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# This file is part of Korman. |
# |
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
# (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with Korman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
import bpy |
from bpy.props import * |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from PyHSPlasma import * |
from .node_core import * |
from ..properties.modifiers.region import footstep_surfaces, footstep_surface_ids |
from ..exporter import ExportError |
from .. import idprops |
class PlasmaMessageSocketBase(PlasmaNodeSocketBase): |
bl_color = (0.004, 0.282, 0.349, 1.0) |
class PlasmaMessageSocket(PlasmaMessageSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket): |
pass |
class PlasmaMessageNode(PlasmaNodeBase): |
input_sockets = OrderedDict([ |
("sender", { |
"text": "Sender", |
"type": "PlasmaMessageSocket", |
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaMessageSocket", |
"spawn_empty": True, |
}), |
]) |
@property |
def has_callbacks(self): |
"""This message does not have callbacks that can be waited on by a Responder""" |
return False |
class PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode(PlasmaMessageNode): |
output_sockets = OrderedDict([ |
("msgs", { |
"can_link": "can_link_callback", |
"text": "Send On Completion", |
"type": "PlasmaMessageSocket", |
"valid_link_sockets": "PlasmaMessageSocket", |
}), |
]) |
@property |
def can_link_callback(self): |
"""Determines if a callback message can be linked to this socket""" |
# Node Graphs enable us to draw lots of fancy logic, unfortunately, not |
# everything that can potentially be represented in a node tree can be |
# exported to URU in a way that will actually work. Responder commands can |
# wait on other responder commands, but the way they are executed in Plasma is |
# serialized. It's really a list of commands that are executed until a wait |
# is encountered. At that time, Plasma waits and resumes running the list when |
# the wait callback is received. |
# So what does this mean??? |
# It means that only one "branch" of message nodes can have waits. |
def check_for_callbacks(parent_node, child_node): |
for sibling_node in parent_node.find_outputs("msgs"): |
if sibling_node == child_node: |
continue |
if getattr(sibling_node, "has_linked_callbacks", False): |
return True |
for grandparent_node in parent_node.find_inputs("sender"): |
return check_for_callbacks(grandparent_node, parent_node) |
return False |
for sender_node in self.find_inputs("sender"): |
if check_for_callbacks(sender_node, self): |
return False |
return True |
@property |
def has_callbacks(self): |
"""This message has callbacks that can be waited on by a Responder""" |
return True |
@property |
def has_linked_callbacks(self): |
return self.find_output("msgs") is not None |
class PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode(idprops.IDPropMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Animation Command" |
bl_width_default = 190 |
anim_type = EnumProperty(name="Type", |
description="Animation type to affect", |
items=[("OBJECT", "Object", "Mesh Action"), |
("TEXTURE", "Texture", "Texture Action")], |
default="OBJECT") |
def _poll_material_textures(self, value): |
if self.target_object is None: |
return False |
if self.target_material is None: |
return False |
return value.name in self.target_material.texture_slots |
def _poll_mesh_materials(self, value): |
if self.target_object is None: |
return False |
if self.target_object.type != "MESH": |
return False |
return value.name in self.target_object.data.materials |
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object", |
description="Target object", |
type=bpy.types.Object) |
target_material = PointerProperty(name="Material", |
description="Target material", |
type=bpy.types.Material, |
poll=_poll_mesh_materials) |
target_texture = PointerProperty(name="Texture", |
description="Target texture", |
type=bpy.types.Texture, |
poll=_poll_material_textures) |
go_to = EnumProperty(name="Go To", |
description="Where should the animation start?", |
items=[("kGoToBegin", "Beginning", "The beginning"), |
("kGoToLoopBegin", "Loop Beginning", "The beginning of the active loop"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "The current position"), |
