You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
10 KiB

# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
from bpy.props import *
import itertools
import pickle
class NodeOperator:
def poll(cls, context):
return context.scene.render.engine == "PLASMA_GAME"
class CreateLinkNodeOperator(NodeOperator, bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "node.plasma_create_link_node"
bl_label = "Create Node"
bl_description = "Create and link a new node to this socket"
bl_options = {"UNDO", "INTERNAL"}
bl_property = "node_item"
node_name = StringProperty()
sock_ident = StringProperty()
is_output = BoolProperty()
# The "official" node search operator does something like this...
# Documentation seems to indicate this works around poor refcounting.
_hack = []
def _link_search_list(self, context):
CreateLinkNodeOperator._hack = list(CreateLinkNodeOperator._link_search_list_imp(self, context))
return CreateLinkNodeOperator._hack
def _link_search_list_imp(self, context):
# NOTE: `self` is not actually an instance of this class. It's a fancy wrapper object
# whose only members are the above properties...
tree = context.space_data.edit_tree
src_node = tree.nodes[self.node_name]
src_socket = CreateLinkNodeOperator._find_source_socket(self, src_node)
links = list(src_node.generate_valid_links_for(context, src_socket, self.is_output))
max_node = max((len(i["node_text"]) for i in links)) if links else 0
for i, link in enumerate(links):
# Pickle protocol 0 uses only ASCII bytes, so we can pretend it's a string easily...
id_string = pickle.dumps(link, protocol=0).decode()
desc_string = "{node}:{node_sock_space}{sock}".format(node=link["node_text"],
node_sock_space=(" " * (max_node - len(link["node_text"]) + 4)),
yield (id_string, desc_string, "", i)
node_item = EnumProperty(items=_link_search_list)
def _find_source_socket(self, node):
sockets = node.outputs if self.is_output else node.inputs
for i in sockets:
if i.identifier == self.sock_ident:
return i
raise LookupError()
def invoke(self, context, event):
possible_links = self._link_search_list(context)
if not possible_links:{"WARNING"}, "No nodes can be created.")
return {"FINISHED"}
elif len(possible_links) == 1:
return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
def execute(self, context):
return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
def _create_link_node(self, context, node_item):
link = pickle.loads(node_item.encode())
tree = context.space_data.edit_tree
dest_node =["node_idname"])
for attr, value in link.get("node_settings", {}).items():
setattr(dest_node, attr, value)
for i in tree.nodes: = i == dest_node = dest_node
dest_node.location = context.space_data.cursor_location
src_node = tree.nodes[self.node_name]
src_socket = self._find_source_socket(src_node)
# We need to use Korman's functions because they may generate a node socket.
find_socket = dest_node.find_input_socket if self.is_output else dest_node.find_output_socket
dest_socket = find_socket(link["socket_name"], True)
if self.is_output:, dest_socket)
else:, src_socket)
self.finished = True
return {"FINISHED"}
def modal(self, context, event):
# Ugh. The Blender API sucks so much. We can only get the cursor pos from here???
context.space_data.cursor_location_from_region(event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)
if len(self._hack) == 1:
self._create_link_node(context, self._hack[0][0])
elif self._hack:
self._create_link_node(context, self.node_item)
if event.type == "MOUSEMOVE":
tree = context.space_data.edit_tree = context.space_data.cursor_location
elif event.type in {"ESC", "LEFTMOUSE"}:
return {"FINISHED"}
return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
# needs active node editor and a tree to add nodes to
return (space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and
space.edit_tree and not space.edit_tree.library and
context.scene.render.engine == "PLASMA_GAME")
class SelectFileOperator(NodeOperator, bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "file.plasma_file_picker"
bl_label = "Select"
bl_description = "Load a file"
filter_glob = StringProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
filepath = StringProperty(subtype="FILE_PATH")
filename = StringProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
data_path = StringProperty(options={"HIDDEN"})
filepath_property = StringProperty(description="Name of property to store filepath in", options={"HIDDEN"})
filename_property = StringProperty(description="Name of property to store filename in", options={"HIDDEN"})
def execute(self, context):
if, None) is None:
else:{"WARNING"}, "A file named '{}' is already loaded. It will be used.".format(self.filename))
dest = eval(self.data_path)
if self.filepath_property:
setattr(dest, self.filepath_property, self.filepath)
if self.filename_property:
setattr(dest, self.filename_property, self.filename)
return {"FINISHED"}
def invoke(self, context, event):
return {"RUNNING_MODAL"}
pyAttribArgMap= {
["vislistid", "visliststates"],
["default", "rang"],
["default", "rang"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
["stateList", "byObject", "netForce", "netPropagate"],
["stateList", "byObject", "netForce", "netPropagate"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
["stateList", "byObject", "netForce", "netPropagate"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
["netForce", "netProp"],
["byObject", "netForce"],
class PlPyAttributeNodeOperator(NodeOperator, bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "node.plasma_attributes_to_node"
bl_label = "Refresh Sockets"
bl_description = "Refresh the Python File node's attribute sockets"
bl_options = {"INTERNAL"}
text_path = StringProperty()
node_path = StringProperty()
def execute(self, context):
from ..plasma_attributes import get_attributes_from_str
text_id =[self.text_path]
attribs = get_attributes_from_str(text_id.as_string())
node = eval(self.node_path)
node_attrib_map = node.attribute_map
node_attribs = node.attributes
# Remove any that p00fed
for cached in node.attributes:
if cached.attribute_id not in attribs:
# Update or create
for idx, attrib in attribs.items():
cached = node_attrib_map.get(idx, None)
if cached is None:
cached = node_attribs.add()
cached.attribute_id = idx
cached.attribute_type = attrib["type"]
cached.attribute_name = attrib["name"]
cached.attribute_description = attrib["desc"]
default = attrib.get("default", None)
if default is not None and cached.is_simple_value:
cached.simple_value = default
argmap = {}
args = attrib.get("args", None)
# Load our default argument mapping
if args is not None:
if cached.attribute_type in pyAttribArgMap.keys():
argmap.update(dict(zip(pyAttribArgMap[cached.attribute_type], args)))
print("Found ptAttribute type '{}' with unknown arguments: {}".format(cached.attribute_type, args))
# Add in/set any arguments provided by keyword
if cached.attribute_type in pyAttribArgMap.keys() and not set(pyAttribArgMap[cached.attribute_type]).isdisjoint(attrib.keys()):
argmap.update({key: attrib[key] for key in attrib if key in pyAttribArgMap[cached.attribute_type]})
# Attach the arguments to the attribute
if argmap:
return {"FINISHED"}