cached_image = texcache.get_from_texture(key, compression)
if cached_image is None:
numLevels, width, height, data = self._finalize_cache(texcache, key, image, name, compression, dxt)
self._finalize_bitmap(key, owners, name, numLevels, width, height, compression, dxt, data)
width, height = cached_image.export_size
data = cached_image.image_data
numLevels = cached_image.mip_levels
# If the cached image data is junk, PyHSPlasma will raise a RuntimeError,
# so we'll attempt a recache...
self._finalize_bitmap(key, owners, name, numLevels, width, height, compression, dxt, data)
except RuntimeError:
self._report.warn("Cached image is corrupted! Recaching image...", indent=1)
numLevels, width, height, data = self._finalize_cache(texcache, key, image, name, compression, dxt)
self._finalize_bitmap(key, owners, name, numLevels, width, height, compression, dxt, data)
def _finalize_bitmap(self, key, owners, name, numLevels, width, height, compression, dxt, data):
mgr = self._mgr
# Now we poke our new bitmap into the pending layers. Note that we have to do some funny
# business to account for per-page textures
pages = {}
self._report.msg("Adding to...", indent=1)
for owner_key in owners:
owner = owner_key.object
self._report.msg("[{} '{}']", owner.ClassName()[2:],, indent=2)
page = mgr.get_textures_page(owner_key) # Layer's page or Textures.prp
# If we haven't created this texture in the page (either layer's page or Textures.prp),
# then we need to do that and stuff the level data. This is a little tedious, but we
# need to be careful to manage our resources correctly
if page not in pages:
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=width, height=height, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
if key.is_cube_map:
assert len(data) == 6
texture = plCubicEnvironmap(name)
for face_name, face_data in zip(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP, data):
for i in range(numLevels):
mipmap.setLevel(i, face_data[i])
setattr(texture, face_name, mipmap)
assert len(data) == 1
for i in range(numLevels):
mipmap.setLevel(i, data[0][i])
texture = mipmap
mgr.AddObject(page, texture)
pages[page] = texture
texture = pages[page]
# The object that references this image can be either a layer (will appear
# in the 3d world) or an image library (will appear in a journal or in another
# dynamic manner in game)
if isinstance(owner, plLayerInterface):
owner.texture = texture.key
elif isinstance(owner, plImageLibMod):
raise NotImplementedError(owner.ClassName())
def _finalize_cache(self, texcache, key, image, name, compression, dxt):
if key.is_cube_map:
numLevels, width, height, data = self._finalize_cube_map(key, image, name, compression, dxt)
numLevels, width, height, data = self._finalize_single_image(key, image, name, compression, dxt)
texcache.add_texture(key, numLevels, (width, height), compression, data)
return numLevels, width, height, data
def _finalize_cube_map(self, key, image, name, compression, dxt):
oWidth, oHeight = image.size
if oWidth == 0 and oHeight == 0:
raise ExportError("Image '{}' could not be loaded.".format(
# Non-DXT images are BGRA in Plasma
bgra = compression != plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
# Grab the cube map data from OpenGL and prepare to begin...
with GLTexture(key, bgra=bgra) as glimage:
cWidth, cHeight, data = glimage.image_data
# On some platforms, Blender will be "helpful" and scale the image to a POT.
# That's great, but we have 3 faces as a width, which will certainly be NPOT
# in the case of POT faces. So, we will scale the image AGAIN, if Blender did
# something funky.
if oWidth != cWidth or oHeight != cHeight:
self._report.warn("Image was resized by Blender to ({}x{})--resizing the resize to ({}x{})",
cWidth, cHeight, oWidth, oHeight, indent=1)
data = scale_image(data, cWidth, cHeight, oWidth, oHeight)
# Face dimensions
fWidth, fHeight = oWidth // 3, oHeight // 2
# Copy each of the six faces into a separate image buffer.
# NOTE: At present, I am well pleased with the speed of this functionality.
# According to my profiling, it takes roughly 0.7 seconds to process a
# cube map whose faces are 1024x1024 (3072x2048 total). Maybe a later
# commit will move this into korlib. We'll see.
face_num = len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP)
face_images = [None] * face_num
for i in range(face_num):
col_id = i if i < 3 else i - 3
row_start = 0 if i < 3 else fHeight
row_end = fHeight if i < 3 else oHeight
face_data = bytearray(fWidth * fHeight * 4)
for row_current in range(row_start, row_end, 1):
src_start_idx = (row_current * oWidth * 4) + (col_id * fWidth * 4)
src_end_idx = src_start_idx + (fWidth * 4)
dst_start_idx = (row_current - row_start) * fWidth * 4
dst_end_idx = dst_start_idx + (fWidth * 4)
face_data[dst_start_idx:dst_end_idx] = data[src_start_idx:src_end_idx]
face_images[i] = bytes(face_data)
# Now that we have our six faces, we'll toss them into the GLTexture helper
# to generate mipmaps, if needed...
for i, face_name in enumerate(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP):
glimage = GLTexture(key)
glimage.image_data = fWidth, fHeight, face_images[i]
eWidth, eHeight = glimage.size_pot
name = face_name[:-4].upper()
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
numLevels = glimage.num_levels
self._report.msg("Generating mip levels for cube face '{}'", name, indent=1)