("kGoToEnd", "Ending", "The end"), |
("kGoToLoopEnd", "Loop Ending", "The end of the active loop")], |
default="CURRENT") |
action = EnumProperty(name="Action", |
description="What do you want the animation to do?", |
items=[("kContinue", "Play", "Plays the animation"), |
("kPlayToPercent", "Play to Percent", "Plays the animation until a given percent is complete"), |
("kPlayToTime", "Play to Frame", "Plays the animation up to a given frame number"), |
("kStop", "Stop", "Stops the animation",), |
("kToggleState", "Toggle", "Toggles between Play and Stop"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the animation's playing state")], |
default="CURRENT") |
play_direction = EnumProperty(name="Direction", |
description="Which direction do you want to play from?", |
items=[("kSetForwards", "Forward", "Play forwards"), |
("kSetBackwards", "Backwards", "Play backwards"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the play direction")], |
default="CURRENT") |
play_to_percent = IntProperty(name="Play To", |
description="Percentage at which to stop the animation", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=100, default=50) |
play_to_frame = IntProperty(name="Play To", |
description="Frame at which to stop the animation", |
min=0) |
def _set_loop_name(self, context): |
"""Updates loop_begin and loop_end when the loop name is changed""" |
pass |
looping = EnumProperty(name="Looping", |
description="Is the animation looping?", |
items=[("kSetLooping", "Yes", "The animation is looping",), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the loop status"), |
("kSetUnLooping", "No", "The animation is NOT looping")], |
default="CURRENT") |
loop_name = StringProperty(name="Active Loop", |
description="Name of the active loop", |
update=_set_loop_name) |
loop_begin = IntProperty(name="Loop Begin", |
description="Frame number at which the loop begins", |
min=0) |
loop_end = IntProperty(name="Loop End", |
description="Frame number at which the loop ends", |
min=0) |
event = EnumProperty(name="Callback", |
description="Event upon which to callback the Responder", |
items=[("kEnd", "End", "When the action ends"), |
("NONE", "(None)", "Don't notify the Responder at all"), |
("kStop", "Stop", "When the action is stopped by a message")], |
default="kEnd") |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "anim_type") |
layout.prop(self, "target_object") |
if self.anim_type != "OBJECT": |
col = layout.column() |
col.enabled = self.target_object is not None |
col.prop(self, "target_material") |
col = layout.column() |
col.enabled = self.target_object is not None and self.target_material is not None |
col.prop(self, "target_texture") |
layout.prop(self, "go_to") |
layout.prop(self, "action") |
layout.prop(self, "play_direction") |
if self.action == "kPlayToPercent": |
layout.prop(self, "play_to_percent") |
elif self.action == "kPlayToTime": |
layout.prop(self, "play_to_frame") |
layout.prop(self, "looping") |
col = layout.column() |
col.enabled = self.looping != "CURRENT" |
if self.anim_type != "OBJECT": |
loops = None |
else: |
loops = None if self.target_object is None else self.target_object.plasma_modifiers.animation_loop |
if loops is not None and loops.enabled: |
layout.prop_search(self, "loop_name", loops, "loops", icon="PMARKER_ACT") |
else: |
layout.prop(self, "loop_begin") |
layout.prop(self, "loop_end") |
layout.prop(self, "event") |
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait): |
cb = plEventCallbackMsg() |
cb.addReceiver(target) |
cb.event = globals()[self.event] |
cb.user = wait |
msg.addCallback(cb) |
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kAddCallbacks, True) |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plAnimCmdMsg() |
# We're either sending this off to an AGMasterMod or a LayerAnim |
obj = self.target_object |
if obj is None: |
self.raise_error("target object must be specified") |
if self.anim_type == "OBJECT": |
if not obj.plasma_object.has_animation_data: |
self.raise_error("invalid animation") |
group = obj.plasma_modifiers.animation_group |
if group.enabled: |
# we might be controlling more than one animation. isn't that cute? |
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hspNaoxzNbs |
# (but obviously this is not wrong...) |
target = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plMsgForwarder, bl=obj, name=group.key_name) |
else: |
_agmod_trash, target = exporter.animation.get_anigraph_keys(obj) |
else: |
material = self.target_material |
if material is None: |
self.raise_error("target material must be specified") |
texture = self.target_texture |
if texture is None: |
self.raise_error("target texture must be specified") |
target = exporter.mesh.material.get_texture_animation_key(obj, material, texture) |
if target is None: |
raise RuntimeError() |
if isinstance(target.object, plLayerSDLAnimation): |
self.raise_error("Cannot control an SDL Animation") |
msg.addReceiver(target) |
# Check the enum properties to see what commands we need to add |
for prop in (self.go_to, self.action, self.play_direction, self.looping): |
cmd = getattr(plAnimCmdMsg, prop, None) |
if cmd is not None: |
msg.setCmd(cmd, True) |
# Easier part starts here??? |
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps |
if self.action == "kPlayToPercent": |
msg.time = self.play_to_percent |
elif self.action == "kPlayToTime": |
msg.time = self.play_to_frame / fps |
# Implicit s better than explicit, I guess... |
if self.loop_begin != self.loop_end: |
# NOTE: loop name is not used in the engine AFAICT |
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetLoopBegin, True) |
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetLoopEnd, True) |
msg.loopBegin = self.loop_begin / fps |
msg.loopEnd = self.loop_end / fps |
# Whew, this was crazy |
return msg |
@property |
def has_callbacks(self): |
return self.event != "NONE" |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"target_object": "object_name", |
"target_material": "material_name", |
"target_texture": "texture_name"} |
def _idprop_sources(self): |
return {"object_name": bpy.data.objects, |
"material_name": bpy.data.materials, |
"texture_name": bpy.data.textures} |
class PlasmaEnableMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaEnableMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Enable/Disable" |
output_sockets = OrderedDict([ |
("receivers", { |
"text": "Send To", |
"type": "PlasmaEnableMessageSocket", |
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaEnableMessageSocket", "PlasmaNodeSocketInputGeneral"}, |
}), |
]) |
cmd = EnumProperty(name="Command", |
description="How should we affect the object's state?", |
items=[("kDisable", "Disable", "Deactivate the object"), |
("kEnable", "Enable", "Activate the object")], |
default="kEnable") |
settings = EnumProperty(name="Affects", |
description="Which attributes should we change", |
items=[("kAudible", "Audio", "Sounds played by this object"), |
("kPhysical", "Physics", "Physical simulation of the object"), |
("kDrawable", "Visibility", "Visibility of the object")], |
options={"ENUM_FLAG"}, |
default={"kAudible", "kDrawable", "kPhysical"}) |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plEnableMsg() |
for i in self.find_outputs("receivers"): |
key = i.get_key(exporter, so) |
if isinstance(key, tuple): |
for j in key: |
msg.addReceiver(j) |
else: |
msg.addReceiver(key) |
msg.setCmd(getattr(plEnableMsg, self.cmd), True) |
# If we have a full house, let's send it to all the SO's generic modifiers as by compressing |
# to kAll :) -- And no, this is not a bug. We do put the named types in commands. The types |
# bit vector is for raw Plasma class IDs listing which modifier types we prop to if "kByType" |
# is a command. Nice flexibility--I have no idea where that's used in Uru though... |
if len(self.settings) == 3: |
msg.setCmd(plEnableMsg.kAll, True) |
else: |
for i in self.settings: |
msg.setCmd(getattr(plEnableMsg, i), True) |
return msg |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "cmd", text="Cmd") |
layout.prop(self, "settings") |
class PlasmaEnableMessageSocket(PlasmaNodeSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket): |
bl_color = (0.427, 0.196, 0.0, 1.0) |
class PlasmaExcludeRegionMsg(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaExcludeRegionMsg" |
bl_label = "Exclude Region" |
output_sockets = OrderedDict([ |
("region", { |