# If we're compressing this mofo, we'll need a temporary mipmap to do that here...
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
numLevels = 1
self._report.msg("Compressing single level for cube face '{}'", name, indent=1)
face_images[i] = [None] * numLevels
for j in range(numLevels):
level_data = glimage.get_level_data(j, key.calc_alpha, report=self._report)
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
mipmap.CompressImage(j, level_data)
level_data = mipmap.getLevel(j)
face_images[i][j] = level_data
return numLevels, eWidth, eHeight, face_images
def _finalize_single_image(self, key, image, name, compression, dxt):
oWidth, oHeight = image.size
if oWidth == 0 and oHeight == 0:
raise ExportError("Image '{}' could not be loaded.".format(
# Non-DXT images are BGRA in Plasma
bgra = compression != plBitmap.kDirectXCompression
# Grab the image data from OpenGL and stuff it into the plBitmap
with GLTexture(key, bgra=bgra) as glimage:
eWidth, eHeight = glimage.size_pot
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
numLevels = glimage.num_levels
self._report.msg("Generating mip levels", indent=1)
# If this is a DXT-compressed mipmap, we need to use a temporary mipmap
# to do the compression. We'll then steal the data from it.
mipmap = plMipmap(name=name, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, numLevels=numLevels,
compType=compression, format=plBitmap.kRGB8888, dxtLevel=dxt)
numLevels = 1
self._report.msg("Compressing single level", indent=1)
# Hold the uncompressed level data for now. We may have to make multiple copies of
# this mipmap for per-page textures :(
data = [None] * numLevels
for i in range(numLevels):
level_data = glimage.get_level_data(i, key.calc_alpha, report=self._report)
if compression == plBitmap.kDirectXCompression:
mipmap.CompressImage(i, level_data)
level_data = mipmap.getLevel(i)
data[i] = level_data
return numLevels, eWidth, eHeight, [data,]
def get_materials(self, bo):
return self._obj2mat.get(bo, [])
def get_base_layer(self, hsgmat):
layer = hsgmat.layers[0].object
except IndexError:
return None
while layer.underLay is not None:
layer = layer.underLay.object
return layer
def get_bump_layer(self, bo):
return self._bump_mats.get(bo, None)
def get_material_ambient(self, bo, bm) -> hsColorRGBA:
emit_scale = bm.emit * 0.5
if emit_scale > 0.0:
return hsColorRGBA(bm.diffuse_color.r * emit_scale,
bm.diffuse_color.g * emit_scale,
bm.diffuse_color.b * emit_scale,
return utils.color(
def get_material_preshade(self, bo, bm, color=None) -> hsColorRGBA:
return hsColorRGBA.kBlack
if color is None:
color = bm.diffuse_color
return utils.color(color)
def get_material_runtime(self, bo, bm, color=None) -> hsColorRGBA:
if not
return hsColorRGBA.kBlack
if color is None:
color = bm.diffuse_color
return utils.color(color)
def get_texture_animation_key(self, bo, bm, texture):
"""Finds or creates the appropriate key for sending messages to an animated Texture"""
tex_name =
if bo.type == "LAMP":
assert bm is None
bm_name =
assert bm is not None
bm_name =
if not tex_name in bm.texture_slots:
raise ExportError("Texture '{}' not used in Material '{}'".format(bm_name, tex_name))
name = "{}_{}_LayerAnim".format(bm_name, tex_name)
layer = texture.plasma_layer
pClass = plLayerSDLAnimation if layer.anim_sdl_var else plLayerAnimation
return self._mgr.find_create_key(pClass, bl=bo, name=name)
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr
def _propagate_material_settings(self, bo, bm, layer):
"""Converts settings from the Blender Material to corresponding plLayer settings"""
state = layer.state
is_waveset = bo.plasma_modifiers.water_basic.enabled
if is_waveset:
self._report.warn("FORCING single sided--this is a waveset (are you insane?)")
state.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscTwoSided
# Shade Flags
if not bm.use_mist:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeNoFog # Dead in CWE
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeReallyNoFog
if bm.use_shadeless:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeWhite
if bm.emit:
state.shadeFlags |= hsGMatState.kShadeEmissive
# Colors
layer.ambient = self.get_material_ambient(bo, bm)
layer.preshade = self.get_material_preshade(bo, bm)
layer.runtime = self.get_material_runtime(bo, bm)
layer.specular = utils.color(bm.specular_color)
layer.specularPower = min(100.0, float(bm.specular_hardness))
layer.LODBias = -1.0
def _requires_single_user(self, bo, bm):
return True
return any((i.copy_material for i in bo.plasma_modifiers.modifiers))
def _report(self):
return self._exporter().report
def _test_image_alpha(self, image):
"""Tests to see if this image has any alpha data"""
# In the interest of speed, let's see if we've already done this one...
result = self._alphatest.get(image, None)
if result is not None:
return result
if image.channels != 4 or not image.use_alpha:
result = TextureAlpha.opaque
# Using bpy.types.Image.pixels is VERY VERY VERY slow...
key = _Texture(image=image)
with GLTexture(key, fast=True) as glimage:
result = glimage.has_alpha
self._alphatest[image] = result
return result
def _texcache(self):
return self._exporter().image