"text": "Region", |
"type": "PlasmaExcludeMessageSocket" |
}), |
]) |
cmd = EnumProperty(name="Command", |
description="Exclude Region State", |
items=[("kClear", "Clear", "Clear all avatars from the region"), |
("kRelease", "Release", "Allow avatars to enter the region")], |
default="kClear") |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plExcludeRegionMsg() |
for i in self.find_outputs("region"): |
msg.addReceiver(i.get_key(exporter, so)) |
msg.cmd = getattr(plExcludeRegionMsg, self.cmd) |
return msg |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "cmd", text="Cmd") |
class PlasmaLinkToAgeMsg(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaLinkToAgeMsg" |
bl_label = "Link to Age" |
bl_width_default = 280 |
rules = EnumProperty(name="Rules", |
description="Rules describing which age instance to link to", |
items=[("kOriginalBook", "Original Age", "Links to a personally owned instance, creating if none exists"), |
("kOwnedBook", "Owned Age", "Links to a personally owned instance, fails if none exists"), |
("kChildAgeBook", "Child Age", "Links to an age instance parented to another personal age"), |
("kSubAgeBook", "Sub Age", "Links to an age instance owned by the current age instance"), |
("kBasicLink", "Basic", "Links to a specific age instance")]) |
parent_filename = StringProperty(name="Parent Age", |
description="Filename of the age that owns the age instance we're linking to") |
age_filename = StringProperty(name="Age Filename", |
description="Filename of the age to link to (eg 'Garden'") |
age_instance = StringProperty(name="Age Instance", |
description="Instance name of the age to link to (eg 'Eder Kemo')") |
age_uuid = StringProperty(name="Age Guid", |
description="Instance GUID to link to (eg 'ea489821-6c35-4bd0-9dae-bb17c585e680')") |
spawn_title = StringProperty(name="Spawn Title", |
description="Title of the Spawn Point to use", |
default="Default") |
spawn_point = StringProperty(name="Spawn Point", |
description="Name of the Spawn Point's Plasma Object", |
default="LinkInPointDefault") |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plLinkToAgeMsg() |
als = msg.ageLink |
ais, spi = als.ageInfo, als.spawnPoint |
als.linkingRules = getattr(plAgeLinkStruct, self.rules) |
if self.rules == "kChildAgeBook": |
als.parentAgeFilename = self.parent_filename |
ais.ageFilename = self.age_filename |
ais.ageInstanceName = self.age_instance if self.age_instance else self.age_filename |
if self.rules == "kBasicLink": |
try: |
ais.ageInstanceGuid = self.age_uuid |
except ValueError: |
self.raise_error("Age Instance GUID is not a valid UUID") |
spi.title = self.spawn_title |
spi.spawnPt = self.spawn_point |
return msg |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "rules") |
if self.rules == "kChildAgeBook": |
layout.prop(self, "parent_filename") |
layout.separator() |
layout.prop(self, "age_filename") |
layout.prop(self, "age_instance") |
if self.rules == "kBasicLink": |
layout.prop(self, "age_uuid") |
layout.separator() |
layout.prop(self, "spawn_title") |
layout.prop(self, "spawn_point") |
class PlasmaOneShotMsgNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaOneShotMsgNode" |
bl_label = "One Shot" |
bl_width_default = 210 |
pos_object = PointerProperty(name="Position", |
description="Object defining the OneShot position", |
type=bpy.types.Object) |
seek = EnumProperty(name="Seek", |
description="How the avatar should approach the OneShot position", |
items=[("SMART", "Smart Seek", "Let the engine figure out the best path"), |
("DUMB", "Seek", "Shuffle to the OneShot position"), |
("NONE", "Warp", "Warp the avatar to the OneShot position")], |
default="SMART") |
animation = StringProperty(name="Animation", |
description="Name of the animation the avatar should execute") |
marker = StringProperty(name="Marker", |
description="Name of the marker specifying when to notify the Responder") |
drivable = BoolProperty(name="Drivable", |
description="Player retains control of the avatar during the OneShot", |
default=False) |
reversable = BoolProperty(name="Reversable", |
description="Player can reverse the OneShot", |
default=False) |
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait): |
msg.addCallback(self.marker, target, wait) |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plOneShotMsg() |
msg.addReceiver(self.get_key(exporter, so)) |
return msg |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "animation", text="Anim") |
layout.prop(self, "marker") |
row = layout.row() |
row.prop(self, "drivable") |
row.prop(self, "reversable") |
layout.prop(self, "pos_object", icon="EMPTY_DATA") |
layout.prop(self, "seek") |
def export(self, exporter, bo, so): |
oneshotmod = self.get_key(exporter, so).object |
oneshotmod.animName = self.animation |
oneshotmod.drivable = self.drivable |
oneshotmod.reversable = self.reversable |
oneshotmod.smartSeek = self.seek == "SMART" |
oneshotmod.noSeek = self.seek == "NONE" |
oneshotmod.seekDuration = 1.0 |
def get_key(self, exporter, so): |
name = self.key_name |
if self.pos_object is not None: |
pos_so = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=self.pos_object) |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plOneShotMod, name=name, so=pos_so) |
else: |
return exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plOneShotMod, name=name, so=so) |
def harvest_actors(self): |
if self.pos_object: |
return (self.pos_object.name,) |
@property |
def has_callbacks(self): |
return bool(self.marker) |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"pos_object": "pos"} |
class PlasmaOneShotCallbackSocket(PlasmaMessageSocketBase, bpy.types.NodeSocket): |
marker = StringProperty(name="Marker", |
description="Marker specifying the time at which to send a callback to this Responder") |
def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): |
layout.prop(self, "marker") |
class PlasmaSceneObjectMsgRcvrNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaNodeBase, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaSceneObjectMsgRcvrNode" |
bl_label = "Send To Object" |
bl_width_default = 190 |
input_sockets = OrderedDict([ |
("message", { |
"text": "Message", |
"type": "PlasmaNodeSocketInputGeneral", |
"valid_link_sockets": {"PlasmaEnableMessageSocket"}, |
"spawn_empty": True, |
}), |
]) |
target_object = PointerProperty(name="Object", |
description="Object to send the message to", |
type=bpy.types.Object) |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "target_object") |
def get_key(self, exporter, so): |
bo = self.target_object |
if bo is None: |
self.raise_error("target object must be specified") |
ref_so_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo) |
return ref_so_key |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"target_object": "object_name"} |
class PlasmaSoundMsgNode(idprops.IDPropObjectMixin, PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaSoundMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Sound" |
bl_width_default = 190 |
def _poll_sound_emitters(self, value): |
return value.plasma_modifiers.soundemit.enabled |
emitter_object = PointerProperty(name="Object", |
description="Sound emitter object", |
type=bpy.types.Object, |
poll=_poll_sound_emitters) |
sound_name = StringProperty(name="Sound", |
description="Sound datablock") |
go_to = EnumProperty(name="Go To", |
description="Where should the sound start?", |
items=[("BEGIN", "Beginning", "The beginning"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "The current position"), |
("TIME", "Time", "The time specified in seconds")], |
default="CURRENT") |
looping = EnumProperty(name="Looping", |
description="Is the sound looping?", |
items=[("kSetLooping", "Yes", "The sound is looping",), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the loop status"), |
("kUnSetLooping", "No", "The sound is NOT looping")], |
default="CURRENT") |
action = EnumProperty(name="Action", |
description="What do you want the sound to do?", |
items=[("kPlay", "Play", "Plays the sound"), |
("kStop", "Stop", "Stops the sound",), |
("kToggleState", "Toggle", "Toggles between Play and Stop"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the sound's playing state")], |
default="CURRENT") |
volume = EnumProperty(name="Volume", |
description="What should happen to the volume?", |
items=[("MUTE", "Mute", "Mutes the volume"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the volume"), |
("CUSTOM", "Custom", "Manually specify the volume")], |
default="CURRENT") |
time = FloatProperty(name="Time", |
description="Time in seconds to begin playing from", |
min=0.0, default=0.0, |
options=set(), subtype="TIME", unit="TIME") |
volume_pct = IntProperty(name="Volume Level", |
description="Volume to play the sound", |
min=0, max=100, default=100, |
options=set(), |
subtype="PERCENTAGE") |
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait): |
cb = plEventCallbackMsg() |
cb.addReceiver(target) |
cb.event = kEnd |
cb.user = wait |
msg.addCallback(cb) |
msg.setCmd(plSoundMsg.kAddCallbacks) |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
if self.emitter_object is None: |
self.raise_error("Sound emitter must be set") |
soundemit = self.emitter_object.plasma_modifiers.soundemit |
if not soundemit.enabled: |
self.raise_error("'{}' is not a valid Sound Emitter".format(self.emitter_object.name)) |
# Always test the specified audible for validity |
if self.sound_name and soundemit.sounds.get(self.sound_name, None) is None: |
self.raise_error("Invalid Sound '{}' requested from Sound Emitter '{}'".format(self.sound_name, self.emitter_object.name)) |
# Remember that 3D stereo sounds are exported as two emitters... |
# But, if we only have one sound attached, who cares, we can just address the message to all |
audible_key = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAudioInterface, bl=self.emitter_object) |
indices = (-1,) if not self.sound_name or len(soundemit.sounds) == 1 else soundemit.get_sound_indices(self.sound_name) |
for idx in indices: |
msg = plSoundMsg() |
msg.addReceiver(audible_key) |
msg.index = idx |
# NOTE: There are a number of commands in Plasma's enumeration that do nothing. |
# This is what I determine to be the most useful and functional subset... |
# Please see plAudioInterface::MsgReceive for more details. |
if self.go_to == "BEGIN": |
msg.setCmd(plSoundMsg.kGoToTime) |
msg.time = 0.0 |
elif self.go_to == "TIME": |
msg.setCmd(plSoundMsg.kGoToTime) |
msg.time = self.time |
if self.volume == "MUTE": |
msg.setCmd(plSoundMsg.kSetVolume) |
msg.volume = 0.0 |
elif self.volume == "CUSTOM": |
msg.setCmd(plSoundMsg.kSetVolume) |
msg.volume = self.volume_pct |
if self.looping != "CURRENT": |
msg.setCmd(getattr(plSoundMsg, self.looping)) |
if self.action != "CURRENT": |
msg.setCmd(getattr(plSoundMsg, self.action)) |
# Because we might be giving two messages here... |
yield msg |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "emitter_object") |
if self.emitter_object is not None: |
soundemit = self.emitter_object.plasma_modifiers.soundemit |
if soundemit.enabled: |
layout.prop_search(self, "sound_name", soundemit, "sounds", icon="SOUND") |
else: |
layout.label("Not a Sound Emitter", icon="ERROR") |
layout.prop(self, "go_to") |
if self.go_to == "TIME": |
layout.prop(self, "time") |
layout.prop(self, "action") |
if self.volume == "CUSTOM": |
layout.prop(self, "volume_pct") |
layout.prop(self, "looping") |
layout.prop(self, "volume") |
@classmethod |
def _idprop_mapping(cls): |
return {"emitter_object": "object_name"} |
class PlasmaTimerCallbackMsgNode(PlasmaMessageWithCallbacksNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaTimerCallbackMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Timed Callback" |
delay = FloatProperty(name="Delay", |
description="Time (in seconds) to wait until continuing", |
min=0.1, |
default=1.0) |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "delay") |
def convert_callback_message(self, exporter, so, msg, target, wait): |
msg.addReceiver(target) |
msg.ID = wait |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plTimerCallbackMsg() |
msg.time = self.delay |
return msg |
class PlasmaFootstepSoundMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaFootstepSoundMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Footstep Sound" |
surface = EnumProperty(name="Surface", |
description="What kind of surface are we walking on?", |
items=footstep_surfaces, |
default="stone") |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "surface") |
def convert_message(self, exporter, so): |
msg = plArmatureEffectStateMsg() |
msg.BCastFlags |= (plMessage.kPropagateToModifiers | plMessage.kNetPropagate) |
msg.surface = footstep_surface_ids[self.surface] |
return msg